Exemplo n.º 1
def integral_list(request, p, user_type, is_class):
    :param p: 分頁
    :param user_id: 用戶id
    :param user_type: 用戶类型参与用户类型 0 全部 1 学生 3 教师
    :param is_class: 0 全省列表,其他,班级id,
    if p == 0:
        p = 1
    p_begin = (p - 1) * 5
    if user_type == 1:
        id = 4
    elif user_type == 3:
        id = 5
    if is_class == 0:
        sql = "select ch_Code,b.user_id,b.json_info,b.ballot_num from active_score_user a inner join (select c.user_id,c.id as record_id, c.ch_Code,c.json_info, c.ballot_num,count(distinct c.user_id) from yw_recording_hd as c where ballot_num = (select max(ballot_num) from yw_recording_hd where c.user_id=user_id) group by c.user_id) b on a.user_id =b.user_id  where a.active_id=%s ORDER BY a.score desc ,a.user_id limit %s,5" % (
            id, p_begin)
        # sql_count="select count(t.counts) from (select id,count(*) counts from yw_recording_hd group by user_id) t "
        sql_count = "select count(*)from active_score_user a inner join (select c.user_id,c.id as record_id, c.ch_Code,c.json_info, c.ballot_num,count(distinct c.user_id) from yw_recording_hd as c where ballot_num = (select max(ballot_num) from yw_recording_hd where c.user_id=user_id) group by c.user_id) b on a.user_id =b.user_id  where a.active_id=%s ORDER BY a.score desc ,a.user_id " % id
        sql_count = "select count(*) from active_score_user where user_id in (select user_id from yw_recording_hd GROUP BY user_id) AND active_id=%s AND unit_id=%s" % (
            id, is_class)
        sql = """select b.ballot_num,b.json_info,ch_Code,b.user_id  from active_score_user a
                inner join tbkt_ketang.mobile_order_region as d on a.user_id =d.user_id
                inner join
              (select c.user_id,c.id as record_id, c.ch_Code,c.json_info, c.ballot_num,count(distinct c.user_id) from yw_recording_hd as c where ballot_num = (select max(ballot_num) from yw_recording_hd where c.user_id=user_id) group by c.user_id) b on a.user_id =b.user_id 
              where a.active_id=%s and d.unit_class_id =%s ORDER BY a.score desc ,a.user_id limit %s,5""" % (
            id, is_class, p_begin)
    active = db.tbkt_active_slave.fetchall_dict(sql)

    if active:
        active_count = db.tbkt_active_slave.fetchone(sql_count)
        user_ids = [data.user_id for data in active]
        ch_code_list = []
        for is_data in active:
        ch_name = db.tbkt_yw_slave.yw_chapter.filter(ch_Code__in=ch_code_list,
                                                         "ch_Code", "ch_Name")
        ch_name_dict = {
            int(is_data.ch_Code): is_data.ch_Name
            for is_data in ch_name
        school_dict = com_user.users_info(user_ids)

        for is_data in active:
            is_data['ch_name'] = ch_name_dict.get(is_data.ch_Code, "")
            is_data['school_dict'] = school_dict.get(is_data.user_id, "")
        page_count = divmod(active_count[0], 5)
        page_count = page_count[0] if page_count[1] == 0 else page_count[0] + 1
        return {
            'active': active,
            'page_count': page_count,
            'data_count': active_count[0]
Exemplo n.º 2
def get_all_award_detail(app_id, is_smx, p=1):
    全部 获奖详情
    :param app_id:
    :param is_smx:
    :param p:
    begin = int((p - 1) * 10)
    award_type = 5
    city = 'a.city<>411200'
    if is_smx:
        city = 'a.city=411200'
        if app_id in TEA_APP_IDS:
            award_type = 6
    sql = """
            select (@rowNum:=@rowNum+1) as num ,a.user_name ,a.award_name, a.user_id from active_award a ,(select (@rowNum :=%s)) z
            where a.active_id=%s and award_type<%s and %s and award_name<>'谢谢参与' order by a.award_type ,add_time DESC limit  %s	 ,%s
    """ % (begin, app_id, award_type, city, begin, 10)
    award_detail = db.tbkt_web.fetchall_dict(sql)
    user_ids = list(set([a.user_id for a in award_detail]))
    user_info = com_user.users_info(user_ids)
    for a in award_detail:
        info = user_info.get(a.user_id)
        if info:
    rank = sorted(award_detail, key=lambda x: x.num)
    sql = """select count(1) num from active_award a where active_id=%s and award_type<%s and %s  and award_name<>'谢谢参与'""" % (
        app_id, award_type, city)
    total = db.tbkt_web.fetchone_dict(sql)
    return rank, total.num
Exemplo n.º 3
def get_rank(app_id, page=1, is_smx=False, num=10):
    # 判断是否为三门峡
    if page < 0: page = 1
    smx = 's.city <> 411200' if not is_smx else 's.city=411200'
    sql = """SELECT (@rowNum:=@rowNum+1) AS num,z.* from(
                        select s.user_id,s.score FROM score_user s
                        WHERE app_id=%s AND score<>0 AND %s
                        ORDER BY score DESC,s.user_id   limit %s, %s
                    )z,(SELECT (@rowNum :=%s)) n
                """ % (app_id, smx, (page - 1) * num, num, (page - 1) * num)
    rank = db.slave.fetchall_dict(sql)
    rank_dict = {r.user_id: r for r in rank}
    user_info = com_user.users_info(rank_dict.keys())

    for user_id in rank_dict.keys():
        info = user_info.get(user_id, {})

    rank = rank_dict.values()
    rank = sorted(rank, key=lambda x: int(x.num))
    sql = """SELECT count(1) num FROM score_user s WHERE app_id = %s  AND  score  <> 0 AND %s
                ORDER BY score DESC,user_id """ % (app_id, smx)
    row = db.slave.fetchone_dict(sql)
    total = row.num if row else 0

    return rank, total
Exemplo n.º 4
def p_rank(request):
    @api {post} /huodong/com/rank [公共] 分页返回活动积分排行
    @apiGroup com
    @apiParamExample {json} 请求示例
            grade_id:1  按年级排行时需要传入
            unit_id:123   按班级排行时需要传入,p=-1 返回全班
            active_id:6   活动id
            p:1   页码
            page_num:10 每页排行数量  ,不传时默认20
    @apiSuccessExample {json} 成功返回
            "message": "",
            "next": "",
            "data": {
                "rank_info": [
                         "portrait": "https://file.m.tbkt.cn/upload_media/portrait/2017/03/06/20170306102941170594.png",
                        "score": 190,
                        "user_id": 2465828,
                        "school_name": "创恒中学",
                        "real_name": "小张"
            "response": "ok",
            "error": ""
    @apiSuccessExample {json} 失败返回
       {"message": "", "error": "no_app_id", "data": "", "response": "fail", "next": ""}
    args = request.QUERY.casts(grade_id=int, active_id=int, unit_id=int, page_num=int)
    grade_id = args.grade_id
    active_id = args.active_id
    unit_id = args.unit_id
    p = int(request.QUERY.get('p', 1))
    p = p or 1
    page_num = args.page_num or PAGE_COUNT

    if active_id not in APP_ID_ALL:
        return ajax_json.jsonp_fail(request, message=u'缺少参数')
    # 分年级返回
    if grade_id:
        rank = common.get_active_rank(active_id, p, page_num, grade_id=grade_id)
    # 分班级返回
    elif unit_id:
        rank = common.get_active_rank(active_id, p, page_num, unit_id=unit_id)
        rank = common.get_active_rank(active_id, p, page_num)
    user_dict = com_user.users_info([int(r.user_id) for r in rank])
    for r in rank:
        r.real_name = user_dict.get(r.user_id).get("real_name")
        r.school_name = user_dict.get(r.user_id).get("school_name")
        r.portrait = format_url(user_dict.get(r.user_id).get("portrait"))
    return ajax_json.jsonp_ok(request, {"rank": rank})
Exemplo n.º 5
def all_recording(p, user_id):
    :param p: 分頁
    :param user_id: 用戶id
    #gt > ; gte >=;lt <;lte <=

    p_begin = (p - 1) * 10
    p_end = p * 10

    now_time = time.time()
    active = db.tbkt_active_slave.active.get(subject_id=51,
    if active:
        id = active.id

        sql = "select user_id from active_score_user where active_id= %s ORDER BY score desc  limit %s,%s" % (
            id, p_begin, p_end)
        active = db.tbkt_active_slave.fetchall_dict(sql)
        if active:
            user_ids = [data.user_id for data in active]
            user_str = (",".join(str(i) for i in user_ids))

            sql = "SELECT user_id, ch_Code,json_info, max(ballot_num) ballot_num FROM yw_recording_hd where user_id in (%s) GROUP BY user_id" % user_str
            recording = db.tbkt_active_slave.fetchall_dict(sql)
            recording_dict = {}
            ch_code_list = []
            for is_data in recording:
                recording_dict[is_data.user_id] = is_data
            ch_name = db.tbkt_yw_slave.yw_chapter.filter(
                ch_Code__in=ch_code_list, ch_IsContent=1,
                enable_flag=0).select("ch_Code", "ch_Name")
            ch_name_dict = {
                int(is_data.ch_Code): is_data.ch_Name
                for is_data in ch_name
            recording_dict = {
                is_data.user_id: is_data
                for is_data in recording
            school_dict = com_user.users_info(user_ids)

            for is_data in active:
                is_recording_dict = recording_dict.get(is_data.user_id, "")
                ch_Code = is_recording_dict.get("ch_Code", "")

                is_data['ch_name'] = ch_name_dict.get(ch_Code, "")
                is_data['school_dict'] = school_dict.get(is_data.user_id, "")
                is_data['recording_dict'] = is_recording_dict
            return active
Exemplo n.º 6
def score_rank(active_id, page):
    size = 50
    ranks = get_active_rank(active_id, page, size)
    uids = [int(i.get('user_id')) for i in ranks]
    info_map = users_info(uids)
    for i in ranks:
        d = info_map.get(i.get('user_id'))
        if d:
    if active_id == 2:
        return ranks[:7]
    return ranks
Exemplo n.º 7
def user_rank(request):
    @api {post} /huodong/yy/normal/rank [英语常态活动]用户排名
    @apiGroup yy_normal
    @apiParamExample {json} 请求示例
    @apiSuccessExample {json} 成功返回
            "message": "",
            "next": "",
            "data": {
                "rank_info": [
                         "portrait": "https://file.m.tbkt.cn/upload_media/portrait/2017/03/06/20170306102941170594.png",
                        "score": 190,
                        "user_id": 2465828,
                        "school_name": "创恒中学",
                        "real_name": "小张"
            "response": "ok",
            "error": ""
    @apiSuccessExample {json} 失败返回
       {"message": "", "error": "", "data": "", "response": "fail", "next": ""}
    功能说明:                用户排名
    修改人                    修改时间
    张帅男                    2017-9-5
    page_no = request.QUERY.get('page_no', 1)
    page_no = max(int(page_no), 1)

    rank = common.get_active_rank(ACTIVE_ID, page_no, PAGE_COUNT)
    user_dict = com_user.users_info([int(r.user_id) for r in rank])
    for r in rank:
        r.real_name = user_dict.get(r.user_id).get("real_name")
        r.school_name = user_dict.get(r.user_id).get("school_name")
        r.portrait = format_url(user_dict.get(r.user_id).get("portrait"))
    return jsonp_ok(request, {"rank": rank})
Exemplo n.º 8
def award_winner(active_id, page):
    size = 50
    res = page * size
    page = (page - 1) * size

    if int(active_id) == 1:
        user_award = db.tbkt_active_slave.active_award.select('user_id', 'award_name') \
            .filter(remark=active_id, award_type__ne=8).order_by('award_type, add_time')[page: res]
        user_award = db.tbkt_active_slave.active_award.select('user_id', 'award_name') \
                         .filter(remark=active_id, award_type__ne=11).order_by('award_type, add_time')[page: res]
    uids = [i.user_id for i in user_award]
    info_map = users_info(uids)
    for i in user_award:
        d = info_map.get(i.get('user_id'))
        if d:
    return user_award
Exemplo n.º 9
def get_unit_rank(units, page=1, num=10):
    """返回教师所有班级 学生排行"""
    if not units:
    unit_ids = ','.join(str(i) for i in units)
    sql = """select user_id from mobile_order_region where unit_class_id in (%s) and user_type<>3 GROUP BY user_id""" % unit_ids
    stu = db.ketang_slave.fetchall_dict(sql)
    if not stu:
    sql = """SELECT (@rowNum:=@rowNum+1) AS num, s.user_id,s.score from (select user_id, if(score,score,0) score from score_user
            where user_id in (%s)   and app_id=%s
            ORDER BY score DESC
            ) s ,(SELECT (@rowNum :=%s)) z
            """ % (','.join(str(s.user_id)
                            for s in stu), APP_ID_STU, (page - 1) * num)
    rank = db.default.fetchall_dict(sql)
    rank_dict = {r.user_id: r for r in rank}
    stu_detail = {}
    for s in stu:
        _detail = rank_dict.get(s.user_id, {
            'num': -1,
            'user_id': s.user_id,
            'score': 0
        stu_detail.update({s.user_id: _detail})
    user_info = com_user.users_info(stu_detail.keys())
    for new in stu_detail.keys():
        info = user_info.get(new, {})
    rank = stu_detail.values()
    rank = sorted(rank, key=lambda x: x['num'] if x['num'] > 0 else 10000)
    # 重新添加名次
    rank = rank[(page - 1) * num:page * num]
    for k, v in enumerate(rank):
        v['num'] = (page - 1) * num + 1 + k

    total = len(stu)
    return rank, total
Exemplo n.º 10
    def all_award_detail(self, p=1):
        begin = int((p - 1) * 10)
        sql = """
                select (@rowNum:=@rowNum+1) as num ,a.user_name ,a.award_name, a.user_id,a.award_type from active_award a ,
                (select (@rowNum :=%s)) z
                where a.active_id=%s and award_name<>'谢谢参与' order by a.award_type ,a.id DESC limit  %s	 ,%s
        """ % (begin, self.active_id, begin, 10)
        detail = db.tbkt_active.fetchall_dict(sql)
        if not detail:
            return [], 0
        user_ids = list(set([a.user_id for a in detail]))
        user_info = com_user.users_info(user_ids)

        gift = db.tbkt_active.active_score_gift.filter(
            active_id=self.active_id, active_type=1,
            del_state=0).select('img_url', 'sequence award_type')[:]
        gift_url = {int(i.award_type): i.img_url for i in gift}
        award_detail = []
        for d in detail:
            img_url = format_url(gift_url.get(int(d.award_type) or ''))
            awd = Struct(time=time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S",
            info = user_info.get(d.user_id)
            if info:

        rank = sorted(award_detail, key=lambda x: x.num)
        sql = """
          select count(1) num from active_award a where active_id=%s  and award_name<>'谢谢参与' and remark='%s'
          """ % (self.active_id, self.app_id)
        total = db.tbkt_active.fetchone_dict(sql)
        return rank, total.num
Exemplo n.º 11
def teacher_ranking(p):
    :param p: 页数

    p_begin = (p - 1) * 10
    sql_count = "select count(*) from active_score_user where active_id= 5"
    # "SELECT a.user_id,a.score FROM active_score_user as a join active_score_user as b on a.id = b.id WHERE a.active_id= 5 ORDER BY a.score desc LIMIT %s,10" % p_begin
    sql = "SELECT a.user_id,a.score FROM active_score_user as a join active_score_user as b on a.id = b.id WHERE a.active_id= 5 ORDER BY a.score desc LIMIT %s,10" % p_begin
    active = db.tbkt_active_slave.fetchall_dict(sql)
    if active:
        active_count = db.tbkt_active_slave.fetchone(sql_count)
        user_ids = [data.user_id for data in active]
        if user_ids:
            school_dict = com_user.users_info(user_ids)
            for is_data in active:
                is_data['school_dict'] = school_dict.get(is_data.user_id, "")
            page_count = divmod(active_count[0], 10)
            page_count = page_count[0] if page_count[
                1] == 0 else page_count[0] + 1
            return {'active': active, 'page_count': page_count}
Exemplo n.º 12
def end_list(user_type, is_type, p_begin):

    :param user_type:  4学生,5教师
    :param is_type: 1,按奖品,2,按积分来
    p_begin = p_begin if p_begin else 0
    b_end = p_begin * 10
    p_begin = (p_begin - 1) * 10

    new_time = time.time()
    active_db = db.tbkt_active.active.filter(id=user_type).select(
        'begin_time', 'end_time')
    begin_time = active_db[0].begin_time
    end_time = active_db[0].end_time
    is_state = 1
    if new_time > end_time or new_time < begin_time:
        is_state = 0

    if is_type == 1:

        sql = "select user_id,user_name,award_name from active_award where remark= %s and award_name !='谢谢参与' ORDER BY award_type desc limit %s,10" % (
            user_type, p_begin)
        active_data = db.tbkt_active_slave.fetchall_dict(sql)
        if not active_data:
            return {"active_data": '', "is_state": is_state}
        user_ids = [data.user_id for data in active_data]
        school_dict = com_user.users_info(user_ids)
        for active in active_data:
            active['school_dict'] = school_dict.get(active.user_id, "")
    elif is_type == 2:
        if user_type == 4 and b_end > 50:

        sql = "select name,start_num,end_num from active_score_gift where active_id=%s and status=1 and active_type=2" % user_type
        active_data = db.tbkt_active_slave.fetchall_dict(sql)
        active_data_dict = []
        for is_data in active_data:
            for i in range(is_data.start_num, is_data.end_num + 1):
                if i != 0:

        num = len(active_data_dict)

        sql = "SELECT a.user_id FROM active_score_user as a join active_score_user as b on a.id = b.id WHERE a.active_id= %s ORDER BY a.score desc LIMIT 0,%s" % (
            user_type, num)
        active_data = db.tbkt_active_slave.fetchall_dict(sql)
        if active_data:
            user_ids = [data.user_id for data in active_data]
            if user_ids:
                school_dict = com_user.users_info(user_ids)
                i = 0
                for is_data in active_data:
                    is_data['school_dict'] = school_dict.get(
                        is_data.user_id, "")
                    is_data['award_name'] = active_data_dict[i]
                    is_data['user_name'] = is_data['school_dict']['real_name']
                    i += 1

        # sql="select b.user_id,b.user_name,b.award_name from active_score_user a inner join active_award b on a.user_id =b.user_id where a.active_id=%s and b.remark=%s and award_name !='谢谢参与' ORDER BY a.score desc limit %s,10" % (user_type,user_type, p_begin)
        # active_data = db.tbkt_active_slave.fetchall_dict(sql)
        # if not active_data:
        #     return {"active_data": '', "is_state": is_state}
        # user_ids = [data.user_id for data in active_data]
        # school_dict = com_user.users_info(user_ids)
        # for active in active_data:
        #     active.school_dict= school_dict.get(active.user_id, "")

        return {
            "active_data": active_data[p_begin:b_end],
            "is_state": is_state
    return {"active_data": active_data, "is_state": is_state}