Exemplo n.º 1
def pilgrim_spc(xcc,symbols,bhessian,mname,eargs):
    atonums = fncs.symbols2atonums(symbols)
    ch, mtp = None, None
    masses  = None
    # expand extra-args
    if   len(eargs) == 1:
        asurf = eargs[0]
        folder, clean = None, False
    elif len(eargs) == 2:
        asurf, folder = eargs
        clean = False
    elif len(eargs) == 3:
        asurf, folder, clean = eargs
    # create folder
    if folder is not None:
        if not os.path.exists(folder): os.mkdir(folder)
    # names of files
    wname, ifile, ofile, err = ITF.iofiles(mname,folder)
    # write ifile
    # calculate gradient/hessian
    if bhessian: E, gcc, Fcc = ITF.calculate_hessian(ifile,ofile,err,asurf)
    else       : E, gcc, Fcc = ITF.calculate_gcc(ifile,ofile,err,asurf)+[None]
    # Remove files
    if clean:
       files = os.listdir(folder)
       for fff in files: os.remove(folder+fff)
    return xcc, atonums, ch, mtp,  E, gcc, Fcc, masses
Exemplo n.º 2
def read_gauout(filename):
    # read gaussian file
    data_gaulog = read_gaussian_log(filename)
    # split data
    ch = data_gaulog[2]
    mtp = data_gaulog[3]
    symbols = data_gaulog[4]
    xcc = data_gaulog[5]
    gcc = data_gaulog[6]
    Fcc = data_gaulog[7]
    V0 = data_gaulog[8]
    level = data_gaulog[11]
    # symbols to atomic numbers
    atonums = symbols2atonums(symbols)
    # atomic mass
    atomasses = atonums2masses(atonums)
    # return data
    return xcc, atonums, ch, mtp, V0, gcc, Fcc, atomasses, level
Exemplo n.º 3
 def prepare(self):
     # check atnums
     if self._atnums is not None and type(self._atnums[0]) == str:
        self._symbols = list(self._atnums)
     # check symbols
     if self._symbols is not None and type(self._symbols[0]) == int:
        self._atnums  = list(self._symbols)
     # Get both atnums and symbols if None
     if self._atnums  is None: self._atnums  = fncs.symbols2atonums(self._symbols)
     if self._symbols is None: self._symbols = fncs.atonums2symbols(self._atnums)
     # check masses
     if self._masses is None:
        self._masses = fncs.atonums2masses(self._atnums)
     # derivated magnitudes
     # check Fcc
     if self._Fcc not in (None,[]) and len(self._Fcc) != 3*self._natoms:
        self._Fcc = fncs.lowt2matrix(self._Fcc)
Exemplo n.º 4
            zmat = gau.zmat_from_loginp(folder + log)

        (lzmat, zmatvals, zmatatoms), symbols = gau.convert_zmat(zmat)

        # same current point
        # correct symbols (just in case)
        symbols, atonums = fncs.symbols_and_atonums(symbols)
        # Data without dummies
        symbols_wo, xcc_wo = fncs.clean_dummies(symbols, xcc=list(xcc))
        symbols_wo, gcc_wo = fncs.clean_dummies(symbols, gcc=list(gcc))
        symbols_wo, Fcc_wo = fncs.clean_dummies(symbols, Fcc=list(Fcc))

        # calculate weight
        atonums_wo = fncs.symbols2atonums(symbols_wo)
        masses_wo = fncs.symbols2masses(symbols_wo)
        pgroup, rotsigma = get_pgs(atonums_wo, masses_wo, xcc_wo)
        if inpvars._enantio and pgroup.lower() == "c1":
            weight = 2
            enantio = tfh.enantiovec(lzmat, zmatvals, dcorr, inpvars)
            denantio[str(enantio)] = str(point)
            weight = 1
        # save data
        geoms.append((V0, xcc_wo, gcc_wo, Fcc_wo, str(point)))
        weights[str(point)] = weight

Exemplo n.º 5
def write_mstorinp(geoms,symbols,mtp,freqscal,inpvars,dMj,nrics,folder,lCH3=[]):
    str_inp  = ""
    str_inp += "#--------------------------------------------#\n"
    str_inp += "# Ms-Tor input file generated with TorsiFlex #\n"
    str_inp += "#--------------------------------------------#\n"
    str_inp += "\n"

    torsions  = inpvars._tatoms
    ntorsions = inpvars._ntorsions
    Lenantio  = inpvars._enantio
    natoms  = len(symbols)
    atonums = fncs.symbols2atonums(symbols)
    masses  = fncs.symbols2masses(symbols)
    Eref    = geoms[0][0]
    # general section #
    str_inp += "$general\n"
    str_inp += "  natoms    %i\n"%natoms
    str_inp += "  nstr      %i\n"%len(geoms)
    str_inp += "  ntor      %i\n"%(ntorsions+len(lCH3))
    str_inp += "  freqscale %.4f\n"%freqscal
    str_inp += "  deltat    0.5\n"
    str_inp += "  elec\n"
    str_inp += "    %i  0.0\n"%mtp
    str_inp += "  end\n"
    str_inp += "end\n"
    str_inp += "\n"

    # temperature section #
    str_inp += "$temp\n"
    for idx in range(0,len(inpvars._temps),6):
        str_inp += "  ".join("%7.2f"%T for T in inpvars._temps[idx:idx+6])+"\n"
    str_inp += "end\n"
    str_inp += "\n"

    # internal coordinates #
    str_inp += "$intdef\n"
    if nrics is not None:
        for ic in nrics:
            ictype,icatoms = ic
            # which torsion?
            dtorX = ""
            if ictype == "pt":
               for X,tatoms in inpvars._tatoms.items():
                   if icatoms in (tuple(tatoms),tuple(tatoms[::-1])):
                      dtorX = "# torsion%s"%X
               for CH3 in lCH3:
                   if icatoms in (tuple(CH3),tuple(CH3[::-1])):
                      dtorX = "# CH3"
            # add to string
            str_inp += "  %s %s\n"%(intl.ic2string(ic).replace("_","-"),dtorX)
    str_inp += "end\n"
    str_inp += "\n"

    # coordinates&hessian #
    count = 0
    str_hess = ""
    for E,xcc,gcc,Fcc,point in geoms:
        count += 1
        # relative energy
        erel = (E-Eref)*pc.KCALMOL
        # rotational symmetry number
        pgroup, rotsigma = get_pgs(atonums,masses,xcc)
        if Lenantio and pgroup.lower() == "c1": weight = 2
        else                                  : weight = 1
        # The string
        str_inp += "$structure  %i\n"%count
        str_inp += "geom\n"
        for idx,at in enumerate(atonums):
            x,y,z = [coord*pc.ANGSTROM for coord in xcc[3*idx:3*idx+3]]
            str_inp += "%-2s  %15.8E  %15.8E  %15.8E\n"%(at,x,y,z)
        str_inp += "end\n"
        # M_j,tau values
        str_inp += "mtor\n"
        part_ttorsions = " ".join(["%.4f"%dMj[str(point)] for torsion in inpvars._ttorsions])
        part_ch3       = " ".join("3.0000" for CH3 in lCH3)
        str_inp += "  %s %s \n"%(part_ttorsions,part_ch3)
        str_inp += "end\n"
        # weight, rel energy and rotsigma
        str_inp += "weight    %i\n"%weight
        str_inp += "energy    %.5f\n"%erel
        str_inp += "rotsigma  %i # point group: %s\n"%(rotsigma,pgroup)
        str_inp += "end\n"
        str_inp += "\n"
        # hessian
        str_hess += "$hess  %2i\n"%count
        for idx in range(0,len(Fcc),6):
            values = "".join([" %+11.8f"%value for value in Fcc[idx:idx+6]])
            str_hess += values + "\n"
        str_hess += "end\n\n"

    # write files
    print(tvars.IBS2+"    - %s"%(folder+tvars.MSTORIF1))
    with open(folder+tvars.MSTORIF1,"w") as asdf: asdf.write(str_inp)
    print(tvars.IBS2+"    - %s"%(folder+tvars.MSTORIF2))
    with open(folder+tvars.MSTORIF2,"w") as asdf: asdf.write(str_hess)