Exemplo n.º 1
 def route(self, od_pairs):
     results = []
     for (origin_lat, origin_lon), (dest_lat, dest_lon) in od_pairs:
         x, y = mesh.convert_lonlat_to_xy(origin_lon, origin_lat)
         x_, y_ = mesh.convert_lonlat_to_xy(dest_lon, dest_lat)
         ax, ay = x_ - x, y_ - y
         axi = x_ - x + MAX_MOVE
         ayi = y_ - y + MAX_MOVE
         trajectory = polyline.decode(self.routes[(x, y)][(ax, ay)])
         triptime = self.tt_map[x, y, axi, ayi]
         results.append((trajectory, triptime))
     return results
Exemplo n.º 2
    def predict_best_action(self, vehicle_id, vehicle_state):
        if vehicle_state.idle_duration >= MIN_DISPATCH_CYCLE and FLAGS.offduty_probability > np.random.random(
            a, offduty = (0, 0), 1

        elif self.q_network is None:
            a, offduty = (0, 0), 0

            x, y = mesh.convert_lonlat_to_xy(vehicle_state.lon,
            if (x, y) in self.q_cache:
                actions, Q, amax = self.q_cache[(x, y)]
                s, actions = self.feature_constructor.construct_current_features(
                    x, y)
                Q = self.q_network.compute_q_values(s)

                # only considers actions whose values are greater than wait action value
                wait_action_value = Q[0]
                actions = [
                    a for a, q in zip(actions, Q) if q >= wait_action_value
                Q = Q[Q >= wait_action_value]
                amax = np.argmax(Q)
                self.q_cache[(x, y)] = actions, Q, amax
            # if actions[amax] == (0, 0):
            #     aidx = amax
            # else:
            aidx = self.q_network.get_action(Q, amax)
            a = actions[aidx]
            offduty = 1 if Q[aidx] < FLAGS.offduty_threshold else 0
        return a, offduty
Exemplo n.º 3
    def route_hex(self, od_pairs):
        results = []
        for (origin_lat, origin_lon), (dest_lat, dest_lon) in od_pairs:
            x, y = mesh.convert_lonlat_to_xy(origin_lon, origin_lat)
            x_, y_ = mesh.convert_lonlat_to_xy(dest_lon, dest_lat)
            ax, ay = max(0, min(x_, 52)) - max(0, min(x, 52)), max(
                0, min(y_, 68)) - max(0, min(y, 68))
            axi = x_ - x + MAX_MOVE
            ayi = y_ - y + MAX_MOVE

            trajectory = polyline.decode(
                self.routes[(x, y)][(ax,
                                     ay)])  # Route from origin to destination
            triptime = self.tt_map[x, y, axi, ayi]
            results.append((trajectory, triptime))
        return results
Exemplo n.º 4
def get_charging_piles():
    chargingpiles = csv.DictReader(open('data/processed_cs.csv'))
    list_ev_chargers = pd.DataFrame(chargingpiles)

    r_latlon = list_ev_chargers[["Longitude", "Latitude"]].apply(pd.to_numeric)

    # print(list_ev_chargers.iloc[[2]].ZIP)
    c_latlon = pd.DataFrame()

    for r_id, row in r_latlon.iterrows():
            x, y = convert_lonlat_to_xy(row.Longitude, row.Latitude)
            c_lon, c_lat = convert_xy_to_lonlat(x, y)
            for _ in range(int(list_ev_chargers.iloc[[r_id]].EV_Level2)):
                c_latlon = c_latlon.append([[
                    c_lon, c_lat, status_codes.SP_LEVEL2,
                    status_codes.CP_AVAILABLE, 0.0
            for _ in range(int(list_ev_chargers.iloc[[r_id]].EV_DC_Fast)):
                c_latlon = c_latlon.append([[
                    c_lon, c_lat, status_codes.SP_DCFC,
                    status_codes.CP_AVAILABLE, 0.0
    c_latlon.columns = ["c_lon", "c_lat", "type", "flag", "incentive"]
    c_latlon.index = [i for i in range(len(c_latlon.index))]
    return c_latlon
Exemplo n.º 5
 def route(self, od_pairs):
     results = []
     for (origin_lat, origin_lon), (dest_lat, dest_lon) in od_pairs:
         x, y = mesh.convert_lonlat_to_xy(origin_lon, origin_lat)
         x_, y_ = mesh.convert_lonlat_to_xy(dest_lon, dest_lat)
         ax, ay = x_ - x, y_ - y
         axi = x_ - x + MAX_MOVE
         ayi = y_ - y + MAX_MOVE
         # print(len(self.routes))
         # if ax or ay > MAX_MOVE:
         # trajectory = None
         # else:
         #     print((x, y), (ax, ay), (x_, y_))
         trajectory = polyline.decode(
             self.routes[(x, y)][(ax,
                                  ay)])  # Route from origin to destination
         triptime = self.tt_map[x, y, axi, ayi]
         # print(triptime)
         results.append((trajectory, triptime))
     return results
Exemplo n.º 6
    def convert_action_to_destination(self, vehicle_state, a):
        cache_key = None
        target = None
        ax, ay = a
        x, y = mesh.convert_lonlat_to_xy(vehicle_state.lon, vehicle_state.lat)
        lon, lat = mesh.convert_xy_to_lonlat(x + ax, y + ay)
        if lon == vehicle_state.lon and lat == vehicle_state.lat:
        elif FLAGS.use_osrm and mesh.convert_xy_to_lonlat(x, y) == (lon, lat):
            cache_key = ((x, y), (ax, ay))
            target = (lat, lon)

        return target, cache_key
    def predict_best_action(self, vehicle_id, vehicle_state):
        if vehicle_state.idle_duration >= MIN_DISPATCH_CYCLE and FLAGS.offduty_probability > np.random.random(
            a, offduty = (0, 0), 1

        elif self.q_network is None:
            a, offduty = (0, 0), 0

            x, y = mesh.convert_lonlat_to_xy(vehicle_state.lon,
            if (x, y) in self.q_cache:
                actions, Q, amax = self.q_cache[(x, y)]
                # Get state features and action features
                s, actions = self.feature_constructor.construct_current_features(
                    x, y)
                # print("A: ", actions, len(actions))
                # print("S: ", s)
                # Calculate Q values based on state features
                Q = self.q_network.compute_q_values(s)
                # print("Q values: ", Q)
                # only considers actions whose values are greater than wait action value
                wait_action_value = Q[0]
                actions = [
                    a for a, q in zip(actions, Q) if q >= wait_action_value
                Q = Q[Q >= wait_action_value]
                # print("Q ba: ", Q)
                amax = np.argmax(Q)  # Get the index of the max value
                # print("Q max, val, max: ", amax, Q[amax], max(Q))
                self.q_cache[(x, y)] = actions, Q, amax  # Save in cache
            # if actions[amax] == (0, 0):
            #     aidx = amax
            # else:
            aidx = self.q_network.get_action(
                Q, amax)  # Get action with max Q value
            a = actions[aidx]
            offduty = 1 if Q[aidx] < FLAGS.offduty_threshold else 0
            # print("Chosen A: ", a)
            vehicle = VehicleRepository.get(vehicle_id)
            # tmp_q_action = {a:q for a, q in zip(actions, Q)}
            q_action = {(x + ax, y + ay): q for (ax, ay), q in zip(actions, Q)}
            vehicle.q_action_dict = q_action
            vehicle.epsilon = int(len(vehicle.q_action_dict) * 0.05)
            # print("Loc: ", x, " , ", y)
            # print("Act: ", tmp_q_action)
            # print("Added:", vehicle.q_action_dict)
        return a, offduty
    def convert_action_to_destination(self, vehicle_state, a):
        cache_key = None
        target = None
        ax, ay = a  # Action from action space matrix
        x, y = mesh.convert_lonlat_to_xy(vehicle_state.lon, vehicle_state.lat)
        lon, lat = mesh.convert_xy_to_lonlat(x + ax, y + ay)
        if lon == vehicle_state.lon and lat == vehicle_state.lat:
        elif FLAGS.use_osrm and mesh.convert_xy_to_lonlat(x, y) == (lon, lat):
            cache_key = (
                (x, y), (ax, ay)
            )  # Create cache key with location associated with action
            target = (lat, lon)

        return target, cache_key
Exemplo n.º 9
    def memorize_experience(self, vehicle_id, vehicle_state, a):
        t = self.feature_constructor.get_current_time()
        l = mesh.convert_lonlat_to_xy(vehicle_state.lon, vehicle_state.lat)
        last_state_action = self.last_state_actions.get(vehicle_id, None)

        if last_state_action is not None:
            current_state = (t, l)
            reward = self.rewards[vehicle_id]

            if len(self.experience_memory) > settings.MAX_MEMORY_SIZE:
                (last_state_action, current_state, reward))

        self.rewards[vehicle_id] = 0
        self.last_state_actions[vehicle_id] = (t, l, a)
Exemplo n.º 10
    def route_time(self, od_pairs):
        results = []
        new_od_pairs = []
        for (origin_lat, origin_lon), (dest_lat, dest_lon) in od_pairs:
            x, y = mesh.convert_lonlat_to_xy(origin_lon, origin_lat)
            x_, y_ = mesh.convert_lonlat_to_xy(dest_lon, dest_lat)
            ax, ay = x_ - x, y_ - y
            # print((x, y), (ax, ay), (x_, y_))
            # print(MAX_MOVE)
            if ax > MAX_MOVE and ay > MAX_MOVE:
                ax = MAX_MOVE
                ay = MAX_MOVE
                # print((x + ax, y + ay), (x_, y_))
                new_od_pairs.append(((x + ax, y + ay), (x_, y_)))

            elif ax < (-1 * MAX_MOVE) and ay < (-1 * MAX_MOVE):
                ax = (-1 * MAX_MOVE)
                ay = (-1 * MAX_MOVE)
                # print((x - ax, y - ay), (x_, y_))
                new_od_pairs.append(((x + ax, y + ay), (x_, y_)))

            elif ax > MAX_MOVE and ay < (-1 * MAX_MOVE):
                ax = MAX_MOVE
                ay = (-1 * MAX_MOVE)
                # print((x + ax, y - ay), (x_, y_))
                new_od_pairs.append(((x + ax, y + ay), (x_, y_)))

            elif ay > MAX_MOVE and ax < (-1 * MAX_MOVE):
                ay = MAX_MOVE
                ax = (-1 * MAX_MOVE)
                # print((x - ax, y + ay), (x_, y_))
                new_od_pairs.append(((x + ax, y + ay), (x_, y_)))

            elif ax > MAX_MOVE >= ay:
                ax = MAX_MOVE
                # print(len(od_pairs))
                new_od_pairs.append(((x + ax, y_), (x_, y_)))
                # print(len(od_pairs), od_pairs)

            elif ay > MAX_MOVE >= ax:
                ay = MAX_MOVE
                # print(len(od_pairs))
                new_od_pairs.append(((x_, y + ay), (x_, y_)))
                # print(len(od_pairs), od_pairs)

            elif ax < (-1 * MAX_MOVE) <= ay:
                ax = (-1 * MAX_MOVE)
                # print(len(od_pairs))
                new_od_pairs.append(((x + ax, y_), (x_, y_)))
                # print(len(od_pairs), od_pairs)

            elif ay < (-1 * MAX_MOVE) <= ax:
                ay = (-1 * MAX_MOVE)
                # print(len(od_pairs))
                new_od_pairs.append(((x_, y + ay), (x_, y_)))
                # print(len(od_pairs), od_pairs)

            axi = ax + MAX_MOVE
            ayi = ay + MAX_MOVE
            # print((x, y), (ax, ay), (x_, y_))
            trajectory = polyline.decode(
                self.routes[(x, y)][(ax,
                                     ay)])  # Route from origin to destination
            triptime = self.tt_map[x, y, axi, ayi]
            # print(triptime)
            extra_res = self.extra_routes(new_od_pairs)

            for (extra_traject, extra_time) in extra_res:
                triptime += extra_time

            results.append((trajectory, triptime))

            # results.extend(extra_res)
        return results
Exemplo n.º 11
 def get_coord(self, lon, lat):
     x, y = mesh.convert_lonlat_to_xy(lon, lat)
     return (int(x / self.k), int(y / self.k))
Exemplo n.º 12
 def construct_supply_map(self, locations):
     supply_map = self.construct_initial_map()
     for lon, lat in locations:
         x, y = mesh.convert_lonlat_to_xy(lon, lat)
         supply_map[x, y] += 1.0
     return supply_map
    def propose_price(self, vehicle, price, request):
        if len(vehicle.q_action_dict) == 0:
            # print("NOT DISPATCHED BEFORE!")
            return price
            # print(self.q_action_dict)
            r_lon, r_lat = request.origin_lon, request.origin_lat
            r_x, r_y = mesh.convert_lonlat_to_xy(r_lon, r_lat)
            # print("ID: ", self.state.id)
            # print("Request: ", r_x, r_y)
            sorted_q = {
                k: v
                for k, v in sorted(vehicle.q_action_dict.items(),
                                   key=lambda item: item[1],
            # print("Sorted: ", sorted_q)
            # print("Epsilon: ", self.epsilon, len(self.q_action_dict))
            filtered_q = list(islice(sorted_q, vehicle.epsilon))
            # filtered_q = dict(filtered_q)
            # print("Filtered: ", filtered_q)
            if (r_x, r_y) in filtered_q:
                # print("Here!")
                return price

            if (r_x, r_y) in vehicle.q_action_dict.keys():
                # print("Exists!")
                # req_q = self.q_action_dict.get((r_x,r_y))
                rank = 0
                index = 0
                for (kx, ky), v in sorted_q.items():
                    # print((kx,ky), (r_x, r_y))
                    if (kx, ky) == (r_x, r_y):
                        rank = index
                    index += 1
                # print("Does not exist!")
                dist_list = {}
                for (kx, ky), v in vehicle.q_action_dict.items():
                    k_lon, k_lat = mesh.convert_xy_to_lonlat(kx, ky)
                    dist = great_circle_distance(r_lat, r_lon, k_lat, k_lon)
                    dist_list[(kx, ky)] = dist

                # print("D: ", dist_list)
                min_dist = np.min(list(dist_list.values()))
                (min_x, min_y) = list(dist_list.keys())[list(
                req_q = vehicle.q_action_dict.get((min_x, min_y))
                # print(min_dist, (min_x,min_y), req_q)

                rank = 0
                index = 0
                for (kx, ky), v in sorted_q.items():
                    if (kx, ky) == (min_x, min_y):
                        rank = index
                    index += 1
            # print("Rank: ", rank, len(self.q_action_dict))
            rank = 1 - (rank / len(vehicle.q_action_dict))
            # print("Rank_: ", rank, (self.state.driver_base_per_trip/100))
            return price + (rank * 0.5 *
                            (vehicle.state.driver_base_per_trip / 100))