Exemplo n.º 1
 def __init__(self):
     self.letCounter = LetterCounts()
     self.ic = { "english" : 0.065, "equiprobable" : 0.038}
     # ic of english language
     self.engIC = 0.065
     # ic of perfectly random message (all letters equiprobable)
     self.ranIC = 0.038
     self.vigenereSquare = self.constructVigenereSquare()
Exemplo n.º 2
class VigenereCipher:

    def __init__(self):
        self.letCounter = LetterCounts()
        self.ic = { "english" : 0.065, "equiprobable" : 0.038}
        # ic of english language
        self.engIC = 0.065
        # ic of perfectly random message (all letters equiprobable)
        self.ranIC = 0.038
        self.vigenereSquare = self.constructVigenereSquare()

    ## clearMsg
    # cleans up the ciphertext so that it only contains
    # A-Z characterws
    def clearMsg(self, msg):
        return msg.replace(' ', '')
    ## Index of Coincidence (IC)
    # The IC of the English Language is 0.065
    # The IC of a text written where all letters are
    # equiprobable is 0.038
    # IC is equivalent to the sum from i=1 to 26
    # of c**2/n**2 where n is the length of the
    # string and c is the count of the letter 
    # (corresponding letter of the alphabet) in
    # the message
    def calcIC(self, msg):
        # Determine the letter counts in the message
        counts = self.letCounter.getCounts(msg)
        # Determine the squared length of the message
        n = len(msg)**2
        # The IC (results from a summation)
        ic = 0
        for letter,num in counts:
            # Since some of the counts could be 0, skip those
            if num == 0:
            ic += num**2/float(n)
        return ic
    ## isMonoalphabetic
    # determines if the IC is closer to the English Language
    # IC or to the IC of text with equiprobable letter occurrence
    # return: whether the IC is closer to english IC or not
    def isMonoalphabetic(self, ic):
        deltaEng = abs(self.ic["english"] - ic)
        deltaEqui = abs(self.ic["equiprobable"] - ic)
        return deltaEng > deltaEqui
    ## constructVigenereSquare
    # The Vigenere Square is a mapping of the simple shifts performed
    # when encrypting a message using a Vigenere cipher keyword
    # In other words, keyword 'a' shifts letters by 0
    # so vigengereSquare['a']['c'] = 'C'
    def constructVigenereSquare(self): 
        alphabet = list(string.ascii_uppercase)
        lowerbet = list(string.ascii_lowercase)
        vigenereSquare = {}
        for shift, rowLet in enumerate(lowerbet):
            vigenereSquare[rowLet] = {}
            for idx, colLet in enumerate(lowerbet):
                vigenereSquare[rowLet][colLet] = alphabet[(idx+shift)%len(alphabet)]            
        return vigenereSquare
    ## vigenereSquareDecrypt
    # c is the cipher letter (i.e. 'N')
    # p is the plaintext letter that the cipher letter
    #   is expected to correspond to (i.e. 'e')
    def vigenereSquareDecrypt(self, c, p='e'):    
        for key, value in self.vigenereSquare[p].items():
            if value == c:
                return key
        return None
    ## vigenereSquareLookup
    # k is the keyword letter (i.e. 'j')
    # p is the plaintext letter to encrypt (shift)
    # c is the ciphertext letter found via table lookup
    def vigenereSquareLookup(self, k, p, printTable=False):
        return self.vigenereSquare[k][p]

    def encrypt(self, msg, key, printTable=False):
        keyLen = len(key)
        encryptedMsg = ""
        if printTable:
            print " __________________________________"
            print "| Keyword | Plaintext | Ciphertext |"
        for i in range(0, len(msg), keyLen):
            chunk = msg[i:i+keyLen]
            # encrypt using the vigenere square
            for chunkIdx in range(0, len(chunk)):
                keyLet = key[chunkIdx]
                msgLet = chunk[chunkIdx]
                cipherLet = self.vigenereSquareLookup(keyLet, msgLet)
                if printTable:
                    print "|    %s    |     %s     |      %s     | " % (keyLet, msgLet, cipherLet) 
                encryptedMsg += cipherLet
        if printTable:
            print "|__________________________________|"
        return encryptedMsg
    ## decrypt
    # Decrypts a message using the key and the Vigenere Square
    # msg is the message to decrypt
    # key is the key used to encrypt the message
    def decrypt(self, msg, key, printTable=False):    
        keyLen = len(key)
        decryptedMsg = ""
        if printTable:
            print " __________________________________"
            print "| Keyword | Ciphertext | Plaintext |"
        for i in range(0, len(msg), keyLen):
            # slice out a chunk of the message (len <= size of key)
            chunk = msg[i:i+keyLen]
            # decrypt the chunk using the key
            for chunkIdx in range(0, len(chunk)):
                keyLet = key[chunkIdx]
                msgLet = chunk[chunkIdx]
                plainLet = self.vigenereSquareDecrypt(msgLet, keyLet)
                if printTable:
                    print "|    %s    |     %s     |      %s     | " % (keyLet, msgLet, plainLet) 
                decryptedMsg += plainLet
        if printTable:
            print "|__________________________________|"
        return decryptedMsg