Exemplo n.º 1
class TxHistory(object):
    def __init__(self, model):
        self.model = model
        self.entries = PersistentDictStore(
            self.model.store_conn.conn, "txhistory")

    def decode_entry(self, entry_data):
        return TxHistoryEntry.from_data(self.model, entry_data)

    def get_entry(self, txhash):
        entry = self.entries.get(txhash)
        if entry:
            return self.decode_entry(entry)
            return None

    def get_all_entries(self):
        return sorted([self.decode_entry(e)
                       for e in self.entries.values()],
                      key=lambda txe: txe.txtime)

    def populate_history(self):
        txdb = self.model.get_tx_db()
        for txhash in txdb.get_all_tx_hashes():
            if (txhash not in self.entries or            # new transaction
                    not self.entries[txhash]['txtime']): # update unconfirmed
                tx_data = txdb.get_tx_by_hash(txhash)['data']
                raw_tx  = RawTxSpec.from_tx_data(self.model,

    def get_tx_timestamp(self, txhash): # TODO move to suitable file
        txtime = 0
        bs = self.model.get_blockchain_state()
        blockhash, x = bs.get_tx_blockhash(txhash)
        if blockhash:
            height = bs.get_block_height(blockhash)
            if height:
                header = bs.get_header(height)
                txtime = header.get('timestamp', txtime)
        return txtime

    def is_receive_entry(self, raw_tx, spent_coins, received_coins):
        return not spent_coins and received_coins

    def create_receive_entry(self, raw_tx, received_coins):
        txhash = raw_tx.get_hex_txhash()
        txtime = self.get_tx_timestamp(txhash)
        out_idxs = [coin.outindex for coin in received_coins]
        self.entries[txhash] = {"txhash": txhash,
                                "txtype": 'receive',
                                "txtime": txtime,
                                "out_idxs": out_idxs}

    def add_trade_entry(self, txhash, in_colorvalue, out_colorvalue):
        adm = self.model.get_asset_definition_manager()
        in_assetvalue = adm.get_assetvalue_for_colorvalue(in_colorvalue)
        out_assetvalue = adm.get_assetvalue_for_colorvalue(out_colorvalue)
        txtime = self.get_tx_timestamp(txhash)
        self.entries[txhash] = {"txhash": txhash,
                                "txtype": 'trade',
                                "txtime": txtime,
                                "in_values": [asset_value_to_data(in_assetvalue)],
                                "out_values": [asset_value_to_data(out_assetvalue)]}

    def add_unknown_entry(self, txhash):
        txtime = self.get_tx_timestamp(txhash)
        self.entries[txhash] = {"txhash": txhash,
                                "txtype": 'unknown',
                                "txtime": txtime}

    def get_delta_color_values(self, spent_coins, received_coins):
        adm = self.model.get_asset_definition_manager()
        deltas = {}
        for coin in received_coins: # add received
            for cv in coin.get_colorvalues():
                colorid = cv.get_colordef().get_color_id()
                assetid = adm.get_asset_by_color_id(colorid).get_id()
                deltas[assetid] = deltas.get(assetid, 0) + cv.get_value()
        for coin in spent_coins: # subtract sent
            for cv in coin.get_colorvalues():
                colorid = cv.get_colordef().get_color_id()
                assetid = adm.get_asset_by_color_id(colorid).get_id()
                deltas[assetid] = deltas.get(assetid, 0) - cv.get_value()
        return dict(deltas)

    def create_complex_entry(self, raw_tx, spent_coins, received_coins):
        am = self.model.get_address_manager()
        txhash = raw_tx.get_hex_txhash()
        txtime = self.get_tx_timestamp(txhash)

        # get addresses
        outputs = raw_tx.composed_tx_spec.txouts
        wallet_addrs = set([r.address for r in am.get_all_addresses()])
        output_addrs = set([out.target_addr for out in outputs])
        send_addrs = list(output_addrs.difference(wallet_addrs))

        deltas = self.get_delta_color_values(spent_coins, received_coins)
        self.entries[txhash] = {
            "txhash": txhash,
            "txtype": 'complex',
            "txtime": txtime,
            "addresses" : send_addrs,
            "deltas" : deltas,

    def is_send_entry(self, raw_tx, spent_coins, received_coins):
        am = self.model.get_address_manager()

        # only inputs from this wallet
        input_addrs = set(raw_tx.get_input_addresses())
        wallet_addrs = set([r.address for r in am.get_all_addresses()])
        if wallet_addrs.intersection(input_addrs) != input_addrs:
            return False # foreign inputs

        # only one color + uncolored sent
        cvlists = [coin.get_colorvalues() for coin in spent_coins]
        cvs = [item for sublist in cvlists for item in sublist] # flatten
        cids = set([cv.get_color_id() for cv in cvs])
        if len(cids) > 2 or (len(cids) == 2 and 0 not in cids):
            return False

        return False  # FIXME disabled for now

    def create_send_entry(self, raw_tx, spent_coins, received_coins):
        pass # TODO

    def add_send_entry(self, txhash, asset, target_addrs, target_values):
        self.entries[txhash] = {"txhash": txhash,
                                "txtype": 'send',
                                "txtime": int(time.time()),
                                "asset_id": asset.get_id(),
                                "targets": zip(target_addrs, target_values)}

    def add_entry_from_tx(self, raw_tx):
        coindb = self.model.get_coin_manager()
        spent_coins, received_coins = coindb.get_coins_for_transaction(raw_tx)
        if (not spent_coins) and (not received_coins):
            return # no effect

        # receive coins
        if self.is_receive_entry(raw_tx, spent_coins, received_coins):
            self.create_receive_entry(raw_tx, received_coins)

        # send coins
        elif self.is_send_entry(raw_tx, spent_coins, received_coins):
            self.create_send_entry(raw_tx, spent_coins, received_coins)

        else: # default for non obvious
            self.create_complex_entry(raw_tx, spent_coins, received_coins)
Exemplo n.º 2
class TxHistory(object):
    def __init__(self, model):
        self.model = model
        self.entries = PersistentDictStore(self.model.store_conn.conn,

    def decode_entry(self, entry_data):
        print('entry_data', entry_data)
        return TxHistoryEntry.from_data(self.model, entry_data)

    def get_entry(self, txhash):
        entry = self.entries.get(txhash)
        if entry:
            return self.decode_entry(entry)
            return None

    def add_send_entry(self, txhash, asset, target_addrs, target_values):
        self.entries[txhash] = {
            "txhash": txhash,
            "txtype": 'send',
            "txtime": int(time.time()),
            "asset_id": asset.get_id(),
            "targets": zip(target_addrs, target_values)

    def get_all_entries(self):
        return sorted([self.decode_entry(e) for e in self.entries.values()],
                      key=lambda txe: txe.txtime)

    def populate_history(self):
        txdb = self.model.get_tx_db()
        for txhash in txdb.get_all_tx_hashes():
            if txhash not in self.entries:
                tx_data = txdb.get_tx_by_hash(txhash)['data']
                raw_tx = RawTxSpec.from_tx_data(self.model,

    def add_receive_entry(self, txhash, received_coins):
        out_idxs = [coin.outindex for coin in received_coins]
        self.entries[txhash] = {
            "txhash": txhash,
            "txtype": 'receive',
            "txtime": int(time.time()),  # TODO !!!
            "out_idxs": out_idxs

    def add_trade_entry(self, txhash, in_colorvalue, out_colorvalue):
        adm = self.model.get_asset_definition_manager()
        in_assetvalue = adm.get_asset_value_for_colorvalue(in_colorvalue)
        out_assetvalue = adm.get_asset_value_for_colorvalue(out_colorvalue)
        self.entries[txhash] = {
            "txhash": txhash,
            "txtype": 'trade',
            "txtime": int(time.time()),
            "in_values": [asset_value_to_data(in_assetvalue)],
            "out_values": [asset_value_to_data(out_assetvalue)]

    def add_unknown_entry(self, txhash):
        self.entries[txhash] = {
            "txhash": txhash,
            "txtype": 'unknown',
            "txtime": int(time.time())

    def add_entry_from_tx(self, raw_tx):
        coindb = self.model.get_coin_manager()
        spent_coins, received_coins = coindb.get_coins_for_transaction(raw_tx)
        if (not spent_coins) and (not received_coins):
        if not spent_coins:
            self.add_receive_entry(raw_tx.get_hex_txhash(), received_coins)
            # TODO: classify p2ptrade and send transactions
Exemplo n.º 3
class TxHistory(object):
    def __init__(self, model):
        self.model = model
        self.entries = PersistentDictStore(
            self.model.store_conn.conn, "txhistory")
    def decode_entry(self, entry_data):
        print ('entry_data', entry_data)
        return TxHistoryEntry.from_data(self.model, entry_data)

    def get_entry(self, txhash):
        entry = self.entries.get(txhash)
        if entry:
            return self.decode_entry(entry)
            return None

    def add_send_entry(self, txhash, asset, target_addrs, target_values):
        self.entries[txhash] = {"txhash": txhash,
                                "txtype": 'send',
                                "txtime": int(time.time()),
                                "asset_id": asset.get_id(),
                                "targets": zip(target_addrs, target_values)}

    def get_all_entries(self):
        return sorted([self.decode_entry(e) 
                       for e in self.entries.values()],
                      key=lambda txe: txe.txtime)

    def populate_history(self):
        txdb = self.model.get_tx_db()
        for txhash in txdb.get_all_tx_hashes():
            if txhash not in self.entries:
                tx_data = txdb.get_tx_by_hash(txhash)['data']
                raw_tx  = RawTxSpec.from_tx_data(self.model,

    def add_receive_entry(self, txhash, received_coins):
        out_idxs = [coin.outindex
                    for coin in received_coins]
        self.entries[txhash] = {"txhash": txhash,
                                "txtype": 'receive',
                                "txtime": int(time.time()), # TODO !!!
                                "out_idxs": out_idxs}

    def add_trade_entry(self, txhash, in_colorvalue, out_colorvalue):
        adm = self.model.get_asset_definition_manager()
        in_assetvalue = adm.get_asset_value_for_colorvalue(in_colorvalue)
        out_assetvalue = adm.get_asset_value_for_colorvalue(out_colorvalue)
        self.entries[txhash] = {"txhash": txhash,
                                "txtype": 'trade',
                                "txtime": int(time.time()),
                                "in_values": [asset_value_to_data(in_assetvalue)],
                                "out_values": [asset_value_to_data(out_assetvalue)]}
    def add_unknown_entry(self, txhash):
        self.entries[txhash] = {"txhash": txhash,
                                "txtype": 'unknown',
                                "txtime": int(time.time())}        
    def add_entry_from_tx(self, raw_tx):
        coindb = self.model.get_coin_manager()
        spent_coins, received_coins = coindb.get_coins_for_transaction(raw_tx)
        if (not spent_coins) and (not received_coins):
        if not spent_coins:
            # TODO: classify p2ptrade and send transactions