Exemplo n.º 1
def testScript():
    userExtUcmdbDir = 'E:\\data\\Desktop\\Pull_From_Remedy_backup\\' + 'TQLExport\\Atrium\\'
    inputFilesDirectory = File(userExtUcmdbDir + 'inter\\')
    inputFiles = inputFilesDirectory.listFiles()
    filePathDir = userExtUcmdbDir + 'results\\'
    directory = File(filePathDir)
    files = directory.listFiles()
    ## Clean up the existing result XML files
    if (files != None):
        for file in files:
    ## Make sure we have XML files in the intermediate directory
    xmlFileInIntermediatesDirectory = 0
    for inputFile in inputFiles:
        inputFileName = inputFile.getName()
        if inputFileName[len(inputFileName) -
                         4:].lower() == '.xml' and inputFile.length() > 0:
            xmlFileInIntermediatesDirectory = 1
    if not xmlFileInIntermediatesDirectory:
            'Intermediate XML not found or invalid. Perhaps no data was received from Atrium or an error occurred in the atrium_query script.'
    ip = CollectorsParameters.getValue(CollectorsParameters.KEY_SERVER_NAME)
    exportTQL(ip, userExtUcmdbDir)
Exemplo n.º 2
def osh_createIpOsh(lparOsh, tcpStacks):
    ipstoexclude = ['']
    # tcpStacks  [ip, network, mask, interface name, status, type, mac address]str_name = 'name'    
    str_name = 'name'
    str_mac_address = 'mac_address'
    _vector = ObjectStateHolderVector()
    for mac, tcpentry in tcpStacks.items():
        ipAddress = tcpentry[0].strip()
        if ipAddress not in ipstoexclude:       
            ipOsh = modeling.createIpOSH(ipAddress)
            probeName = CollectorsParameters.getValue(CollectorsParameters.KEY_COLLECTORS_PROBE_NAME) 
            if isNotNull(probeName):
                ipOsh.setAttribute('ip_probename', probeName)   
                containedOsh = modeling.createLinkOSH('contained', lparOsh, ipOsh)         
            # create interface ----------------------------------------------------
            ifOsh = ObjectStateHolder('interface')
            interfacename = tcpentry[3].strip()
            ifOsh.setAttribute(str_name,  interfacename)       
            # default the mac address attribute to linkName and update later if MAC found 
            ifOsh.setAttribute(str_mac_address, mac) # if MAC not found for set #linkName as key       
            if tcpStacks.has_key(mac):
                parentLinkOsh = modeling.createLinkOSH('containment', ifOsh, ipOsh)
    return _vector
def DiscoveryMain(Framework):

	logger.info('Start Phase 2 ....Apply Mapping file to ARIS CIs')

	userExtUcmdbDir = CollectorsParameters.BASE_PROBE_MGR_DIR + CollectorsParameters.getDiscoveryResourceFolder() + '\\TQLExport\\ARIS\\'

	inputFilesDirectory = File(userExtUcmdbDir + 'inter\\')
	inputFiles = inputFilesDirectory.listFiles()

	filePathDir = userExtUcmdbDir + 'results\\'
	directory = File(filePathDir)
	files = directory.listFiles()

	## Clean up the existing result XML files
	if (files != None):
		for file in files:

	## Make sure we have XML files in the intermediate directory
	xmlFileInIntermediatesDirectory = 0
	for inputFile in inputFiles:
		inputFileName = inputFile.getName()
		if inputFileName[len(inputFileName)-4:].lower() == '.xml' and inputFile.length() > 0:
			xmlFileInIntermediatesDirectory = 1
	if not xmlFileInIntermediatesDirectory:
		logger.warn('Intermediate XML not found or invalid. Perhaps no data was received from ARIS or an error occurred in the Pull_from_ARIS script.')

	## Connect to the UCMDB Server, retrieve the results of the TQL
	## and generate the output XML files in results directory
	ip = CollectorsParameters.getValue(CollectorsParameters.KEY_SERVER_NAME)
	exportTQL(ip, userExtUcmdbDir)

	logger.info('End Phase 2 ....Apply Mapping file to ARIS CIs')
def DiscoveryMain(Framework):
	fileSeparator = File.separator
	# Destination Data
	userExtUcmdbDir = CollectorsParameters.BASE_PROBE_MGR_DIR + CollectorsParameters.getDiscoveryResourceFolder() + fileSeparator + 'TQLExport' + fileSeparator + 'hpsim' + fileSeparator

	inputFilesDirectory = File(userExtUcmdbDir + 'inter' + fileSeparator)
	inputFiles = inputFilesDirectory.listFiles()

	filePathDir = userExtUcmdbDir + 'results' + fileSeparator
	directory = File(filePathDir)
	files = directory.listFiles()

	## Clean up the existing result XML files
	if (files != None):
		for file in files:

	## Make sure we have XML files in the intermediate directory
	xmlFileInIntermediatesDirectory = 0
	for inputFile in inputFiles:
		inputFileName = inputFile.getName()
		if inputFileName[len(inputFileName)-4:].lower() == '.xml' and inputFile.length() > 0:
			xmlFileInIntermediatesDirectory = 1
	if not xmlFileInIntermediatesDirectory:
		logger.warn('Intermediate XML not found or invalid. Perhaps no data was received from SIM or an error occurred in the SIM_Discovery script.')

	## Connect to the UCMDB Server, retrieve the results of the TQL
	## and generate the output XML files in results directory
	ip = CollectorsParameters.getValue(CollectorsParameters.KEY_SERVER_NAME)
	exportTQL(ip, userExtUcmdbDir)
	info('End exportTQL_for_SIM_to_UCMDB.py')
Exemplo n.º 5
def DiscoveryMain(Framework):

    logger.info('Start Phase 2 ... Apply Mapping transformation to Atrium CIs')

    userExtUcmdbDir = CollectorsParameters.BASE_PROBE_MGR_DIR + CollectorsParameters.getDiscoveryResourceFolder() + '\\TQLExport\\Atrium\\'

    inputFilesDirectory = File(userExtUcmdbDir + 'inter\\')
    inputFiles = inputFilesDirectory.listFiles()

    filePathDir = userExtUcmdbDir + 'results\\'
    directory = File(filePathDir)
    files = directory.listFiles()

    ## Clean up the existing result XML files
    if (files != None):
        for file in files:

    ## Make sure we have XML files in the intermediate directory
    xmlFileInIntermediatesDirectory = 0
    for inputFile in inputFiles:
        inputFileName = inputFile.getName()
        if inputFileName[len(inputFileName)-4:].lower() == '.xml' and inputFile.length() > 0:
            xmlFileInIntermediatesDirectory = 1
    if not xmlFileInIntermediatesDirectory:
        logger.warn('Intermediate XML not found or invalid. Perhaps no data was received from Atrium or an error occurred in the atrium_query script.')

    ## Generate the output XML files in results directory
    ip = CollectorsParameters.getValue(CollectorsParameters.KEY_SERVER_NAME)
    integrationAPI = IntegrationAPI(ip, "atrium_map.py")

    logger.info('End Phase 2 ... Apply Mapping transformation to Atrium CIs')
def createCMDBConnection(i__LocalShell):

    logger.info('************* START createCMDBConnection *************')
    l__HostName = CollectorsParameters.getValue(
    l__HTTPPort = int(
    l__HTTPSPort = int(

    l__ProtocolParameters = ProtocolDictionaryManager.getProtocolParameters(
        'genericprotocol', netutils.resolveIP(i__LocalShell, l__HostName))

    l__UserName = ''

    for l__Protocol in l__ProtocolParameters:
        if l__Protocol.getProtocolAttribute(
                'protocol_username') == C__INTEGRATION_USER:
            l__UserName = l__Protocol.getProtocolAttribute('protocol_username')
            l__UserPassword = l__Protocol.getProtocolAttribute(

    if not l__UserName:
        logger.error('Error Username Protocol not initialized')
        return None

    #logger.debug('Accessing uCMDB = ',(l__HostName, l__HTTPPort, l__UserName))
    # try http first
        logger.debug('Attempting HTTP connection')
        l__Provider = UcmdbServiceFactory.getServiceProvider(
            'http', l__HostName, l__HTTPPort)
        logger.debug('HTTP connection failed, trying HTTPS')
        l__Provider = UcmdbServiceFactory.getServiceProvider(
            'https', l__HostName, l__HTTPSPort)

    l__Credentials = l__Provider.createCredentials(l__UserName,
    l__ClientContext = l__Provider.createClientContext("UD")
    o__UcmdbService = l__Provider.connect(l__Credentials, l__ClientContext)
    logger.info('************* END createCMDBConnection *************')
    return o__UcmdbService
Exemplo n.º 7
def DiscoveryMain(Framework):

    logger.info('Start ', SCRIPT_NAME)
    logger.info('Start Phase 1 ... Query Remedy Atrium for data')

    dryrunMode = Framework.getParameter('DryRunMode')

    # Get BMC Namespace
    bmcNamespace = Framework.getParameter('BMC_NameSpace')
    if bmcNamespace == None or bmcNamespace == "":
        bmcNamespace = "BMC.CORE"

    # Get chunk size - size of data in every query to Remedy/Atrium
    maxPerCall = Framework.getParameter('ChunkSize')
    if maxPerCall != None and maxPerCall.isnumeric():
        maxPerCall = int(maxPerCall)
        maxPerCall = 500

    # Get MAX CI size - size of data in every query to Remedy/Atrium
    maxCIs = Framework.getParameter('MaxCIs')
    if maxCIs != None and maxCIs.isnumeric():
        maxCIs = int(maxCIs)
        maxCIs = 100000

    ucmdbServerIp = CollectorsParameters.getValue(CollectorsParameters.KEY_SERVER_NAME)

    # File and directory names
    userExtDir = CollectorsParameters.BASE_PROBE_MGR_DIR + CollectorsParameters.getDiscoveryResourceFolder() + '\\TQLExport\\Atrium\\'
    intermediatesDir = userExtDir + 'inter\\'
    mapingFilesListFileName = userExtDir + 'tqls.txt'
    mappingFileNameList = checkDiscoveryResources(mapingFilesListFileName, userExtDir, Framework, intermediatesDir)
    if not mappingFileNameList:
        return None

    # GET ARS context - login information, etc. that is needed to make ARS connection
    context = getArsContext(Framework, ucmdbServerIp)

    if context != None:
        for mappingFileName in mappingFileNameList:
            (classList, linkList) = getMapping(userExtDir + 'data\\' + mappingFileName + '.xml', bmcNamespace, ucmdbServerIp)
            if (dryrunMode != None):
                dryrunMode = dryrunMode.lower()
                if dryrunMode == 'true':
                    logger.info('[NOTE] UCMDB Integration is running in DryRun Mode, No query executed against ATRIUM.')
                    debugPrint(4, '[' + SCRIPT_NAME + ':DiscoveryMain] Got classList: <%s>' % classList)
                    debugPrint(4, '[' + SCRIPT_NAME + ':DiscoveryMain] Got linkList: <%s>' % linkList)
            pullDataFromAtrium(context, classList, linkList, maxPerCall, maxCIs, intermediatesDir, mappingFileName)
        logger.error("Unable to create Remedy/Atrium login context. Check that username, password, server and port are defined correctly.")
        return None

    logger.info('End ', SCRIPT_NAME)
Exemplo n.º 8
def osh_createIpOsh(iSeriesOsh, defaultIp):
    _vector = ObjectStateHolderVector()
    # Create IP OSH ------------------------------------
    ipOsh = modeling.createIpOSH(defaultIp)
    ipOsh.setAttribute('ip_probename', CollectorsParameters.getValue(CollectorsParameters.KEY_COLLECTORS_PROBE_NAME))
    linkOsh = modeling.createLinkOSH('containment', iSeriesOsh, ipOsh)
    return _vector
Exemplo n.º 9
def checkLock(Framework):
    probe = CollectorsParameters.getValue(CollectorsParameters.KEY_PROBE_MGR_IP)
    if (probe is None) or (len(str(probe)) == 0):
        logger.debug('Probe manager ip is not specified in the DiscoveryProbe.properties file, using probe ID')
        probe = CollectorsParameters.getValue(CollectorsParameters.KEY_COLLECTORS_PROBE_NAME)
    jobId =  Framework.getDiscoveryJobId()
    lockTime = System.currentTimeMillis()
    lockExpiration = System.currentTimeMillis() + LOCK_AGE_PERIOD_MILLISECONDS
    lock = Lock(probe, jobType, jobId, lockTime, lockExpiration)

    logger.debug('Checking remote lock with current lock:', str(lock.getLockInfo()))

    triggerid = Framework.getTriggerCIData('id')
    logger.debug('Checking lock for probe ', probe, ' and jobid ', jobId, ' and triggerid ', triggerid)
    client = Framework.getConnectedClient()
    options = getClientOptionsMap(client)
    lockOption = options.get(ScannerNodeLock)

    if (lockOption is None) or (len(lockOption.strip()) == 0):
        logger.debug('Lock on scanner node for probe "' + lock.probe + '" and job "' + lock.jobId + '" is not exists')
        return 0

    remoteLock = extractLock(lockOption)
    logger.debug('Found remote lock:', str(remoteLock.getLockInfo()))

    if remoteLock.isLockExpired():
        logger.debug('Lock on remote node is already expired, renewing lock on the node')
        options = HashMap()
        options.put(ScannerNodeLock, lock.getLockInfo())
    elif not lock.isSameLock(remoteLock):
            'Lock on remote node is owned by another probe/job (' + remoteLock.probe + '/' + remoteLock.jobId + ')')
        if remoteLock.jobType == CALLHOME_JOB_TYPE:
            return ScannerNodeLockedByCallHome
        return 0
    return 1
Exemplo n.º 10
def osh_createIpOsh(iSeriesOsh, defaultIp):
    _vector = ObjectStateHolderVector()
    # Create IP OSH ------------------------------------
    ipOsh = modeling.createIpOSH(defaultIp)
    linkOsh = modeling.createLinkOSH('containment', iSeriesOsh, ipOsh)

    return _vector
def DiscoveryMain(Framework):

    logger.info("Start Phase 2 ....Apply Mapping file to ARIS CIs")

    userExtUcmdbDir = (
        + CollectorsParameters.getDiscoveryResourceFolder()
        + "\\TQLExport\\ARIS\\"

    inputFilesDirectory = File(userExtUcmdbDir + "inter\\")
    inputFiles = inputFilesDirectory.listFiles()

    filePathDir = userExtUcmdbDir + "results\\"
    directory = File(filePathDir)
    files = directory.listFiles()

    ## Clean up the existing result XML files
    if files != None:
        for file in files:

            ## Make sure we have XML files in the intermediate directory
    xmlFileInIntermediatesDirectory = 0
    for inputFile in inputFiles:
        inputFileName = inputFile.getName()
        if inputFileName[len(inputFileName) - 4 :].lower() == ".xml" and inputFile.length() > 0:
            xmlFileInIntermediatesDirectory = 1
    if not xmlFileInIntermediatesDirectory:
            "Intermediate XML not found or invalid. Perhaps no data was received from ARIS or an error occurred in the Pull_from_ARIS script."

        ## Connect to the UCMDB Server, retrieve the results of the TQL
        ## and generate the output XML files in results directory
    ip = CollectorsParameters.getValue(CollectorsParameters.KEY_SERVER_NAME)
    exportTQL(ip, userExtUcmdbDir)

    logger.info("End Phase 2 ....Apply Mapping file to ARIS CIs")
Exemplo n.º 12
def testScript():
    userExtUcmdbDir = 'E:\\data\\Desktop\\Pull_From_Remedy_backup\\' + 'TQLExport\\Atrium\\'
    inputFilesDirectory = File(userExtUcmdbDir + 'inter\\')
    inputFiles = inputFilesDirectory.listFiles()
    filePathDir = userExtUcmdbDir + 'results\\'
    directory = File(filePathDir)
    files = directory.listFiles()
    ## Clean up the existing result XML files
    if (files != None):
        for file in files:
    ## Make sure we have XML files in the intermediate directory
    xmlFileInIntermediatesDirectory = 0
    for inputFile in inputFiles:
        inputFileName = inputFile.getName()
        if inputFileName[len(inputFileName)-4:].lower() == '.xml' and inputFile.length() > 0:
            xmlFileInIntermediatesDirectory = 1
    if not xmlFileInIntermediatesDirectory:
        logger.warn('Intermediate XML not found or invalid. Perhaps no data was received from Atrium or an error occurred in the atrium_query script.')
    ip = CollectorsParameters.getValue(CollectorsParameters.KEY_SERVER_NAME)
    exportTQL(ip, userExtUcmdbDir)
Exemplo n.º 13
def DiscoveryMain(Framework):

    logger.info('Start Phase 2 ... Apply Mapping transformation to Atrium CIs')

    userExtUcmdbDir = CollectorsParameters.BASE_PROBE_MGR_DIR + CollectorsParameters.getDiscoveryResourceFolder(
    ) + '\\TQLExport\\Atrium\\'

    inputFilesDirectory = File(userExtUcmdbDir + 'inter\\')
    inputFiles = inputFilesDirectory.listFiles()

    filePathDir = userExtUcmdbDir + 'results\\'
    directory = File(filePathDir)
    files = directory.listFiles()

    ## Clean up the existing result XML files
    if (files != None):
        for file in files:

    ## Make sure we have XML files in the intermediate directory
    xmlFileInIntermediatesDirectory = 0
    for inputFile in inputFiles:
        inputFileName = inputFile.getName()
        if inputFileName[len(inputFileName) -
                         4:].lower() == '.xml' and inputFile.length() > 0:
            xmlFileInIntermediatesDirectory = 1
    if not xmlFileInIntermediatesDirectory:
            'Intermediate XML not found or invalid. Perhaps no data was received from Atrium or an error occurred in the atrium_query script.'

    ## Generate the output XML files in results directory
    ip = CollectorsParameters.getValue(CollectorsParameters.KEY_SERVER_NAME)
    integrationAPI = IntegrationAPI(ip, "atrium_map.py")

    logger.info('End Phase 2 ... Apply Mapping transformation to Atrium CIs')
def DiscoveryMain(Framework): 

    logger.info('Start Phase 2 ....Apply Mapping file to Troux CIs') 
    # Destination Data
    userExtUcmdbDir = CollectorsParameters.BASE_PROBE_MGR_DIR + CollectorsParameters.getDiscoveryResourceFolder() + '\\TQLExport\\Troux\\'

    outfilePathDir = userExtUcmdbDir + 'results\\'
    infilePathDir = userExtUcmdbDir + 'inter'
    directory = File(outfilePathDir)
    outfiles = directory.listFiles()
    directory = File(infilePathDir)
    infiles = directory.listFiles()
    ## Clean up the output directory before we run
    if (outfiles != None):
        for file in outfiles:
    ## We can only process if Phase 1 created a Intermediate file to process
    ## Connect to the UCMDB Server, retrieve the results of the Mapping File
    ## and generate the output XML files in results directory 
        ip = CollectorsParameters.getValue(CollectorsParameters.KEY_SERVER_NAME)
        exportTQL(ip, userExtUcmdbDir) 
    logger.info('End Phase 2 ....Apply Mapping file to Troux CIs')
Exemplo n.º 15
def osh_createIpOsh(lparOsh, tcpStacks):

    ipstoexclude = ['']
    # tcpStacks  [ip, network, mask, interface name, status, type, mac address]str_name = 'name'
    str_name = 'name'
    str_mac_address = 'mac_address'
    _vector = ObjectStateHolderVector()
    for mac, tcpentry in tcpStacks.items():
        ipAddress = tcpentry[0].strip()
        if ipAddress not in ipstoexclude:
            ipOsh = modeling.createIpOSH(ipAddress)
            probeName = CollectorsParameters.getValue(
            if isNotNull(probeName):
                ipOsh.setAttribute('ip_probename', probeName)
                containedOsh = modeling.createLinkOSH('contained', lparOsh,

            # create interface ----------------------------------------------------

            ifOsh = ObjectStateHolder('interface')
            interfacename = tcpentry[3].strip()
            ifOsh.setAttribute(str_name, interfacename)
            # default the mac address attribute to linkName and update later if MAC found
                mac)  # if MAC not found for set #linkName as key
            if tcpStacks.has_key(mac):
                parentLinkOsh = modeling.createLinkOSH('containment', ifOsh,
    return _vector
Exemplo n.º 16
def DiscoveryMain(Framework):
    fileSeparator = File.separator
    # Destination Data
    userExtUcmdbDir = CollectorsParameters.BASE_PROBE_MGR_DIR + CollectorsParameters.getDiscoveryResourceFolder(
    ) + fileSeparator + 'TQLExport' + fileSeparator + 'hpsim' + fileSeparator

    inputFilesDirectory = File(userExtUcmdbDir + 'inter' + fileSeparator)
    inputFiles = inputFilesDirectory.listFiles()

    filePathDir = userExtUcmdbDir + 'results' + fileSeparator
    directory = File(filePathDir)
    files = directory.listFiles()

    ## Clean up the existing result XML files
    if (files != None):
        for file in files:

    ## Make sure we have XML files in the intermediate directory
    xmlFileInIntermediatesDirectory = 0
    for inputFile in inputFiles:
        inputFileName = inputFile.getName()
        if inputFileName[len(inputFileName) -
                         4:].lower() == '.xml' and inputFile.length() > 0:
            xmlFileInIntermediatesDirectory = 1
    if not xmlFileInIntermediatesDirectory:
            'Intermediate XML not found or invalid. Perhaps no data was received from SIM or an error occurred in the SIM_Discovery script.'

    ## Connect to the UCMDB Server, retrieve the results of the TQL
    ## and generate the output XML files in results directory
    ip = CollectorsParameters.getValue(CollectorsParameters.KEY_SERVER_NAME)
    exportTQL(ip, userExtUcmdbDir)
    info('End exportTQL_for_SIM_to_UCMDB.py')
Exemplo n.º 17
def DiscoveryMain(Framework):

        cmdbServerHost = CollectorsParameters.getValue(CollectorsParameters.KEY_SERVER_NAME)
        cmdbServerIp = None
        if netutils.isValidIp(cmdbServerHost):
            cmdbServerIp = cmdbServerHost
            cmdbServerIp = netutils.getHostAddress(cmdbServerHost, cmdbServerHost)

        protocol = getNnmProtocol(Framework, cmdbServerIp)

        cmdbConnection = getCmdbConnectionDetails(Framework, protocol, cmdbServerHost, cmdbServerIp)

        nnmConnection = getNnmConnectionDetails(Framework, protocol)

        cmdbToNnmIds = getUCMDBIDs(cmdbConnection, nnmConnection.serverIp, Framework)

        updateNNM(cmdbToNnmIds, nnmConnection, Framework)

    except GeneralException, ex:
def DiscoveryMain(Framework):

    logger.info('Start Phase 2 ....Apply Mapping file to Troux CIs')

    # Destination Data

    userExtUcmdbDir = CollectorsParameters.BASE_PROBE_MGR_DIR + CollectorsParameters.getDiscoveryResourceFolder(
    ) + '\\TQLExport\\Troux\\'

    outfilePathDir = userExtUcmdbDir + 'results\\'
    infilePathDir = userExtUcmdbDir + 'inter'
    directory = File(outfilePathDir)
    outfiles = directory.listFiles()
    directory = File(infilePathDir)
    infiles = directory.listFiles()

    ## Clean up the output directory before we run

    if (outfiles != None):
        for file in outfiles:

    ## We can only process if Phase 1 created a Intermediate file to process
    ## Connect to the UCMDB Server, retrieve the results of the Mapping File
    ## and generate the output XML files in results directory
        ip = CollectorsParameters.getValue(
        exportTQL(ip, userExtUcmdbDir)


    logger.info('End Phase 2 ....Apply Mapping file to Troux CIs')
Exemplo n.º 19
def mainFunction(Framework):
	logger.info('Starting NNM_Integration_Utils:mainFunction')

	## retrieve Framework data
	maxPerCall = Framework.getParameter('maxPerCall')
	maxObjects = Framework.getParameter('maxObjects')
	nonL2Devices = Framework.getParameter('nonL2Devices')
	completeHosts = Framework.getParameter('completeHosts')
	ucmdbServerIp = CollectorsParameters.getValue(CollectorsParameters.KEY_SERVER_NAME)
	if not netutils.isValidIp(ucmdbServerIp):
		ucmdbServerIp = netutils.getHostAddress(ucmdbServerIp, ucmdbServerIp)
	server = Framework.getDestinationAttribute('ip_address')

	credentialIds = Framework.getAvailableProtocols(ucmdbServerIp, NNM_PROTOCOL)
	if credentialIds.__len__() == 0:
		logger.error('NNM Protocol is not defined. Exiting discovery')
		return ObjectStateHolderVector()
	elif credentialIds.__len__() > 1:
		logger.warn('More than one NNM Protocols are defined. Only the last one will be used.')

	for credentialId in credentialIds:
		#server = Framework.getProtocolProperty(credentialId, 'nnmprotocol_server')	# the nnm server's ip is now retrieved from the trigger
		port = Framework.getProtocolProperty(credentialId, 'nnmprotocol_port')
		username = Framework.getProtocolProperty(credentialId, 'nnmprotocol_user')
			password = Framework.getProtocolProperty(credentialId, 'nnmprotocol_password')
			password = ''
		nnmprotocol = Framework.getProtocolProperty(credentialId, 'nnmprotocol_protocol')
	logger.debug('Server: %s, Port: %s, Protocol: %s, Username: %s, MaxPerCall: %s, MaxObjects: %s' % (server, port, nnmprotocol, username, maxPerCall, maxObjects))

	## determine whether to discover non-Layer2 devices (servers, printers, load balancers, etc)
	if notNull(nonL2Devices) and nonL2Devices == 'true':
		discoverNonL2Devices = 1
		discoverNonL2Devices = 0

	## determine whether to discover the hosts (switches, routers, servers, etc.) as complete hosts. If this is set to false, it is recommended to have the complete hosts initially discovered in the CMDB
	if notNull(completeHosts) and completeHosts == 'true':
		completeHosts = 1
		completeHosts = 0

	## create an instance of the API stub
	api = NNMiApi(server, port, username, password, maxPerCall, maxObjects, nnmprotocol, Framework)

	## get the filters required to retrieve data based on offset and maxObjects constraints.
	filters = api.getFilters()

	## retrieve NNM data into maps
	ipMap = getIPAddressObjects(api, filters)       ## IP Objects
	ndMap = getNodeObjects(api, filters)            ## Host Objects
	nwMap = getIPSubnetObjects(api, filters)        ## Network Objects
	ifMap = getInterfaceObjects(api, filters)       ## Interface Objects
	l2Map = getL2ConnectionLinks(api, filters)      ## Layer2 Connections
	ptMap = getPortObjects(api, filters)			## Port Objects
	vlMap = {}
	cdMap = {}
	if len(ptMap) > 0:         # only get vlans/card if ports are available
		vlMap = getVLANObjects(api, filters)            ## VLAN Objects
		cdMap = getCardObjects(api, filters)            ## Card Objects

	## create map of hosts and it's IPs
	hostIpMap = createHostIpMap(ipMap, ndMap)

	## fix - to only send back one IP address per host
	hostIpMap = createHostSingleIpMap(hostIpMap)

	## create map of hosts and it's interfaces and a second map of host_name[interface_name]=interface_id (the key is the way NNM stores layer2 connections e.g. Host1[If1], Host2[If2], Host3[If3]
	(nodeIfMap, hostIfMap) = createNodeInterfaceMap(ifMap, ndMap)

	# map to store MAC Addresses and their hostIDs (used to prevent creation of duplicate interfaces on the same host which have the same mac address)
	macHostMap = {}

	## create the OSHs for hosts, their IPs, interfaces and networks
	vector1 = create_Hosts_Ips_Interfaces(ipMap, ndMap, ifMap, nwMap, ptMap, vlMap, cdMap, hostIpMap, hostIfMap, completeHosts, discoverNonL2Devices, macHostMap)

	## send results back as the objects are created...
	vector1 = None
	## create layer 2 connections [HOST-->Interface-->(layer2)<--Interface<--Host or HOST-->Interface-->(layer2)<--Interface<--Concentrator objects and relationships]
	vector2 = createLayer2Links(ipMap, ndMap, ifMap, l2Map, hostIpMap, nodeIfMap, macHostMap)

	## create final result vector and add all other data to it
	resultVector = ObjectStateHolderVector()

	return resultVector
Exemplo n.º 20
def acquireScannerLock(Framework):
    client = Framework.getConnectedClient()
    probe = CollectorsParameters.getValue(CollectorsParameters.KEY_PROBE_MGR_IP)
    if (probe is None) or (len(str(probe)) == 0):
        logger.debug('Probe manager ip is not specified in the DiscoveryProbe.properties file, using probe ID')
        probe = CollectorsParameters.getValue(CollectorsParameters.KEY_COLLECTORS_PROBE_NAME)
        if (probe is None) or (len(str(probe)) == 0):
            errorMessage = 'Failed to identify probe name. Lock was not set.'
    lockTime = System.currentTimeMillis()
    lockExpiration = System.currentTimeMillis() + LOCK_AGE_PERIOD_MILLISECONDS
    jobId =  Framework.getDiscoveryJobId()
    lock = Lock(probe, jobType, jobId, lockTime, lockExpiration)
    lockValue = lock.getLockInfo()
    logger.debug('Trying to lock node with value:', lockValue)

    existingLock = setNewLockIfExistingLockEmpty(client, lockValue)
    if (existingLock is None) or (len(existingLock) == 0):
        # lock was acquired
        return lockValue
        # found existing lock on remote machine
        remoteLock = extractLock(existingLock)
        logger.debug('Node was already locked:', remoteLock.printLockInfo())
        if not remoteLock.isLockExpired():
            # the lock is more or less fresh
            if lock.isSameLock(remoteLock):
                # this is our own lock, just renew it
                logger.debug('Found lock of same probe/job pair, renewing lock on the node')
                options = HashMap()
                options.put(ScannerNodeLock, lockValue)
                return lockValue

            # check whether we need to forcefully remove lock, happens in call home based inventory discovery
            forceAcquire = Framework.getParameter("IsForceLockAcquire")
            if forceAcquire == 'true':
                options = HashMap()
                options.put(ScannerNodeLock, lockValue)
                return lockValue

            # if the remote lock was owned by a call home inventory job, we should cancel the current job
            if remoteLock.jobType == CALLHOME_JOB_TYPE:
                logger.debug('Remote node was locked by call home inventory job, will cancel the current ' + jobId)
                return ScannerNodeLockedByCallHome
            logger.debug('Found valid lock is of different job/probe, will try next time')
            return None

        logger.debug('The found lock is already aged, to be removed')
        if not removeLockOption(Framework):
            return None

        # as there can be another probe / job trying to connect to this node, after removing existing lock
        # we don't set our own lock directly (as it can be removed by another probe/job) but go to sleep for some
        # time
        r = Random()
        waitTime = r.nextInt() % 5 + 1
        logger.debug('Going to wait for ' + str(waitTime) + ' seconds before retry to lock')
        event = Event()
        existingLock1 = setNewLockIfExistingLockEmpty(client, lockValue)
        if (existingLock1 is None) or (len(existingLock1) == 0):
            # lock was acquired at last!!!!
            return lockValue

    # there are other lucky guys
    return None
Exemplo n.º 21
def DiscoveryMain(Framework):

    logger.info('Start ', SCRIPT_NAME)
    logger.info('Start Phase 1 ... Query Remedy Atrium for data')

    dryrunMode = Framework.getParameter('DryRunMode')

    # Get BMC Namespace
    bmcNamespace = Framework.getParameter('BMC_NameSpace')
    if bmcNamespace == None or bmcNamespace == "":
        bmcNamespace = "BMC.CORE"

    # Get chunk size - size of data in every query to Remedy/Atrium
    maxPerCall = Framework.getParameter('ChunkSize')
    if maxPerCall != None and maxPerCall.isnumeric():
        maxPerCall = int(maxPerCall)
        maxPerCall = 500

    # Get MAX CI size - size of data in every query to Remedy/Atrium
    maxCIs = Framework.getParameter('MaxCIs')
    if maxCIs != None and maxCIs.isnumeric():
        maxCIs = int(maxCIs)
        maxCIs = 100000

    ucmdbServerIp = CollectorsParameters.getValue(

    # File and directory names
    userExtDir = CollectorsParameters.BASE_PROBE_MGR_DIR + CollectorsParameters.getDiscoveryResourceFolder(
    ) + '\\TQLExport\\Atrium\\'
    intermediatesDir = userExtDir + 'inter\\'
    mapingFilesListFileName = userExtDir + 'tqls.txt'
    mappingFileNameList = checkDiscoveryResources(mapingFilesListFileName,
                                                  userExtDir, Framework,
    if not mappingFileNameList:
        return None

    # GET ARS context - login information, etc. that is needed to make ARS connection
    context = getArsContext(Framework, ucmdbServerIp)

    if context != None:
        for mappingFileName in mappingFileNameList:
            (classList, linkList) = getMapping(
                userExtDir + 'data\\' + mappingFileName + '.xml', bmcNamespace,
            if (dryrunMode != None):
                dryrunMode = dryrunMode.lower()
                if dryrunMode == 'true':
                        '[NOTE] UCMDB Integration is running in DryRun Mode, No query executed against ATRIUM.'
                        4, '[' + SCRIPT_NAME +
                        ':DiscoveryMain] Got classList: <%s>' % classList)
                        4, '[' + SCRIPT_NAME +
                        ':DiscoveryMain] Got linkList: <%s>' % linkList)
            pullDataFromAtrium(context, classList, linkList, maxPerCall,
                               maxCIs, intermediatesDir, mappingFileName)
            "Unable to create Remedy/Atrium login context. Check that username, password, server and port are defined correctly."
        return None

    logger.info('End ', SCRIPT_NAME)
Exemplo n.º 22
def DiscoveryMain(Framework):

    logger.info("Start Phase 1 ... Pull from Troux")

    # Set up the Directory that will be used for the intermediate XML output
    # and the input
    # Get the input file that we will use from Troux

    userExtTrouxDir = (
        + CollectorsParameters.getDiscoveryResourceFolder()
        + "\\TQLExport\\Troux\\"
    ucmdbServerIp = CollectorsParameters.getValue(CollectorsParameters.KEY_SERVER_NAME)
    Trouxfile = None
    f = None
    Trouxfile = Framework.getParameter("Troux_TUX_file")
    if Trouxfile == None:
        logger.info("Troux TUX input file is not specified")

    # Open the output directory and clean up old files

    interPathDir = userExtTrouxDir + "inter\\"
    directory = File(interPathDir)
    files = directory.listFiles()

    # Delete the files in the output directory so we have a clean area

    if files != None:
        for file in files:

    # Make sure we have a valid input file

    if os.path.exists(Trouxfile):

        foundfile = "false"
        TQLSFile = "%sTQLS.txt" % (userExtTrouxDir)
        tqlsFile = "%stqls.txt" % (userExtTrouxDir)
        if os.path.exists(TQLSFile):
            foundfile = "true"
            f = open(TQLSFile)
            logger.info("Reading file ", TQLSFile)
        elif os.path.exists(tqlsFile):
            foundfile = "true"
            f = open(tqlsFile)
            logger.info("Reading file ", TQLSFile)
            logger.info("Error    \\TQLExport\\Troux\\tqls.txt file missing")
        if foundfile == "true":
            for nextName in f.readlines():
                if notNull(nextName) and nextName[0:1] != "#":
                    Outfile = nextName.strip()
                    processTrouxXML(userExtTrouxDir, interPathDir, Trouxfile, Outfile)
        msg = "Input TUX File does not Exist"
    logger.info("End Phase 1.... Pull from Troux")
Exemplo n.º 23
def mainFunction(Framework):
	SCRIPT = "%s.py:" % __name__
	logger.info('%s mainFunction' % SCRIPT)

	## retrieve Framework data
	maxPerCall = Framework.getParameter('maxPerCall')
	maxObjects = Framework.getParameter('maxObjects')
	nonL2Devices = Framework.getParameter('nonL2Devices')
	ucmdbServerIp = CollectorsParameters.getValue(CollectorsParameters.KEY_SERVER_NAME)
	if not netutils.isValidIp(ucmdbServerIp):
		ucmdbServerIp = netutils.getHostAddress(ucmdbServerIp, ucmdbServerIp)
	server = Framework.getDestinationAttribute('ip_address')

	credentialIds = Framework.getAvailableProtocols(ucmdbServerIp, NNM_PROTOCOL)
	if credentialIds.__len__() == 0:
		logger.error('NNM Protocol is not defined. Exiting discovery')
		return ObjectStateHolderVector()
	elif credentialIds.__len__() > 1:
		logger.warn('More than one NNM Protocols are defined. Only the last one will be used.')

	for credentialId in credentialIds:
		#server = Framework.getProtocolProperty(credentialId, 'nnmprotocol_server')    # the nnm server's ip is now retrieved from the trigger
		port = Framework.getProtocolProperty(credentialId, 'nnmprotocol_port')
		username = Framework.getProtocolProperty(credentialId, 'nnmprotocol_user')
			password = Framework.getProtocolProperty(credentialId, 'nnmprotocol_password')
			password = ''
		nnmprotocol = Framework.getProtocolProperty(credentialId, 'nnmprotocol_protocol')
	logger.debug('Server: %s, Port: %s, Protocol: %s, Username: %s, MaxPerCall: %s, MaxObjects: %s' % (server, port, nnmprotocol, username, maxPerCall, maxObjects))

	## determine whether to discover non-Layer2 devices (servers, printers, load balancers, etc)
	if notNull(nonL2Devices) and nonL2Devices == 'true':
		discoverNonL2Devices = 1
		discoverNonL2Devices = 0

	## create an instance of the API stub
	api = NNMiApi(server, port, username, password, maxPerCall, maxObjects, nnmprotocol, Framework)

	## get the filters required to retrieve data based on offset and maxObjects constraints.
	filters = api.getFilters()

	# initialize attributes

	## retrieve NNM data into maps
	ipMap = getIPAddressObjects(api, filters)       ## IP Objects
	ndMap = getNodeObjects(api, filters)            ## Host Objects
	nwMap = getIPSubnetObjects(api, filters)        ## Network Objects
	ifMap = getInterfaceObjects(api, filters)       ## Interface Objects
	l2Map = getL2ConnectionLinks(api, filters)      ## Layer2 Connections
	ptMap = getPortObjects(api, filters)            ## Port Objects
	vlMap = {}
	cdMap = {}
	if len(ptMap) > 0:         # only get vlans/card if ports are available
		vlMap = getVLANObjects(api, filters)            ## VLAN Objects
		cdMap = getCardObjects(api, filters)            ## Card Objects

	## create map of hosts and its IPs
	hostIpMap = createHostIpMap(ipMap, ndMap)

	## create map of hosts and its interfaces
	hostIfMap = createHostInterfaceMap(ifMap, ndMap)

	## create map of l2connection and its interfaces
	connectionIfMap = createConnectionInterfaceMap(l2Map, ifMap)

	## create the OSHs for hosts, their IPs, interfaces and networks
	return processData(ipMap, ndMap, ifMap, nwMap, l2Map, vlMap, ptMap, cdMap, hostIpMap, hostIfMap, connectionIfMap, discoverNonL2Devices, Framework)
Exemplo n.º 24
def DiscoveryMain(Framework):

    logger.info('Start Phase 1 ... Pull from Troux')

# Set up the Directory that will be used for the intermediate XML output
# and the input  
# Get the input file that we will use from Troux

    userExtTrouxDir = CollectorsParameters.BASE_PROBE_MGR_DIR + CollectorsParameters.getDiscoveryResourceFolder() + '\\TQLExport\\Troux\\'
    ucmdbServerIp = CollectorsParameters.getValue(CollectorsParameters.KEY_SERVER_NAME) 
    Trouxfile = None
    f = None
    Trouxfile = Framework.getParameter('Troux_TUX_file') 
    if (Trouxfile == None):
        logger.info('Troux TUX input file is not specified')
# Open the output directory and clean up old files
    interPathDir = userExtTrouxDir + 'inter\\'
    directory = File(interPathDir)
    files = directory.listFiles()
    logger.info (Trouxfile)
    # Delete the files in the output directory so we have a clean area
    if (files != None):
        for file in files:
     # Make sure we have a valid input file      
    if  os.path.exists(Trouxfile):

        foundfile = 'false'
        TQLSFile = '%sTQLS.txt' % (userExtTrouxDir)
        tqlsFile = '%stqls.txt' % (userExtTrouxDir)
        if os.path.exists(TQLSFile):
            foundfile = 'true'
            f = open(TQLSFile)
            logger.info('Reading file ', TQLSFile)
        elif os.path.exists(tqlsFile):
            foundfile = 'true'
            f = open(tqlsFile)
            logger.info('Reading file ', TQLSFile)
            logger.info ('Error    \\TQLExport\\Troux\\tqls.txt file missing') 
        if foundfile =='true':
            for nextName in f.readlines(): 
                if notNull(nextName) and nextName[0:1] != '#':
                    Outfile = nextName.strip()
                    processTrouxXML ( userExtTrouxDir, interPathDir, Trouxfile, Outfile)
        msg = "Input TUX File does not Exist"  
    logger.info('End Phase 1.... Pull from Troux')
Exemplo n.º 25
def osh_createTcpConnectionsOsh(lparOsh, primaryIP, knownPortsConfigFile,
    str_containment = 'containment'
    _vector = ObjectStateHolderVector()

    ignoreLocalConnections = 0  ## ER: parameterize

    probeName = CollectorsParameters.getValue(

    for conn in connections:
        dstPort = ''
        dstAddr = ''
        srcAddr = ''
        srcPort = ''

        id = conn[5]
        #(dstAddr, dstPort) = _getIpPortFromSocket(localSocket, primaryIP)
        dstAddr = conn[2].strip()
        if dstAddr == '' or dstAddr == '':
            dstAddr = primaryIP.strip()
        dstPort = conn[3].strip()
        state = conn[9].strip()

        #(srcAddr, srcPort) = _getIpPortFromSocket(foreignSocket, primaryIP)
        if upper(state) == 'ESTABLISH':
            srcAddr = conn[0].strip()
            srcPort = conn[1].strip()
        if srcAddr == '':
            srcAddr = primaryIP.strip()

        if ignoreLocalConnections and (srcAddr == dstAddr):

        if isNotNull(dstAddr):
            destination = '%s:%s' % (dstAddr, dstPort)
            logger.debug('[', state, '] Current connection: ', srcAddr, ' -> ',

            # create destination (server) IP and Host --------------------------
            dstIpOsh = modeling.createIpOSH(dstAddr)
            if isNotNull(probeName):
                dstIpOsh.setAttribute('ip_probename', probeName)
            dstHostOsh = None
            if isNotNull(lparOsh):
                dstHostOsh = lparOsh
                dstHostOsh = modeling.createHostOSH(dstAddr)
            dstContainedLinkOsh = modeling.createLinkOSH(
                str_containment, dstHostOsh, dstIpOsh)

            # create destination service address object ------------------------
            portTypeEnum = TCP_PORT_TYPE_ENUM
            portName = knownPortsConfigFile.getTcpPortName(int(dstPort))
            if upper(state) == 'UDP':
                portTypeEnum = UDP_PORT_TYPE_ENUM
                portName = knownPortsConfigFile.getUdpPortName(int(dstPort))
            if isNull(portName):
                portName = dstPort
            serverPortOsh = modeling.createServiceAddressOsh(
                dstHostOsh, dstAddr, int(dstPort), portTypeEnum, portName)

            if isNotNull(srcAddr):
                # create source (client) IP and Host ---------------------------
                srcIpOsh = modeling.createIpOSH(srcAddr)
                if isNotNull(probeName):
                    srcIpOsh.setAttribute('ip_probename', probeName)
                srcHostOsh = modeling.createHostOSH(srcAddr)
                srcContainedLinkOsh = modeling.createLinkOSH(
                    str_containment, srcHostOsh, srcIpOsh)

                # create client-server links -----------------------------------
                                               serverPortOsh, portName,
                                               lower(state), srcIpOsh))

                # create client server dependency links ------------------------
                        dstHostOsh, dstPort, srcHostOsh, portName))
    return _vector
Exemplo n.º 26
def osh_createTcpConnectionsOsh(lparOsh,  primaryIP, knownPortsConfigFile, connections):
    str_containment = 'containment'
    _vector = ObjectStateHolderVector()
    ignoreLocalConnections = 0 ## ER: parameterize

    probeName = CollectorsParameters.getValue(CollectorsParameters.KEY_COLLECTORS_PROBE_NAME)
    for conn in connections:
        dstPort = ''
        dstAddr = ''
        srcAddr = ''
        srcPort = ''
        id = conn[5]
        #(dstAddr, dstPort) = _getIpPortFromSocket(localSocket, primaryIP)
        dstAddr = conn[2].strip()
        if dstAddr == '' or dstAddr == '':
            dstAddr = primaryIP.strip()
        dstPort = conn[3].strip()
        state = conn[9].strip()        
        #(srcAddr, srcPort) = _getIpPortFromSocket(foreignSocket, primaryIP)
        if upper(state) == 'ESTABLISH':
            srcAddr = conn[0].strip()
            srcPort = conn[1].strip()
        if srcAddr == '':
            srcAddr = primaryIP.strip()
        if ignoreLocalConnections and (srcAddr == dstAddr):
        if isNotNull(dstAddr):
            destination = '%s:%s' % (dstAddr, dstPort)
            logger.debug('[', state, '] Current connection: ', srcAddr, ' -> ', destination)
            # create destination (server) IP and Host --------------------------
            dstIpOsh = modeling.createIpOSH(dstAddr)
            if isNotNull(probeName):
                dstIpOsh.setAttribute('ip_probename', probeName)
            dstHostOsh = None
            if isNotNull(lparOsh):
                dstHostOsh = lparOsh
                dstHostOsh = modeling.createHostOSH(dstAddr)
            dstContainedLinkOsh = modeling.createLinkOSH(str_containment, dstHostOsh, dstIpOsh)
            # create destination service address object ------------------------
            portTypeEnum =  TCP_PORT_TYPE_ENUM
            portName = knownPortsConfigFile.getTcpPortName(int(dstPort))
            if upper(state) == 'UDP':
                portTypeEnum =  UDP_PORT_TYPE_ENUM            
                portName = knownPortsConfigFile.getUdpPortName(int(dstPort))
            if isNull(portName):
                portName = dstPort
            serverPortOsh = modeling.createServiceAddressOsh(dstHostOsh, dstAddr, int(dstPort), portTypeEnum, portName)
            if isNotNull(srcAddr):
                # create source (client) IP and Host ---------------------------
                srcIpOsh = modeling.createIpOSH(srcAddr)
                if isNotNull(probeName):
                    srcIpOsh.setAttribute('ip_probename', probeName)
                srcHostOsh = modeling.createHostOSH(srcAddr)
                srcContainedLinkOsh = modeling.createLinkOSH(str_containment, srcHostOsh, srcIpOsh)
                # create client-server links -----------------------------------
                _vector.add(_createClientServerLinkOsh(dstPort, serverPortOsh, portName, lower(state), srcIpOsh))
                # create client server dependency links ------------------------
                _vector.add(_createClientServerDependencyLinkOsh(dstHostOsh, dstPort, srcHostOsh, portName))
    return _vector