def disp_settings(channel): ''' When GPIO pin 4 is pulled to GND, displays network status. ''' status.network_status() #Uptate network status cycle_rate = float(comdb.get_setting("lcd_cycle_rate")) #get current values ssid = str(comdb.get_setting("ssid")) ip_addr = str(comdb.get_setting("ip_addr")) if len(ip_addr) < 14 and len(ssid) < 11: lcd.lcd_clear() lcd.lcd_display_string("SSID:" + ssid, 1) lcd.lcd_display_string("IP:" + ip_addr, 2) sleep(cycle_rate) break #cycle through ip addres if longer than display if len(ip_addr) > 13: for i in range(len_ip - 12): lcd.lcd_clear() lcd.lcd_display_string("SSID:" + ssid, 1) lcd.lcd_display_string("IP:" + ip_addr[i:len_ip], 2) sleep(cycle_rate / (len_ip - 12)) break
def new_sample (): ''' Updates database to current sensor values. ''' temp1 = sensor.get_temp() humi1 = sensor.get_humi() comdb.insert_temp(1, temp1) comdb.insert_humi(1, humi1) #new data from arduino #sleep for set amount of time sample_rate = comdb.get_setting("sample_rate") threading.Timer(int(sample_rate), new_sample).start()
def output(): ''' Displays current sensor values on LCD display ''' while True: cycle_rate = float(comdb.get_setting("lcd_cycle_rate")) #Inside Values temp1 = comdb.get_temp(1) humi1 = comdb.get_humi(1) pres1 = comdb.get_pres(1) lcd.lcd_clear() lcd.lcd_display_string("I: Temp. :" + str(temp1) + "C", 1) lcd.lcd_display_string(" Luftf.:" + str(humi1) + "%", 2) sleep(cycle_rate) #outside values temp2 = comdb.get_temp(2) humi2 = comdb.get_humi(2) lcd.lcd_clear() lcd.lcd_display_string("A: Temp. :" + str(temp2) + "C", 1) lcd.lcd_display_string(" Luftf.:" + str(humi2) + "%", 2) sleep(cycle_rate)
import RPi.GPIO as GPIO import os import comdb btn_off_pin = int(comdb.get_setting("btn_off_pin")) GPIO.setmode(GPIO.BCM) GPIO.setup(btn_off_pin, GPIO.IN, pull_up_down=GPIO.PUD_UP) try: GPIO.wait_for_edge(btn_off_pin, GPIO.FALLING) os.system("sudo shutdown now") except: pass GPIO.cleanup()
import comdb comdb.insert_temp(2, 3) comdb.insert_humi(2, 4) comdb.insert_pres(2, 10) print comdb.get_temp(2) comdb.update_setting("sample_rate", 65) print comdb.get_setting("sample_rate") comdb.end_con()