Exemplo n.º 1
    def handle(self, *args, **options):
        if settings.CENTRAL_SERVER:
            raise CommandError("Run this command on the distributed server only.")

        # Load videos
        video_sizes = softload_json(REMOTE_VIDEO_SIZE_FILEPATH, logger=logging.debug)

        # Query current files
        all_video_filepaths = glob.glob(os.path.join(settings.CONTENT_ROOT, "*.mp4"))
        logging.info("Querying sizes for %d video(s)." % len(all_video_filepaths))

        # Get all current sizes
        for video_filepath in all_video_filepaths:
            youtube_id = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(video_filepath))[0]
            # Set to max, so that local compressed videos will not affect things.
            video_sizes[youtube_id] = max(video_sizes.get(youtube_id, 0), os.path.getsize(video_filepath))

        # Sort results
        video_sizes = OrderedDict([(key, video_sizes[key]) for key in sorted(video_sizes.keys())])

        logging.info("Saving results to disk.")
        with open(REMOTE_VIDEO_SIZE_FILEPATH, "w") as fp:
            json.dump(video_sizes, fp, indent=2)
Exemplo n.º 2
def compute_data(data_types, who, where):
    Compute the data in "data_types" for each user in "who", for the topics selected by "where"

    who: list of users
    where: topic_path
    data_types can include:

    # None indicates that the data hasn't been queried yet.
    #   We'll query it on demand, for efficiency
    topics = None
    exercises = None
    videos = None

    # Initialize an empty dictionary of data, video logs, exercise logs, for each user
    data = OrderedDict(zip([w.id for w in who], [dict() for i in range(len(who))]))  # maintain the order of the users
    vid_logs = dict(zip([w.id for w in who], [[] for i in range(len(who))]))
    ex_logs = dict(zip([w.id for w in who], [[] for i in range(len(who))]))
    if UserLog.is_enabled():
        activity_logs = dict(zip([w.id for w in who], [[] for i in range(len(who))]))

    # Set up queries (but don't run them), so we have really easy aliases.
    #   Only do them if they haven't been done yet (tell this by passing in a value to the lambda function)
    # Topics: topics.
    # Exercises: names (ids for ExerciseLog objects)
    # Videos: video_id (ids for VideoLog objects)

    # This lambda partial creates a function to return all items with a particular path from the NODE_CACHE.
    search_fun_single_path = partial(lambda t, p: t["path"].startswith(p), p=tuple(where))
    # This lambda partial creates a function to return all items with paths matching a list of paths from NODE_CACHE.
    search_fun_multi_path = partial(lambda ts, p: any([t["path"].startswith(p) for t in ts]),  p=tuple(where))
    # Functions that use the functions defined above to return topics, exercises, and videos based on paths.
    query_topics = partial(lambda t, sf: t if t is not None else [t[0]["id"] for t in filter(sf, get_node_cache('Topic').values())], sf=search_fun_single_path)
    query_exercises = partial(lambda e, sf: e if e is not None else [ex[0]["id"] for ex in filter(sf, get_node_cache('Exercise').values())], sf=search_fun_multi_path)
    query_videos = partial(lambda v, sf: v if v is not None else [vid[0]["id"] for vid in filter(sf, get_node_cache('Video').values())], sf=search_fun_multi_path)

    # No users, don't bother.
    if len(who) > 0:

        # Query out all exercises, videos, exercise logs, and video logs before looping to limit requests.
        # This means we could pull data for n-dimensional coach report displays with the same number of requests!
        # Note: User activity is polled inside the loop, to prevent possible slowdown for exercise and video reports.
        exercises = query_exercises(exercises)

        videos = query_videos(videos)

        if exercises:
            ex_logs = query_logs(data.keys(), exercises, "exercise", ex_logs)

        if videos:
            vid_logs = query_logs(data.keys(), videos, "video", vid_logs)

        for data_type in (data_types if not hasattr(data_types, "lower") else [data_types]):  # convert list from string, if necessary
            if data_type in data[data.keys()[0]]:  # if the first user has it, then all do; no need to calc again.

            # These are summary stats: you only get one per user
            if data_type == "pct_mastery":

                # Efficient query out, spread out to dict
                for user in data.keys():
                    data[user][data_type] = 0 if not ex_logs[user] else 100. * sum([el['complete'] for el in ex_logs[user]]) / float(len(exercises))

            elif data_type == "effort":
                if "ex:attempts" in data[data.keys()[0]] and "vid:total_seconds_watched" in data[data.keys()[0]]:
                    # exercises and videos would be initialized already
                    for user in data.keys():
                        avg_attempts = 0 if len(exercises) == 0 else sum(data[user]["ex:attempts"].values()) / float(len(exercises))
                        avg_video_points = 0 if len(videos) == 0 else sum(data[user]["vid:total_seconds_watched"].values()) / float(len(videos))
                        data[user][data_type] = 100. * (0.5 * avg_attempts / 10. + 0.5 * avg_video_points / 750.)
                    data_types += ["ex:attempts", "vid:total_seconds_watched", "effort"]

            # These are detail stats: you get many per user
            # Just querying out data directly: Video
            elif data_type.startswith("vid:") and data_type[4:] in [f.name for f in VideoLog._meta.fields]:

                for user in data.keys():
                    data[user][data_type] = OrderedDict([(v['video_id'], v[data_type[4:]]) for v in vid_logs[user]])

            # Just querying out data directly: Exercise
            elif data_type.startswith("ex:") and data_type[3:] in [f.name for f in ExerciseLog._meta.fields]:

                for user in data.keys():
                    data[user][data_type] = OrderedDict([(el['exercise_id'], el[data_type[3:]]) for el in ex_logs[user]])

            # User Log Queries
            elif data_type.startswith("user:"******"", "activity", activity_logs)

                for user in data.keys():
                    data[user][data_type] = [log[data_type[5:]] for log in activity_logs[user]]

            # User Summary Queries
            elif data_type.startswith("usersum:") and data_type[8:] in [f.name for f in UserLogSummary._meta.fields] and UserLog.is_enabled():

                activity_logs = query_logs(data.keys(), "", "summaryactivity", activity_logs)

                for user in data.keys():
                    data[user][data_type] = sum([log[data_type[8:]] for log in activity_logs[user]])
            # Unknown requested quantity
                raise Exception("Unknown type: '%s' not in %s" % (data_type, str([f.name for f in ExerciseLog._meta.fields])))

    # Returning empty list instead of None allows javascript on client
    # side to read 'length' property without error.
    exercises = exercises or []

    videos = videos or []

    return {
        "data": data,
        "topics": topics,
        "exercises": exercises,
        "videos": videos,
Exemplo n.º 3
def compute_data(data_types, who, where):
    Compute the data in "data_types" for each user in "who", for the topics selected by "where"

    who: list of users
    where: topic_path
    data_types can include:

    # None indicates that the data hasn't been queried yet.
    #   We'll query it on demand, for efficiency
    topics = None
    exercises = None
    videos = None

    # Initialize an empty dictionary of data, video logs, exercise logs, for each user
    data = OrderedDict(zip([w.id for w in who], [dict() for i in range(len(who))]))  # maintain the order of the users
    vid_logs = dict(zip([w.id for w in who], [[] for i in range(len(who))]))
    ex_logs = dict(zip([w.id for w in who], [[] for i in range(len(who))]))
    if UserLog.is_enabled():
        activity_logs = dict(zip([w.id for w in who], [[] for i in range(len(who))]))

    # Set up queries (but don't run them), so we have really easy aliases.
    #   Only do them if they haven't been done yet (tell this by passing in a value to the lambda function)
    # Topics: topics.
    # Exercises: names (ids for ExerciseLog objects)
    # Videos: video_id (ids for VideoLog objects)

    # This lambda partial creates a function to return all items with a particular path from the NODE_CACHE.
    search_fun_single_path = partial(lambda t, p: t["path"].startswith(p), p=tuple(where))
    # This lambda partial creates a function to return all items with paths matching a list of paths from NODE_CACHE.
    search_fun_multi_path = partial(lambda ts, p: any([t["path"].startswith(p) for t in ts]),  p=tuple(where))
    # Functions that use the functions defined above to return topics, exercises, and videos based on paths.
    query_topics = partial(lambda t, sf: t if t is not None else [t[0]["id"] for t in filter(sf, get_node_cache('Topic').values())], sf=search_fun_single_path)
    query_exercises = partial(lambda e, sf: e if e is not None else [ex[0]["id"] for ex in filter(sf, get_node_cache('Exercise').values())], sf=search_fun_multi_path)
    query_videos = partial(lambda v, sf: v if v is not None else [vid[0]["id"] for vid in filter(sf, get_node_cache('Video').values())], sf=search_fun_multi_path)

    # No users, don't bother.
    if len(who) > 0:

        # Query out all exercises, videos, exercise logs, and video logs before looping to limit requests.
        # This means we could pull data for n-dimensional coach report displays with the same number of requests!
        # Note: User activity is polled inside the loop, to prevent possible slowdown for exercise and video reports.
        exercises = query_exercises(exercises)

        videos = query_videos(videos)

        if exercises:
            ex_logs = query_logs(data.keys(), exercises, "exercise", ex_logs)

        if videos:
            vid_logs = query_logs(data.keys(), videos, "video", vid_logs)

        for data_type in (data_types if not hasattr(data_types, "lower") else [data_types]):  # convert list from string, if necessary
            if data_type in data[data.keys()[0]]:  # if the first user has it, then all do; no need to calc again.

            # These are summary stats: you only get one per user
            if data_type == "pct_mastery":

                # Efficient query out, spread out to dict
                for user in data.keys():
                    data[user][data_type] = 0 if not ex_logs[user] else 100. * sum([el['complete'] for el in ex_logs[user]]) / float(len(exercises))

            elif data_type == "effort":
                if "ex:attempts" in data[data.keys()[0]] and "vid:total_seconds_watched" in data[data.keys()[0]]:
                    # exercises and videos would be initialized already
                    for user in data.keys():
                        avg_attempts = 0 if len(exercises) == 0 else sum(data[user]["ex:attempts"].values()) / float(len(exercises))
                        avg_video_points = 0 if len(videos) == 0 else sum(data[user]["vid:total_seconds_watched"].values()) / float(len(videos))
                        data[user][data_type] = 100. * (0.5 * avg_attempts / 10. + 0.5 * avg_video_points / 750.)
                    data_types += ["ex:attempts", "vid:total_seconds_watched", "effort"]

            # These are detail stats: you get many per user
            # Just querying out data directly: Video
            elif data_type.startswith("vid:") and data_type[4:] in [f.name for f in VideoLog._meta.fields]:

                for user in data.keys():
                    data[user][data_type] = OrderedDict([(v['video_id'], v[data_type[4:]]) for v in vid_logs[user]])

            # Just querying out data directly: Exercise
            elif data_type.startswith("ex:") and data_type[3:] in [f.name for f in ExerciseLog._meta.fields]:

                for user in data.keys():
                    data[user][data_type] = OrderedDict([(el['exercise_id'], el[data_type[3:]]) for el in ex_logs[user]])

            # User Log Queries
            elif data_type.startswith("user:"******"", "activity", activity_logs)

                for user in data.keys():
                    data[user][data_type] = [log[data_type[5:]] for log in activity_logs[user]]

            # User Summary Queries
            elif data_type.startswith("usersum:") and data_type[8:] in [f.name for f in UserLogSummary._meta.fields] and UserLog.is_enabled():

                activity_logs = query_logs(data.keys(), "", "summaryactivity", activity_logs)

                for user in data.keys():
                    data[user][data_type] = sum([log[data_type[8:]] for log in activity_logs[user]])
            # Unknown requested quantity
                raise Exception("Unknown type: '%s' not in %s" % (data_type, str([f.name for f in ExerciseLog._meta.fields])))

    # Returning empty list instead of None allows javascript on client
    # side to read 'length' property without error.
    exercises = exercises or []

    videos = videos or []

    return {
        "data": data,
        "topics": topics,
        "exercises": exercises,
        "videos": videos,