Exemplo n.º 1
    def look_around_movement(self, factor=1):
        self.look_around = True
        current_orientation = tf.transformations.euler_from_quaternion([

        waypoint_req = WorldWaypointReq()
        waypoint_req.goal.priority = GoalDescriptor.PRIORITY_NORMAL
        waypoint_req.goal.requester = self.name + '_pose'

        waypoint_req.disable_axis.x = not self.odometry_updated
        waypoint_req.disable_axis.y = not self.odometry_updated
        waypoint_req.disable_axis.z = True
        waypoint_req.disable_axis.roll = True
        waypoint_req.disable_axis.pitch = True
        waypoint_req.disable_axis.yaw = False

        waypoint_req.position.north = float(self.odometry.pose.pose.position.x)
        waypoint_req.position.east = float(self.odometry.pose.pose.position.y)
        waypoint_req.orientation.yaw = cola2_lib.normalizeAngle(
            current_orientation[2] + (factor * self.yaw_offset))

        for i in range(int(100 * factor)):
            waypoint_req.header.stamp = rospy.Time.now()
            print 'look around.'

        waypoint_req.orientation.yaw = cola2_lib.normalizeAngle(
            current_orientation[2] - (factor * self.yaw_offset))
        for i in range(int(150 * factor)):
            waypoint_req.header.stamp = rospy.Time.now()
            print 'look around..'

        waypoint_req.orientation.yaw = current_orientation[2]
        for i in range(int(50 * factor)):
            waypoint_req.header.stamp = rospy.Time.now()
            print 'look around...'

        self.look_around = False
Exemplo n.º 2
 def unNormalizeAngle(self, current_angle, new_angle):
     This function unNormalize the Angle obtaining a continuous values
     avoiding the discontinuity, jumps from 3.14 to -3.14
     @param current_angle: contain the current angle not normalized
     @type current_angle: double
     @param new_angle: contain the new angle normalized
     @type new_angle: double
     # rospy.loginfo('Current angle ' + str(current_angle) +
     #               ' New angle ' + str(new_angle))
     if abs(current_angle) > np.pi:
         #We are over one lap over
         norm_curr = cola2_lib.normalizeAngle(current_angle)
         if abs(new_angle - norm_curr) > np.pi:
             # rospy.loginfo('Overflow 2')
             if new_angle < 0.0:
                 inc0 = -1.0 * (-np.pi - new_angle)
                 inc1 = -1.0 * (np.pi - norm_curr)
                 inc0 = -1.0 * (np.pi - new_angle)
                 inc1 = (-np.pi - norm_curr)
             return current_angle + inc0 + inc1
             # rospy.loginfo('Actual plus diff')
             return current_angle + (new_angle - norm_curr)
         if abs(new_angle - current_angle) > np.pi:
             # rospy.loginfo('Over Flow')
             if new_angle < 0.0:
                 inc0 = -1.0 * (-np.pi - new_angle)
                 inc1 = -1.0 * (np.pi - current_angle)
                 inc0 = -1.0 * (np.pi - new_angle)
                 inc1 = (-np.pi - current_angle)
             return current_angle + inc0 + inc1
             # rospy.loginfo('Tal qual')
             return new_angle
Exemplo n.º 3
    def __compute_yaw_rate__(self, y_offset, x_offset):
        # Publish Body Velocity Request
        body_velocity_req = BodyVelocityReq()

        distance = math.sqrt(y_offset**2 + x_offset**2)

        #print 'distance compute yaw: ', distance

        if distance > 1.5:
            # twist set-point
            body_velocity_req.twist.angular.z = y_offset / 4.0
            #print '>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>bigger than 1.5 m'
            body_velocity_req.twist.angular.z = cola2_lib.normalizeAngle(
                self.chain_orientation - self.current_yaw) / 10.0
            #print '>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>smaller than 1.5 m'
            #print 'Chain orientation:', self.chain_orientation, ' Current yaw: ', self.current_yaw

        if body_velocity_req.twist.angular.z > 0.15:
            body_velocity_req.twist.angular.z = 0.15
        elif body_velocity_req.twist.angular.z < -0.15:
            body_velocity_req.twist.angular.z = -0.15

        # header & goal
        body_velocity_req.header.stamp = rospy.Time().now()
        body_velocity_req.goal.priority = GoalDescriptor.PRIORITY_NORMAL
        body_velocity_req.goal.requester = self.name + '_velocity'

        # Check if DoF is disable
        body_velocity_req.disable_axis.x = True
        body_velocity_req.disable_axis.y = True
        body_velocity_req.disable_axis.z = True
        body_velocity_req.disable_axis.roll = True
        body_velocity_req.disable_axis.pitch = True
        body_velocity_req.disable_axis.yaw = False
        return body_velocity_req
Exemplo n.º 4
    def pub_imu_callback(self, event):
        """ This method is a callback of a timer. This publishes imu and pressure
            sensor data """  # TODO: euler rate is not angular velocity!
        # First publish pressure sensor
        msg = PressureSensor()
        msg.header.stamp = rospy.Time.now()
        msg.header.frame_id = 'pressure_sensor'
        msg.temperature = 25.0
        msg.pressure = self.odom.pose.pose.position.z * self.water_density * 9.81 / 100000.0

        # Imu
        imu = Imu()
        imu.header.stamp = rospy.Time.now()
        imu.header.frame_id = 'adis_imu'

        # Add some noise
        roll = self.orientation[0] + np.random.normal(
            0.0, self.imu_orientation_covariance[0])
        pitch = self.orientation[1] + np.random.normal(
            0.0, self.imu_orientation_covariance[1])
        yaw = self.orientation[2] + np.random.normal(
            0.0, self.imu_orientation_covariance[2])

        # Rotate as necessary
        vehicle_rpy = PyKDL.Rotation.RPY(roll, pitch, yaw)
        imu_orientation = self.imu_tf.M * vehicle_rpy

        # Get RPY
        angle = imu_orientation.GetRPY()

        # Derive to obtain rates
        if not self.imu_init:
            # Initialize heading buffer in order to apply a
            # savitzky_golay derivation
            if len(self.heading_buffer) == 0:

            inc = cola2_lib.normalizeAngle(angle[2] - self.heading_buffer[-1])
            self.heading_buffer.append(self.heading_buffer[-1] + inc)

            if len(self.heading_buffer) == len(self.savitzky_golay_coeffs):
                self.imu_init = True

            # Euler derivation to roll and pitch, so:
            self.last_imu_orientation = angle
            self.last_imu_update = imu.header.stamp

            period = (imu.header.stamp - self.last_imu_update).to_sec()
            if period < 0.001:
                period = 0.001  # Minimum allowed period

            # For yaw rate we apply a savitzky_golay derivation
            inc = cola2_lib.normalizeAngle(angle[2] - self.heading_buffer[-1])
            self.heading_buffer.append(self.heading_buffer[-1] + inc)
            imu.angular_velocity.z = np.convolve(self.heading_buffer,
                                                 mode='valid') / period

            # TODO: Roll rate and Pitch rate should be also
            # savitzky_golay derivations?
            imu.angular_velocity.x = cola2_lib.normalizeAngle(
                angle[0] - self.last_imu_orientation[0]) / period
            imu.angular_velocity.y = cola2_lib.normalizeAngle(
                angle[1] - self.last_imu_orientation[1]) / period

            self.last_imu_orientation = angle
            self.last_imu_update = imu.header.stamp

            imu.angular_velocity_covariance = [
                0.0001, 0., 0., 0., 0.0001, 0., 0., 0., 0.0002

            # Euler to Quaternion
            angle = tf.transformations.quaternion_from_euler(
                angle[0], angle[1], angle[2])
            imu.orientation.x = angle[0]
            imu.orientation.y = angle[1]
            imu.orientation.z = angle[2]
            imu.orientation.w = angle[3]

            imu.orientation_covariance[0] = self.imu_orientation_covariance[0]
            imu.orientation_covariance[4] = self.imu_orientation_covariance[1]
            imu.orientation_covariance[8] = self.imu_orientation_covariance[2]

            #rospy.loginfo("%s: publishing imu", self.name)

        # Publish TF
        imu_tf = tf.TransformBroadcaster()
        o = tf.transformations.quaternion_from_euler(
            math.radians(self.imu_tf_array[5]), 'sxyz')
            (self.imu_tf_array[0], self.imu_tf_array[1], self.imu_tf_array[2]),
            o, imu.header.stamp, 'adis_imu_from_sim_nav_sensors', 'hug')
Exemplo n.º 5
    def store_pose_same_orgin(self, element, frame, ori, file):
        This function convert the first pose and orientation in the world frame,
        to the frame passed as second argument. Includes new extra orientation
        to simplify the learning process Finally it store it at the file
        passed as third parameter.
        @param pose: Position and Orientation of the element in world
        @type pose: Pose
        @param frame: Position and Orientation of the frame
        @type frame: Pose
        @param file: Position and Orientation of the element
        @type ori: Orientation in yaw of the valve or the panel
        @param ori: Double
        @param file: Position and Orientation of the element
        @type file: File
        @return ret: Return the new position wroted in the file
        @tyep ret: Pose
        element_frame = tf.transformations.quaternion_matrix([
            element.orientation.x, element.orientation.y,
            element.orientation.z, element.orientation.w

        element_frame[0, 3] = element.position.x
        element_frame[1, 3] = element.position.y
        element_frame[2, 3] = element.position.z

        trans_matrix = tf.transformations.quaternion_matrix([
            frame.orientation.x, frame.orientation.y, frame.orientation.z,

        trans_matrix[0, 3] = frame.position.x
        trans_matrix[1, 3] = frame.position.y
        trans_matrix[2, 3] = frame.position.z

        #invert Matrix
        inv_mat = np.zeros([4, 4])
        inv_mat[3, 3] = 1.0
        inv_mat[0:3, 0:3] = np.transpose(trans_matrix[0:3, 0:3])
        inv_mat[0:3, 3] = np.dot((-1 * inv_mat[0:3, 0:3]), trans_matrix[0:3,

        new_frame = np.dot(inv_mat, element_frame)

        yaw_element = tf.transformations.euler_from_matrix(element_frame)[2]
        difference = cola2_lib.normalizeAngle(yaw_element - ori)

        new_pose = Pose()
        quaternion = tf.transformations.quaternion_from_matrix(new_frame)
        new_pose.orientation.x = quaternion[0]
        new_pose.orientation.y = quaternion[1]
        new_pose.orientation.z = quaternion[2]
        new_pose.orientation.w = quaternion[3]

        new_pose.position.x = new_frame[0, 3]
        new_pose.position.y = new_frame[1, 3]
        new_pose.position.z = new_frame[2, 3]

        euler = tf.transformations.euler_from_matrix(new_frame)

        line = (repr(rospy.get_time()) + " " + repr(new_frame[0, 3]) + " " +
                repr(new_frame[1, 3]) + " " + repr(new_frame[2, 3]) + " " +
                repr(difference) + " " + repr(euler[0]) + " " +
                repr(euler[1]) + " " + repr(euler[2]) + "\n")

        return new_pose
Exemplo n.º 6
    def cluster_meanshift(self, X):

        cluster_centers_filtered = np.array([])
        # Compute clustering with MeanShift

        # The following bandwidth can be automatically detected using
        bandwidth = estimate_bandwidth(X[:, 0:2], quantile=0.2)
        #print "bandwidth: ", bandwidth

        ms = MeanShift(bandwidth=0.2, bin_seeding=False,
                       cluster_all=False)  #, min_bin_freq=10
        ms.fit(X[:, 0:2])

        labels = ms.labels_
        cluster_centers = ms.cluster_centers_

        labels_unique = np.unique(labels)
        #remove -1 label
        labels_unique = [x for x in labels_unique if x >= 0]
        n_clusters_ = len(labels_unique)

        print("number of estimated clusters : %d" % n_clusters_)


        self.markerArray = MarkerArray()
        #fig = pl.figure(1)

        cluster_centers = np.append(cluster_centers,
                                    np.zeros([len(cluster_centers), 1]), 1)

        colors = cycle('bgrcmybgrcmybgrcmybgrcmy')
        for k, col in zip(range(n_clusters_), colors):

            my_members = labels == k

                #mean of all detection z's
                cluster_centers[k, 2] = sum(X[my_members, 2]) / len(
                    X[my_members, 2])
                cluster_center = cluster_centers[k]
                print "k: ", k, "len de cluster centers: ", len(

            #pl.plot(X[my_members, 0], X[my_members, 1], col + '.')
            #pl.plot(cluster_center[0], cluster_center[1], 'o', markerfacecolor=col,
            #     markeredgecolor='k', markersize=14)
            print "len my member: ", sum(my_members)
            if len(cluster_centers_filtered) != 0:
                cluster_centers_filtered = np.vstack(
                    (cluster_centers_filtered, cluster_centers[k]))
                cluster_centers_filtered = cluster_centers[k]


        points_cluster_centers = []

        for k in range(len(self.cluster_centers_sorted)):
            #if np.sum(my_members) > self.min_num_det_x_cluster:
            marker = Marker()
            marker.type = Marker.SPHERE
            marker.pose.position.x = self.cluster_centers_sorted[k, 0]
            marker.pose.position.y = self.cluster_centers_sorted[k, 1]
            marker.pose.position.z = self.cluster_centers_sorted[k, 2]
            marker.pose.orientation.x = 0.0
            marker.pose.orientation.y = 0.0
            marker.pose.orientation.z = 0.0
            marker.pose.orientation.w = 0.0
            marker.header.frame_id = '/world'
            marker.header.stamp = rospy.Time.now()
            marker.scale.x = 0.1 + k * 0.05
            marker.scale.y = 0.1 + k * 0.05
            marker.scale.z = 0.1 + k * 0.05
            marker.color.r = 1.0
            marker.color.g = 0.0 + k * 0.07
            marker.color.b = 0.0
            marker.color.a = 1.0
            marker.id = k

            # Gather all points of clusters from current to last detected to compute the chain main axis line
            if k >= self.iter_wps:
                    self.cluster_centers_sorted[k, 0],
                    self.cluster_centers_sorted[k, 1],
                    self.cluster_centers_sorted[k, 2]
                print 'Waypoints per calcular la ratlla:', k

        # Fit line to cluster points
        vx, vy, vz, cx, cy, cz = cv2.fitLine(
            np.array(np.float32(points_cluster_centers)), cv2.cv.CV_DIST_HUBER,
            0, 0.01, 0.01)
        # Publish a line marker to visualize main chain axis
        marker = Marker()
        marker.type = Marker.LINE_STRIP
        marker.action = Marker.ADD
        marker.header.frame_id = '/world'
        marker.header.stamp = rospy.Time.now()
        marker.scale.x = 0.1
        marker.color.b = 1.0
        marker.color.a = 1.0
        marker.id = 10000

        p1 = Point()
        p1.x = cx
        p1.y = cy
        p1.z = cz

        p2 = Point()
        p2.x = vx * 4 + cx
        p2.y = vy * 4 + cy
        p2.z = vz * 4 + cz


        # Update orientation of main chain axis line
        self.orientation_line = math.atan2((p2.y - p1.y), (p2.x - p1.x))
        if self.direction:
            self.orientation_line = cola2_lib.normalizeAngle(
                self.orientation_line + math.pi)
        print 'Line orientation: ', math.degrees(self.orientation_line)

        #my_members = labels == -1
        #pl.plot(X[my_members, 0], X[my_members, 1], 'k' + '.')

        #pl.title('Estimated number of clusters: %d' % n_clusters_)

    def generateNewPose(self, current_pose, current_vel):
        Generates the new position in the current state
        t = -math.log(self.s) / self.alpha
        # if self.backward :
        #     t = self.tf + math.log(self.s)/self.alpha
        # else :
        #     t = -math.log(self.s)/self.alpha
        # for each atractor or state obtain the weigh
        #rospy.loginfo('Time :' + str(t) )
        h = np.zeros(self.states)
        for i in xrange(self.states):
            h[i] = self.gaussPDF(t, self.Mu_t[i], self.Sigma_t[i])

        # normalize the value
        if t > self.Mu_t[self.states - 1] + (self.Sigma_t[self.states - 1] *
            print 'The time used in the demonstration is exhausted'
            #self.enabled = False
            self.s = 1.0
            return [[], []]
            h = h / np.sum(h)

        #init to vectors
        currTar = np.zeros(self.dof)
        currWp = np.zeros(shape=(self.dof, self.dof))

        #For each actuator, State, Acumulate the position using weigh
        #CurrTar = The center of the GMM * weight of the state
        #CurrWp = Sigma of the GMM * weight of the State

        for i in xrange(self.dof):
            currTar = currTar + self.Mu_x[:, i] * h[i]
            currWp = currWp + self.Wp[i, :, :] * h[i]

        #rospy.loginfo('Current Tar '+ str(currTar))
        #rospy.loginfo('Current Wp '+ str(currWp))
        #Compute acceleration
        #currAcc = currWp * (currTar-currPos) - ( m.kV * currVel);

        #Current pose has to bee a np array
        #Work Around to aboid the diference size of the algorithm
        #print 'Size pose ' + str(len(current_pose)) + ' Size dof ' + str(self.dof)
        if len(current_pose) != self.dof:
            selected_pose = current_pose[self.dofs == 1]
            selected_vel = current_vel[self.dofs == 1]
            selected_pose = current_pose
            selected_vel = current_vel
        diff = currTar - selected_pose
        diff[3] = cola2_lib.normalizeAngle(diff[3])

        #rospy.loginfo('Kv ' + str(self.kV.tolist()))
        desAcc = np.dot(currWp, diff) - np.dot(self.kV, selected_vel)
        # action is a scalar value to evaluate the safety
        #rospy.loginfo('Des Acc' + str(self.desAcc))

        desVel = selected_vel + desAcc * self.interval_time
        #NOT needed
        desPos = selected_pose + desVel * self.interval_time

        self.s = self.s - self.alpha * self.s * self.interval_time * self.action  #*1.5

        return [desPos, desVel]
Exemplo n.º 8
    def map_ack_data_callback(self, data):
        """ This is the main callback. Data is recieved, processed and sent
            to pose and velocity controllers """

        # Compute desired positions and velocities
        desired = [0 for x in range(12)]
        for i in range(6):
            if (data.axes[i] < 0):
                desired[i] = abs(
                    data.axes[i]) * self.min_pos[i] + self.base_pose[i]
                desired[i] = data.axes[i] * self.max_pos[i] + self.base_pose[i]
            if i > 2:
                # Normalize angles
                desired[i] = cola2_lib.normalizeAngle(desired[i])

        for i in range(6, 12):
            if (data.axes[i] < 0):
                desired[i] = abs(data.axes[i]) * self.min_vel[i - 6]
                desired[i] = data.axes[i] * self.max_vel[i - 6]

        # Check if pose controller is enabled
        for b in range(6):
            if data.buttons[b] == 1:
                self.pose_controlled_axis[b] = True
                if self.actualize_base_pose:
                    self.base_pose[b] = self.last_pose[b]
                rospy.loginfo("%s: axis %s now is pose", self.name, str(b))

        # Check if velocity controller is enabled
        for b in range(6, 12):
            if data.buttons[b] == 1:
                self.pose_controlled_axis[b - 6] = False
                rospy.loginfo("%s: axis %s now is velocity", self.name,
                              str(b - 6))

        if self.nav_init:
            # Positions
            world_waypoint_req = WorldWaypointReq()
            world_waypoint_req.goal.priority = GoalDescriptor.PRIORITY_TELEOPERATION
            world_waypoint_req.goal.requester = self.name + '_pose'
            world_waypoint_req.position.north = desired[0]
            world_waypoint_req.position.east = desired[1]
            world_waypoint_req.position.depth = desired[2]
            world_waypoint_req.orientation.roll = desired[3]
            world_waypoint_req.orientation.pitch = desired[4]
            world_waypoint_req.orientation.yaw = desired[5]
            world_waypoint_req.disable_axis.x = not self.pose_controlled_axis[0]
            world_waypoint_req.disable_axis.y = not self.pose_controlled_axis[1]
            world_waypoint_req.disable_axis.z = not self.pose_controlled_axis[2]
            world_waypoint_req.disable_axis.roll = not self.pose_controlled_axis[
            world_waypoint_req.disable_axis.pitch = not self.pose_controlled_axis[
            world_waypoint_req.disable_axis.yaw = not self.pose_controlled_axis[
            world_waypoint_req.header.stamp = rospy.Time().now()
            # if not world_waypoint_req.disable_axis.pitch:
            #    rospy.logfatal("%s: PITCH IS NOT DISABLED!", self.name)
            #    world_waypoint_req.disable_axis.pitch = True

            if (world_waypoint_req.disable_axis.x
                    and world_waypoint_req.disable_axis.y
                    and world_waypoint_req.disable_axis.z
                    and world_waypoint_req.disable_axis.roll
                    and world_waypoint_req.disable_axis.pitch
                    and world_waypoint_req.disable_axis.yaw):
                world_waypoint_req.goal.priority = GoalDescriptor.PRIORITY_TELEOPERATION_LOW


            # Velocities
            body_velocity_req = BodyVelocityReq()
            body_velocity_req.goal.priority = GoalDescriptor.PRIORITY_TELEOPERATION
            body_velocity_req.goal.requester = self.name + '_vel'
            body_velocity_req.twist.linear.x = desired[6]
            body_velocity_req.twist.linear.y = desired[7]
            body_velocity_req.twist.linear.z = desired[8]
            body_velocity_req.twist.angular.x = desired[9]
            body_velocity_req.twist.angular.y = desired[10]
            body_velocity_req.twist.angular.z = desired[11]
            body_velocity_req.disable_axis.x = self.pose_controlled_axis[0]
            body_velocity_req.disable_axis.y = self.pose_controlled_axis[1]
            body_velocity_req.disable_axis.z = self.pose_controlled_axis[2]
            body_velocity_req.disable_axis.roll = self.pose_controlled_axis[3]
            body_velocity_req.disable_axis.pitch = self.pose_controlled_axis[4]
            body_velocity_req.disable_axis.yaw = self.pose_controlled_axis[5]

            # Check if DoF is disable
            if abs(body_velocity_req.twist.linear.x) < 0.025:
                body_velocity_req.disable_axis.x = True

            if abs(body_velocity_req.twist.linear.y) < 0.025:
                body_velocity_req.disable_axis.y = True

            if abs(body_velocity_req.twist.linear.z) < 0.025:
                body_velocity_req.disable_axis.z = True

            if abs(body_velocity_req.twist.angular.x) < 0.01:
                body_velocity_req.disable_axis.roll = True

            if abs(body_velocity_req.twist.angular.y) < 0.01:
                body_velocity_req.disable_axis.pitch = True

            if abs(body_velocity_req.twist.angular.z) < 0.01:
                body_velocity_req.disable_axis.yaw = True

            # If all DoF are disabled set priority to LOW
            if (body_velocity_req.disable_axis.x
                    and body_velocity_req.disable_axis.y
                    and body_velocity_req.disable_axis.z
                    and body_velocity_req.disable_axis.roll
                    and body_velocity_req.disable_axis.pitch
                    and body_velocity_req.disable_axis.yaw):
                body_velocity_req.goal.priority = GoalDescriptor.PRIORITY_TELEOPERATION_LOW

            # Publish message
            body_velocity_req.header.stamp = rospy.Time().now()