Exemplo n.º 1
class DoubanMovieParser(Parser):
    def __init__(self, opener=None, url=None, bundle=None, **kwargs):
        super(DoubanMovieParser, self).__init__(opener=opener,
        if self.opener is None:
            self.opener = MechanizeOpener()

        self.url = url


        if not hasattr(self, 'logger') or self.logger is None:
            self.logger = get_logger(name='douban_parser')

    def get_subject_id(self, url):
            extract subject id from url
        id_arr = re.findall('https://movie.douban.com/subject/(\d+)', url)
        if id_arr:
            return id_arr[0]

    def _check_url(self, dest_url, src_url):
            check whether url are same domain path
        return dest_url.split('?')[0] == src_url.split('?')[0]

    def check(self, url, br):
        dest_url = br.geturl()
        if not self._check_url(dest_url, url):
            if dest_url.startswith('http://douban.com/login.php'):
                raise DoubanLoginFailure('Douban not login or login expired')
        return True

    def get_movie_subject(self, sid):
            movie = getattr(DoubanMovie, 'objects').get(sid=sid)
        except DoesNotExist:
            movie = DoubanMovie(sid=sid)
        return movie

    def parse(self, url=None):

        url = url or self.url
        sid = self.get_subject_id(url)
        movie = self.get_movie_subject(sid)
        # if entry has updated in latest 24 hours, skip this url
        if movie.last_update and abs(
            (datetime.utcnow() - movie.last_update).days) > 1:
            self.logger.warn('Skip vistied url: %s' % url)


            br = self.opener.browse_open(url)
        except URLError:
            raise FetchBannedError()

        if not self.check(url, br):
        html = br.response().read()

        if html == None:
            raise FetchBannedError()

        soup = beautiful_soup(html)

        if re.compile('<span class="pl">集数:</span>').findall(html):
            subtype = 't'
            subtype = 'm'
            title = soup.select(
            raise FetchBannedError()

        year_tags = soup.select("div#content > h1 span.year")
        if year_tags:
            year = year_tags[0].text[1:-1]
            year = None
        # self.logger.debug(title)

        summary_tags = soup.select("span[property='v:summary']")
        summary = summary_tags[0].text.strip() if summary_tags else ''

        # tags
        tag_tags = soup.select('div .tags-body a')
        tags = [t.text for t in tag_tags]

        # get directors
        director_tags = soup.select('div #info > span a[rel="v:directedBy"]')
        p1 = re.compile(r'<[^>]+>(?P<director>[^<]+)</a>')
        directors = [p1.match(str(t)).group('director') for t in director_tags]

        # get stars
        star_tags = soup.select('div #info > span a[rel="v:starring"]')
        p2 = re.compile(r'<[^>]+>(?P<star>[^<]+)</a>')
        casts = [p2.match(str(t)).group('star') for t in star_tags]

        # get writers
        writers_tags = soup.select('div #info > span')[1].select('a')
        p2 = re.compile(r'<[^>]+>(?P<writer>[^<]+)</a>')
        writers = [p2.match(str(t)).group('writer') for t in writers_tags]

        # get genre
        genre_tags = soup.select('div #info > span[property="v:genre"]')
        p3 = re.compile(r'<span property="v:genre">(?P<genre>[^<]+)</span>')
        genres = [p3.match(str(t)).group('genre') for t in genre_tags]

        # get release date
        pubdate_tag = soup.select(
            'div #info > span[property="v:initialReleaseDate"]')
        f4 = 0
        if pubdate_tag:
            p41 = re.compile(
                r'<[^>]+>(?P<pubdate>[^(]+)[(]中国大陆([ ]3D)*[)]<[^>]+>')
            p42 = re.compile(
                r'<[^>]+>(?P<pubdate>[^(]+)[(]中国内地([ ]3D)*[)]<[^>]+>')
            p43 = re.compile(
                r'<[^>]+>(?P<pubdate>[^(]+)[(]香港([ ]3D)*[)]<[^>]+>')
            p44 = re.compile(r'[0-9-]+')
            for t in pubdate_tag:
                m = p41.search(str(t))
                if m != None:
                    f4 = 1
                    pubdate = m.group('pubdate')
                m = p42.search(str(t))
                if m != None:
                    f4 = 1
                    pubdate = m.group('pubdate')
                m = p43.search(str(t))
                if m != None:
                    f4 = 1
                    pubdate = m.group('pubdate')
                m = p44.search(str(t))
                if m != None:
                    f4 = 1
                    pubdate = m.group()
        if f4 == 0:
            self.logger.critical('{0} has no pubdate'.format(sid))
            pubdate = year
        # append month/date if just year is known
        if len(pubdate) == 4:
            pubdate = pubdate + "-6-30"
        elif len(pubdate) == 7:
            pubdate = pubdate + "-15"
        pubdate = datetime.strptime(pubdate, '%Y-%m-%d')
        if not year:
            year = pubdate.strftime('%Y')
        # get wishes
        wishes_tags = soup.select(
            'div #subject-others-interests > .subject-others-interests-ft > a')
        #print wishes_tags
        if len(wishes_tags) == 0:
            self.logger.critical('{0} donnot have wish count'.format(sid))
        wish_count = None
        collect_count = None
        for i in range(len(wishes_tags)):
            m = re.match(u'(?P<wishes>[0-9]+)人想看', wishes_tags[i].text)
            if m:
                wish_count = m.group('wishes')

            m = re.match(u'(?P<collections>[0-9]+)人看过', wishes_tags[i].text)
            if m:
                collect_count = m.group('collections')

        rating_num = soup.select(r'strong.rating_num')[0].text
        if not rating_num:
            rating_num = None
        rating_lvls = soup.select(r'div.ratings-on-weight span.rating_per')
        if rating_lvls:
            rating_lvls = [float(r.text[:-1]) for r in rating_lvls]

        # season
        season_tags = soup.select('div #info select#season]')
        if season_tags:
            movie.seasons_count = season_tags.count
            movie.current_season = season_tags[0].select(
        photo_url = soup.select('a[class="nbgnbg"] img')[0].attrs['src']

        #region save movie
        def parseNumber(v):
            m = re.findall('(\d+).*', v)
            if m:
                return int(m[0])
                # parse chinese
                return convert(v.strip())

        info_map = {
            u'制片国家/地区': {
                'field': 'countries'
            u'语言': {
                'field': 'languages'
            u'集数': {
                'field': 'episodes_count',
                'func': parseNumber
            u'单集片长': {
                'field': 'duration',
                'func': parseNumber
            u'片长': {
                'field': 'duration',
                'func': parseNumber
            u'又名': {
                'field': 'aka',
                'func': lambda v: v.split('/')
            u'IMDb链接': {
                'field': 'imdb_id'

        info_str = soup.select('div #info')[0].text
        for k, f in info_map.items():
            v = re.findall(k + "\:(.*)", info_str, re.MULTILINE)
            if v:
                func = (lambda s: s.strip()) \
                            if 'func' not in f \
                            else f['func']
                f_val = func(v[0].strip())
                setattr(movie, f['field'], f_val)
        movie.sid = sid
        movie.title = title
        movie.photo_alt = photo_url
        movie.year = year
        movie.summary = summary
        movie.tags = tags
        movie.subtype = subtype
        movie.directors = directors
        movie.casts = casts
        movie.writers = writers
        if rating_num:
            movie.rating = float(rating_num)
        if rating_lvls:
            movie.high_rating_pct = rating_lvls[0] + rating_lvls[1]
            movie.low_rating_pct = rating_lvls[3] + rating_lvls[4]
        if wish_count:
            movie.wish_count = wish_count
        if collect_count:
            movie.collect_count = collect_count
        movie.pubdate = pubdate
        movie.genres = genres
        movie.alt = url
        movie.last_update = datetime.now()

        def _is_same(out_url, url):
            return out_url.rsplit('#', 1)[0] == url

        next_urls = soup.select("div.recommendations-bd a")
        for link in next_urls:
            out_url = link.attrs['href']

            if not _is_same(out_url, url) and out_url.startswith(
                sid_next = self.get_subject_id(out_url)
                if sid_next != sid:
                    yield out_url