Exemplo n.º 1
    async def set_server_active(self, ctx):
        """Sets the object as active for the contextual guild, with default name bindings."""
        if await self.is_server_active(ctx):
            raise NotAllowed("This collection is already installed on this server.")
        if self.publish_state == PublicationState.PRIVATE and not self.is_owned_by(ctx.author):
            raise NotAllowed("This collection is private.")

        # generate default bindings
        alias_bindings = await self._generate_default_alias_bindings(ctx)
        snippet_bindings = await self._generate_default_snippet_bindings(ctx)

        # insert sub doc
        await self.sub_coll(ctx).insert_one(
            {"type": "server_active", "subscriber_id": ctx.guild.id, "object_id": self.id,
             "alias_bindings": alias_bindings, "snippet_bindings": snippet_bindings}
        # incr sub count
        await ctx.bot.mdb.workshop_collections.update_one(
            {"_id": self.id},
            {"$inc": {"num_guild_subscribers": 1}}
        # log sub event
        await ctx.bot.mdb.analytics_alias_events.insert_one(
            {"type": "server_subscribe", "object_id": self.id, "timestamp": datetime.datetime.utcnow(),
             "user_id": ctx.author.id}
Exemplo n.º 2
    async def subscribe(self, ctx):
        """Adds the contextual author as a subscriber, with default name bindings."""
        if await self.is_subscribed(ctx):
            raise NotAllowed("You are already subscribed to this.")
        if self.publish_state == PublicationState.PRIVATE and not self.is_owned_by(ctx.author):
            raise NotAllowed("This collection is private.")

        # generate default bindings
        alias_bindings = await self._generate_default_alias_bindings(ctx)
        snippet_bindings = await self._generate_default_snippet_bindings(ctx)

        # insert subscription
        await self.sub_coll(ctx).insert_one(
            {"type": "subscribe", "subscriber_id": ctx.author.id, "object_id": self.id,
             "alias_bindings": alias_bindings, "snippet_bindings": snippet_bindings}
        # increase subscription count
        await ctx.bot.mdb.workshop_collections.update_one(
            {"_id": self.id},
            {"$inc": {"num_subscribers": 1}}
        # log subscribe event
        await ctx.bot.mdb.analytics_alias_events.insert_one(
            {"type": "subscribe", "object_id": self.id, "timestamp": datetime.datetime.utcnow(),
             "user_id": ctx.author.id}
Exemplo n.º 3
async def _servsnippet_before_edit(ctx, name=None, delete=False):
    if not _can_edit_servaliases(ctx):
        raise NotAllowed(
            "You do not have permission to edit server snippets. Either __Administrator__ "
            "Discord permissions or a role named \"Server Aliaser\" or \"Dragonspeaker\" "
            "is required.")
    await _snippet_before_edit(ctx, name, delete)
Exemplo n.º 4
    async def toggle_server_active(self, ctx):
        Toggles whether the bestiary should be active on the contextual server.
        :param ctx: Context
        :return: Whether the bestiary is now active on the server.
        guild_id = str(ctx.guild.id)
        sub_doc = {"guild_id": guild_id, "subscriber_id": str(ctx.author.id)}

        if sub_doc in self.server_active:  # I subscribed and want to unsubscribe
            await ctx.bot.mdb.bestiaries.update_one(
                {"_id": self.id}, {"$pull": {
                    "server_active": sub_doc
        elif guild_id in map(
                lambda s: s['guild_id'], self.server_active
        ):  # someone else has already served this bestiary
            raise NotAllowed(
                "Another user is already sharing this bestiary with the server!"
        else:  # no one has served this bestiary and I want to
            await ctx.bot.mdb.bestiaries.update_one(
                {"_id": self.id}, {"$push": {
                    "server_active": sub_doc

        return sub_doc in self.server_active
Exemplo n.º 5
    async def unsubscribe(self, ctx):
        """Removes the contextual author from subscribers."""
        if not await self.is_subscribed(ctx):
            raise NotAllowed("You are not subscribed to this.")

        await self.sub_coll(ctx).delete_many(
            {"subscriber_id": ctx.author.id, "object_id": self.id}  # unsubscribe, unactive, uneditor
Exemplo n.º 6
    async def subscribe(self, ctx):
        """Adds the contextual author as a subscriber."""
        if await self.is_subscribed(ctx):
            raise NotAllowed("You are already subscribed to this.")

        await self.sub_coll(ctx).insert_one(
            {"type": "subscribe", "subscriber_id": ctx.author.id, "object_id": self.id}
Exemplo n.º 7
async def update_gvar(ctx, gid, value):
    value = str(value)
    gvar = await ctx.bot.mdb.gvars.find_one({"key": gid})
    if gvar is None:
        raise InvalidArgument("Global variable not found.")
    elif gvar['owner'] != str(ctx.author.id) and not str(ctx.author.id) in gvar.get('editors', []):
        raise NotAllowed("You are not allowed to edit this variable.")
    elif len(value) > GVAR_SIZE_LIMIT:
        raise InvalidArgument(f"Gvars must be shorter than {GVAR_SIZE_LIMIT} characters.")
    await ctx.bot.mdb.gvars.update_one({"key": gid}, {"$set": {"value": value}})
Exemplo n.º 8
async def set_svar(ctx, name, value):
    if ctx.guild is None:
        raise NotAllowed("You cannot set a svar in a private message.")
    value = str(value)
    if not name.isidentifier():
        raise InvalidArgument("Svar names must be valid identifiers "
                              "(only contain a-z, A-Z, 0-9, _, and not start with a number).")
    elif len(value) > SVAR_SIZE_LIMIT:
        raise InvalidArgument(f"Svars must be shorter than {SVAR_SIZE_LIMIT} characters.")
    await ctx.bot.mdb.svars.update_one(
        {"owner": ctx.guild.id, "name": name},
        {"$set": {"value": value}},
Exemplo n.º 9
    async def unset_server_active(self, ctx):
        if not await self.is_server_active(ctx):
            raise NotAllowed("This collection is not installed on this server.")

        # remove sub doc
        await super().unset_server_active(ctx)
        # decr sub count
        await ctx.bot.mdb.workshop_collections.update_one(
            {"_id": self.id},
            {"$inc": {"num_guild_subscribers": -1}}
        # log unsub event
        await ctx.bot.mdb.analytics_alias_events.insert_one(
            {"type": "server_unsubscribe", "object_id": self.id, "timestamp": datetime.datetime.utcnow(),
             "user_id": ctx.author.id}