Exemplo n.º 1
class OpTestRTCdriver():
    ##  Initialize this object
    #  @param i_bmcIP The IP address of the BMC
    #  @param i_bmcUser The userid to log into the BMC with
    #  @param i_bmcPasswd The password of the userid to log into the BMC with
    #  @param i_bmcUserIpmi The userid to issue the BMC IPMI commands with
    #  @param i_bmcPasswdIpmi The password of BMC IPMI userid
    #  @param i_ffdcDir Optional param to indicate where to write FFDC
    # "Only required for inband tests" else Default = None
    # @param i_lparIP The IP address of the LPAR
    # @param i_lparuser The userid to log into the LPAR
    # @param i_lparPasswd The password of the userid to log into the LPAR with
    def __init__(self, i_bmcIP, i_bmcUser, i_bmcPasswd,
                 i_bmcUserIpmi, i_bmcPasswdIpmi, i_ffdcDir=None, i_lparip=None,
                 i_lparuser=None, i_lparPasswd=None):
        self.cv_BMC = OpTestBMC(i_bmcIP, i_bmcUser, i_bmcPasswd, i_ffdcDir)
        self.cv_IPMI = OpTestIPMI(i_bmcIP, i_bmcUserIpmi, i_bmcPasswdIpmi,
        self.cv_LPAR = OpTestLpar(i_lparip, i_lparuser, i_lparPasswd,i_bmcIP)
        self.util = OpTestUtil()

    # @brief This function will cover following test steps
    #        1. Getting lpar information(OS and Kernel info)
    #        2. Loading rtc_opal module based on config option
    #        3. Testing the rtc driver functions
    #                Display the current time,
    #                set the Hardware Clock to a specified time,
    #                set the Hardware Clock from the System Time, or
    #                set the System Time from the Hardware Clock
    #                keep the Hardware clock in UTC or local time format
    #                Hardware clock compare, predict and adjust functions
    #                Hardware clock debug and test modes
    #                Reading the Hardware clock from special file instead of default
    #        4. After executing above each function reading the Hardware clock in b/w functions.
    # @return BMC_CONST.FW_SUCCESS or raise OpTestError
    def test_RTC_driver(self):

        # Get OS level
        l_oslevel = self.cv_LPAR.lpar_get_OS_Level()

        # Get Kernel Version
        l_kernel = self.cv_LPAR.lpar_get_kernel_version()

        # Get hwclock version
        l_hwclock = self.cv_LPAR.lpar_run_command("hwclock -V;echo $?")

        # loading rtc_opal module based on config option
        l_config = "CONFIG_RTC_DRV_OPAL"
        l_module = "rtc_opal"
        self.cv_LPAR.lpar_load_module_based_on_config(l_kernel, l_config, l_module)

        # Get the device files for rtc driver
        l_res = self.cv_LPAR.lpar_run_command("ls /dev/ | grep -i --color=never rtc")
        l_files = l_res.splitlines()
        l_list = []
        for name in l_files:
            if name.__contains__("rtc"):
                l_file = "/dev/" + name
        print l_list

        # Display the time of hwclock from device files
        for l_file in l_list:

        self.cv_LPAR.lpar_set_hwclock_time("2015-01-01 10:10:10")
        self.cv_LPAR.lpar_set_hwclock_time("2016-01-01 20:20:20")
        self.set_hwclock_in_utc("2017-01-01 10:10:10")
        self.set_hwclock_in_localtime("2014-01-01 05:05:05")
        self.hwclock_predict("2015-01-01 10:10:10")
        self.hwclock_test_mode("2018-01-01 10:10:10")

    # @brief This function reads hwclock from special /dev/... file instead of default
    # @param i_file @type string: special /dev/ file
    # @return BMC_CONST.FW_SUCCESS or raise OpTestError
    def read_hwclock_from_file(self, i_file):
        print "Reading the hwclock from special file /dev/ ...: %s" % i_file
        l_res = self.cv_LPAR.lpar_run_command("hwclock -r -f %s;echo $?" % i_file)
        l_res = l_res.splitlines()
        if int(l_res[-1]) == 0:
            return BMC_CONST.FW_SUCCESS
            l_msg = "Reading the hwclock from file failed"
            print l_msg
            raise OpTestError(l_msg)

    # @brief This function sets hwclock in UTC format
    # @param i_time @type string: time to set hwclock
    #                             Ex: "2016-01-01 12:12:12"
    # @return BMC_CONST.FW_SUCCESS or raise OpTestError
    def set_hwclock_in_utc(self, i_time):
        print "Setting the hwclock in UTC: %s" % i_time
        l_res = self.cv_LPAR.lpar_run_command("hwclock --set --date \'%s\' --utc;echo $?" % i_time)
        l_res = l_res.splitlines()
        if int(l_res[-1]) == 0:
            return BMC_CONST.FW_SUCCESS
            l_msg = "Setting the hwclock in UTC failed"
            print l_msg
            raise OpTestError(l_msg)

    # @brief This function sets hwclock in local time format
    # @param i_time @type string: Time to set hwclock
    # @return BMC_CONST.FW_SUCCESS or raise OpTestError
    def set_hwclock_in_localtime(self, i_time):
        print "Setting the hwclock in localtime: %s" % i_time
        l_res = self.cv_LPAR.lpar_run_command("hwclock --set --date \'%s\' --localtime;echo $?" % i_time)
        l_res = l_res.splitlines()
        if int(l_res[-1]) == 0:
            return BMC_CONST.FW_SUCCESS
            l_msg = "Setting the hwclock in localtime failed"
            print l_msg
            raise OpTestError(l_msg)

    # @brief This function sets the time of hwclock from system time
    # @return BMC_CONST.FW_SUCCESS or raise OpTestError
    def systime_to_hwclock(self):
        print "Setting the hwclock from system time"
        l_res = self.cv_LPAR.lpar_run_command("hwclock --systohc;echo $?")
        l_res = l_res.splitlines()
        if int(l_res[-1]) == 0:
            return BMC_CONST.FW_SUCCESS
            l_msg = "Setting the hwclock from system time failed"
            print l_msg
            raise OpTestError(l_msg)

    # @brief This function sets the time of hwclock from system time in UTC format
    # @return BMC_CONST.FW_SUCCESS or raise OpTestError
    def systime_to_hwclock_in_utc(self):
        print "Setting the hwclock from system time, in UTC format"
        l_res = self.cv_LPAR.lpar_run_command("hwclock --systohc --utc;echo $?")
        l_res = l_res.splitlines()
        if int(l_res[-1]) == 0:
            return BMC_CONST.FW_SUCCESS
            l_msg = "Setting the hwclock from system time in UTC format failed"
            print l_msg
            raise OpTestError(l_msg)

    # @brief This function sets the time of hwclock from system time in local time format
    # @return BMC_CONST.FW_SUCCESS or raise OpTestError
    def systime_to_hwclock_in_localtime(self):
        print "Setting the hwclock from system time, in localtime format"
        l_res = self.cv_LPAR.lpar_run_command("hwclock --systohc --localtime;echo $?")
        l_res = l_res.splitlines()
        if int(l_res[-1]) == 0:
            return BMC_CONST.FW_SUCCESS
            l_msg = "Setting the hwclock from system time in localtime format failed"
            print l_msg
            raise OpTestError(l_msg)

    # @brief This function sets the system time from hwclock.
    # @return BMC_CONST.FW_SUCCESS or raise OpTestError
    def hwclock_to_systime(self):
        print "Setting the system time from hwclock"
        l_res = self.cv_LPAR.lpar_run_command("hwclock --hctosys;echo $?")
        l_res = l_res.splitlines()
        if int(l_res[-1]) == 0:
            return BMC_CONST.FW_SUCCESS
            l_msg = "Setting the system time from hwclock failed"
            print l_msg
            raise OpTestError(l_msg)

    # @brief This function keeps hwclock in UTC format.
    # @return BMC_CONST.FW_SUCCESS or raise OpTestError
    def hwclock_in_utc(self):
        print "Keeping the hwclock in UTC format"
        l_res = self.cv_LPAR.lpar_run_command("hwclock --utc;echo $?")
        l_res = l_res.splitlines()
        if int(l_res[-1]) == 0:
            return BMC_CONST.FW_SUCCESS
            l_msg = "Keeping the hwclock in UTC is failed"
            print l_msg
            raise OpTestError(l_msg)

    # @brief This function keeps hwclock in local time format.
    # @return BMC_CONST.FW_SUCCESS or raise OpTestError
    def hwclock_in_localtime(self):
        print "Keeping the hwclock in localtime"
        l_res = self.cv_LPAR.lpar_run_command("hwclock --localtime;echo $?")
        l_res = l_res.splitlines()
        if int(l_res[-1]) == 0:
            return BMC_CONST.FW_SUCCESS
            l_msg = "Keeping the hwclock in localtime is failed"
            print l_msg
            raise OpTestError(l_msg)

    # @brief This function tests hwclock compare functionality for a time of 100 seconds.
    #        Here checking the return status of timeout as 124, if compare works fine. any
    #        other return value means compare function failed.
    # @return BMC_CONST.FW_SUCCESS or raise OpTestError
    def hwclock_compare(self):
        print "Testing hwclock compare functionality for a time of 100 seconds"
        l_res = self.cv_LPAR.lpar_run_command("timeout 100 hwclock --compare; echo $?")
        l_res = l_res.splitlines()
        print l_res
        if int(l_res[-1]) == 124:
            return BMC_CONST.FW_SUCCESS
            l_msg = "hwclock compare function failed"
            print l_msg
            raise OpTestError(l_msg)

    # @brief This function predict RTC reading at time given with --date
    # @param i_time @type string: time at which predict hwclock reading
    # @return BMC_CONST.FW_SUCCESS or raise OpTestError
    def hwclock_predict(self, i_time):
        print "Testing the hwclock predict function to a time: %s" % i_time
        l_res = self.cv_LPAR.lpar_run_command("hwclock --predict --date \'%s\';echo $?" % i_time)
        l_res = l_res.splitlines()
        if int(l_res[-1]) == 0:
            return BMC_CONST.FW_SUCCESS
            l_msg = "hwclock predict function failed"
            print l_msg
            raise OpTestError(l_msg)

    # @brief This function tests hwclock debug mode.
    #        In this mode setting hwclock from system time
    #        and setting system time from hwclock
    # @return BMC_CONST.FW_SUCCESS or raise OpTestError
    def hwclock_debug_mode(self):
        print "Testing the hwclock debug mode"
        l_res = self.cv_LPAR.lpar_run_command("hwclock --systohc --debug;echo $?")
        l_res = l_res.splitlines()
        if int(l_res[-1]) == 0:
            l_msg = "Setting the hwclock from system time in debug mode failed"
            print l_msg
            raise OpTestError(l_msg)
        l_res = self.cv_LPAR.lpar_run_command("hwclock --hctosys --debug;echo $?")
        l_res = l_res.splitlines()
        if int(l_res[-1]) == 0:
            return BMC_CONST.FW_SUCCESS
            l_msg = "Setting the system time from hwclock in debug mode failed"
            print l_msg
            raise OpTestError(l_msg)

    # @brief This function tests the hwclock test mode. In this mode setting the hwclock
    #        time using --set option. Here it just execute but should not set hwclock time.
    # @param i_time @type string: time to set hwclock in test mode
    # @return BMC_CONST.FW_SUCCESS or raise OpTestError
    def hwclock_test_mode(self, i_time):
        print "Testing the hwclock test mode, set time to: %s" % i_time
        l_res = self.cv_LPAR.lpar_run_command("hwclock --set --date \'%s\' --test;echo $?" % i_time)
        l_res = l_res.splitlines()
        if int(l_res[-1]) == 0:
            return BMC_CONST.FW_SUCCESS
            l_msg = "hwclock test function failed"
            print l_msg
            raise OpTestError(l_msg)

    # @brief This function tests hwclock adjust functionality
    # @return BMC_CONST.FW_SUCCESS or raise OpTestError
    def hwclock_adjust(self):
        print "Testing the hwclock adjust function"
        l_res = self.cv_LPAR.lpar_run_command("hwclock --adjust;echo $?")
        l_res = l_res.splitlines()
        if int(l_res[-1]) == 0:
            l_res = self.cv_LPAR.lpar_run_command("cat /etc/adjtime")
            return BMC_CONST.FW_SUCCESS
            l_msg = "hwclock adjust function failed"
            print l_msg
            raise OpTestError(l_msg)