def isUrlAllowed(self):
     allowed_url_paths = get_config_setting('allowed_url_paths')
     if allowed_url_paths: 
         obj_path, browser_path = self.getCurrentPaths()
         return (obj_path in allowed_url_paths) or \
             (browser_path in allowed_url_paths) 
         return getMultiAdapter(
             (self.context, self.request), 
 def javascriptvars(self):
     """ It overlaps settings which was set up by static/add2home.js """
     return "var addToHomeConfig = %s" % json.dumps(
                    # Show the message only to returning visitors 
                    # (ie: don't show it the first time)
                    'returningVisitor': True,     
                    'message': get_config_setting('message'),
                    # Show the message only once every 12 hours
                    'expire': 720            