Exemplo n.º 1
class PKEnvelope:
    def __init__(self, kenvelope=None):
        '''kenvelope es un envelope de JTS'''
        if kenvelope:
            self.kenvelope = kenvelope
            self.kenvelope = Envelope()

    def bottom(self):
        return self.kenvelope.getMinY()

    def top(self):
        return self.kenvelope.getMaxY()

    def left(self):
        return self.kenvelope.getMinX()

    def right(self):
        return self.kenvelope.getMaxX()

    def is_null_envelope(self):
        return self.kenvelope.isNull()

    def set_to_null(self):
        '''Hace que este envelope se corresponda con el de una
        geometria vacia'''

    def width(self):
        return self.kenvelope.getWidth()

    def height(self):
        return self.kenvelope.getHeight()

    def expand_by(self, xfactor, yfactor=None):
        '''Aumenta este envelope en las direcciones x e y la cantidad indicada.
        Si yfactor no se indica, se usara xfactor en las dos direcciones.
        Siempre devuelve None'''
        if yfactor == None:
            yfactor = xfactor
        self.kenvelope.expandBy(xfactor, yfactor)

    def expand_to_include_point(self, x, y):
        '''Aumenta este envelope para que incluya el punto x, y.
        Siempre devuelve None'''
        self.kenvelope.expandToInclude(x, y)

    def expand_to_include_envelope(self, pkenvelope):
        '''Aumenta este envelope para incluir pkenvelope (que es un PKEnvelope).
        Siempre devuelve None'''

    def contains_point(self, x, y):
        return self.kenvelope.contains(x, y)

    def contains_envelope(self, pkenvelope):
        '''Devuelve True si pkenvelope esta completamente dentro de este envelope'''
        return self.kenvelope.contains(pkenvelope.kenvelope)

    def intersection(self, pkenvelope):
        return PKEnvelope(self.kenvelope.intersection(pkenvelope.kenvelope))

    def clone(self):
        '''Devuelve un PKEnvelope identido (pero sin relacion alguna) a este'''
        return PKEnvelope(self.kenvelope.clone())

    def __getitem__(self, key):
        if key == 'bottom' or key == 'ymin' or key == 'miny' or key == 1:
            return self.bottom()  #min_y
        elif key == 'top' or key == 'ymax' or key == 'maxy' or key == 3:
            return self.top()  #max_y
        elif key == 'left' or key == 'xmin' or key == 'minx' or key == 0:
            return self.left()  #min_x
        elif key == 'right' or key == 'xmax' or key == 'maxx' or key == 2:
            return self.right()  #max_x

    def __str__(self):
        '''Devuelve una cadena como "PKEnvelope[xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax]"'''
        return 'PKEnvelope[' \
                + self.left() + ', ' \
                + self.bottom() + ', ' \
                + self.right() + ', ' \
                + self.top() + ']'

    def __eq__(self, other):
        return type(self) == type(other) and self.kenvelope.equals(
        #  la comprobacion de tipo tambien comprueba que other no sea None (self nunca lo es)

#end class PKEnvelope
def distributeSelected():
    global _xDisp, _yDisp
    warnMsg = ""
    layers = getLayersWithSelectedItems()
    if layers.size() == 0:
        warnUser("Nothing Selected")
    #get the expanded envelope of all selected features
    #also get the sum of all the individual envelopes
    totalEnvelope = Envelope()
    usedWidth = 0
    usedHeight = 0
    featureList = []
    for layer in layers:
        selectedFeatures = featuresOnLayer(layer)
        for feature in selectedFeatures:
            indivEnv = feature.getGeometry().getEnvelopeInternal()
            usedWidth = usedWidth + indivEnv.getWidth()
            usedHeight = usedHeight + indivEnv.getHeight()
            featureTuple = (feature, indivEnv, layer)
    if len(featureList) < 3:
    name = "Distribute Features "
    if _typeDistribution == vertical:
        name = name + "Vertical"
    else: #_typeDistribution == horizontal:
        name = name + "Horizontal"
    distributeGeo = ModifyGeometry(name)
    cf = CoordFilter()
    if _typeDistribution == vertical: 
        verticalSpacing = (totalEnvelope.getHeight() - usedHeight) / (len(featureList) - 1)        
        newPos = totalEnvelope.getMinY()
        while len(featureList) > 0:
            #find the bottom most feature
            index = 0
            minPos = totalEnvelope.getMaxY()
            for featureTuple in featureList:
                pos = featureTuple[1].getMinY()
                if pos < minPos:
                    currIndex = index
                    minPos = pos
                index = index + 1
            currTuple = featureList[currIndex]
            feature = currTuple[0]
            geo = feature.getGeometry().clone()
            _xDisp = 0
            _yDisp = newPos - currTuple[1].getMinY()
            if (not currTuple[2].isEditable()) and (_yDisp <> 0.0):
                warnMsg = "Noneditable layer selected"
                distributeGeo.addChangeGeometryTransaction(currTuple[2], currTuple[0], geo)
            newPos = newPos + currTuple[1].getHeight() + verticalSpacing
            del featureList[currIndex]
    else: #_typeDistribution == horizontal:   
        horizontalSpacing = (totalEnvelope.getWidth() - usedWidth) / (len(featureList) - 1)        
        newPos = totalEnvelope.getMinX()
        while len(featureList) > 0:
            #find the left most feature
            index = 0
            minPos = totalEnvelope.getMaxX()
            for featureTuple in featureList:
                pos = featureTuple[1].getMinX()
                if pos < minPos:
                    currIndex = index
                    minPos = pos
                index = index + 1
            currTuple = featureList[currIndex]
            feature = currTuple[0]
            geo = feature.getGeometry().clone()
            _xDisp = newPos - currTuple[1].getMinX()
            _yDisp = 0
            if (not currTuple[2].isEditable()) and (_xDisp <> 0.0):
                warnMsg = "Noneditable layer selected"
                distributeGeo.addChangeGeometryTransaction(currTuple[2], currTuple[0], geo)
            newPos = newPos + currTuple[1].getWidth() + horizontalSpacing
            del featureList[currIndex]
    if len(warnMsg) > 0:
def distributeSelected():
    global _xDisp, _yDisp
    warnMsg = ""

    layers = getLayersWithSelectedItems()
    if layers.size() == 0:
        warnUser("Nothing Selected")

    #get the expanded envelope of all selected features
    #also get the sum of all the individual envelopes
    totalEnvelope = Envelope()
    usedWidth = 0
    usedHeight = 0
    featureList = []
    for layer in layers:
        selectedFeatures = featuresOnLayer(layer)
        for feature in selectedFeatures:
            indivEnv = feature.getGeometry().getEnvelopeInternal()
            usedWidth = usedWidth + indivEnv.getWidth()
            usedHeight = usedHeight + indivEnv.getHeight()
            featureTuple = (feature, indivEnv, layer)

    if len(featureList) < 3:
    name = "Distribute Features "
    if _typeDistribution == vertical:
        name = name + "Vertical"
    else:  #_typeDistribution == horizontal:
        name = name + "Horizontal"
    distributeGeo = ModifyGeometry(name)
    cf = CoordFilter()

    if _typeDistribution == vertical:
        verticalSpacing = (totalEnvelope.getHeight() -
                           usedHeight) / (len(featureList) - 1)
        newPos = totalEnvelope.getMinY()
        while len(featureList) > 0:
            #find the bottom most feature
            index = 0
            minPos = totalEnvelope.getMaxY()

            for featureTuple in featureList:
                pos = featureTuple[1].getMinY()
                if pos < minPos:
                    currIndex = index
                    minPos = pos
                index = index + 1

            currTuple = featureList[currIndex]
            feature = currTuple[0]
            geo = feature.getGeometry().clone()
            _xDisp = 0
            _yDisp = newPos - currTuple[1].getMinY()
            if (not currTuple[2].isEditable()) and (_yDisp <> 0.0):
                warnMsg = "Noneditable layer selected"
                    currTuple[2], currTuple[0], geo)
            newPos = newPos + currTuple[1].getHeight() + verticalSpacing
            del featureList[currIndex]

    else:  #_typeDistribution == horizontal:
        horizontalSpacing = (totalEnvelope.getWidth() -
                             usedWidth) / (len(featureList) - 1)
        newPos = totalEnvelope.getMinX()
        while len(featureList) > 0:
            #find the left most feature
            index = 0
            minPos = totalEnvelope.getMaxX()

            for featureTuple in featureList:
                pos = featureTuple[1].getMinX()
                if pos < minPos:
                    currIndex = index
                    minPos = pos
                index = index + 1

            currTuple = featureList[currIndex]
            feature = currTuple[0]
            geo = feature.getGeometry().clone()
            _xDisp = newPos - currTuple[1].getMinX()
            _yDisp = 0
            if (not currTuple[2].isEditable()) and (_xDisp <> 0.0):
                warnMsg = "Noneditable layer selected"
                    currTuple[2], currTuple[0], geo)
            newPos = newPos + currTuple[1].getWidth() + horizontalSpacing
            del featureList[currIndex]

    if len(warnMsg) > 0: