Exemplo n.º 1
        def handle_five(clf):
            :param clf:
            predict_true = handle(clf, "zero")
            if predict_true:
                return predict_true

            fit_for_class_support = handle(clf, "third")
            print "The result of class-support: %d samples" % len(

            #            fit_for_class_support = filter(lambda x: x[4] > clf.bayes.class_log_prior_[np.where(clf.bayes.classes_ == x[2])[0][0]], fit_for_class_support)
            #            print "The result of class-support: %d samples" % len(fit_for_class_support)
            # My Own Idea
            # 存放 Test 的结果
            f_res = []

            origin_class_log_prob_ = clf.bayes.class_log_prior_
            origin_feature_log_prob_ = clf.bayes.feature_log_prob_
            origin_proba = clf.predict_max_proba(test_datas)
            origin_label = clf.predict(test_datas)

            for i0 in range(len(fit_for_class_support)):
                text0 = fit_for_class_support[i0][1]
                c_pred0 = fit_for_class_support[i0][2]
                clf.bayes.class_log_prior_, clf.bayes.feature_log_prob_ = clf.bayes.update(
                    c_pred0, text0, copy=True)
                test_proba = clf.predict_max_proba(test_datas)
                label = clf.predict(test_datas)
                # 考虑到类别的影响
                # 会出现以下的情况:某个样本属于某个类的概率很高,update后属于某个类别的概率也很高,但是
                # 前后两个类别可能不一致
                smooth = np.asarray([
                    1 if origin_label[j] == label[j] else -1
                    for j in range(len(origin_label))
                np.multiply(test_proba, smooth, test_proba)

                f_test0 = pair_test(origin_proba, test_proba)
                if f_test0:
                    loss0 = clf.metrics_another_zero_one_loss(
                        origin_proba, test_proba)
                    loss0 = -1
                f_res.append((loss0, text0, c_pred0, i0, f_test0))

                clf.bayes.class_log_prior_ = origin_class_log_prob_
                clf.bayes.feature_log_prob_ = origin_feature_log_prob_

            res = filter(lambda x: x[4], f_res)
            return [(r[0], r[1], r[2], r[3]) for r in res]
Exemplo n.º 2
        def handle_five(clf):
            :param clf:
            predict_true = handle(clf, "zero")
            if predict_true:
                return predict_true

            fit_for_class_support = handle(clf, "third")
            print "The result of class-support: %d samples" % len(fit_for_class_support)

#            fit_for_class_support = filter(lambda x: x[4] > clf.bayes.class_log_prior_[np.where(clf.bayes.classes_ == x[2])[0][0]], fit_for_class_support)
#            print "The result of class-support: %d samples" % len(fit_for_class_support)
            # My Own Idea
            # 存放 Test 的结果
            f_res = []

            origin_class_log_prob_ = clf.bayes.class_log_prior_
            origin_feature_log_prob_ = clf.bayes.feature_log_prob_
            origin_proba = clf.predict_max_proba(test_datas)
            origin_label = clf.predict(test_datas)

            for i0 in range(len(fit_for_class_support)):
                text0 = fit_for_class_support[i0][1]
                c_pred0 = fit_for_class_support[i0][2]
                clf.bayes.class_log_prior_, clf.bayes.feature_log_prob_ = clf.bayes.update(c_pred0, text0, copy=True)
                test_proba = clf.predict_max_proba(test_datas)
                label = clf.predict(test_datas)
                # 考虑到类别的影响
                # 会出现以下的情况:某个样本属于某个类的概率很高,update后属于某个类别的概率也很高,但是
                # 前后两个类别可能不一致
                smooth = np.asarray([1 if origin_label[j] == label[j] else -1 for j in range(len(origin_label))])
                np.multiply(test_proba, smooth, test_proba)

                f_test0 = pair_test(origin_proba, test_proba)
                if f_test0:
                    loss0 = clf.metrics_another_zero_one_loss(origin_proba, test_proba)
                    loss0 = -1
                f_res.append((loss0, text0, c_pred0, i0, f_test0))

                clf.bayes.class_log_prior_ = origin_class_log_prob_
                clf.bayes.feature_log_prob_ = origin_feature_log_prob_

            res = filter(lambda x: x[4], f_res)
            return [(r[0], r[1], r[2], r[3]) for r in res]
Exemplo n.º 3
        def handle_four(clf):
            # My Own Idea
            # 存放 Test 的结果
            predict_true = handle(clf, "zero")
            if predict_true:
                return predict_true

            f_res = []

            origin_class_log_prob_ = clf.bayes.class_log_prior_
            origin_feature_log_prob_ = clf.bayes.feature_log_prob_
            origin_proba = clf.predict_max_proba(test_datas)
            origin_label = clf.predict(test_datas)
            for i0 in range(fit_incr_datas.shape[0]):
                text0 = fit_incr_datas.getrow(i0)
                c_pred0 = clf.predict(text0)[0]
                clf.bayes.class_log_prior_, clf.bayes.feature_log_prob_ = clf.bayes.update(
                    c_pred0, text0, copy=True)
                test_proba = clf.predict_max_proba(test_datas)
                label = clf.predict(test_datas)
                # 考虑到类别的影响
                # 会出现以下的情况:某个样本属于某个类的概率很高,update后属于某个类别的概率也很高,但是
                # 前后两个类别可能不一致
                smooth = np.asarray([
                    1 if origin_label[j] == label[j] else -1
                    for j in range(len(origin_label))
                np.multiply(test_proba, smooth, test_proba)

                f_test0 = pair_test(origin_proba, test_proba)
                if f_test0:
                    loss0 = clf.metrics_another_zero_one_loss(
                        origin_proba, test_proba)
                    loss0 = -1
                f_res.append((loss0, text0, c_pred0, i0, f_test0))

                clf.bayes.class_log_prior_ = origin_class_log_prob_
                clf.bayes.feature_log_prob_ = origin_feature_log_prob_

            res = filter(lambda x: x[4], f_res)
            return [(r[0], r[1], r[2], r[3]) for r in res]
Exemplo n.º 4
        def handle_four(clf):
            # My Own Idea
            # 存放 Test 的结果
            predict_true = handle(clf, "zero")
            if predict_true:
                return predict_true

            f_res = []

            origin_class_log_prob_ = clf.bayes.class_log_prior_
            origin_feature_log_prob_ = clf.bayes.feature_log_prob_
            origin_proba = clf.predict_max_proba(test_datas)
            origin_label = clf.predict(test_datas)
            for i0 in range(fit_incr_datas.shape[0]):
                text0 = fit_incr_datas.getrow(i0)
                c_pred0 = clf.predict(text0)[0]
                clf.bayes.class_log_prior_, clf.bayes.feature_log_prob_ = clf.bayes.update(c_pred0, text0, copy=True)
                test_proba = clf.predict_max_proba(test_datas)
                label = clf.predict(test_datas)
                # 考虑到类别的影响
                # 会出现以下的情况:某个样本属于某个类的概率很高,update后属于某个类别的概率也很高,但是
                # 前后两个类别可能不一致
                smooth = np.asarray([1 if origin_label[j] == label[j] else -1 for j in range(len(origin_label))])
                np.multiply(test_proba, smooth, test_proba)

                f_test0 = pair_test(origin_proba, test_proba)
                if f_test0:
                    loss0 = clf.metrics_another_zero_one_loss(origin_proba, test_proba)
                    loss0 = -1
                f_res.append((loss0, text0, c_pred0, i0, f_test0))

                clf.bayes.class_log_prior_ = origin_class_log_prob_
                clf.bayes.feature_log_prob_ = origin_feature_log_prob_

            res = filter(lambda x: x[4], f_res)
            return [(r[0], r[1], r[2], r[3]) for r in res]