Exemplo n.º 1
    def save(self):
        """Saves the effect back to :attr:`xmlnode`"""
        self.xmlnode.set('id', self.id)
        self.xmlnode.set('name', self.id)
        profilenode = self.xmlnode.find( tag('profile_COMMON') )
        tecnode = profilenode.find( tag('technique') )
        tecnode.set('sid', 'common')
        for param in self.params:
            if param.xmlnode not in profilenode.getchildren():
                profilenode.insert(profilenode.index(tecnode), param.xmlnode)
        deletenodes = []
        for oldparam in profilenode.findall( tag('newparam') ):
            if oldparam not in [param.xmlnode for param in self.params]:
        for d in deletenodes:
        for shader in self.shaders:
            shadnode = tecnode.find(tag(shader))
            if shadnode is not None and shader != self.shadingtype:
        def getPropNode(prop, value):
            propnode = E(prop)
            if type(value) is Map:
            elif type(value) is float:
                propnode.append(E.color(' '.join(map(str, value) )))
            return propnode
        shadnode = tecnode.find(tag(self.shadingtype))
        if shadnode is None:
            shadnode = E(self.shadingtype)
            for prop in self.supported:
                value = getattr(self, prop)
                if value is None: continue
                shadnode.append(getPropNode(prop, value))
            for prop in self.supported:
                value = getattr(self, prop)
                propnode = shadnode.find(tag(prop))
                if propnode is not None:
                if value is not None:
                    shadnode.append(getPropNode(prop, value))

        double_sided_node = profilenode.find('.//%s//%s' % (tag('extra'), tag('double_sided')))
        if double_sided_node is None or double_sided_node.text is None:
            extranode = profilenode.find(tag('extra'))
            if extranode is None:
                extranode = E.extra()
            teqnodes = extranode.findall(tag('technique'))
            goognode = None
            for teqnode in teqnodes:
                if teqnode.get('profile') == 'GOOGLEEARTH':
                    goognode = teqnode
            if goognode is None:
                goognode = E.technique(profile='GOOGLEEARTH')
            double_sided_node = goognode.find(tag('double_sided'))
            if double_sided_node is None:
                double_sided_node = E.double_sided()
        double_sided_node.text = "1" if self.double_sided else "0"
Exemplo n.º 2
    def __init__(self, id, params, shadingtype, bumpmap = None, double_sided = False,
                       emission = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0),
                       ambient = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0),
                       diffuse = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0),
                       specular = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0),
                       shininess = 0.0,
                       reflective = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0),
                       reflectivity = 0.0,
                       transparent = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0),
                       transparency = 0.0,
                       index_of_refraction = None,
                       xmlnode = None):
        """Create an effect instance out of properties.

        :param str id:
          A string identifier for the effect
        :param list params:
          A list containing elements of type :class:`collada.material.Sampler2D`
          and :class:`collada.material.Surface`
        :param str shadingtype:
          The type of shader to be used for this effect. Right now, we
          only supper the shaders listed in :attr:`shaders`
        :param `collada.material.Map` bumpmap:
          The bump map for this effect, or None if there isn't one
        :param bool double_sided:
          Whether or not the material should be rendered double sided
        :param emission:
          Either an RGBA-format tuple of four floats or an instance
          of :class:`collada.material.Map`
        :param ambient:
          Either an RGBA-format tuple of four floats or an instance
          of :class:`collada.material.Map`
        :param diffuse:
          Either an RGBA-format tuple of four floats or an instance
          of :class:`collada.material.Map`
        :param specular:
          Either an RGBA-format tuple of four floats or an instance
          of :class:`collada.material.Map`
        :param shininess:
          Either a single float or an instance of :class:`collada.material.Map`
        :param reflective:
          Either an RGBA-format tuple of four floats or an instance
          of :class:`collada.material.Map`
        :param reflectivity:
          Either a single float or an instance of :class:`collada.material.Map`
        :param tuple transparent:
          Either an RGBA-format tuple of four floats or an instance
          of :class:`collada.material.Map`
        :param transparency:
          Either a single float or an instance of :class:`collada.material.Map`
        :param float index_of_refraction:
          A single float indicating the index of refraction for perfectly
          refracted light
        :param xmlnode:
          If loaded from xml, the xml node

        self.id = id
        """The string identifier for the effect"""
        self.params = params
        """A list containing elements of type :class:`collada.material.Sampler2D`
          and :class:`collada.material.Surface`"""
        self.shadingtype = shadingtype
        """String with the type of the shading."""
        self.bumpmap = bumpmap
        """Either the bump map of the effect of type :class:`collada.material.Map`
        or None if there is none."""
        self.double_sided = double_sided
        """A boolean indicating whether or not the material should be rendered double sided"""
        self.emission = emission
        """Either an RGB-format tuple of three floats or an instance
          of :class:`collada.material.Map`"""
        self.ambient = ambient
        """Either an RGB-format tuple of three floats or an instance
          of :class:`collada.material.Map`"""
        self.diffuse = diffuse
        """Either an RGB-format tuple of three floats or an instance
          of :class:`collada.material.Map`"""
        self.specular = specular
        """Either an RGB-format tuple of three floats or an instance
          of :class:`collada.material.Map`"""
        self.shininess = shininess
        """Either a single float or an instance of :class:`collada.material.Map`"""
        self.reflective = reflective
        """Either an RGB-format tuple of three floats or an instance
          of :class:`collada.material.Map`"""
        self.reflectivity = reflectivity
        """Either a single float or an instance of :class:`collada.material.Map`"""
        self.transparent = transparent
        """Either an RGB-format tuple of three floats or an instance
          of :class:`collada.material.Map`"""
        self.transparency = transparency
        """Either a single float or an instance of :class:`collada.material.Map`"""
        self.index_of_refraction = index_of_refraction
        """A single float indicating the index of refraction for perfectly
          refracted light"""
        if xmlnode is not None:
            self.xmlnode = xmlnode
            """ElementTree representation of the effect"""
            shadnode = E(self.shadingtype)
            for prop in self.supported:
                value = getattr(self, prop)
                if value is None: continue
                propnode = E(prop)
                shadnode.append( propnode )
                if type(value) is Map:
                elif type(value) is float:
                    propnode.append(E.color(' '.join(map(str, value) )))
            effect_nodes = [param.xmlnode for param in self.params]
            effect_nodes.append(E.technique(shadnode, sid='common'))
            self.xmlnode = E.effect(
            , id=self.id, name=self.id)