def paginate_resource(request, qs, resource_transformer=lambda x: x,
    """From a request object (an obj that has a dict-like .GET attribute) and a
    query set, returns a properly paginated query set, together with the info
    about total pages and current page.

    Searches the GET query string for a parameter named "page"

    :param request: a request object
    :param qs: a queryset (or any - preferably unevaluated - iterable, that
    supports slicing)

    :param resource_transformer: a callable, able to transform the queryset
    model instances into resources (dictionaries usually)

    :param on_empty_message: the message to be displayed in case there are no
    elements in the query set.

    :return: tree structure representing the result
    current_page, page_size = get_page_details_for_request(request)
    paginator = Paginator(qs, page_size, allow_empty_first_page=False)
        page =
    except EmptyPage:
        if current_page == 1:
            raise Http404Error(on_empty_message)
            raise Http400Error("Invalid page number. Minimum is 1, maximum is "

    objects_on_page = page.object_list

    result = OrderedDict()
    result['collection_info'] = serialize_page_metadata(
        page, request.build_absolute_uri())
    result['objects'] = resource_transformer(objects_on_page)
    result.status_code = 200
    return result