Exemplo n.º 1
def test_method_in_format_to_style_conversion(format_str, expected):
    Test converting the method in a format() call to an actual style
    colorful = core.Colorful(colormode=terminal.ANSI_8_COLORS)

    assert format_str.format(c=colorful) == expected
Exemplo n.º 2
def test_change_color_palette():
    Test changing the color palette for an existing colorful object
    NEW_COLOR_PALETTE = {'black': (0, 0, 0)}
    colorful = core.Colorful(colormode=terminal.ANSI_8_COLORS,
                             colorpalette={'defaultColor': (255, 255, 255)})

    # updating existing color palette
    # old and new colors should exist
    assert str(colorful.black) == '\033[30m'
    assert str(colorful.defaultColor) == '\033[37m'

    # set color palette and overwrite the old one
    assert str(colorful.black) == '\033[30m'

    with pytest.raises(core.ColorfulError) as exc:
            'The defaultColor was overwritten by the new palette')

    expected = ('the color "defaultColor" is unknown. '
                'Use a color in your color palette (by default: X11 rgb.txt)')
    assert str(exc.value) == expected
Exemplo n.º 3
def test_length_of_styled_string(method_name, expected):
    Test the length of a styled string
    colorful = core.Colorful(colormode=terminal.ANSI_8_COLORS)
    method = getattr(colorful, method_name)

    assert len(method(expected)) == len(expected)
Exemplo n.º 4
def test_method_str_to_style_conversion(method_name, expected):
    Test converting the method to an actual style
    colorful = core.Colorful(colormode=terminal.ANSI_8_COLORS)
    method = getattr(colorful, method_name)

    assert str(method) == expected
Exemplo n.º 5
def test_method_call_to_style_conversion_disabled_colors(method_name):
    Test converting the method call to an actual style with disabled colors
    colorful = core.Colorful(colormode=terminal.NO_COLORS)
    method = getattr(colorful, method_name)

    assert str(method('No, I am your father')) == 'No, I am your father'
Exemplo n.º 6
def test_invalid_color_mode():
    Test setting an invalid color mode
    colorful = core.Colorful(colormode=42)

    with pytest.raises(core.ColorfulError) as exc:
        colorful.white('Invalid color mode')
    assert str(exc.value) == 'invalid color mode "42"'
Exemplo n.º 7
def test_combining_styles():
    Test combining styles
    colorful = core.Colorful(colormode=terminal.ANSI_8_COLORS)

    style = colorful.bold & colorful.red & colorful.on_black

    assert str(style) == '\033[1m\033[31m\033[40m'
Exemplo n.º 8
def test_nested_styled_string_with_format():
    Test nested styled string with format()
    colorful = core.Colorful(colormode=terminal.ANSI_8_COLORS)

    s = colorful.red('Hello {0} world'.format(colorful.blue('awesome')))
    assert str(
        s) == '\033[31mHello \033[34mawesome\033[39m\033[31m world\033[39m'
Exemplo n.º 9
def test_piping_str_into_style():
    Test piping a string into a style
    colorful = core.Colorful(colormode=terminal.ANSI_8_COLORS)

    string = colorful.bold_red | 'No, I am your father'

    assert str(string) == '\033[1m\033[31mNo, I am your father\033[22m\033[39m'
Exemplo n.º 10
def test_creating_unstyled_colorfulstring():
    Test creating an unstyled ColorfulString
    colorful = core.Colorful(colormode=terminal.ANSI_8_COLORS)
    s = colorful.str('Hello ')
    s += colorful.black('World')

    assert s.orig_string == 'Hello World'
    assert s.styled_string == str(s) == 'Hello \033[30mWorld\033[39m'
Exemplo n.º 11
def test_use_unknown_style():
    Test exception for unknown style
    colorful = core.Colorful(colormode=terminal.ANSI_8_COLORS)

    with pytest.raises(core.ColorfulError) as exc:

    assert str(exc.value) == 'the style "unknown" is undefined'
Exemplo n.º 12
def test_set_color_mode_methods(method_name, colorname, expected):
    Test changing the color mode for an existing colorful object
    colorful = core.Colorful(colormode=terminal.NO_COLORS)

    # change color mode
    getattr(colorful, method_name)()

    assert str(getattr(colorful, colorname)) == expected
Exemplo n.º 13
def test_colorful_obj_setup_with_no_colors():
    Test setup switching an existing colorful object to NO_COLORS (disabled)
    colorful = core.Colorful(colormode=terminal.ANSI_8_COLORS)

    assert colorful.colormode == terminal.NO_COLORS

    assert str(colorful.red('color is illusion')) == 'color is illusion'
Exemplo n.º 14
def test_colorfulstring_format_protocol_no_placeholder_when_disabled():
    """Test that the ColorfulString format doesn't add a placeholder when colorful is disabled"""
    # given
    colorful = core.Colorful(colormode=terminal.NO_COLORS)

    # when
    s = "foo: {}".format(colorful.red("bar"))

    # then
    assert str(s) == "foo: bar"
Exemplo n.º 15
def test_joining_colorfulstrings():
    Test joining ColorfulStrings
    colorful = core.Colorful(colormode=terminal.ANSI_8_COLORS)

    parts = [colorful.red('Hello'), colorful.black('World')]

    # FIXME(TF): is there any other way??
    string = ' '.join(str(part) for part in parts)
    assert string == '\033[31mHello\033[39m \033[30mWorld\033[39m'
Exemplo n.º 16
def test_piping_constitency():
    Test piping a string into a style does the same as the method call
    colorful = core.Colorful(colormode=terminal.ANSI_8_COLORS)

    string_piped = colorful.bold & colorful.red | 'No, I am your father'
    string_called = (colorful.bold & colorful.red)('No, I am your father')
    string_called_single = colorful.bold_red('No, I am your father')

    assert str(string_piped) == str(string_called) == str(string_called_single)
Exemplo n.º 17
def test_styling_object_which_implements_str_proto():
    Test styling an object which implements the str protocol
    class Dummy(object):
        def __str__(self):
            return 'I am a dummy object'

    colorful = core.Colorful(colormode=terminal.ANSI_8_COLORS)
    assert str(colorful.black(
        Dummy())) == '\033[30mI am a dummy object\033[39m'
Exemplo n.º 18
def test_invalid_color_name():
    Test invalid color name
    colorful = core.Colorful(colormode=terminal.ANSI_8_COLORS)

    expected = ('the color "invalidColor" is unknown. '
                'Use a color in your color palette (by default: X11 rgb.txt)')
    with pytest.raises(core.ColorfulError) as exc:
        colorful.bold_invalidColor('Invalid color name')
    assert str(exc.value) == expected
Exemplo n.º 19
def test_colorful_print_wrong_argument():
    Test calling the colorful.print method with wrong arguments
    colorful = core.Colorful(colormode=terminal.ANSI_8_COLORS)

    with pytest.raises(TypeError) as exc:
        colorful.print('Never printed because of argument error', foo=42)

    assert str(
        exc.value) == 'Colorful.print() got unexpected keyword arguments: foo'
Exemplo n.º 20
def test_colorful_format():
    Test the colorful.format method
    colorful = core.Colorful(colormode=terminal.ANSI_8_COLORS)

    expected = '\033[3m\033[31mNo, I am your father\033[23m\033[39m'
    assert colorful.format(
        '{c.italic_red}{0}, I am your {who}{c.no_italic}{c.close_fg_color}',
        who='father') == expected
Exemplo n.º 21
def test_unicode_support():
    Test unicode support
    colorful = core.Colorful(colormode=terminal.ANSI_8_COLORS)

    s = u'🐧🎉🐧'
    styled_s = colorful.black(s)

    # test basic unicode support
    assert UNICODE(styled_s) == u'\033[30m🐧🎉🐧\033[39m'
Exemplo n.º 22
def test_colorful_obj_color_auto_detection(env, expected):
    Test that the colorful object is able to auto detect the supported colors
    os_env_backup = os.environ.copy()
    os.environ = env
    colorful = core.Colorful(
        colormode=None)  # None to explicitly auto detect the colors
    assert colorful.colormode == expected

    # restore environ backup
    os.environ = os_env_backup
Exemplo n.º 23
def test_colorful_obj_setup_with_extending_palette():
    Test setup of an existing colorful object and extend the color palette
    colorful = core.Colorful(colormode=terminal.ANSI_8_COLORS)
                   colorpalette={'testColor': (0, 0, 0)},

    assert colorful.colormode == terminal.TRUE_COLORS
    assert str(colorful.testColor) == '\033[38;2;0;0;0m'
    assert str(colorful.black) == '\033[38;2;0;0;0m'
Exemplo n.º 24
def test_reading_color_palette(tmpdir):
    Test reading color palette from file
    # create palette file
    palette_file = tmpdir.mkdir('palettes').join('my_rgb.txt')
0 0 0 myBlack
255 255 255      myWhite""")

    colorful = core.Colorful(colorpalette=str(palette_file))
    assert str(colorful.myBlack) == '\033[30m'
    assert str(colorful.myWhite) == '\033[37m'
Exemplo n.º 25
def test_use_styles():
    Test using a predefined style
    colorful = core.Colorful(colormode=terminal.TRUE_COLORS)

    assert str(colorful.red) == '\033[38;2;220;50;47m'

    with pytest.raises(core.ColorfulError) as exc:
            'The color lightCoral only exists in the X11 rgb.txt palette')

    assert str(exc.value).startswith('the color "lightCoral" is unknown.')
Exemplo n.º 26
def test_colorful_direct_print(capsys):
    Test the colorful.print method
    colorful = core.Colorful(colormode=terminal.ANSI_8_COLORS)

    expected = u'\033[3m\033[31mNo, I am your father\033[23m\033[39m\n'

        '{c.italic_red}No, I am your father{c.no_italic}{c.close_fg_color}',

    out, err = capsys.readouterr()
    assert repr(out) == repr(expected)
    assert err == ''
Exemplo n.º 27
def test_colorfulstring_format_protocol():
    Test format protocol for colorful string
    colorful = core.Colorful(colormode=terminal.ANSI_8_COLORS)
    s = colorful.black('father')

    string = 'No, I am your {0}'.format(s)
    assert string == 'No, I am your \033[30mfather\033[39m\033[26m'

    string = colorful.red('No, I am your {0}')
    formatted = string.format(s)
    assert str(
    ) == '\033[31mNo, I am your \033[30mfather\033[39m\033[26m\033[39m'
Exemplo n.º 28
def test_colorfulstyles_support_equals_protocol(style_a_name, style_b_name,
    """Test that the ColorfulStyle objects support the equals protocol"""
    # given
    colorful = core.Colorful(colormode=terminal.ANSI_8_COLORS)

    style_a = getattr(colorful, style_a_name)
    style_b = getattr(colorful, style_b_name)

    # when
    actual_equal = style_a == style_b
    actual_hash_equal = hash(style_a) == hash(style_b)

    # then
    assert actual_equal == expected_equal
    assert actual_hash_equal == expected_equal
Exemplo n.º 29
def test_colorful_obj_setup():
    Test setup of an existing colorful object
    colorful = core.Colorful(colormode=terminal.ANSI_8_COLORS)
                   colorpalette={'testColor': (0, 0, 0)},

    assert colorful.colormode == terminal.TRUE_COLORS
    assert str(colorful.testColor) == '\033[38;2;0;0;0m'

    with pytest.raises(core.ColorfulError) as exc:
        colorful.black('black does not exist anymore')

    expected = ('the color "black" is unknown. '
                'Use a color in your color palette (by default: X11 rgb.txt)')
    assert str(exc.value) == expected
Exemplo n.º 30
def test_str_behavior_for_colorfulstring():
    Test that the ColorfulString object behaves like a str
    colorful = core.Colorful(colormode=terminal.ANSI_8_COLORS)
    s = colorful.black('Hello')

    # test adding to str
    assert str(s + ' World') == '\033[30mHello\033[39m World'

    # test being added to str
    assert 'World ' + s == 'World \033[30mHello\033[39m'

    # test being augment added to str
    string = 'World '
    string += s
    assert string == 'World \033[30mHello\033[39m'

    # test augment add a str
    s2 = colorful.red('Hello ')
    s2 += 'World'
    assert str(s2) == '\033[31mHello \033[39mWorld'

    # test ColorfulString to ColorfulString
    assert str(s + s) == '\033[30mHello\033[39m\033[30mHello\033[39m'

    # test ColorfulString augmented added to other ColorfulString
    s2 = colorful.red('World ')
    s2 += s
    assert str(s2) == '\033[31mWorld \033[39m\033[30mHello\033[39m'

    # test multipling ColorfulString
    assert str(
        s *
        3) == '\033[30mHello\033[39m\033[30mHello\033[39m\033[30mHello\033[39m'

    # other str methods operate on the styled string
    assert s.replace('Hello', 'Adieu') == '\033[30mAdieu\033[39m'