def render(self): clear() print(gray("( To exit, hit Ctrl + C )\n\n")) count = "(" + str(len( self.used_incorrect_letters)) + "/" + str(CHANCES) + ")" if (CHANCES - len(self.used_incorrect_letters) < 3): count = red(count) else: count = gray(count) render_noose(len(self.used_incorrect_letters)) print("Used " + count + ": " + " ".join(self.used_incorrect_letters)) print(self.make_word_bar()) print(self.make_message_box())
def draw(self): if self.draw_cancel: self.draw_cancel = False else: coordinates = [self.origin, self.origin + (self.xlength,0,0), self.origin + (self.xlength,0,self.zlength), self.origin + (0,0,self.zlength) ] color.gray() glBegin(GL_QUADS) glNormal3f(0,1,0) for x in coordinates: glVertex3fv(x) glEnd()
def __build_find_cmd(self): # create a find command expression audio_ext = ['mp3', 'ogg', 'wma'] video_ext = [ 'mpg', 'mpeg', 'avi', 'mov', 'm4v', 'mp4', 'wmv', 'flv', 'mkv' ] audio = "\( %s \)" % " -o ".join( ["-iname '*.%s'" % ext for ext in audio_ext]) video = "\( %s \)" % " -o ".join( ["-iname '*.%s'" % ext for ext in video_ext]) if self.first_find:"audio extensions: %s" % color.bold(str(audio_ext)))"video extensions: %s" % color.bold(str(video_ext))) video = "\( %s -and -size +5M -not -iwholename '*sample*' \)" % video findstring = "-type f -and \( %s -or %s \)" % (video, audio) find_cmd = "/usr/bin/find -L '%(where)s' %(find)s" % { 'where': "' '".join(self.dirs), 'find': findstring } if self.first_find: log.debug(color.gray(find_cmd)) self.first_find = False return find_cmd
def TWindbg(args): """TWindbg: List all the command in TWindbg """ if len(args) != 0: raise CmdExecError("Invalid argument number") banner = color.yellow("TWindbg: PEDA-like debugger UI for WinDbg\n") banner += color.gray("For latest update, check the project page: ") banner += color.white("\n") banner +="Use \"[cmd] help\" for further command usage\n") pykd.dprintln(banner, dml=True) print_all_usage()
def enhance_type(self, ptr, val): ret_str = "" if is_executable(ptr): # code page symbol = pykd.findSymbol(ptr) + ":" asm_str = disasm(ptr)[1] ret_str = "{:#x}".format(ptr) ret_str += color.gray(" ({:45s}{})".format(symbol, asm_str)) else: ret_str = "{:#x} --> {:#x}".format(ptr, val) val_str = get_string(ptr) if val_str: # val is probably a string ret_str += color.white(" (\"{}\")".format(val_str)) return ret_str
def binarize(pixels, threshold=15): """ Binarizes the image using the given threshold """ width = len(pixels[0]) height = len(pixels) output = numpy.zeros((height, width)) for x in range(0, width): for y in range(0, height): current_pixel = pixels[y][x] current_pixel_gray = gray(current_pixel) if current_pixel_gray >= threshold: output[y][x] = 0 else: output[y][x] = 255 return output