Exemplo n.º 1
def manual_link(ident, editor=None):
    """Manually set a video_link if the state is 'UNEDITED' or 'DONE' and the 
	upload_location is 'manual'."""
    link = flask.request.json['link']
    conn = app.db_manager.get_conn()
    results = database.query(
        conn, """
		SELECT id, state, upload_location 
		FROM events
		WHERE id = %s""", ident)
    old_row = results.fetchone()
    if old_row is None:
        return 'Row {} not found'.format(ident), 404
    if old_row.state != 'UNEDITED' and not (
            old_row.state == 'DONE' and old_row.upload_location == 'manual'):
        return 'Invalid state {} for manual video link'.format(
            old_row.state), 403
    now = datetime.datetime.utcnow()
    results = database.query(
        conn, """
		UPDATE events 
		SET state='DONE', upload_location = 'manual', video_link = %s,
			editor = %s, edit_time = %s, upload_time = %s
		WHERE id = %s AND (state = 'UNEDITED' OR (state = 'DONE' AND
			upload_location = 'manual'))""", link, editor, now, now, ident)
    logging.info("Row {} video_link set to {}".format(ident, link))
    return ''
Exemplo n.º 2
    def sync_playlists(self, rows):
        """Parse rows with a valid playlist id and at least one tag,
		overwriting the entire playlists table"""
        playlists = []
        for row in rows:
            if len(row) != 3:
            tags, _, playlist_id = row
            tags = self.column_parsers['tags'](tags)
            if not tags:
            playlist_id = playlist_id.strip()
            if len(playlist_id) != 34 or not playlist_id.startswith('PL'):
            playlists.append((tags, playlist_id))
        # We want to wipe and replace all the current entries in the table.
        # The easiest way to do this is a DELETE then an INSERT, all within a transaction.
        # The "with" block will perform everything under it within a transaction, rolling back
        # on error or committing on exit.
        logging.info("Updating playlists table with {} playlists".format(
        with self.conn:
            query(self.conn, "DELETE FROM playlists")
                "INSERT INTO playlists(tags, playlist_id) VALUES %s",
Exemplo n.º 3
    def create_coverage_page(self, quality):
        nodes = {}
            connection = self.db_manager.get_conn()
            host = [
                s.split('=')[-1] for s in connection.dsn.split() if 'host' in s
            self.logger.info('Fetching list of nodes from {}'.format(host))
            results = database.query(
                connection, """
				SELECT name, url
				FROM nodes
				WHERE backfill_from""")
            for row in results:
                nodes[row.name] = row.url
            self.logger.exception('Getting nodes failed.', exc_info=True)

        self.logger.info('Nodes fetched: {}'.format(list(nodes.keys())))

        html = """<!DOCTYPE html>
    <meta charset="utf-8">
    <meta http-equiv="refresh" content="30"/>
    <title>{0} {1} Segment Coverage Maps</title>
        html {{ background-color: #222;}}
        h1   {{ color: #eee;
               text-align: center;
               font-family: sans-serif;}}
        h3   {{ color: #eee;
               text-align: center;
               font-family: sans-serif;}}
       img  {{ display: block;
              margin-left: auto;
              margin-right: auto;}}
    <h1>{0} {1}</h1>""".format(self.channel, quality)

        for node in sorted(nodes.keys()):
            html += """    <h3>{}</h3>
	<img src="{}/segments/coverage-maps/{}_{}_coverage.png" alt="{}">
""".format(node, nodes[node], self.channel, quality, node)

        html += """  </body>

        path_prefix = os.path.join(self.base_dir, 'coverage-maps',
                                   '{}_{}'.format(self.channel, quality))
        temp_path = '{}_{}.html'.format(path_prefix, uuid.uuid4())
        final_path = '{}_coverage.html'.format(path_prefix)
        with open(temp_path, 'w') as f:
            common.writeall(f.write, html)
        os.rename(temp_path, final_path)
        self.logger.info('Coverage page for {} created'.format(quality))
Exemplo n.º 4
        def set_row(**kwargs):
            """Set columns on the row being cut. Raises JobConsistencyError on failure.
			Example: set_row(state='UNEDITED', error=e)
            # construct an UPDATE query like "SET key1=%(key1)s, key2=%(key2)s, ..."
            built_query = sql.SQL("""
				UPDATE events
				SET {}
				WHERE id = %(id)s AND uploader = %(name)s
                sql.SQL(", ").join(
                    sql.SQL("{} = {}").format(
                    ) for key in kwargs))
            result = query(self.conn,
            if result.rowcount != 1:
                # If we hadn't yet set finalizing, then this means an operator cancelled the job
                # while we were cutting it. This isn't a problem.
                if not finalize_begun[0]:
                    raise JobCancelled()
                raise JobConsistencyError(
                    "No job with id {} and uploader {} when setting: {}".
                        job.id, self.name,
                        ", ".join("{} = {!r}".format(k, v)
                                  for k, v in kwargs.items())))
Exemplo n.º 5
 def get_events(self):
     """Return the entire events table as a map {id: event namedtuple}"""
     result = query(self.conn, "SELECT * FROM events")
     by_id = {}
     for row in result.fetchall():
         by_id[row.id] = row
     return by_id
Exemplo n.º 6
        def set_row(**kwargs):
            """Set columns on the row being cut. Raises JobConsistencyError on failure.
			Example: set_row(state='UNEDITED', error=e)
            # construct an UPDATE query like "SET key1=%(key1)s, key2=%(key2)s, ..."
            built_query = sql.SQL("""
				UPDATE events
				SET {}
				WHERE id = %(id)s AND uploader = %(name)s
                sql.SQL(", ").join(
                    sql.SQL("{} = {}").format(
                    ) for key in kwargs))
            result = query(self.conn,
            if result.rowcount != 1:
                raise JobConsistencyError(
                    "No job with id {} and uploader {} when setting: {}".
                        job.id, self.name,
                        ", ".join("{} = {!r}".format(k, v)
                                  for k, v in kwargs.items())))
Exemplo n.º 7
    def auth_wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
        if app.no_authentication:
            return f(*args, editor='NOT_AUTH', **kwargs)

            userToken = flask.request.json['token']
        except (KeyError, TypeError):
            return 'User token required', 401
        # check whether token is valid
            idinfo = google.oauth2.id_token.verify_oauth2_token(
                userToken, google.auth.transport.requests.Request(), None)
            if idinfo['iss'] not in [
                    'accounts.google.com', 'https://accounts.google.com'
                raise ValueError('Wrong issuer.')
        except ValueError:
            return 'Invalid token. Access denied.', 403

        # check whether user is in the database
        email = idinfo['email'].lower()
        conn = app.db_manager.get_conn()
        results = database.query(
            conn, """
			SELECT email
			FROM editors
			WHERE lower(email) = %s""", email)
        row = results.fetchone()
        if row is None:
            return 'Unknown user. Access denied.', 403

        return f(*args, editor=email, **kwargs)
Exemplo n.º 8
    def mark_done(self, ids):
        result = query(
            self.conn, """
			UPDATE events
			SET state = 'DONE', upload_time = %s
			WHERE id = ANY (%s::uuid[]) AND state = 'TRANSCODING'
		""", datetime.datetime.utcnow(), ids.keys())
        return result.rowcount
Exemplo n.º 9
    def get_ids_to_check(self):
        result = query(
            self.conn, """
			SELECT id, video_id
			FROM events
        return {id: video_id for id, video_id in result.fetchall()}
Exemplo n.º 10
    def get_nodes(self):
        """List address of other wubloaders.
		This returns a list of the other wubloaders as URL strings. Node URLs
		are taken from three places. First, the --static-nodes command line
		argument can be used to provide a list of URLs that are always
		backfilled from. Node names are infered from the hostnames of the URLs.
		Second, nodes are read from the file named in the --node-file command
		line argument. In this file, nodes are listed one per line as name-URL
		pairs or as just node URLs. Lines starting with '#' are ignored. If
		only the URL is provided, the node name is taken from the hostname.
		Third, node names and URLs can be requested from the database given by
		--node-database. If multiple nodes URLs with the same name are found,
		only the last is retained and any nodes with names matching the
		localhost name (given by the --localhost argument) are ignored to try
		to prevent this node from backfilling from itself."""

        nodes = {
            urlparse.urlparse(node).hostname: node
            for node in self.static_nodes

        if self.node_file is not None:
            self.logger.info('Fetching list of nodes from {}'.format(
            with open(self.node_file) as f:
                for line in f.readlines():
                    substrs = line.split()
                    if not len(line) or substrs[0][0] == '#':
                    elif len(substrs) == 1:
                            substrs[0]).hostname] = substrs[0]
                        nodes[substrs[0]] = substrs[1]

        if self.db_manager is not None:
            if self.connection is None:
                self.connection = self.db_manager.get_conn()
            host = [
                s.split('=')[-1] for s in self.connection.dsn.split()
                if 'host' in s
            self.logger.info('Fetching list of nodes from {}'.format(host))
            results = database.query(
                self.connection, """
				SELECT name, url
				FROM nodes
				WHERE backfill_from""")
            for row in results:
                nodes[row.name] = row.url
        nodes.pop(self.localhost, None)
        self.logger.info('Nodes fetched: {}'.format(nodes.keys()))
        return nodes.values()
Exemplo n.º 11
def reset_row(ident, editor=None):
    """Clear state and video_link columns and reset state to 'UNEDITED'."""
    conn = app.db_manager.get_conn()
    results = database.query(
        conn, """
		UPDATE events 
		SET state='UNEDITED', error = NULL, video_id = NULL, video_link = NULL,
			uploader = NULL, editor = NULL, edit_time = NULL, upload_time = NULL
		WHERE id = %s""", ident)
    if results.rowcount != 1:
        return 'Row id = {} not found'.format(ident), 404
    logging.info("Row {} reset to 'UNEDITED'".format(ident))
    return ''
Exemplo n.º 12
def manual_link(ident, editor=None):
    """Manually set a video_link if the state is 'UNEDITED' or 'DONE' and the 
	upload_location is 'manual' or 'youtube-manual'."""
    link = flask.request.json['link']
    upload_location = flask.request.json.get('upload_location', 'manual')

    if upload_location == 'youtube-manual':
        YOUTUBE_URL_RE = r'^https?://(?:youtu\.be/|youtube.com/watch\?v=)([a-zA-Z0-9_-]{11})$'
        match = re.match(YOUTUBE_URL_RE, link)
        if not match:
            return 'Link does not appear to be a youtube.com or youtu.be video link. Try removing any extra query params (after the video id).', 400
        video_id, = match.groups()
    elif upload_location == 'manual':
        video_id = None
        return 'Upload location must be "manual" or "youtube-manual"', 400

    conn = app.db_manager.get_conn()
    results = database.query(
        conn, """
		SELECT id, state
		FROM events
		WHERE id = %s""", ident)
    old_row = results.fetchone()
    if old_row is None:
        return 'Row {} not found'.format(ident), 404
    if old_row.state != 'UNEDITED':
        return 'Invalid state {} for manual video link'.format(
            old_row.state), 403
    now = datetime.datetime.utcnow()
    results = database.query(
        conn, """
		UPDATE events 
		SET state='DONE', upload_location = %s, video_link = %s, video_id = %s,
			editor = %s, edit_time = %s, upload_time = %s
		WHERE id = %s AND state = 'UNEDITED'
	""", upload_location, link, video_id, editor, now, now, ident)
    logging.info("Row {} video_link set to {}".format(ident, link))
    return ''
Exemplo n.º 13
    def get_videos(self):
        # Most of the time by getting then re-putting the conn, we'll just use the same
        # one every time. But if there's an error we won't re-put it so we'll get a new one
        # the next time.
        conn = self.dbmanager.get_conn()
        videos = query(
            conn, """
			SELECT video_id, tags, COALESCE((video_ranges[1]).start, event_start) AS start_time
			FROM events
			WHERE state = 'DONE' AND upload_location = ANY (%s)
		""", self.upload_locations)
        return {video.video_id: video for video in videos}
Exemplo n.º 14
 def get_playlist_tags(self):
     conn = self.dbmanager.get_conn()
     playlist_tags = {
         row.playlist_id: [tag.lower() for tag in row.tags]
         for row in query(conn, "SELECT playlist_id, tags FROM playlists")
     duplicates = set(playlist_tags) & set(self.static_playlist_tags)
     if duplicates:
         raise ValueError(
             "Some playlists are listed in both static and dynamic playlist sources: {}"
             .format(", ".join(duplicates)))
     return playlist_tags
Exemplo n.º 15
    def rollback_all_owned(self):
        """Roll back any in-progress jobs that claim to be owned by us,
		to recover from an unclean shutdown."""
        result = query(self.conn,
			UPDATE events
			SET state = 'EDITED', uploader = NULL
			WHERE state = 'CLAIMED' AND uploader = %(name)s
        if result.rowcount > 0:
                "Rolled back {} CLAIMED rows for {} - unclean shutdown?".

        # Also mark any rows in FINALIZED owned by us as errored, these require manual intervention
        result = query(
			UPDATE events
			SET error = %(error)s
			WHERE state = 'FINALIZING' AND uploader = %(name)s AND error IS NULL
            ("Uploader died during FINALIZING, please determine if video was actually "
             "uploaded or not and either move to TRANSCODING/DONE and populate video_id or rollback "
             "to EDITED and clear uploader."))
        if result.rowcount > 0:
                "Found {} FINALIZING rows for {}, marked as errored".format(
Exemplo n.º 16
 def get_events(self):
     """Return the entire events table as a map {id: event namedtuple}"""
     result = query(self.conn, "SELECT * FROM events")
     by_id = {}
     counts = defaultdict(lambda: 0)
     for row in result.fetchall():
         by_id[row.id] = row
         counts[row.sheet_name, row.category,
                str(row.poster_moment), row.state,
                str(bool(row.error))] += 1
     # Reach into metric internals and forget about all previous values,
     # or else any values we don't update will remain as a stale count.
     for labels, count in counts.items():
     return by_id
Exemplo n.º 17
def get_row(ident):
    """Gets the row from the database with id == ident."""
    conn = app.db_manager.get_conn()
    results = database.query(
        conn, """
		FROM events
		WHERE id = %s
	""", ident)
    row = results.fetchone()
    if row is None:
        return 'Row id = {} not found'.format(ident), 404
    assert row.id == ident
    response = row._asdict()

    response['id'] = str(response['id'])
    if response["video_channel"] is None:
        response["video_channel"] = app.default_channel
    response["title_prefix"] = app.title_header
    response["title_max_length"] = MAX_TITLE_LENGTH - len(app.title_header)
    response["bustime_start"] = app.bustime_start
    response["upload_locations"] = app.upload_locations

    # remove any added headers or footers so round-tripping is a no-op
    if (app.title_header and response["video_title"] is not None
            and response["video_title"].startswith(app.title_header)):
        response["video_title"] = response["video_title"][len(app.title_header
    if (app.description_footer and response["video_description"] is not None
            and response["video_description"].endswith(
        response["video_description"] = response[

    logging.info('Row {} fetched'.format(ident))

    def convert(value):
        if isinstance(value, datetime.datetime):
            return value.isoformat()
        if isinstance(value, datetime.timedelta):
            return value.total_seconds()
        raise TypeError(
            f"Can't convert object of type {value.__class__.__name__} to JSON: {value}"

    return json.dumps(response, default=convert)
Exemplo n.º 18
    def list_candidates(self):
        """Return a list of all available candidates that we might be able to cut."""
        # We only accept candidates if they haven't excluded us by whitelist,
        # and we are capable of uploading to their desired upload location.
        built_query = sql.SQL("""
			SELECT id, {}
			FROM events
			WHERE state = 'EDITED'
			AND (uploader_whitelist IS NULL OR %(name)s = ANY (uploader_whitelist))
			AND upload_location = ANY (%(upload_locations)s)
            sql.SQL(", ").join(sql.Identifier(key) for key in CUT_JOB_PARAMS))
        result = query(self.conn,
        return result.fetchall()
Exemplo n.º 19
def get_row(ident):
	"""Gets the row from the database with id == ident."""
	conn = app.db_manager.get_conn()
	results = database.query(conn, """
		FROM events
		WHERE id = %s""", ident)
	row = results.fetchone()
	if row is None:
		return 'Row id = {} not found'.format(ident), 404
	assert row.id == ident
	response = row._asdict()

	response['id'] = str(response['id'])	
	response = {
		key: (
			value.isoformat() if isinstance(value, datetime.datetime)
			else value
		) for key, value in response.items()
	if response["video_channel"] is None:
		response["video_channel"] = app.default_channel
	response["title_prefix"] = app.title_header
	response["title_max_length"] = MAX_TITLE_LENGTH - len(app.title_header)
	response["bustime_start"] = app.bustime_start
	response["upload_locations"] = app.upload_locations

	# remove any added headers or footers so round-tripping is a no-op
	if (
		and response["video_title"] is not None
		and response["video_title"].startswith(app.title_header)
		response["video_title"] = response["video_title"][len(app.title_header):]
	if (
		and response["video_description"] is not None
		and response["video_description"].endswith(app.description_footer)
		response["video_description"] = response["video_description"][:-len(app.description_footer)]

	logging.info('Row {} fetched'.format(ident))
	return json.dumps(response)
Exemplo n.º 20
def get_all_rows():
    """Gets all rows from the events table from the database"""
    conn = app.db_manager.get_conn()
    results = database.query(
        conn, """
		FROM events
		ORDER BY event_start""")
    rows = []
    for row in results:
        row = row._asdict()
        row['id'] = str(row['id'])
        row = {
            key: (value.isoformat()
                  if isinstance(value, datetime.datetime) else value)
            for key, value in row.items()
    logging.info('All rows fetched')
    return json.dumps(rows)
Exemplo n.º 21
def reset_row(ident, editor=None):
    """Clear state and video_link columns and reset state to 'UNEDITED'.
	If force is 'true', it will do so regardless of current state.
	Otherwise, it will only do so if we know no video has been uploaded
    force = (flask.request.args.get('force', '').lower() == "true")
    conn = app.db_manager.get_conn()
    query = """
		UPDATE events 
		SET state='UNEDITED', error = NULL, video_id = NULL, video_link = NULL,
			uploader = NULL, editor = NULL, edit_time = NULL, upload_time = NULL
		WHERE id = %s {}
        "" if force else "AND state IN ('UNEDITED', 'EDITED', 'CLAIMED')", )
    results = database.query(conn, query, ident)
    if results.rowcount != 1:
        return 'Row id = {} not found or not in cancellable state'.format(
            ident), 404
    logging.info("Row {} reset to 'UNEDITED'".format(ident))
    return ''
Exemplo n.º 22
                def set_error(error):
                    """Common code for the two paths below, for setting an error on the row for humans to see"""
                        # Since this error message is just for humans, we don't go to too large
                        # a length to prevent it being put on the row if the row has changed.
                        # We just check its state is still EDITING.
                        # Any successful claim will clear its error.
                        result = query(
                            self.conn, """
							UPDATE events
							SET error = %s
							WHERE id = %s AND state = 'EDITED' AND error IS NULL
						""", candidate.id, error)
                    except Exception:
                            "Failed to set error for candidate {}, ignoring".
                        if result.rowcount > 0:
                            assert result.rowcount == 1
                                "Set error for candidate {}".format(
Exemplo n.º 23
    def claim_job(self, job):
        """Update event in DB to say we're working on it.
		If someone beat us to it, or it's changed, raise CandidateGone."""
        # We need to verify all relevant cut params are unchanged, in case they
        # were updated between verifying the candidate and now.
        built_query = sql.SQL("""
			UPDATE events
			SET state = 'CLAIMED', uploader = %(name)s, error = NULL
			WHERE id = %(id)s
			AND state = 'EDITED'
			AND {}
            # A built AND over all CUT_JOB_PARAMS to check key = %(key)s.
            # Note the use of IS NOT DISTINCT FROM because key = NULL is false if key is NULL.
            sql.SQL(' AND ').join(
                sql.SQL("{} IS NOT DISTINCT FROM {}").format(
                    sql.Identifier(key), sql.Placeholder(key))
                for key in CUT_JOB_PARAMS))
            result = query(self.conn,
        except Exception:
            # Rather than retry on failure here, just assume someone else claimed it in the meantime
                "Error while claiming job {}, aborting claim".format(
            raise CandidateGone
        if result.rowcount == 0:
            self.logger.info("Failed to claim job {}".format(format_job(job)))
            raise CandidateGone
        self.logger.info("Claimed job {}".format(format_job(job)))
        assert result.rowcount == 1
Exemplo n.º 24
    def sync_row(self, worksheet, row_index, row, event):
        """Take a row dict and an Event from the database (or None if id not found)
		and take whatever action is required to sync them, ie. writing to the database or sheet."""

        if event is None:
            # No event currently in DB, if any field is non-empty, then create it.
            # Otherwise ignore it.
            if not any(row[col] for col in self.input_columns):

            # Only generate row when needed (unless it's already there)
            # Originally we would allocate rows on first sync, but this led to rate limiting issues.
            if row['id'] is None:
                if self.allocate_ids:
                    row['id'] = uuid.uuid4()
                    logging.info("Allocating id for row {!r}:{} = {}".format(
                        worksheet, row_index, row['id']))
                        "Row {!r}:{} has no valid id, skipping".format(
                            worksheet, row_index))

            logging.info("Inserting new event {}".format(row['id']))
            # Insertion conflict just means that another sheet sync beat us to the insert.
            # We can ignore it.
            insert_cols = ['id', 'sheet_name'] + self.input_columns
            built_query = sql.SQL("""
				INSERT INTO events ({})
				VALUES ({})
                sql.SQL(", ").join(sql.Identifier(col) for col in insert_cols),
                sql.SQL(", ").join(
                    sql.Placeholder(col) for col in insert_cols),
            query(self.conn, built_query, sheet_name=worksheet, **row)
            rows_changed.labels('insert', worksheet).inc()


        # If no database error, but we have parse errors, indicate they should be displayed.
        if event.error is None and row['_parse_errors']:
            event = event._replace(error=", ".join(row['_parse_errors']))

        # Update database with any changed inputs
        changed = [
            col for col in self.input_columns
            if row[col] != getattr(event, col)
        if changed:
            logging.info("Updating event {} with new value(s) for {}".format(
                row['id'], ', '.join(changed)))
            built_query = sql.SQL("""
				UPDATE events
				SET {}
				WHERE id = %(id)s
                sql.SQL(", ").join(
                    sql.SQL("{} = {}").format(sql.Identifier(col),
                    for col in changed))
            query(self.conn, built_query, **row)
            rows_changed.labels('input', worksheet).inc()

        # Update sheet with any changed outputs
        format_output = lambda v: '' if v is None else v  # cast nulls to empty string
        changed = [
            col for col in self.output_columns
            if row[col] != format_output(getattr(event, col))
        if changed:
                "Updating sheet row {} with new value(s) for {}".format(
                    row['id'], ', '.join(changed)))
            for col in changed:
                    format_output(getattr(event, col)),
            rows_changed.labels('output', worksheet).inc()

        # Set edit link if marked for editing and start/end set.
        # This prevents accidents / clicking the wrong row and provides
        # feedback that sheet sync is still working.
        # Also clear it if it shouldn't be set.
        edit_link = self.edit_url.format(
            row['id']) if row['marked_for_edit'] == '[+] Marked' else ''
        if row['edit_link'] != edit_link:
            logging.info("Updating sheet row {} with edit link {}".format(
                row['id'], edit_link))
Exemplo n.º 25
def update_row(ident, editor=None):
    new_row = flask.request.json
    """Updates row of database with id = ident with the edit columns in

    state_columns = ['state', 'uploader', 'error', 'video_link']
    #these have to be set before a video can be set as 'EDITED'
    non_null_columns = [
        'upload_location', 'video_start', 'video_end', 'video_channel',
        'video_quality', 'video_title', 'video_description'
    edit_columns = non_null_columns + ['allow_holes', 'uploader_whitelist']

    #check vital edit columns are in new_row
    wanted = set(non_null_columns + ['state'])
    missing = wanted - set(new_row)
    if missing:
        return 'Fields missing in JSON: {}'.format(', '.join(missing)), 400
    #get rid of irrelevant columns
    extras = set(new_row) - set(edit_columns + state_columns)
    for extra in extras:
        del new_row[extra]

    # Include headers and footers
    if 'video_title' in new_row:
        new_row['video_title'] = app.title_header + new_row['video_title']
    if 'video_description' in new_row:
        new_row['video_description'] += app.description_footer

    #validate title length
    if len(new_row['video_title']) > MAX_TITLE_LENGTH:
        return 'Title must be {} characters or less, including prefix'.format(
            MAX_TITLE_LENGTH), 400
    #validate start time is less than end time
    if new_row['video_start'] > new_row['video_end']:
        return 'Video Start must be less than Video End.', 400

    conn = app.db_manager.get_conn()
    #check a row with id = ident is in the database
    results = database.query(
        conn, """
		SELECT id, state 
		FROM events
		WHERE id = %s""", ident)
    old_row = results.fetchone()
    if old_row is None:
        return 'Row {} not found'.format(ident), 404
    assert old_row.id == ident

    if old_row.state not in ['UNEDITED', 'EDITED', 'CLAIMED']:
        return 'Video already published', 403

    # handle state columns
    if new_row['state'] == 'EDITED':
        missing = []
        for column in non_null_columns:
            if not new_row[column]:
        if missing:
            return 'Fields {} must be non-null for video to be cut'.format(
                ', '.join(missing)), 400
        if len(new_row.get('video_title', '')) <= len(app.title_header):
            return 'Video title must not be blank', 400
        if len(new_row.get('video_description', '')) <= len(
            return 'Video description must not be blank. If you have nothing else to say, just repeat the title.', 400
    elif new_row['state'] != 'UNEDITED':
        return 'Invalid state {}'.format(new_row['state']), 400
    new_row['uploader'] = None
    new_row['error'] = None
    new_row['editor'] = editor
    new_row['edit_time'] = datetime.datetime.utcnow()

    # actually update database
    build_query = sql.SQL("""
		UPDATE events
		SET {}
		WHERE id = %(id)s
		AND state IN ('UNEDITED', 'EDITED', 'CLAIMED')""").format(
        sql.SQL(", ").join(
            sql.SQL("{} = {}").format(
            ) for column in new_row.keys()))
    result = database.query(conn, build_query, id=ident, **new_row)
    if result.rowcount != 1:
        return 'Video likely already published', 403

    logging.info('Row {} updated to state {}'.format(ident, new_row['state']))
    return ''
Exemplo n.º 26
def update_row(ident, editor=None):
    """Updates row of database with id = ident with the edit columns in new_row."""
    new_row = flask.request.json
    override_changes = new_row.get('override_changes', False)
    state_columns = ['state', 'uploader', 'error', 'video_link']
    # These have to be set before a video can be set as 'EDITED'
    non_null_columns = [
    edit_columns = non_null_columns + ['allow_holes', 'uploader_whitelist']
    sheet_columns = [

    # Check vital edit columns are in new_row
    wanted = set(non_null_columns + ['state'] + sheet_columns)
    missing = wanted - set(new_row)
    if missing:
        return 'Fields missing in JSON: {}'.format(', '.join(missing)), 400
    # Get rid of irrelevant columns
    extras = set(new_row) - set(edit_columns + state_columns + sheet_columns)
    for extra in extras:
        del new_row[extra]

    # Include headers and footers
    if 'video_title' in new_row:
        new_row['video_title'] = app.title_header + new_row['video_title']
    if 'video_description' in new_row:
        new_row['video_description'] += app.description_footer

    # Validate youtube requirements on title and description
    if len(new_row['video_title']) > MAX_TITLE_LENGTH:
        return 'Title must be {} characters or less, including prefix'.format(
            MAX_TITLE_LENGTH), 400
    if len(new_row['video_description']) > MAX_DESCRIPTION_LENGTH:
        return 'Description must be {} characters or less, including footer'.format(
            MAX_DESCRIPTION_LENGTH), 400
    for char in ['<', '>']:
        if char in new_row['video_title']:
            return 'Title may not contain a {} character'.format(char), 400
        if char in new_row['video_description']:
            return 'Description may not contain a {} character'.format(
                char), 400
    # Validate and convert video ranges and transitions.
    num_ranges = len(new_row['video_ranges'])
    if num_ranges == 0:
        return 'Ranges must contain at least one range', 400
    if len(new_row['video_transitions']) != num_ranges - 1:
        return 'There must be exactly {} transitions for {} ranges'.format(
            num_ranges - 1,
    for start, end in new_row['video_ranges']:
        if start > end:
            return 'Range start must be less than end', 400
    # We need these to be tuples not lists for psycopg2 to do the right thing,
    # but since they come in as JSON they are currently lists.
    new_row['video_ranges'] = [
        tuple(range) for range in new_row['video_ranges']
    new_row['video_transitions'] = [
        None if transition is None else tuple(transition)
        for transition in new_row['video_transitions']

    conn = app.db_manager.get_conn()
    # Check a row with id = ident is in the database
    built_query = sql.SQL("""
		SELECT id, state, {} 
		FROM events
		WHERE id = %s
	""").format(sql.SQL(', ').join(sql.Identifier(key) for key in sheet_columns))
    results = database.query(conn, built_query, ident)
    old_row = results.fetchone()._asdict()
    if old_row is None:
        return 'Row {} not found'.format(ident), 404
    assert old_row['id'] == ident

    if old_row['state'] not in ['UNEDITED', 'EDITED', 'CLAIMED']:
        return 'Video already published', 403

    # check whether row has been changed in the sheet since editing has begun
    changes = ''
    for column in sheet_columns:
        if isinstance(old_row[column], datetime.datetime):
            old_row[column] = old_row[column].isoformat()

        def normalize(value):
            if isinstance(value, list):
                return sorted(map(normalize, value))
            if value is None:
                return None
            return value.lower().strip()

        if normalize(new_row[column]) != normalize(old_row[column]):
            changes += '{}: {} => {}\n'.format(column, new_row[column],
    if changes and not override_changes:
        return 'Sheet columns have changed since editing has begun. Please review changes\n' + changes, 409

    # handle state columns
    if new_row['state'] == 'EDITED':
        missing = []
        for column in non_null_columns:
            if new_row[column] is None:
        if missing:
            return 'Fields {} must be non-null for video to be cut'.format(
                ', '.join(missing)), 400
        if len(new_row.get('video_title', '')) <= len(app.title_header):
            return 'Video title must not be blank', 400
        if len(new_row.get('video_description', '')) <= len(
            return 'Video description must not be blank. If you have nothing else to say, just repeat the title.', 400
    elif new_row['state'] != 'UNEDITED':
        return 'Invalid state {}'.format(new_row['state']), 400
    new_row['uploader'] = None
    new_row['error'] = None
    new_row['editor'] = editor
    new_row['edit_time'] = datetime.datetime.utcnow()

    # actually update database
    build_query = sql.SQL("""
		UPDATE events
		SET {}
		WHERE id = %(id)s
		AND state IN ('UNEDITED', 'EDITED', 'CLAIMED')""").format(
        sql.SQL(", ").join(
            sql.SQL("{} = {}").format(
            ) for column in new_row.keys() if column not in sheet_columns))
    result = database.query(conn, build_query, id=ident, **new_row)
    if result.rowcount != 1:
        return 'Video likely already published', 403

    logging.info('Row {} updated to state {}'.format(ident, new_row['state']))
    return ''