Exemplo n.º 1
 def __del__(self):
     if self.tail_pid != None:
             il_connections.execute_mml_without_check('kill %s' % self.tail_pid)
     if self.tmp_file != None:
             il_connections.execute_mml('rm -f %s' % self.tmp_file)
Exemplo n.º 2
 def my_exec_mml(self,s,*answers):
     Execute MML command and catch the exception if it fails.
     If we do not catch the exception then Robot test will crash.
         # The org_execute_mml points to connections.execute_mml
         il_connections.execute_mml_without_check('date "+%a %b %d %H:%M:%S.%N %Z %Y"')
         ret =  org_execute_mml(s,*answers)
         return ret
     except Exception,e:
         raise AssertionError('execute_mml command %s fails: %s' % (s,str(e)))
Exemplo n.º 3
    def stop_monitoring(self):

        il_connections.execute_mml_without_check('kill %%%s' % self.tail_job.strip('[]'))
        while True:
            if il_connections.execute_mml('jobs').find(self.tail_job) < 0:

        self.running = False
        il_connections.execute_mml('rm -f %s' % self.tmp_file)
        self.tmp_file = None
        self.tail_pid = None
Exemplo n.º 4
def Get_Snapshot_Signal_Msg_Count(log_file, signal_num):
    cmd = "grep " + "'kernel: dmxmsg: snapshot:'" + " " + log_file
    output = connections.execute_mml_without_check(cmd)
    dumplog_list = output.strip().splitlines()
    log_cout = len(dumplog_list)
    msg_num = 0
    i = 0
    signal_hex_number = int(signal_num)
    while i < log_cout:
        log_item = dumplog_list[i].strip()
        re_item = "(?<=number:)\d*%X," % signal_hex_number
        match = re.findall(re_item, log_item)
        if match:
            doc_len = len(log_item.split(','))
            msg_num_str = log_item.split(',')[doc_len - 1]
            msg_num = msg_num_str.strip().split(' ')[1]
            return msg_num
        i += 1
    print "There is no log with number 0x%X" % signal_hex_number
    return msg_num
Exemplo n.º 5
def Get_Snapshot_Top_Five_PID_Count(log_file, recv_fam):
    cmd = "grep " + "'kernel: dmxmsg: snapshot:'" + " " + log_file
    output = connections.execute_mml_without_check(cmd)
    dumplog_list = output.strip().splitlines()
    log_cout = len(dumplog_list)
    msg_num = 0
    i = 0
    while i < log_cout:
        log_item = dumplog_list[i].strip()
        re_item_top = "\s*Top 5 PRBs in RU\s*"
        match_top = re.findall(re_item_top, log_item)
        if match_top:
            print "find top 5 prb log \n"
            re_item_fam = "(?<=\(0x%s\)=)\d*" % recv_fam
            match_fam = re.findall(re_item_fam, log_item)
            if match_fam:
                return match_fam[0].strip()
        i += 1
    print "There is no top log with receiver family 0x%s" % recv_fam
    return msg_num
Exemplo n.º 6
def _search_vcp_connection_list_with_conn_id(conn_id):
    command = """vcp_conn_list -c 0x%s""" %(conn_id)
    exec_output = connections.execute_mml_without_check(command)
    items = exec_output.strip().splitlines()
    vcp_res = {}
    for item in items:
        infos = item.split("|")
        if len(infos) == 10:
            vcp_res = CommonItem()
            vcp_res.index = infos[0].strip()
            vcp_res.conn_id =infos[1].strip()
            vcp_res.owner_id =infos[2].strip()
            vcp_res.type =infos[3].strip()
            local_ip = infos[4].strip().split(":")
            vcp_res.local_port = local_ip[2].strip()
            remote_ip =  infos[5].strip().split(":")
    return vcp_res
Exemplo n.º 7
def search_iu_transport_info_in_tf_table(leg_info):
     This keyword is used to search transport information in TF routine table
    #COMMAND: lgutilgx RID:USCP-0:1,2; vcp_conn_list -c 0x12345

    | Parameters     | Man.| Description       |
    | leg_info    | Yes | Iu Leg info parsed by keyword create_iucs_leg_with_cac_params      |
    | Return value | two instance of CommonItem, transport info in RM2 and TF table |

    | result | search_iu_transport_info_in_tf_table | ${iu_leg_info} |
    command = """lgutilgx RID:%s:%s,%s""" % (leg_info.computer, leg_info.hand_id, leg_info.focus_id)
    exec_output = connections.execute_mml_without_check(command)
    pattern = re.compile("""CONNECTION\s+ID:(\S+)""")
    leg_pattern = re.compile("""RES_TYPE\s+PRID\s+ENC\s+CAC_ALLOC\s+OUT\s+IPv4\s+(\S+):(\S+)""")
    rg_pattern = re.compile("""PROVIDER\s+QNUP-(\S+)""")
    conn_id = pattern.findall(exec_output)[0]
    rg_index = rg_pattern.findall(exec_output)
    result = leg_pattern.findall(exec_output)
    rm2_info = CommonItem()
    rm2_info.ip   = result[0][0]
    rm2_info.port = result[0][1]
    eitpuptrm_list = upm_lib.class_all_units_info('QUNP')
    eitpuptrm_key = 'QNUP-000%d' % (int(rg_index[0]))
    print "QNUP key:",eitpuptrm_key
    vcp_info = _search_vcp_connection_list_with_conn_id(conn_id)
#    if (connections.execute_mml('echo $HW_PLATFORM').count('BCN') > 0):
#        ssh_eipu = 'ssh EIPU-%d' % (int(rg_index[0]))
#        connections.execute_mml(ssh_eipu)
#        for conn_id in result:
#            vcp_info = _search_vcp_connection_list_with_conn_id(conn_id)
#        connections.execute_mml('exit')
#    else:
#        vcp_info = _search_vcp_connection_list_with_conn_id(conn_id)
    return rm2_info, vcp_info
Exemplo n.º 8
def show_ip_address(ipaddress):
    This keyword is used to show the ip address in SCLI
    #COMMAND: fsclish -c "show show networking address ip-address <ip_addr>"

    | Parameters   | Man. | Description       |
    | ipaddress    | Yes  | IP address        |

    | Return value | command execution result |

    | result | show_ip_address  | |
    command = """fsclish -c "show networking address ip-address %s" """ % (
    print "Command: " + command
    output = connections.execute_mml_without_check(command)

    if output == "" or output == " ":
                                 "ip address infomation doesn't exist")
    if output.find("type") != -1:
        pattern = re.compile(
            """\s+IP addresses in\s+\S+\s+instance:\s+(?P<inface>\S+)\s+type\s+:\s+(?P<type>\S+)\s+address\s+:\s+(?P<address>\S+)\s+owner\s+:\s+(?P<owner>\S+)\s+$"""
        pattern = re.compile(
            """\s+IP addresses in\s+\S+\s+instance:\s+(?P<inface>\S+)\s+address\s+:\s+(?P<address>\S+)\s+owner\s+:\s+(?P<owner>\S+)\s+$"""
    match = re.match(pattern, output)

    if match:
        return match.groupdict()
        print "not match"
                                 "ip address infomation doesn't exist")

    return {}
Exemplo n.º 9
def execute_dmxmsg_command(computer_id,family_id,command_str,timeout='2000'):
    """This keyword is to execute specified command
    | Parameters   | Man. | Description            |
    | computer_id  | Yes  | the computer address   |
    | family_id    | Yes  | the target family to monitor and send message  |
    | command      | Yes  | the command to be executed |

    | Return value | success, if the command executed successfully |

    | result | execute dmxmsg command |  0x700 | 0x1941 | refer |
    if (command_str.strip() == 'time'):
        command = 'msgmonstub -u %s -f %s -r %s -T %s'%(computer_id,family_id,command_str,timeout)
        command = 'msgmonstub -u %s -f %s -r %s'%(computer_id,family_id,command_str)
    out = connections.execute_mml_without_check(command)
    if (command_str.strip() == 'time'):
        time_out = int(timeout)
        print 'timeout is:', time_out
        match = re.search(r"\s*time elapsed:\s*([0-9]*)\s*", out, re.I)
        if match is not None:
            time1 = match.group(1)
            time2 = atoi(str(time1), 10)
            if (time2 >= time_out) and (time2 < (time_out+99)):
                return 'success'
                return 'failure'
            return 'failure'
    if (command_str.strip() == 'mthread'):
        if out.count('success') ==2:
            return 'success'
            return 'failure'

    if out.count('success') ==1:
        return 'success'
        return 'failure'
Exemplo n.º 10
def set_ip_based_route_with_specified_parameters(ipbr_id, *args):
    """ This keyword is used to set ip based route attributes with attribute string description
    #COMMAND: fsclish -c "add networking ipbr ipbr-id <ipbr_id> ipbr-name <ipbr_name> route-bandwidth <route_bw> "

    | Parameters     | Man. |        Description                                    |
    | ipbr_id        | Yes  | IPBR ID                                               |
    | args           | No   | list of the ipbr attribute string: e.g. ipbr-name=xxx |
    | Return value   | instance of dictionary |

    | result | set_ip_based_route_with_specified_parameters | ${ipbr_id} | ipbr-name=bts1 |

    command = "set networking ipbr ipbr-id %s" % (ipbr_id)
    for arg in args:
        items = arg.split("=")
        command = command + " " + items[0].strip() + " " + items[1].strip()
    command = """fsclish -c "%s" """ % (command)
    print "Command:", command
    output = connections.execute_mml_without_check(command)
    return _parse_SCLI_command_output('IPBR Modify', output)
Exemplo n.º 11
def release_iub_leg(call_id, leg_id="IN", computer="USCP-0"):
     This keyword is used to release iub leg
    #COMMAND: lgutilgx RV:<computer>:<call_id>:<leg_id>

    | Parameters | Man.| Description       |
    | call_id    | Yes | call ID           |
    | leg_id     | No  | Leg ID            |
    | computer   | No  | recovery unit where the leg reserved, default is USCP-0 |

    | Return value | an instance of CommonItem |

    | result | release_iub_leg | ${CALL_ID} | ${LEG_ID}| ${USCP-0} |
    command = """lgutilgx RV:%s:%s:%s"""  % (computer, call_id, leg_id)
    exec_output = connections.execute_mml_without_check(command)
    if -1 == exec_output.find("RELEASING SUCCESSFUL"):
        raise exceptions.raise_ILError("ILCommandExecuteError", exec_output)
    return "success"
Exemplo n.º 12
def release_iucs_leg(call_id, computer="USCP-0"):
     This keyword is used to release iucs leg
    # COMMAND: lgutilgx RV:USCP-0:123:OUT

    | Parameters | Man.| Description       |
    | call_id    | Yes | IPBR ID           |
    | computer   | No  | recovery unit where the leg reserved, default is USCP-0 |

    | Return value | string "success" when the operation success |

    | result | release_iucs_leg | ${CALL_ID} | ${USCP-0} |
    command = """lgutilgx RV:%s:%s:OUT""" %(computer, call_id)
    print "execute command:", command
    exec_output = connections.execute_mml_without_check(command)
    if -1 == exec_output.find("RELEASING SUCCESSFUL"):
        raise exceptions.raise_ILError("ILCommandExecuteError", exec_output)
    return "success"
Exemplo n.º 13
def check_bin_header_is_correct(dir_name, files_name):
    """This keyword is to check whether the LIBGEN bin header is correct or not.
    | Parameters   | Man. | Description              |
    | dir_name     | Yes  | the directory name       |
    | files_name   | Yes  | the array of files name  |
    | Return value | None |
    | check bin header is correct | monster_test | ["test1-000.bin","test1-001.bin"] | 
    bin_header_context = "0000000 0000 000c 0003 0000 0000 0000"
    file_count = len(files_name)
    for i in range(file_count):
        command = "hexdump -n 16 /var/log/" + dir_name + "/" + files_name[i]
        output = connections.execute_mml_without_check(command)
        if (output.count(bin_header_context) <= 0):
                "The LIBGEN bin header is not correct for file: %s." %
Exemplo n.º 14
def execute_dmxmsg_command_and_check_result(computer_id,family_id,command_str,result,res_count):
    """This keyword is to execute specified command
    | Parameters   | Man. | Description            |
    | computer_id  | Yes  | the computer address   |
    | family_id    | Yes  | the target family to monitor and send message  |
    | command      | Yes  | the command to be executed |

    | Return value | success, if the command executed successfully |

    | result | execute dmxmsg command and check result |  0x700 | 0x1941 | register | success | 2 |

    command = 'msgmonstub -u %s -f %s -r %s'%(computer_id,family_id,command_str)
    out = connections.execute_mml_without_check(command)

    if out.count(result) == int(res_count):
        return 'success'
        return 'failure'
Exemplo n.º 15
def check_whether_process_is_exist_or_not(prb_name):
    """This keyword is to whether given PRB exist or not
    | Parameters   | Man. | Description             |
    | prb_name     | Yes  | The name of checked PRB |

    | Return value | success, if the checked prb exist |
    | result | check whether process is exist or not | ${prb_name} |

    command = 'ps -ef|grep %s'%(prb_name)
    out = connections.execute_mml_without_check(command)

    lines = out.strip().splitlines()
    count = 0
    for line in lines:
        count = count +1
    if count ==2:
        return 'success'
Exemplo n.º 16
def mod_ip_based_route(ipbr_id, ipbr_name='', route_bw='', commit_bw='', commit_sig_bw='', commit_dcn_bw='', \
                       ifc_nrtdch='', ifc_nrthsdpa='', scheduler_type='', phb_profile='', dspm_profile='', \
                       mux_flag='', max_mux_pkt_num='', mux_local_port='', mux_remote_port='', mux_udp_dscp=''):
    """ This keyword is used to set networking ipbr info by ipbr-id
    #COMMAND: fsclish -c "set networking ipbr ipbr-id <ipbr_id> ipbr-name <ipbr_name> route-bandwidth <route_bw> "

    | Parameters     | Man. |        Description               |
    | ipbr_id        | Yes  | IPBR ID                          |
    | ipbr_name      | No   | IPBR_name                        |
    | route_bw       | No   | route bandwidth                  |
    | commit_bw      | No   | committed bandwidth              |
    | commit_sig_bw  | No   | committed signaling bandwidth    |
    | commit_dcn_bw  | No   | committed DCN bandwidth          |
    | ifc_flag       | No   | IFC flag(enabled,disabled)       |
    | ratio          | No   | Ratio for Iur/Iub+Iur            |
    | scheduler_type | No   | scheduler type(None, VQ, RQ)     |
    | phb_profile    | No   | phb profile id                   |
    | dspm_profile   | No   | dspm profile id                  |
    | mux_flag       | No   | specify whether enable mux function |
    | max_mux_pkt_num| No   | specify max mux packets number |
    | mux_local_port | No   | specify local mux port: range 49152~65535, default is 65535 |
    | mux_remote_port| No   | specify remote mux port: range 49152~65535, default is 65535 |
    | mux_udp_dscp   | No   | specify mux DSCP value: range 0~63, default is 46 |
    | Return value   | instance of dictionary |

    | result | mod_ip_based_route | 123 | bts-1 | 123124 |

    ipbr_attributes_list_str = _set_ipbr_attributes_list_str(ipbr_id, ipbr_name, route_bw, commit_bw, \
                                  commit_sig_bw, commit_dcn_bw, ifc_nrtdch, ifc_nrthsdpa, \
                                  scheduler_type, phb_profile, dspm_profile, mux_flag, \
                                  max_mux_pkt_num, mux_local_port, mux_remote_port, mux_udp_dscp)

    command = 'fsclish -c "set networking ipbr %s"' % (
    print "Command:", command

    output_str = connections.execute_mml_without_check(command)
    return _parse_SCLI_command_output('IPBR Modify', output_str)
Exemplo n.º 17
def _get_available_ip_with_sepcified_recovery_group_type(rg_type):
    command = 'fsclish -c "show networking instance default address"'
    output = connections.execute_mml_without_check(command)
    if output.find('type') != -1:
        ip_addr_pattern_str = "(\w+)\s+type\s+:\s+(\w+)\s+address\s+:\s+(\d+.\d+.\d+.\d+)/(\d+)\s+owner\s+:\s+(\S+)"
        iface_index = 0
        addr_index = 2
        owner_index = 4
        ip_addr_pattern_str = "(\w+)\s+address\s+:\s+(\d+.\d+.\d+.\d+)/(\d+)\s+owner\s+:\s+(\S+)"
        iface_index = 0
        addr_index = 1
        owner_index = 3

    ip_addr_list = re.findall(ip_addr_pattern_str, output)
    eitp_ip_list = []
    for ip_info in ip_addr_list:

        if ip_info[addr_index].startswith('169.254'):

        if -1 == ip_info[owner_index].find(rg_type):
        temp_items = ip_info[owner_index].split('-')

        if len(temp_items) == 1:
            index = 0
            index = atoi(temp_items[1])

        if index >= len(eitp_ip_list):
            for i in range(len(eitp_ip_list), index + 1):
        ip_content = CommonItem()
        ip_content.rg_name = ip_info[owner_index]
        ip_content.ip_addr = ip_info[addr_index]
        ip_content.iface = ip_info[iface_index]

    return eitp_ip_list
Exemplo n.º 18
def send_message_to_test_process_with_condition_by_libdmxmsg(monitor_computer_id,receiver_computer_id, family_id,process_id,condition,ncount=10,delay=3,data="'01 34 56 ff 01 21'",retry=3):
    """This keyword is to trigger CLI to send message to test process by libdmxmsg and catch the received message with condition by monster

    #COMMAND: testmon.py -p "-u monitor_computer_id -f family_id -c contion" -c "montest -u receiver_computer_id -f family_id -p process_id -d data -n ncount" -t delay
    | Parameters            | Man. | Description                                  |
    | monitor_computer_id   | Yes  | the computer address monster to monitor      |
    | receiver_comptuer_id  | Yes  | the target computer address message sent to  |
    | family_id             | Yes  | the target family to monitor and send message|
    | process_id            | Yes  | the target process id to send message to     |
    | condition             | Yes  | condition used by monster to filter the message out |
    | ncount                | No   | the message count send out                   |
    | delay                 | No   | delay time python script will kill monster process after message sent out |
    | data                  | No   | the message data vlaue  |
    | Return value | command str, the catched message string monitored by monster |

    | ${result} | send message to test process with condition by libdmxmsg | 0x700 | 0x700 | 0x1942 | 0 | ":NUM=FF01" |
    command='testmon.py -p "-u %s -f %s -V -c %s" -c "msgmonstub -u %s -f %s -p %s -d %s -n %s" -t %s -r %s'%(monitor_computer_id,family_id,condition,receiver_computer_id,family_id,process_id,data,ncount,delay,retry)
    out = connections.execute_mml_without_check(command)
    return out
Exemplo n.º 19
def get_GCU_info():
    This keyword is used to basic ipbr config information from CAC PRB
    #COMMAND: ilfunitcli -lx
    | Parameters         | Man. | Description   |
    | None               |      |               |
    | Return value | String |
    | result | get_GCU_info |  | 
    command = 'ilfunitcli -lx'
    print "Command:", command
    output = connections.execute_mml_without_check(command)
    pattern = re.compile(r'\s*GCU-1\s+\S+\s+\S+\s+\S+\s+\S+\s+(\S+)', re.S)
    result = re.findall(pattern, output)
    result1 = result[0]
    print result
    print result1
    return result1
Exemplo n.º 20
def dmxcli2_sending(options):
    This keyword is to return execution result contains "**SUCCESS**" when funcs implemented successful.
    #COMMAND: dmxcli2 

   Usage: dmxcli2 [options]
    1. dmxcli2 -h / -?                 :Show this help message.
    2. dmxcli2 -s comp.fam             :Send a message to dest pid.
    3. dmxcli2 -r comp[.fam[.timeout]] :Receive a message from pid.
         e.g.  -r 0.ad9c               :Receive from 0.ad9c.0. Wait for ever.
         e.g.  -r 1.?.1000             :Receive from computer 1 and any family. Timeout 1000MS.
         e.g.  -r ?.?.50               :Receive from any computer and any family. Timeout 50MS.
    4. dmxcli2 -m wosp_logic_addr      :Check last warming message.
         e.g.  -m 7002                 :Must be WOSP logical address.
    5. dmxcli2 -w wosp_logic_addr      :Check WO message is faster than SP.
         e.g.  -w 7002                 :Must be WOSP logical address.
    6. dmxcli2 -u unit_addr=unit_state :Update RU state. Addr and state are all hexadecimal.
         e.g.  -u 0100=F               :Unit_addr must be physical address. 0xF means UNIT_STATE_T_WO_C.
    7. dmxcli2 -c unit_addr=co_uaddr   :Update RU co-unit address. (Hexadecimal)
         e.g.  -c 0100=0200            :Both address must be physical addr.
    8. dmxcli2 -U uaddr,ustate,counit  :Update RU state and co-unit at one time.
         e.g.  -U 100,0,200            :Set RU 100's state to WO, and co-unit addr is 200.
    9. dmxcli2 -C unit,log,wosp,wo,sp  :Config logical address. This will modify the computer table.
         e.g.  -C 1F0,4FF0,FF7,0,100   :Config logical address 7FF0.
    10.dmxcli2 -G grp,num,addr1,...    :Config group address. This will modify the group table.
         e.g.  -G FF7,2,0,100          :Config group address FF7.
    11.dmxcli2 -Q unit_addr            :Query unit state by unit address.
         e.g.  -Q 0100                 :Query unit state of 0x0100. Return value will be 'State,CoUnit'.
    12.dmxcli2 -q RUType[,n]           :Query RU computer table info. Such as logical addr, Physical address, ...
               Optional 'n'            :0=All, 1=PhysAddr, 2=LogAddr, 3=Log_GroupAddr, 4=Group_LogAddr, 5=Processor_index.
         e.g.  -q Unit_Type,0          :Query all info about unit type.
    13.dmxcli2 -o                      :Query own physical address.

    | dmxcli2_sending |-s 0.ad9c.0|
    command = "dmxcli2 " + options
    out = connections.execute_mml_without_check(command)
    return out
Exemplo n.º 21
def Check_Snapshot_Time_Scape_Less_Then_Expected_Value(log_file, end_str,
    cmd = "grep '" + end_str + "' " + log_file
    output = connections.execute_mml_without_check(cmd)
    end_log = output.strip()
    if len(end_log) == 0:
        print "There is no end log"
        result = 0
        stack_time = end_log.split(',')[3]
        print stack_time
        time_value = stack_time.split('=')[1]
        if int(time_value) < int(expect_time):
            result = 1
            print "time value is: %s, expect_time is: %s\n" % (time_value,
            result = 0
    if result == 1:
        return "successful"
        return "error"
Exemplo n.º 22
def del_ip_based_route(ipbr_id, ipbr_name=""):
    This keyword is to used to delete an ip based route.
    #COMMAND: fsclish -c "delete networking ipbr ipbr-id <IPBR ID> ipbr-name <IPBR Name>"

    | Parameters  | Man. | Description      |
    | ipbr_id     | Yes  | IPBR ID          |
    | ipbr_name   | No   | IPBR Name        |

    | Return value | an instance of dictionay |

    | result | del_ip_based_route | 123 |
    ipbr_attributes_list_str = _set_ipbr_attributes_list_str(
        ipbr_id, ipbr_name)
    command = """fsclish -c "delete networking ipbr %s" """ % (

    output_str = connections.execute_mml_without_check(command)
    return _parse_SCLI_command_output('IPBR Delete', output_str)
Exemplo n.º 23
def testcli_send_message_to_test_process(receiver_computer_id, family_id,process_id,ncount=10,data="'01 34 56 ff 01 21'"):
    """This keyword is to trigger CLI to send message to test process

    #COMMAND: montest -u receiver_computer_id -f family_id -p process_id -d data -n ncount
    | Parameters            | Man. | Description                                  |
    | receiver_comptuer_id  | Yes  | the target computer address message sent to  |
    | family_id             | Yes  | the target family to monitor and send message|
    | process_id            | Yes  | the target process id to send message to     |
    | ncount                | No   | the message count send out                   |
    | data                  | No   | the message data vlaue  |
    | Return value | command str, success for only 1 string of 'Next working' in the execute result |

    | ${result} | test cli send message to test process |  0x200 | 0x193B | 0 |

    command='montest -f 0xffff -- -u %s -f %s -p %s -d %s -n %s'%(receiver_computer_id,family_id,process_id,data,ncount)
    out = connections.execute_mml_without_check(command)
    if out.count('Next working') == 1:
        return 'success'
        return 'failure'
Exemplo n.º 24
def create_iur_leg_with_cac_params(call_id, ipbr_id, params="", computer="USCP-0"):
     This keyword is used to create Iur leg with CACPRB parameters
    #COMMAND: lgutilgx RRI:USCP-0:7D1:IN,:,,,12,13:1::NCAC=0

    | Parameters | Man.| Description       |
    | call_id    | Yes | Call ID           |
    | ipbr_id_1  | Yes | IPBR ID           |
    | params     | No  | traffic parameters used for leg creation |
    | computer   | No  | Recovery Unit specified to create leg, default is USCP-0 |

    | Return value | an instance of CommonItem |

    | result | create_iur_leg_with_cac_params | ${Call_ID} | ${IPBR_ID_1} | NCAC=0 | ${USCP-0}|
    command = """lgutilgx RRI:%s:%s:IN,:,,,%s:1::%s""" %(computer, call_id, ipbr_id, params)
    print "execute command:", command
    exec_output = connections.execute_mml_without_check(command)
    result = _parse_in_leg_creation_output(exec_output)
    result.computer = computer
    return result
Exemplo n.º 25
def Generic_Send_Msg(selffamily,
    command = "dmx_generic_stub send " + selffamily + " " + target
    if number != '':
        command += " -n " + number
    if length != '':
        command += " -l " + length
    if sequence != '':
        command += " -s " + sequence
    if interval != '':
        command += " -i " + interval
    if quite_flag != '':
        command += " -q "
    if back_groud != '':
        command += "&"
    out = connections.execute_mml_without_check(command)
    return out
Exemplo n.º 26
def dmxcli2_Config_grp_addr_1(grp_addr, processor_index, uindex_offset):
    """This keyword Config group address. This will modify the group table.
    #COMMAND: dmxcli2 -G grp,num,addr1,

    | Parameters       | Man. | Description              |
    | grp_addr         | Yes  | Group Address            |
    | processor_index  | Yes  | processor index          |
    | uindex_offset    | Yes  | uindex offset            |
    | Return value     | **SUCCESS** of **FAILURE**      |
    | ${result}  | dmxcli2 -G FF7,2,0,100.               |
    processor_index = "0x" + processor_index
    uindex_offset = "0x" + uindex_offset
    sum = int(processor_index, 16) + int(uindex_offset, 16)
    sum = hex(sum)
    addr = str(sum)
    print addr
    command = "dmxcli2 -G " + str(grp_addr) + ",1," + addr
    out = connections.execute_mml_without_check(command)
    return out
Exemplo n.º 27
def Get_Snapshot_Sender_And_Signal_Count(log_file, send_fam, signal_num):
    cmd = "grep " + "'kernel: dmxmsg: snapshot:'" + " " + log_file
    output = connections.execute_mml_without_check(cmd)
    dumplog_list = output.strip().splitlines()
    log_cout = len(dumplog_list)
    msg_num = 0
    i = 0
    signal_hex_number = int(signal_num)
    while i < log_cout:
        log_item = dumplog_list[i].strip()
        re_item_sig = "(?<=number:)\d*%X," % signal_hex_number
        match_sig = re.findall(re_item_sig, log_item)
        if match_sig:
            re_item_fam = "(?<=PID:\d{4}:)\d*%s:\d{4}, attr:" % send_fam
            match_fam = re.findall(re_item_fam, log_item)
            if match_fam:
                doc_len = len(log_item.split(','))
                msg_num_str = log_item.split(',')[doc_len - 1]
                msg_num = msg_num_str.strip().split(' ')[1]
                return msg_num
        i += 1
    print "There is no log with sender family 0x%x, number 0x%X " % (
        send_fam, signal_hex_number)
    return msg_num
Exemplo n.º 28
def inquiry_gtp_conn_resource_info(ip_address='', teid='', vrf_id='', filter = 'true'):
     This keyword is used to inquiry specified GTP connection resource in CACPRB

    #COMMAND: iltrmcli -S -g TEID

    | Parameters | Man.| Description       |
    | ip_addr    | Yes | IP address        |
    | teid       | Yes | GTP tunnel ID     |
    | vrf_id     | No  | Instance ID of virtual routing forward |
    | filter     | No  | Filter whether add the reserved, free, buffer info into the list |

    | Return value | an instance of CommonItem |

    | result | inquiry gtp conn resource info | ${IP_address} | ${GTP_TEID} |
    teid_hex = "0x%s" %(teid)
    command = "iltrmcli -S -g %s" %(teid_hex)
    #if vrf_id !='' and connections.execute_mml('echo $HW_PLATFORM').count('FTLB') == 0:
       # command = command + " -v %s" %(vrf_id)
    print "Command:", command
    exec_output = connections.execute_mml_without_check(command)
    return _parse_conn_info(exec_output, filter)
Exemplo n.º 29
def copy_file(file1, file2):
    """This keyword is to copy file1 to file2 us cp command

    #COMMAND: cp

    | Parameters | Man. | Description |
    | file1   | Yes | source file name
    | file2   | Yes | destination name

    | Return value | Successful: True, Failure: False |

    | ${result} | copy_file | test.txt | test.bak |
    | Should Be True | ${result} |

    #just copying file/folder but not symbol links
    command = "cp -rfL %s %s" % (file1, file2)
    out = connections.execute_mml_without_check(command, 'y')
    if out.count("Read-only file system") != 0:
        connections.execute_mml("mount -o rw,remount /mnt/sysimg")
        connections.execute_cli(command, 'y')

    return True
Exemplo n.º 30
def release_all_udp_conn_resource():
     This keyword is used to release all UDP connection resource in CACPRB

    #COMMAND: iltrmcli -D -u all

    | Parameters | Man.| Description       |
    |            |     |                   |

    | Return value | an instance of String, success or failed |

    | result | release all udp conn resource | 
    command = "iltrmcli -D -u all"
    print "Command:", command
    exec_output = connections.execute_mml_without_check(command)
    return_value = CommonItem()
    if (-1 != exec_output.lower().find("success")):
        return_value.result = "success"
        return_value.result = "failed"
    return return_value
Exemplo n.º 31
def dmxcli2_launch_command(cmd, param):
    command = "dmxcli2 " + cmd + " " + param
    out = connections.execute_mml_without_check(command)
    return out
Exemplo n.º 32
def Get_Snapshot_Family_Count(log_file, recv_fam):
    cmd = "grep " + "'kernel: dmxmsg: snapshot:'" + " " + log_file + " | " + "grep " + "'next:[0-9A-F]\{4\}, PID:[0-9A-F]\{4\}:0\{0,3\}'" + recv_fam + "':[0-9A-F]\{4\},'" + " | wc -l"
    dumplog = connections.execute_mml_without_check(cmd)
    log_count = dumplog.strip()
    return str(log_count)
Exemplo n.º 33
def create_low_memory(disk_file):
    command = "free"
    output = connections.execute_mml_without_check(command)
    print output
    command = "free -g | grep Mem: |awk -F \" \" \'{print $4}\'"
    output = connections.execute_mml_without_check(command)
    memo_g = output.strip()
    print "create memory %s G" % memo_g
    mount_size = int(memo_g) + 1
    mount_size = str(mount_size)
    command = 'mkdir ' + disk_file
    command = 'mount -t tmpfs -o nosuid,mode=777,size=' + mount_size + 'G,rw tmpfs ' + disk_file
    command = 'cd ' + disk_file

    command = 'dd if=/dev/zero of=emptyfile bs=1M count=' + memo_g + '000'
    output = connections.execute_mml_without_check(command)

    command = "free"
    output = connections.execute_mml_without_check(command)
    print output
    command = "free -m | grep Mem: |awk -F \" \" \'{print $4}\'"
    output = connections.execute_mml_without_check(command)
    memo_m = output.strip()
    print "memo_m is: %s M" % memo_m
    cp_size = int(memo_m, 10)
    cp_size = cp_size / 2 - 10
    size = str(cp_size)
    print "write buffer %s M" % size

    command = 'dd if=/dev/zero of=occupyfile bs=1M count=' + size
    output = connections.execute_mml_without_check(command)

    command = 'cd /root;'
    output = connections.execute_mml_without_check(command)
    command = 'free;ll ' + disk_file + "/*"
    output = connections.execute_mml_without_check(command)
    print output