Exemplo n.º 1
def catSet():
    if request.method == "GET":
        resp_data = {}
        input_id = request.args.get('id', 0, type=int)
        target_info = None
        if input_id:
            target_info = FoodCat.query.filter_by(id=input_id).first()
        resp_data['info'] = target_info
        resp_data['current'] = 'cat'
        return ops_render("food/cat_set.html", **resp_data)

    resp = {'code': 200, 'msg': '操作成功', 'data': {}}
    req = request.values

    input_id = ParamsValidator.GetORSetValue(req, 'id', value=0)
    name = ParamsValidator.GetORSetValue(req, 'name', value="")
    weight = int(req['weight']) if ('weight' in req
                                    and int(req['weight']) > 0) else 1

    if name is None or len(name) < 1:
        resp['code'] = -1
        resp['msg'] = "请输入符合规范的分类名称"
        food_cat_info = FoodCat.query.filter_by(id=input_id).first()
        if food_cat_info:
            model_food_cat = food_cat_info
            model_food_cat = FoodCat()
            model_food_cat.created_time = getCurrentDate()
        model_food_cat.name = name
        model_food_cat.weight = weight
        model_food_cat.updated_time = getCurrentDate()
    return jsonify(resp)
Exemplo n.º 2
def catSet():
    if request.method == "GET":
        resp_data = {}
        req = request.args
        id = int(req.get('id',0))
        info = None
        if id:
            info = FoodCat.query.filter_by(id=id).first()
        resp_data['info'] = info
        resp_data['current'] = 'cat'
        return ops_render( "food/cat_set.html" , resp_data)

    resp = {'code':200,'msg':"操作成功",'data':{}}
    req = request.values
    id = req['id'] if 'id' in req else 0
    name = req['name'] if 'name' in req else ''
    weight = int(req['weight']) if ('weight' in req and int(req['weight']) > 0)else 1
    if name is None or len(name) < 1:
        resp['code'] = -1
        resp['msg'] = "请输入符合规范的分类名称"
        return jsonify(resp)
    food_cat_info = FoodCat.query.filter_by(id=id).first()
    if food_cat_info:
        model_food_cat = food_cat_info
        model_food_cat = FoodCat()
        model_food_cat.created_time = getCurrentDate()

    model_food_cat.name = name
    model_food_cat.weight = weight
    model_food_cat.updated_time = getCurrentDate()
    return jsonify(resp)
Exemplo n.º 3
Arquivo: Food.py Projeto: whisnos/weix
def cat_set():
    if request.method == 'GET':
        resp_data = {}
        req = request.args
        query = FoodCat.query
        id = req['id'] if 'id' in req else 0
        foodcat_info = None
        if id:
            foodcat_info = query.filter_by(id=id).first()
        resp_data['info'] = foodcat_info
        resp_data['current'] = 'set'
        return ops_render('food/cat_set.html', resp_data)
    resp = {'code': 200, 'msg': '成功', 'data': {}}
    req = request.values
    id = req['id'] if 'id' in req else 0
    name = req['name'] if 'name' in req else ''
    weight = int(req['weight']) if ('weight' in req
                                    and int(req['weight']) > 0) else 1

    if not weight:
        resp['code'] = -1
        resp['msg'] = '权重错误,重新输入'
        return jsonify(resp)
    food_info = FoodCat.query.filter_by(id=id).first()
    if food_info:
        foodcat_info = food_info
        foodcat_info = FoodCat()
        foodcat_info.created_time = geneTime()
    foodcat_info.name = name
    foodcat_info.weight = weight
    foodcat_info.updated_time = geneTime()
    return jsonify(resp)
Exemplo n.º 4
def cat_set():
    if request.method == 'GET':
        resp_data = {}
        req = request.args
        id = req.get('id', '')
        id = int(id) if id.isdigit() else 0
        cat_info = None
        if id:
            cat_info = FoodCat.query.filter_by(id=id).first()
        resp_data['cat_info'] = cat_info
        resp_data['current'] = 'cat'
        return ops_render('food/cat_set.html', resp_data)

    resp = {'code': 200, 'msg': '操作成功', 'data': {}}
    req = request.values

    id = int(req['id']) if 'id' in req and req['id'].isdigit() else 0
    name = req['name'] if 'name' in req else ''
    weight = int(
        req['weight']) if 'weight' in req and req['weight'].isdigit() else 1

    if not name and len(name) < 2:
        resp['code'] = -1
        resp['msg'] = '请输入符合规范的用户名'
        return jsonify(resp)

    if weight < 1:
        resp['code'] = -1
        resp['msg'] = '请输入符合规范的权重,大于等于1'
        return jsonify(resp)
    has_name = FoodCat.query.filter(FoodCat.name == name,
                                    FoodCat.id != id).first()
    if has_name:
        resp['code'] = -1
        resp['msg'] = '菜品类已存在,请重新输入'
        return jsonify(resp)

    food_cat_info = FoodCat.query.filter_by(id=id).first()

    if food_cat_info:
        model_food_cat = food_cat_info
        model_food_cat = FoodCat()
        model_food_cat.created_time = getCurrentDate()

    model_food_cat.name = name
    model_food_cat.weight = weight
    model_food_cat.status = 1
    model_food_cat.updated_time = getCurrentDate()


    return jsonify(resp)
Exemplo n.º 5
def catSet():
        菜品分类的 编辑和添加(编辑会查到菜的id修改信息,添加不到id)
    if request.method == "GET":
        resp_data = {}
        req = request.args
        id = int(req.get("id", 0))
        info = None  # 因为如果是添加信息,那么上个页面,就不会传回id,所以为None,进入添加账号页面。否则点击编辑就传回id,进入修改信息页面
        if id:
            info = FoodCat.query.filter_by(
                id=id).first()  # filter_by不用写类,他会自动区分的

        resp_data['info'] = info  # 统一渲染的 resp_data(json)里面,将user_info放进去
        resp_data['current'] = 'cat'
        return ops_render("food/cat_set.html", resp_data)

    resp = {'code': 200, 'msg': u"操作成功", 'data': {}}
    # 获取登录变量
    req = request.values  # 所有的请求变量,放到这个数组里

    id = req['id'] if 'id' in req else 0  # id 是用来判断是增加用户信息,还是修改用户信息
    name = req['name'] if 'name' in req else ''  # 三元表达式
    weight = int(req['weight']) if ('weight' in req
                                    and int(req['weight']) > 0) else ''

    if name is None or len(name) < 2 or len(name) > 12:  # 进行参数判断
        resp['code'] = -1
        resp['msg'] = "请输入符合规范的分类名称"
        return jsonify(resp)  # json 格式的转换

    food_cat_info = FoodCat.query.filter_by(
        id=id).first()  # 判断食品 id是否存在。如果存在,那么 modle_use,就是这个食品的信息。set页面为修改用户信息
    if food_cat_info:
        modle_cat_info = food_cat_info
    else:  # 否则,就是这个uid不存在。那么久为增加用户信息界面
        modle_cat_info = FoodCat()
        modle_cat_info.created_time = getCurrentData(
        )  # 增加用户信息时,created_time才改变

    modle_cat_info.name = name
    modle_cat_info.weight = weight
    modle_cat_info.updated_time = getCurrentData()

    db.session.add(modle_cat_info)  # 数据库添加数据,统一提交
    return jsonify(resp)  # 返回信息,更改成功
Exemplo n.º 6
def cat_set():
    if request.method == "GET":
        resp_data = {}
        req = request.args
        id = int(req.get("id", 0))

        cat_info =None
        if id:
            cat_info = FoodCat.query.filter_by(id = id).first()

        resp_data['info'] = cat_info

        return ops_render("food/cat_set.html", resp_data)

    resp = {'code': 200 , 'msg': '操作成功', 'data': {}}
    req = request.values

    id = req['id'] if 'id' in req else ''
    name = req['name'] if 'name' in req else ''
    weight = int(req['weight']) if 'weight' in req else 0

    if name is None or len(name) < 1:
        resp['code'] = -1
        resp['msg'] = '分类名称填写不正确'
        return jsonify(resp)

    if weight is None or weight < 1:
        resp['code'] = -1
        resp['msg'] = '权重填写不正确'
        return jsonify(resp)

    food_info = FoodCat.query.filter_by(id = id).first()
    if food_info:
        model_food = food_info
        model_food = FoodCat()

    model_food.name = name
    model_food.weight = weight
    model_food.updated_time = getCurrentDate()
    model_food.created_time = getCurrentDate()


    return jsonify(resp)
Exemplo n.º 7
def catSet():
    if request.method == "GET":
        resp_data = {}
        req = request.args
        id = int(req.get("id", 0))
        info = None
        if id:
            info = FoodCat.query.filter_by(id=id).first()
        resp_data['info'] = info
        resp_data['current'] = 'cat'

        return ops_render("food/cat_set.html", resp_data)

    resp = {'code': 200, 'msg': '操作成功!', 'data': {}}
    req = request.values

    id = req['id'] if 'id' in req else 0
    name = req['name'] if 'name' in req else ''
    weight = int(req['weight']) if ('weight' in req and int(req['weight']) > 0) else 1

    food_cat_info = FoodCat.query.filter_by(id=id).first()  # 获取uid,判断是否存在,存在是更新,否则就新增

    if name is None or len(name) < 1:  # 判断用户名长度
        resp['code'] = -1
        resp['msg'] = "请输入符合规范的分类名称"
        return jsonify(resp)

    if weight is None or weight < 1:  # 判断邮箱长度
        resp['code'] = -1
        resp['msg'] = '请输入符合规范的权重,并且至少要大于1'
        return jsonify(resp)

    if food_cat_info:
        model_food_cat = food_cat_info
        model_food_cat = FoodCat()
        model_food_cat.created_time = getCurrentDate()

    model_food_cat.name = name  # 变更用户名
    model_food_cat.weight = weight  # 变更邮箱
    model_food_cat.updated_time = getCurrentDate()
    db.session.add(model_food_cat)  # 增加用户信息
    db.session.commit()  # 统一提交

    return jsonify(resp)  # 更改成功
Exemplo n.º 8
def catSet():
    # 编辑和添加 —— 所以有可能有ID 有可能查不出ID
    if request.method == "GET":
        # id存在时进行编辑。不存在是进行展示。
        resp_data = {}
        req = request.args
        id = int( req.get( "id", 0 ) )
        info = None
        if  id:
            info = FoodCat.query.filter_by( id = id ).first()
        resp_data['info'] = info
        resp_data['current'] = 'cat'
        return ops_render( "food/cat_set.html", resp_data )
    # 获取并设置权重
    resp = { 'code': 200, 'msg': '操作成功~~', 'data':{} }
    req = request.values

    id = req['id'] if 'id' in req else 0
    name = req['name'] if 'name' in req else ''
    weight = int( req['weight'] ) if( 'weight' in req and int( req['weight'] )>0  ) else 1

    if name is None or len( name ) < 1:
        resp['code'] = -1
        resp['msg'] = "请输入符合规范的分类名称"
        return jsonify( resp )
    food_cat_info = FoodCat.query.filter_by( id = id ).first()

    if food_cat_info:# 存在则进行编辑
        model_food_cat = food_cat_info
    else:# 不存在则进行 新建并插入
        model_food_cat = FoodCat()
        model_food_cat.created_time = getCurrentDate()
    model_food_cat.name = name
    model_food_cat.weight = weight
    model_food_cat.updated_time = getCurrentDate()

    db.session.add( model_food_cat )
    return jsonify( resp )
Exemplo n.º 9
def catSet():
    if request.method == "GET":
        resp_data = {}
        req = request.args  # 参数少时用args
        id = int(req.get("id", 0))  # 获取当前id
        info = None
        if id:  # 如果uid存在,说明进入的是编辑页面,否则进入的是新增页面
            info = FoodCat.query.filter_by(id=id).first()  # 前端页面显示当前用户信息
        resp_data['info'] = info  # 把当前登录账户信息返回前端显示
        resp_data['current'] = 'cat'
        return ops_render("food/cat_set.html", resp_data)

    # 下面是POST处理
    resp = {'code': 200, 'msg': '操作成功', 'data': ''}
    req = request.values  # 参数多时用values ,参数少时用args

    id = req['id'] if 'id' in req else 0  # 获取当前用户id
    name = req['name'] if 'name' in req else ''
    weight = int(req['weight']) if ('weight' in req
                                    and int(req['weight']) > 0) else 1

    # 参数有效性判断
    if name is None or len(name) < 1:
        resp['code'] = -1
        resp['msg'] = "请输入符合规范的分类名称"
        return jsonify(resp)

    food_cat_info = FoodCat.query.filter_by(id=id).first()
    if food_cat_info:  # 进入的是编辑功能
        model_food_cat = food_cat_info
    else:  # 进入的是新增功能
        model_food_cat = FoodCat()
        model_food_cat.created_time = getCurrentDate()

    model_food_cat.name = name
    model_food_cat.weight = weight
    model_food_cat.updated_time = getCurrentDate()

    # 提交信息
    return jsonify(resp)
Exemplo n.º 10
def catSet():
    if request.method == "GET":
        resp_data = {}
        req = request.args
        id = int(req.get("id", 0))
        food_cat_info = None
        if id:
            food_cat_info = FoodCat.query.filter_by(id=id).first()
        resp_data["food_cat_info"] = food_cat_info
        resp_data["current"] = "cat"
        return ops_render("food/cat_set.html", resp_data)

    resp = {"code": 200, "msg": "操作成功~", "data": {}}
    req = request.values

    id = req["id"] if "id" in req else 0
    name = req["name"] if "name" in req else ""
    weight = int(req["weight"]) if ("weight" in req
                                    and int(req["weight"]) > 0) else 1

    if name is None or len(name) < 1:
        resp["code"] = -1
        resp["msg"] = "请输入符合规范的分类名称~~"
        return jsonify(resp)

    food_cat_info = FoodCat.query.filter_by(id=id).first()
    if food_cat_info:
        model_food_cat = food_cat_info
        model_food_cat = FoodCat()
        model_food_cat.created_time = getCurrentDate()

    model_food_cat.name = name
    model_food_cat.weight = weight
    model_food_cat.updated_time = getCurrentDate()
    return jsonify(resp)