def showResults(self,action,results): for sns in results: if results[sns][0] == True: color = "green" else: color = "red" to_user = action + " " + c(sns,"white","green") + " is " + c("%s" % results[sns][0],color) if results[sns][1] != "": to_user += ", reason: %s" %results[sns][1] print to_user
def showResults(self, action, results): for sns in results: if results[sns][0] == True: color = "green" else: color = "red" to_user = action + " " + c(sns, "white", "green") + " is " + c( "%s" % results[sns][0], color) if results[sns][1] != "": to_user += ", reason: %s" % results[sns][1] print to_user
def showTimeline(self): for sns in self.helpers: api = self.helpers[sns] if not api.authenticated: continue print "" print c(sns,"clear","green") + " Timeline" timeline = api.fetchTimeline() for status in timeline: s_color = "" s_color += "{:>30}".format(c(status["timestamp"], "clear", "blue")) s_color += " " s_color += "{:>30}".format(c(status["screen_name"], "clear", "yellow")) s_color += ": " s_color += status["status"] print s_color print ""
def showTimeline(self): for sns in self.helpers: api = self.helpers[sns] if not api.authenticated: continue print "" print c(sns, "clear", "green") + " Timeline" timeline = api.fetchTimeline() for status in timeline: s_color = "" s_color += "{:>30}".format( c(status["timestamp"], "clear", "blue")) s_color += " " s_color += "{:>30}".format( c(status["screen_name"], "clear", "yellow")) s_color += ": " s_color += status["status"] print s_color print ""
def getStatus(self): return raw_input(c("New Status:","green"))
def getCommand(self): return raw_input(c("Command:","blue"))
def console(self): while(True): command = self.getCommand() if command in ["h","help"]: pass elif command in ["quit","exit","q","e"]: print c("Thank you for using PySNS (visit:%s)" % REFERENCE,"blue") print c("Bye!","blue") break elif command in ["l","login"]: results = self.login() self.showResults("Login",results) continue elif command in ["s","status"]: # Post a status onto all SNS status = self.getStatus() results = self.postStatus(status) self.showResults("Update Status",results) continue elif command in ["t","timeline"]: self.showTimeline() continue else: print c("Wrong command.","blue") print c("Available commands:","blue") print c(" 's' or 'status': post a new status to all SNS.","blue") print c(" 't' or 'timeline' fetch my personal status timeline from all SNS.","blue") print c(" 'l' or 'login' login into all SNS.","blue") print c(" 'q' or 'quit' or 'e' or 'exit': exit PySns.","blue")
def getCommand(self): return raw_input(c("Command:", "blue"))
def console(self): while (True): command = self.getCommand() if command in ["h", "help"]: pass elif command in ["quit", "exit", "q", "e"]: print c("Thank you for using PySNS (visit:%s)" % REFERENCE, "blue") print c("Bye!", "blue") break elif command in ["l", "login"]: results = self.login() self.showResults("Login", results) continue elif command in ["s", "status"]: # Post a status onto all SNS status = self.getStatus() results = self.postStatus(status) self.showResults("Update Status", results) continue elif command in ["t", "timeline"]: self.showTimeline() continue else: print c("Wrong command.", "blue") print c("Available commands:", "blue") print c(" 's' or 'status': post a new status to all SNS.", "blue") print c( " 't' or 'timeline' fetch my personal status timeline from all SNS.", "blue") print c(" 'l' or 'login' login into all SNS.", "blue") print c(" 'q' or 'quit' or 'e' or 'exit': exit PySns.", "blue")
def getStatus(self): return raw_input(c("New Status:", "green"))