Exemplo n.º 1
    def set_configuration_property(self, configuration_property):
        # retrieves the configuration
        configuration = configuration_property.get_data()

        # cleans the console configuration

        # copies the service configuration to the console configuration configuration
        colony.map_copy(configuration, self.console_configuration)
Exemplo n.º 2
    def set_startup_configuration_property(self, startup_configuration_property):
        # retrieves the startup configuration
        startup_configuration = startup_configuration_property.get_data()

        # cleans the startup configuration

        # copies the startup configuration to the startup configuration
        colony.map_copy(startup_configuration, self.startup_configuration)
Exemplo n.º 3
    def set_handler_configuration_property(self, handler_configuration_property):
        # retrieves the handler configuration
        handler_configuration = handler_configuration_property.get_data()

        # cleans the handler configuration

        # copies the handler configuration to the handler configuration
        colony.map_copy(handler_configuration, self.handler_configuration)
Exemplo n.º 4
    def _create_request_headers(self, request):
        # creates a new map for the request headers
        request_headers = {}

        # copies the original request headers to the request headers
        colony.map_copy(request.headers_map, request_headers)

        # iterates over all the headers to be removed
        for removal_header in REMOVAL_HEADERS:
            # in case the removal header does not exist
            # in the request headers, no need to continue
            if not removal_header in request_headers:
                # continues the loop

            # removes the header from the request headers
            del request_headers[removal_header]

        # returns the request headers
        return request_headers
Exemplo n.º 5
    def _get_socket(self, socket_name = "normal", socket_parameters = {}):
        Retrieves the socket for the given socket name
        using the socket provider plugins.

        :type socket_name: String
        :param socket_name: The name of the socket to be retrieved.
        :type socket_parameters: Dictionary
        :param socket_parameters: The parameters of the socket to be retrieved.
        :rtype: Socket
        :return: The socket for the given socket name.

        # retrieves the socket provider plugins map
        socket_provider_plugins_map = self.client_utils.socket_provider_plugins_map

        # in case the socket name is available in the socket
        # provider plugins map
        if socket_name in socket_provider_plugins_map:
            # retrieves the socket provider plugin from the socket provider plugins map
            socket_provider_plugin = socket_provider_plugins_map[socket_name]

            # creates the parameters for the socket provider, the
            # handshake process in case it's required must be forced
            # then copies the socket parameters to the parameters map
            parameters = {
                "do_handshake_on_connect" : True
            colony.map_copy(socket_parameters, parameters)

            # creates a new socket with the socket provider plugin
            # and returns the created socket to the caller method
            socket = socket_provider_plugin.provide_socket_parameters(parameters)
            return socket
            # raises the socket provider not found exception
            raise exceptions.SocketProviderNotFound("socket provider %s not found" % socket_name)
Exemplo n.º 6
 def set_configuration_property(self, configuration_property):
     # retrieves the configuration and runs the clean operation
     # in it then copies the configuration to the target map
     configuration = configuration_property.get_data()
     colony.map_copy(configuration, self.info_user_configuration)
Exemplo n.º 7
    def autocomplete(self, request):
        Handles the given autocomplete request.
        This request should try to find a series of results
        that may be used as "tips" for the correct command.

        :type request: Request
        :param request: The request to be handled.

        # retrieves the reference to the plugin manager running
        # in the current context
        plugin_manager = self.plugin.manager

        # retrieves the json plugin for the encoding of the
        # response value (serialized value)
        json_plugin = self.plugin.json_plugin

        # retrieves the command that it's meant to be executed by
        # the current python virtual machine, then retrieves the
        # id of the interpreter instance to be used
        command = request.field("command", "")
        instance = request.field("instance", None)

        # in case no instance (identifier) is found a new randomly generated
        # value is created for it (secure generation)
        instance = instance or str(uuid.uuid4())

        # creates the map containing the various local names to be used
        # in the interpreter, these are the values that will be made available
        # as entrance points to the end user
        locals = dict(
            manager = plugin_manager,
            plugins = plugin_manager.plugins

        # tries to retrieve the correct interpreter from the interpreters
        # map in case it does not exists creates a new one, then sets it
        # back in the interpreters map for latter usage, at the final part
        # of the execution updates the current locals reference
        interpreter = self.interpreters.get(instance, None)
        interpreter = interpreter or code.InteractiveInterpreter(locals = locals)
        self.interpreters[instance] = interpreter
        locals = interpreter.locals

        # copies the built in symbols (globally present) into the locals map
        # this allows the autocomplete to couple with these symbols
        colony.map_copy(__builtins__, locals)

        # creates a new list to hold the various commands to be sent as valid
        # autocomplete values for the client side
        commands = []

        # splits the command into the various sub components so that its possible
        # to use the partials value to recursively resolve the appropriate sequence
        # to be iterated for searching
        command_split = command.rsplit(".")
        base = command_split[-1]
        partials = command_split[:-1]
        values, container = self._resolve_value(partials, locals)

        # calculates the offset position where the value used in the command calculus
        # is starting, this value may be used for the prefix calculation at the client
        offset = len(command) - len(base)

        # iterates over the complete list of values to test the
        # beginning of each name against the command name
        for value in values:
            # in case the current value does not start
            # with the command text must be skipped, otherwise
            # adds the local name to the list of valid commands
            # for the autocomplete operation
            if not value.startswith(base): continue

            # retrieves the object associated with the current value (name)
            # taking into account the type of the container object (different
            # strategies apply for different container types)
            if type(container) == dict: object = container[value]
            else: object = getattr(container, value)

            # retrieves the (python) object type and then uses it to convert
            # the type into the "normalized" string representation
            object_type = type(object)
            if object_type == types.FunctionType: object_type_s = "function"
            elif object_type == types.BuiltinFunctionType: object_type_s = "function"
            elif object_type == types.MethodType: object_type_s = "method"
            elif object_type == types.BuiltinMethodType: object_type_s = "method"
            else: object_type_s = "object"

            # retrieves the documentation part of the object, this is a raw
            # string and should be processed for correct handling
            doc = object.__doc__
            doc, params, _return = self._process_doc(doc)

            # creates the map of options that contains the base documentation
            # string an also the tuple containing the parameters reference
            options = {
                "doc" : doc,
                "params" : params,
                "return" : _return

            # adds the value and the object type values as a tuple to the list
            # of commands (to be interpreted by the client side)
            commands.append((value, object_type_s, options))

        # iterates over all the base keywords in order to be able to
        # filter and add them to the commands list, these keywords
        # will have no extra values associated (basic keywords)
        for keyword in BASE_KEYWORDS:
            if not keyword.startswith(command): continue
            commands.append((keyword, "keyword", dict()))

        # iterates over all the space keywords in order to be able to
        # filter and add them to the commands list, these keywords
        # will have the extra space character appended
        for keyword in SPACE_KEYWORDS:
            if not keyword.startswith(command): continue
            commands.append((keyword, "keyword", dict(extra = " ")))

        # iterates over all the base keywords in order to be able to
        # filter and add them to the commands list, these keywords
        # will have the extra dot character appended
        for keyword in DOT_KEYWORDS:
            if not keyword.startswith(command): continue
            commands.append((keyword, "keyword", dict(extra = ":")))

        # sorts the commands according to their default (alphabetic order) so
        # that they are presented to the end user in the best way possible

        # creates the response map and serializes it with json to create the
        # final result contents, should retrieve the appropriate mime type
        response = dict(
            result = commands,
            offset = offset,
            instance = instance
        self.serialize(request, response, serializer = json_plugin)
Exemplo n.º 8
    def console_command_extension_load(self, console_command_extension_plugin):
        # retrieves the commands map from the console command extension
        commands_map = console_command_extension_plugin.get_commands_map()

        # copies the plugin commands map to the commands map
        colony.map_copy(commands_map, self.commands_map)
Exemplo n.º 9
    def _create_headers_map(self, request, http_response, removal_response_headers = ()):
        # retrieves the url parser plugin
        url_parser_plugin = self.plugin.url_parser_plugin

        # creates a new map for the headers map
        headers_map = {}

        # copies the original request headers to the request headers
        colony.map_copy(http_response.headers_map, headers_map)

        # iterates over all the response headers to be removed
        for removal_response_header in removal_response_headers:
            # in case the removal response header does not exist
            # in the headers map, no need to continue
            if not removal_response_header in headers_map:
                # continues the loop

            # removes the response header from the headers map
            del headers_map[removal_response_header]

        # in case the location value exists in the headers map
        if LOCATION_VALUE in headers_map:
            # retrieves the location from the headers map
            location = headers_map[LOCATION_VALUE]

            # retrieves the proxy target
            proxy_target = request.properties.get(PROXY_TARGET_VALUE, DEFAULT_PROXY_TARGET)

            # creates the handler path from the handler base path
            # or from the handler path (depending on the valid one)
            handler_path = request.handler_base_path or request.handler_path

            # sets the valid handler path based on the length of the path
            handler_path = not handler_path == "/" and handler_path or ""

            # in case the location starts with the HTTP prefix or
            # with the https prefix (absolute path)
            if location.startswith(HTTP_PREFIX_VALUE) or location.startswith(HTTPS_PREFIX_VALUE):
                # replaces the proxy target for the handler path
                location = location.replace(proxy_target, handler_path)
            # in case the location starts with a slash (relative to host path)
            elif location.startswith("/"):
                # parses the url retrieving the url structure
                url_structure = url_parser_plugin.parse_url(proxy_target)

                # retrieves the resource reference from the url structure
                # or sets the default one (empty) in case it's not defined
                resource_reference = url_structure.resource_reference or ""

                # removes the resource reference from the location
                location = location.replace(resource_reference, "")

                # creates the location with the handler path and the original location
                location = handler_path + location

            # sets the location in the headers map
            headers_map[LOCATION_VALUE] = location

        # retrieves the protocol version number from the protocol
        # version string
        protocol_version_number = request.protocol_version.strip(HTTP_PROTOCOL_PREFIX_VALUE)

        # retrieves the host value from the request
        host = request.headers_map.get(HOST_VALUE, DEFAULT_HOST_VALUE)

        # retrieves the server identifier
        server_identifier = request.get_server_identifier()

        # sets the via header in the headers map
        headers_map[VIA_VALUE] = protocol_version_number + " " + host + " (" + server_identifier + ")"

        # returns the headers map
        return headers_map