Exemplo n.º 1
	def checkMappedDrive(self):
		schemaDriveLetter = str(schemaObj.artRoot[0])
		if not self.sceneName[0] == schemaDriveLetter.upper() and not self.sceneName[0] == schemaDriveLetter.lower():
			moBuLogger.warning("Current scene '%s' was not loaded from '%s:' drive" % (self.sceneName, schemaDriveLetter))
			return 0
			return 1
Exemplo n.º 2
	def zeroTimeline(self, character=None):
		''' moves timeline to zero with character animation
				character: FBcharacterNode
			Returns: True/False
		# find start of current take
		currentTake = FBSystem().CurrentTake
		currentTimeSpan = currentTake.LocalTimeSpan
		currentTakeStartTimeInt = int(currentTimeSpan.GetStart().GetTimeString())
		# check timeline
		if currentTakeStartTimeInt == 0:
			# abort
			moBuLogger.warning("No need to run zeroTimeline, first frame is already 0.")
			return False
		# find stop and offset
		currentTakeStopTimeInt = int(currentTimeSpan.GetStop().GetTimeString())
		offset = FBTime(0, 0, 0, -1 * currentTakeStartTimeInt)
		# create track
		lTrackContainer = FBStoryTrack(FBStoryTrackType.kFBStoryTrackCharacter)
#		lTrackContainer = FBStoryTrack(FBStoryTrackType.kFBStoryTrackAnimation)

		# find character		
		if not character:
			character = MoBuSceneCore().getCharacter(hipsJoint='')
		if not character:
			moBuLogger.error("Failed to find character.")
		# plot to control rig		
		if not character.GetCurrentControlSet():
		character.PlotAnimation(FBCharacterPlotWhere.kFBCharacterPlotOnControlRig, self.SetPlotOptions())
		# assign character to track
		lTrackContainer.Character = character
		# create clip, and offset it
		lTrackContainer.CopyTakeIntoTrack(currentTimeSpan, currentTake, offset)
		# move timeline
		newTimeSpan = FBTimeSpan()
		newTimeSpan.Set(FBTime(0, 0, 0, 0), FBTime(0, 0, 0, currentTakeStopTimeInt - currentTakeStartTimeInt))
		currentTake.LocalTimeSpan = newTimeSpan
		# plot back down
		self.plotCharacter(character=character, nSpace='', quiet=True)
		# nuke story track
		moBuLogger.info("Zeroed-out timeline.")
		return True
Exemplo n.º 3
	def getTimeInt(self, time):
		''' gets frame of time in integer format
			time: FBTime object
		Returns: frame (int)
		strTime = time.GetTimeString()
		if '*' in strTime:
			strTime = strTime[:-1]
			moBuLogger.warning("Sub frame (%s*) found in FBTime object: %s" % (strTime, time))
		# convert to int
		intTime = int(strTime)
		return intTime
Exemplo n.º 4
	def clearAnimCurve(self, pAnimNode):
		''' Clears curves from passed FBAnimationNode
			pAnimNode: FBAnimationNode to clear curves with
		Returns: True/False
		if not isinstance(pAnimNode, FBAnimationNode):
			moBuLogger.error("Was not passed FBAnimationNode object: '%s'" % pAnimNode)
		if not len(pAnimNode.Nodes) == 3:
			moBuLogger.warning("No subAnimNodes found on: '%s'" % pAnimNode)
			return True
		return False
Exemplo n.º 5
	def readNote(self, nameOrFBNote=''):
		''' read from FBNote
			nameOrFBNote: name of note OR FBNote object
		Returns: content/False
		if isinstance(nameOrFBNote, FBNote):
			ourNote = nameOrFBNote
			ourNote = self.getObjectFromWildcardName(pattern=nameOrFBNote, byName=True, returnLongNames=False, byType=FBNote)
			if not ourNote:
				moBuLogger.warning("Could not find FBNote: '%s'" % nameOrFBNote)
				return False
		content = ourNote.StaticComment
		return content
Exemplo n.º 6
    def deleteAllInSet(self, setName='', quiet=False):
        ''' deletes all items in passed set name
				setName: name of set
				quiet: suppress dialogs
			Returns: True/False
        mySet = self.findSet(name=setName, quiet=quiet)
        if not mySet:
            moBuLogger.warning("Could not find Set %s" % setName)
            return False
        if len(mySet.Items) == 0:
            moBuLogger.warning("No items in Set %s" % setName)
            return False
        success = self.deleteAll(mySet.Items)

        # delete set itself

        return success
Exemplo n.º 7
	def deleteAllInSet(self, setName='', quiet=False):
		''' deletes all items in passed set name
				setName: name of set
				quiet: suppress dialogs
			Returns: True/False
		mySet = self.findSet(name=setName, quiet=quiet)
		if not mySet:
			moBuLogger.warning("Could not find Set %s" % setName)
			return False
		if len(mySet.Items) == 0:
			moBuLogger.warning("No items in Set %s" % setName)
			return False
		success = self.deleteAll(mySet.Items)
		# delete set itself
		return success
Exemplo n.º 8
	def validate(self, pModel, _type, pyMB=None):
		''' checks for object type and returns True/false
				pModel: model object to check
				_type: object type to check against
				pyMB: is 'OK' if pyMoBu object type
			Returns: True/False
		# check for string accidentally passed as pModel
		if isinstance(pModel, str):
			# string was passed, get object
			pModel = self.getObject(pModel)
		# not string type	
		if isinstance(pModel, _type):
			return True
		elif pyMB and isinstance(pModel, PMBModel) and isinstance(pModel.component, _type):
			return True
			moBuLogger.warning("Object '%s' not of type '%s'" % (pModel, _type))
			return False
Exemplo n.º 9
	def getObject(self, name, pyMB=False, exact=False, quiet=False):
		''' gets FBObject or PMBObject
				name: string name of object
				pyMB: return PMBObject type
				exact: if true search namespace as well
				quiet: if true does not warn when object doesn't exist
			Returns: FBObject/PMBObject
		# use 2014 command
		if self.mobuVer == 2014:
			FBFindModelByName = FBFindModelByLabelName
		if not isinstance(name, str):
			moBuLogger.debug("MoBu.getObject() was passed '%s'" % name)
			# probably already an object
			if pyMB:
				if not isinstance(name, PMBModel):
					pModel = name.ConvertToPyMoBu()
					return pModel
			return name
		pModel = FBFindModelByName(name)
		exactWord = ''
		if exact:
			# Need to find EXACT name
			pModel = FBFindModelByLabelName(name)
			exactWord = 'exact '

		# convert to PMBModel?
		if pModel:
			if pyMB:
				if not isinstance(pModel, PMBModel):
					pModel = pModel.ConvertToPyMoBu()
			return pModel
		if not quiet:
			moBuLogger.warning("Could not find object with %sname '%s'" % (exactWord, name))
		return None
Exemplo n.º 10
	def deleteAll(self, pObjects=[]):
		''' deletes all objects passed in the list
				pObjects: list of FBObjects
			Returns: True/False
		success = True
		# try selected if nothing passed
		if len(pObjects) == 0:
			pObjects = self.getSelected(_type='all', found=False)
			if len(pObjects) == 0:
				moBuLogger.warning("Must pass list or have something selected.")
				return False
		# covert to python list from FBPropertyListComponent
		pObjectsList = []
		if isinstance(pObjects, FBPropertyListComponent):
			for obj in pObjects:
			pObjectsList = pObjects
		# cull FBModelSkeleton type out to delete last
		deleteList = []
		modelSkels = []
		for _object in pObjectsList:
			if not isinstance(_object, FBModelSkeleton):
		# delete everything but FBModelSkeletons
		count = 0
		for obj in deleteList:
				# stupid list and unbound, have to test
					name = obj.Name	# have to store before deleting
					moBuLogger.debug("Deleted: %s" % name)
					count += 1
				except UnboundWrapperError:
					moBuLogger.debug("%s already deleted, skipping." % name)
				moBuLogger.debug("Failed to delete: %s" % name)
				success = False
		##WARNING!! Must delete other objects BEFORE
		##deleting FBModelSkeletons via children first

		# destroy FBModelSkeleton from hier up
		for modelSkel in modelSkels:
				# stupid list and unbound, have to test
					name = modelSkel.Name	# have to store before deleting
					moBuLogger.debug("Deleted: %s" % name)
					count += 1
				except UnboundWrapperError:
					moBuLogger.debug("%s already deleted, skipping." % name)
				moBuLogger.debug("Failed to delete: %s" % name)
				success = False
		moBuLogger.info("Deleted '%d' objects" % count)
		# clean
		del(pObjectsList, pObjects)
		return success
Exemplo n.º 11
    def customFBFbxOptions(self, pLoad=False, saveAllTakes=True, allElements=True, selection=False, **kwargs):
        """ create save/load options
			pLoad: True if loading, False if saving
			saveAllTakes: Set to False if save current take only
			allElements: Set to False and pass kwargs to save/load/merge specific elements
			selection: True to save selected only
		Returns: FBFbxOptions object
        if self.mobuVer == 2010:
            moBuLogger.warning("FBFbxOptions are not valid for 2010")
            return None

        elif self.mobuVer == 2012 or self.mobuVer == 2013 or self.mobuVer == 2014:
            # create object
            pFbxOptions = FBFbxOptions(pLoad)

            if not allElements:
                # set all ElementActions and Base properties to false
                pFbxOptions.SetAll(FBElementAction.kFBElementActionDiscard, False)
                baseProperties = [
                for bProperty in baseProperties:
                    exec ("pFbxOptions.%s=False" % bProperty)

                    # process kwargs
                for key in kwargs:
                    # check for non-strings passed in
                    if not isinstance(kwargs[key], str):
                        moBuLogger.error("A non-string type arg was passed in: '%s'" % kwargs[key])
                    if "kFBElementAction" in kwargs[key]:
                        # FBPropertyElementAction
                        exec ("pFbxOptions.%s = FBElementAction.%s" % (key, kwargs[key]))
                        # FBPropertyBase
                        exec ("pFbxOptions.%s=%s" % (key, kwargs[key]))

                        # save selected for saves
            if not pLoad and selection:
                pFbxOptions.SaveSelectedModelsOnly = True

                # skip takes
            if not saveAllTakes:
                currentTake = self.system.CurrentTake

                pTakeIndex = 0
                for take in self.scene.Takes:
                    # save current take only
                    if not pLoad:
                        if not take.Name == currentTake.Name:
                            pFbxOptions.SetTakeSelect(pTakeIndex, False)
                            # merge no takes
                        pFbxOptions.SetTakeSelect(pTakeIndex, False)
                    pTakeIndex += 1

                    # save ASCII
            pFbxOptions.UseASCIIFormat = True

            return pFbxOptions
            moBuLogger.error("Wrong version of MotionBuilder '%s'" % self.mobuVer)
Exemplo n.º 12
    def savePCSoptions(self, pathFile=None, quiet=True, pOptions=None, p4=True):
        """ saves with customFBFbxOptions
			pathFile: complete file path to save
			quiet: suppress messages
			pOptions: pre-made options
			p4: markForAdd/checkout or not
		Returns: True/False

        text = "Saved with PCSoptions"

        # pick file if not passed
        if not pathFile:
            if not quiet:
                pathFile = self.openFileDialog(openSave="save")
                moBuLogger.error("No pathFile passed and quiet=True")
                return False
        if not pathFile:
            return False

            # add extension if they didn't type it
        if not Path(pathFile).ext:
            pathFile = "%s.fbx" % pathFile

        # 		# checkout from perforce
        # 		if p4:
        # 			if self.pcsParseObj.isp4Active:
        # 				self.p4.fileName = pathFile
        # 				if self.p4.isP4Connected:
        # 					try:
        # 						self.p4.p4CheckOut(desc=text)
        ##					except P4.P4Exception:
        # 					except:
        # 						moBuLogger.warning("Failed to checkout: '%s'" % pathFile)
        # 			else:
        # 				if not quiet:
        # 					moBuLogger.warning('P4Active setting FALSE, not checking out.')
        # 		else:
        # 			if not quiet:
        # 				moBuLogger.warning("p4 arg passed as False, not checking out for file: '%s'." % pathFile)

        if not pOptions:
            pOptions = self.customFBFbxOptions(pLoad=False, saveAllTakes=True)

            # 2010 save process
        currentTakeObject = FBSystem().CurrentTake
        if self.mobuVer == 2010:
            lMgr = FBFbxManager()  # @UndefinedVariable
            lMgr.Selected = True
            for strEach in lMgr.Takes:
                if strEach.Name != currentTakeObject.Name:
                    strEach.Import = False
            lMgr.EmbedMedia = False
            lMgr.BaseCameras = False
            lMgr.CameraSwitcherSettings = False
            lMgr.CurrentCameraSettings = False
            lMgr.GlobalLightingSettings = False
            lMgr.TransportSettings = False
            if not lMgr.Save():
                moBuLogger.errorDialog("There is a problem saving the file", "Cannot Save")
            if not lMgr.SaveEnd():
                moBuLogger.errorDialog("There is a problem saving the file", "Cannot Save")

                # 2012 save process
        elif self.mobuVer == 2012 or self.mobuVer == 2013 or self.mobuVer == 2014:
            alreadyExists = False
            if Path(pathFile).exists():
                alreadyExists = True
            if not self.app.FileSave(str(pathFile), pOptions):
                # cancelled?
                return False
            if not alreadyExists:
                # check to see if new file is there
                res = os.path.exists(str(pathFile))
                if res:
                    if not quiet:
                        moBuLogger.info("%s, '%s'" % (text, str(pathFile)))
                    return True
                    moBuLogger.errorDialog("Failed to save '%s'" % str(pathFile))
                    return False
                # TODO: check to see if different?
                if not quiet:
                    moBuLogger.info("%s, '%s'" % (text, str(pathFile)))
                return True