def createComic(user, title, panel1Id, panel2Id, panel3Id, panel4Id, panel5Id, panel6Id): try: comic = Comic.objects.get(panel1=panel1Id, panel2=panel2Id, panel3=panel3Id, panel4=panel4Id, panel5=panel5Id, panel6=panel6Id) return {'comicExisted': True, 'comic': comic} except Comic.DoesNotExist: if not verifyComicPanelIds( [panel1Id, panel2Id, panel3Id, panel4Id, panel5Id, panel6Id]): return None comic = Comic(panel1=panel1Id, panel2=panel2Id, panel3=panel3Id, panel4=panel4Id, panel5=panel5Id, panel6=panel6Id, title=title, createdby=user, return {'comicExisted': False, 'comic': comic}
def createComic(user, title, panel1Id, panel2Id, panel3Id, panel4Id, panel5Id, panel6Id): try: comic = Comic.objects.get(panel1=panel1Id, panel2=panel2Id, panel3=panel3Id, panel4=panel4Id, panel5=panel5Id, panel6=panel6Id) return { 'comicExisted' : True, 'comic' : comic } except Comic.DoesNotExist: if not verifyComicPanelIds([panel1Id, panel2Id, panel3Id, panel4Id, panel5Id, panel6Id]): return None comic = Comic(panel1=panel1Id, panel2=panel2Id, panel3=panel3Id, panel4=panel4Id, panel5=panel5Id, panel6=panel6Id, title=title, createdby=user, return { 'comicExisted' : False, 'comic' : comic }
def create_comic(): fake = Faker() comic = Comic( # the random values are imported from name=random.choice(data.names), publisher=random.choice(data.publishers), description=fake.paragraph(nb_sentences=10, variable_nb_sentences=True), cover=random.choice(data.covers), price=random.uniform(0, 99) )
def test_details_url(self): pk = 2 name = "Spider-Man (2019) #1" expected_result = '/comics/details/' + str(pk) comic = Comic(pk=pk, name=name) result = '/comics/details/2' self.assertEqual(result, expected_result)
def get(self): all = Comic.query().order(Comic.number).fetch() return make_response( render_template("../client/partials/comics/list.html", title="Comics", comics=all, form=ComicCreateForm()))
def random_comic(posted): words = random_name.special_thing() c = Comic(title=words, image_url="{}.gif".format(random.choice(range(0, 140))), promo_text= "Promo text for {}".format(words)[:79], posted=posted, secret_text = "Secret text for {}".format(words), alt_text = "Alt text for {}".format(words), tags = [random_name.thing(), random_name.adjective(), random_name.noun()]) if random.choice([False, False, False, True]): c.title = "Hidden {}".format(c.title) c.hidden = True print("Creating {}".format(c)) return c
def create_video(item): hero = Comic.hero() v = Video(comic=hero, title=item['title'], youtube_video_code=item['youtube'], hidden= not item['visible']) print("Created {}".format(v))
def create_image(title, image): hero = Comic.hero() print(hero) i = Image(comic=hero, title=title, image_url=image) print("Created {}".format(i))
def publish(): publog = [] hero = Comic.hero() if hero.published: print("Nothing to see here!") return publog.append("We're publishing a comic! Hooray!") publog.append(str(hero)) hero.published = True # this should trigger a cache-clear and re-order operation hero = Comic.hero() assert(hero.order > 0) # send hero e-mail to subscribers subscribers = EmailSubscriber.subscribers() mails = [] for subscriber in subscribers: try: publog.append("Sending comic to {}".format( subscriber.send_promo_email(hero) except SpamSpamSpamSpam: publog.append("\tCan't send: SPAM limit!") except Exception as e: publog.append(e) # tweet hero tweet twitter_message = hero.twitter_message() publog.append("\n") publog.append("Tweeting: {}".format(twitter_message)) try: tweet(twitter_message) except Exception as e: publog.append(e) # send printed report to admin mail_admins(subject="Published!", message="\n".join(publog)) return
def create_comic(item, posted, comic_url): secrettext = "" if 'secret-text' in item: secrettext = item['secret-text'] alttext = "" if 'alt-text' in item: alttext = item['alt-text'] tags = [] for category in item['categories']: tags.append(slugify(category)) if 'cube-drone' in tags: tags.remove('cube-drone') if '-' in item['title']: things = [thing.strip(" ") for thing in item['title'].split("-")] if "Interlude" in things or "interlude" in things: tags.append('interlude') things = things[1:] try: int(things[0]) things = things[1:] except ValueError: pass item['title'] = " ".join(things) c = Comic(title=item['title'], posted=posted, image_url=comic_url, secret_text=secrettext, alt_text=alttext, promo_text="", hidden=not item['visible'], published=True, tags=tags) print("Created {}".format(c))
def create_blog(item): hero = Comic.hero() content = "" if "markdown" in item: content = item['markdown'] elif "content" in item: content = item['content'] b = Blog(comic=hero, title=item['title'], markdown=content, hidden= not item['visible']) print("Created {}".format(b))
def post(self): form = ComicCreateForm(data=request.get_json()) if form.validate(): pass else: abort(400) qry = Comic.query(Comic.number == if len(qry.fetch(1)) > 0: return make_response(render_template("409.html")) comic = Comic() comic.number = comic.title = crawler.findTitle(comic.number) image = crawler.findImage(comic.number) comic.image = b64encode(image) if image is not None else image comic.put() return redirect(api.url_for(ComicList), 301)
def comic(request, comic_id): follows = ComicFollows.objects.filter(comic=comic_id, user_id=request.user).count() if Comic.objects.filter(pk=comic_id).count(): return render(request, 'comics/comic.html', { 'comic': Comic.objects.get(pk=comic_id), 'follows': follows }) else: headers = {'User-Agent': 'PintGrupo10'} field_list = 'id,issue_number,name,volume,cover_date,description,image' response = requests.get( '' + comic_id, params={ 'format': 'json', 'api_key': settings.COMICVINE_KEY }, headers=headers) if response.status_code == 200: son = json.loads(response.text) results = son['results'] if results: comic_id = results['id'] issue_number = results['issue_number'] if not issue_number: issue_number = 0 title = results['name'] if not title or title == 'None': title = son['results']['volume']['name'] if not title: title = "Title not available" image = results['image']['small_url'] store_date = results['cover_date'] if not store_date: store_date = "0000-00-00" synopsis = results['description'] if not synopsis: synopsis = "Synopsis not available" Comic(comic_id, issue_number, title, image, store_date, synopsis).save() return render(request, 'comics/comic.html', { 'comic': Comic.objects.get(pk=comic_id), 'follows': follows }) return render(request, 'comics/404.html')
def get(self, id): Comic.get_by_id(id).key.delete() return redirect(api.url_for(ComicList), 301)
def test_string_representation(self): comic = Comic(name="Spider-Man (2019) #1") self.assertEqual(str(comic),
def get(self, id): comic = Comic.get_by_id(id) return make_response( render_template('../client/partials/comics/detail.html', comic=comic))
def process_item(self, item, spider): comic = Comic() comic.comic_strip = self.comic_strip = item['date'] if 'title' in item: comic.title = item['title'] else: comic.title = None if comic.title is None: comic.title = "{} : {}/{}/{}".format(,,, comic.comic_page_url = item['comic_page_url'] comic.comic_url = item['comic_url'] if 'alt_text' in item: comic.alt_text = item['alt_text'] if 'alt_comic_url' in item: comic.alt_comic_url = item['alt_comic_url'] try: except IntegrityError: # Not needed, but we should try updating here. pass return item
def get(self, id): comic = Comic.get_by_id(id) return make_response(render_template("../client/partials/comics/detail.html", comic=comic))
def get(self): all = Comic.query().order(Comic.number).fetch() return make_response( render_template("../client/partials/comics/list.html", title="Comics", comics=all, form=ComicCreateForm()) )