Exemplo n.º 1
		def chflags(cls, path, flags, opts=""):
			cmd = 'chflags %s %o %s' % (opts, flags, _shell_quote(path))
			status, output = subprocess_getstatusoutput(cmd)
			if os.WIFEXITED(status) and os.WEXITSTATUS(status) == os.EX_OK:
			# Try to generate an ENOENT error if appropriate.
			if 'h' in opts:
			# Make sure the binary exists.
			if not portage.process.find_binary('chflags'):
				raise portage.exception.CommandNotFound('chflags')
			# Now we're not sure exactly why it failed or what
			# the real errno was, so just report EPERM.
			e = OSError(errno.EPERM, output)
			e.errno = errno.EPERM
			e.filename = path
			e.message = output
			raise e
Exemplo n.º 2
 def chflags(cls, path, flags, opts=""):
     cmd = 'chflags %s %o %s' % (opts, flags, _shell_quote(path))
     status, output = subprocess_getstatusoutput(cmd)
     if os.WIFEXITED(status) and os.WEXITSTATUS(status) == os.EX_OK:
     # Try to generate an ENOENT error if appropriate.
     if 'h' in opts:
     # Make sure the binary exists.
     if not portage.process.find_binary('chflags'):
         raise portage.exception.CommandNotFound('chflags')
     # Now we're not sure exactly why it failed or what
     # the real errno was, so just report EPERM.
     e = OSError(errno.EPERM, output)
     e.errno = errno.EPERM
     e.filename = path
     e.message = output
     raise e
Exemplo n.º 3
 def _get_target(self):
     global VERSION
     if VERSION is not self:
         return VERSION
     if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(PORTAGE_BASE_PATH, '.git')):
         status, output = subprocess_getstatusoutput((
          "cd %s ; git describe --tags || exit $? ; " + \
          "if [ -n \"`git diff-index --name-only --diff-filter=M HEAD`\" ] ; " + \
          "then echo modified ; git rev-list --format=%%ct -n 1 HEAD ; fi ; " + \
          "exit 0") % _shell_quote(PORTAGE_BASE_PATH))
         if os.WIFEXITED(status) and os.WEXITSTATUS(status) == os.EX_OK:
             output_lines = output.splitlines()
             if output_lines:
                 version_split = output_lines[0].split('-')
                 if version_split:
                     VERSION = version_split[0].lstrip('v')
                     patchlevel = False
                     if len(version_split) > 1:
                         patchlevel = True
                         VERSION = "%s_p%s" % (VERSION,
                     if len(output_lines
                            ) > 1 and output_lines[1] == 'modified':
                         head_timestamp = None
                         if len(output_lines) > 3:
                                 head_timestamp = long(output_lines[3])
                             except ValueError:
                         timestamp = long(time.time())
                         if head_timestamp is not None and timestamp > head_timestamp:
                             timestamp = timestamp - head_timestamp
                         if not patchlevel:
                             VERSION = "%s_p0" % (VERSION, )
                         VERSION = "%s_p%d" % (VERSION, timestamp)
                     return VERSION
     return VERSION
Exemplo n.º 4
		def _get_target(self):
			global VERSION
			if VERSION is not self:
				return VERSION
			if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(PORTAGE_BASE_PATH, '.git')):
				status, output = subprocess_getstatusoutput((
					"cd %s ; git describe --tags || exit $? ; " + \
					"if [ -n \"`git diff-index --name-only --diff-filter=M HEAD`\" ] ; " + \
					"then echo modified ; git rev-list --format=%%ct -n 1 HEAD ; fi ; " + \
					"exit 0") % _shell_quote(PORTAGE_BASE_PATH))
				if os.WIFEXITED(status) and os.WEXITSTATUS(status) == os.EX_OK:
					output_lines = output.splitlines()
					if output_lines:
						version_split = output_lines[0].split('-')
						if version_split:
							VERSION = version_split[0].lstrip('v')
							patchlevel = False
							if len(version_split) > 1:
								patchlevel = True
								VERSION = "%s_p%s" %(VERSION, version_split[1])
							if len(output_lines) > 1 and output_lines[1] == 'modified':
								head_timestamp = None
								if len(output_lines) > 3:
										head_timestamp = long(output_lines[3])
									except ValueError:
								timestamp = long(time.time())
								if head_timestamp is not None and timestamp > head_timestamp:
									timestamp = timestamp - head_timestamp
								if not patchlevel:
									VERSION = "%s_p0" % (VERSION,)
								VERSION = "%s_p%d" % (VERSION, timestamp)
							return VERSION
			return VERSION