def sort_by_date(vers): lst = [[date, ver] for ver, date in vers.items()] lst.sort() sorted = odic() for date, ver in lst: sorted[ver] = date return sorted
def get_package_info(p, stable_only=True, debug=False): dates = get_package_dates(p) if not dates: return None cmd = ["pip", "install", "{0}==blarchy".format(p)] s, ok = rrun(cmd) if ok: raw = s.split(",") raw[0] = raw[0].split("versions:")[1].strip() raw[-1] = raw[-1].split(")\n")[0].strip() # pprint(raw) vers = odic() for x in raw: x = x.strip() if stable_only: if not ver_is_stable(x): continue if x in dates: vers[x] = dates[x] else: if debug: print("# Warning: version in pip not in pypi:", x) for x in dates: if not ver_is_stable(x): continue if x not in vers: if debug: print("# Warning: version in pypi not in pip:", x) if len(vers) == 0 and stable_only: print("# Warning: No candidates found for {0} - try --unstable". format(p)) return vers
def get_package_dates(p): # url = "{0}/json".format(p) j = requests.get(url).content try: data = json.loads(j) except: print("# warning: could not find page for {0}".format(p)) return None vers = odic() for x in data['releases']: for y in data['releases'][x]: # print (x, y['upload_time']) date = dup.parse(y['upload_time']) vers[x] = date # FIXME: multiple uploads possible return vers
def __init__(self, status=None, message=None): """ Nagios responses are expected to be in a very specific format, and this class allows these responses to easily be built up and extracted in the proper format. This class makes it easy to set the status, message, and performance data for a response. :Parameters: - `status` (optional): A :py:class:`~pynagios.status.Status` object representing the status of the response. - `message` (optional): An information message to include with the output. """ self.status = status self.message = message self.perf_data = odic({})
#coding=utf-8 ''' 比较只留中文和什么都不去除的区别 ''' from __future__ import division import sys reload(sys) sys.setdefaultencoding('utf-8') # @UndefinedVariable import as dt from collections import OrderedDict as odic dic_write=odic({}) with open(r'./data_in/traffic_word.txt','rb') as somefile: for line in somefile: word= line.strip() #去除换行符号 word=dt.getunicode(word) dic_write[word]=[[],[]] # 第一个为Chinese 第二个装非chinese import gensim # 第一个模型 model = gensim.models.Word2Vec.load_word2vec_format("chinese_out.vector", binary=False) for word in dic_write: try: b=model.most_similar(word,topn=30) for tu in b: dic_write[word][0].append(tu[0]+str(tu[1])) except: dic_write[word][0]=["该词不存在于词典"] finally:
###练习8 简单统计 from collections import Counter import pandas as ps from collections import OrderedDict as odic content = ps.read_csv("./data.csv") print(content, "\n", type(content)) print(content.values[0]) c = Counter(content.values[0]) data = {"go": "0.1", "java": "1.9", "python": "1.6", "c++": "3.0"} order = odic(data) print(order)