Exemplo n.º 1
def var(f, depth=0):
    t = f.a.progress(f.i, loops=1, easefn="qeio")
    cold = (StyledString(
        Style(co, 800 - t.e * 700, wdth=t.e, ro=1, tu=-90 + t.e * 50,
              r=1)).pens().align(f.a.r).f(1).s(0).sw(23 - depth).pmap(
                  lambda i, p: p.nlt(warp_fn(0, 0, mult=30))))

    cold = (cold.color_phototype(f.a.r,
                                 blur=2 + depth * 5,
                                 cut=120 + depth * 5,
                                 rgba=[1, 0, 1, 1]).as_set().blendmode(

    if depth < 5:
            0, var.func(Frame((f.i - 3) % var.duration, f.a), depth=depth + 1))

    if depth == 0:
        return DATPens([
            cold.color_phototype(f.a.r, blur=5)
        return cold
Exemplo n.º 2
def ableton(f):
    b, t = f.a.r.divide(300, "mny")

    def dp(s, notes, reverb, h, stroke=False):
        n = drums.fv(f.i, lambda t: t.name in notes, reverb)
        e = n.ease()
        color = hsl(h+0.1*e, s=0.6, l=0.6, a=e*0.95)
        #color = hsl(0, 0, 1, a=e*0.95)
        style = Style(o, 350+10*e, wdth=0.1+e*0.1, wght=0.75+e*0.25, slnt=e*0.25, ro=1, tu=-30)
        _dp = StyledString(s, style).fit(f.a.r.w-100).pen().removeOverlap().align(t).translate(0, -50)
        if stroke:
        return _dp
    warp = warp_fn(xa=10, ya=10, mult=95, base=0)
    warp2 = warp_fn(xa=10, ya=10, mult=35, base=0)

    sns = synth.fv(f.i, reverb=[2, 30], accumulate=1)
    sdp = StyledString("BCDE", Style(o, 250, wdth=0.5, wght=1, tu=-50, r=1, ro=1)).pens().align(b).translate(0, 50).f(None)

    for s in sns:
        n = 3-[59, 60, 62, 64].index(int(s.timeable.name))
        sdp[n].rotate(-45*s.ease()).f(hsl(s.ease(), l=0.7, a=s.ease()))
    sdp.pmap(lambda i,p: p.flatten(5).nonlinear_transform(warp2))
    return DATPens([
        dp("KICK", ["36"], [5, 25], 0.9),
        dp("RIMSHOT", ["39"], [3, 20], 0.0),
        dp("SNARE", ["40", "41"], [5, 20], 0.6),
        dp("CLAP", ["42"], [5, 50], 0.65),
        dp("HAT", ["43"], [2, 10], 0.15, True),
        dp("HAT", ["44"], [3, 50], 0.15, True),
        dp("CLAVE", ["46"], [5, 100], 0.4).flatten(10).nonlinear_transform(warp),
        dp("COWBELL", ["47"], [5, 20], 0.7).rotate(15),
        dp("TOMTOM", ["48", "49", "50"], [3, 25], 0.1),
Exemplo n.º 3
def coldtype(r):
    kp = kern_pairs = {
        ("L", "D"): -5,
        ("T", "Y"): -20,
        ("Y", "P"): 10,
        ("P", "E"): -100
    style = Style(font, 650, fill="random", wdth=1, tu=-50, r=1, ro=1, kp=kp)
    pens = (StyledString("COLDTYPE", style).fit(1250).pens().align(r))
    pens.pmap(lambda idx, p:
              (p.f(hsl(0.05 + idx / len(pens) * 0.75, s=0.6, l=0.55)).flatten(
    return (pens.understroke().rotate(5).scale(0.4))
Exemplo n.º 4
def nameplate(r, fontSize=500, wdth=0.25, rotate=0):
    return (DATPens([
            Style(obv, fontSize, wdth=wdth, tu=-50, r=1,
                      sw=35).align(r).color_phototype(r, cutw=10)),
            hsl(0.61, s=0.7,
                    r, blur=8).blendmode(skia.BlendMode.kMultiply))
    ]).color_phototype(r, blur=1, cutw=50))
Exemplo n.º 5
def code1(f):
    e = f.a.progress(f.i).e * 1.05

    def render_code(txt, styles):
        style = styles[0] if len(styles) > 0 else "default"
        font, fill = lookup.get(style, defaults)
        return txt, Style(font, 22, fill=fill)

    def rotate(i, p):
        ee = ease("eeo", min(1, max(0, (e - rnds1[i]) * 5)))
        p.rotate(ee[0] * (360 if i % 2 == 0 else -360))
        return p

    ri = f.a.r.inset(20)
    rt = PythonCode(ri,

    return (rt.align(
        ri, "mnx", "mxy",
            lambda i, p: (p.flatten(2).nlt(warp_fn(0, 0, mult=25)))))
Exemplo n.º 6
def render(f):
    # Get the kick and cowbell values b/c we’re going to use
    # these in the initial lockup
    kick = drums.fv(f.i, [36], [5, 50])
    cowbell = drums.fv(f.i, [47], [15, 75])

    # Use the `Graf` to set two StyledStrings vertically
    # Adjust the tracking (via `tu` (a shortcut for (t)racking-in-font-(u)nits))
    # using the cowbell midi note, using standard easing
    # also rekern the T & Y together to be a little closer (via the (k)ern-(p)airs)
    # so when they get stroked they don’t create an overly black visual mass
    style = Style(obvs,
                  tu=-150 + 550 * cowbell.ease(),
                  wdth=1 - cowbell.ease() * 0.75,
                  kp={"T/Y": -25})
    strings = [StyledString(t, style) for t in ["COLD", "TYPE"]]
    pens = Graf(strings, f.a.r,
                leading=math.floor(kick.ease() * 50)).pens().align(f.a.r)

    ### SNARE (+claps)
    # Visualize the snare hits by shearing the line composition
    # & rotating the two letters that correspond to where the snares hit in an 8-count
    snare = drums.fv(f.i, [40], [10, 40])
    if snare.count == 1:
        pens[0].translate(-150 * snare.ease(), 0)
        pens[1].translate(150 * snare.ease(), 0)
        pens[0].ffg("L").rotate(snare.ease() * -270)
        pens[0].translate(150 * snare.ease(), 0)
        pens[1].translate(-150 * snare.ease(), 0)
        # Rotate the outer P shape w/o moving the counter
        pens[1].ffg("P").mod_contour(0, lambda c: c.rotate(snare.ease() * 270))

    ### RIMSHOT
    # When the second rim hits (we ignore the first one b/c it’s in sync with a hat (see below)),
    # let’s rotate the P’s counter
    rim = drums.fv(f.i, [39], [5, 5])
    if rim.count == 2:
        pens[1].ffg("P").mod_contour(1, lambda c: c.rotate(rim.ease() * -270))

    ### BIG KICKS
    # Use the kick signal to scale up some letters
    line, glyph = (0, "C") if kick.count == 1 else (1, "Y")
    pens[line].ffg(glyph).scale(1 + 0.5 * kick.ease())

    ### HI-HATS
    # Definitely the most complicated bit of all the code:
    # Get the hat signal from the midi, with an even preverb-reverb (10, 10)
    # To mimic the regular action of a drummer hitting a hi-hat
    hat = drums.fv(f.i, [43], [10, 10])

    # For the first hat, move the counter of the O in the first line
    if hat.count == 1:
                                     lambda c: c.translate(80 * hat.ease(), 0))

    # For the second hat, move the counter of the D in the first line
    # This time make it a little fancier, first translating it down
    # & then rotating it as well, to make it seem like it's falling
    # and then bouncing back up from the bottom of the outer shape
    elif hat.count == 2:
            1, lambda c: c.translate(-30 * hat.ease(), -100 * hat.ease()).
            rotate(hat.ease() * 110))

    # And now for our most complicated trick...
    # Move the T crossbar, first on the left-hand side (hat 3)
    # And then on the right-hand side (hat 4)
    elif hat.count in [3, 4]:

        def move_t_top(idx, x, y):
            if hat.count == 3 and 0 <= idx <= 6:
                return x - 150 * hat.ease(), y
            elif hat.count == 4 and 22 <= idx <= 30:
                return x + 150 * hat.ease(), y


    # Finally (for the hats), exaggerate the horizontality of the E counters
    elif hat.count == 5:

        def move_e_contour(idx, x, y):
            if 9 <= idx <= 13 or 20 <= idx <= 25:
                x -= 75 * hat.ease()
            #if 0 <= idx <= 33:
            #    y -= 50*hat.ease()
            return x, y

            move_e_contour)  #.translate(hat.ease()*150, 0)

    ### TOMTOM
    # And lastly, use the tom signal to push up the outside of the O in the first line
    tom = drums.fv(f.i, [50], [5, 10])
    pens[0].ffg("O").mod_contour(0, lambda c: c.translate(0, -80 * tom.ease()))

    ### BRANDING
    fp = f.a.prg(f.i, easefn="linear").e
    ghz_logo = DATPen().glyph(logos["goodhertz_logo_2019"])
                              y="mny").translate(0, 100).nonlinear_transform(
                                  warp_fn(speed=fp * 3, rz=3, mult=10))

    # return both elements to the renderer
    # color elements with rgb primitives so we can
    # channel separate them in after effects later
    return [
        ghz_logo.f(1, 0, 0).skew(cowbell.ease() * 1),
        pens.f(0, 1, 0).reversePens().understroke(s=(0, 0, 1),
                                                  sw=15).translate(0, 100)