Exemplo n.º 1
def getRankInfo(userID, gameMode):
	Get userID's current rank, user above us and pp/score difference

	:param userID: user
	:param gameMode: gameMode number
	:return: {"nextUsername": "", "difference": 0, "currentRank": 0}
	data = {"nextUsername": "", "difference": 0, "currentRank": 0}
	k = "ripple:leaderboard_relax:{}".format(scoreUtils.readableGameMode(gameMode))
	position = userUtils.getGameRankRx(userID, gameMode) - 1
	if int(gameMode) == 3:
		k = "ripple:leaderboard:{}".format(scoreUtils.readableGameMode(gameMode))
		position = userUtils.getGameRank(userID, gameMode) - 1
	log.debug("Our position is {}".format(position))
	if position is not None and position > 0:
		aboveUs = glob.redis.zrevrange(k, position - 1, position)
		log.debug("{} is above us".format(aboveUs))
		if aboveUs is not None and len(aboveUs) > 0 and aboveUs[0].isdigit():
			# Get our rank, next rank username and pp/score difference
			myScore = glob.redis.zscore(k, userID)
			otherScore = glob.redis.zscore(k, aboveUs[0])
			nextUsername = userUtils.getUsername(aboveUs[0])
			if nextUsername is not None and myScore is not None and otherScore is not None:
				data["nextUsername"] = nextUsername
				data["difference"] = int(myScore) - int(otherScore)
		position = 0

	data["currentRank"] = position + 1
	return data
Exemplo n.º 2
def updateCountry(userID, newScore, gameMode, mode='normal'):
	Update gamemode's country leaderboard.
	Doesn't do anything if userID is banned/restricted.

	:param userID: user, country is determined by the user
	:param newScore: new score or pp
	:param gameMode: gameMode number
    if userUtils.isAllowed(userID):
        COUNTRYLESS = 'xx'
        if features.GLOBAL_COUNTRY_RANKS == 'clan':
            country = userUtils.getUserCountryClan(userID)
            country = userUtils.getCountry(userID)
        if country is not None and len(
                country) > 0 and country.lower() != COUNTRYLESS:
            log.debug("Updating {} country leaderboard...".format(country))
            if features.RANKING_SCOREV2 and mode == 'alternative':
                k = "ripple:leaderboard_alt:{}:{}"
            elif mode == 'relax':
                k = "ripple:leaderboard_relax:{}:{}"
                k = "ripple:leaderboard:{}:{}"
            k = k.format(scoreUtils.readableGameMode(gameMode),
            glob.redis.zadd(k, str(userID), str(newScore))
            "Clan leaderboard update for user {} skipped (not allowed)".format(
def updateLevelRX(userID, gameMode=0, totalScore=0):
	Update level in DB for userID relative to gameMode
	:param userID: user id
	:param gameMode: game mode number
	:param totalScore: new total score
    # Make sure the user exists
    # if not exists(userID):
    #   return

    # Get total score from db if not passed
    mode = scoreUtils.readableGameMode(gameMode)
    if totalScore == 0:
        totalScore = glob.db.fetch(
            "SELECT total_score_{m} as total_score FROM rx_stats WHERE id = %s LIMIT 1"
            .format(m=mode), [userID])
        if totalScore:
            totalScore = totalScore["total_score"]

    # Calculate level from totalScore
    level = getLevel(totalScore)

    # Save new level
        "UPDATE rx_stats SET level_{m} = %s WHERE id = %s LIMIT 1".format(
            m=mode), [level, userID])
Exemplo n.º 4
def update(userID, newScore, gameMode):
	Update gamemode's leaderboard.
	Doesn't do anything if userID is banned/restricted.

	:param userID: user
	:param newScore: new score or pp
	:param gameMode: gameMode number
	if userUtils.isAllowed(userID):
		log.debug("Updating leaderboard...")
		glob.redis.zadd("ripple:leaderboard_relax:{}".format(scoreUtils.readableGameMode(gameMode)), str(userID), str(newScore))
		if int(gameMode) == 3:
			glob.redis.zadd("ripple:leaderboard:{}".format(scoreUtils.readableGameMode(gameMode)), str(userID), str(newScore))
		log.debug("Leaderboard update for user {} skipped (not allowed)".format(userID))
Exemplo n.º 5
def updateLevel(userID, gameMode=0, totalScore=0, *, relax=False):
	Update level in DB for userID relative to gameMode

	:param userID: user id
	:param gameMode: game mode number
	:param totalScore: new total score
	:param relax:
    # Make sure the user exists
    # if not exists(userID):
    #	return

    # Get total score from db if not passed
    mode = scoreUtils.readableGameMode(gameMode)
    table = "users_stats_relax" if relax else "users_stats"
    if totalScore == 0:
        totalScore = glob.db.fetch(
            "SELECT total_score_{m} as total_score FROM {table} WHERE id = %s LIMIT 1"
            .format(table=table, m=mode), (userID, ))
        if totalScore:
            totalScore = totalScore["total_score"]

    # Calculate level from totalScore
    level = getLevel(totalScore)

    # Save new level
        "UPDATE {table} SET level_{m} = %s WHERE id = %s LIMIT 1".format(
            table=table, m=mode), (level, userID))
Exemplo n.º 6
def update(userID, newScore, gameMode):
	Update gamemode's leaderboard the leaderboard

	userID --
	newScore -- new score or pp
	gameMode -- gameMode number
	log.debug("Updating leaderboard...")
	mode = scoreUtils.readableGameMode(gameMode)

	newPlayer = False
	us = glob.db.fetch("SELECT * FROM leaderboard_{} WHERE user=%s LIMIT 1".format(mode), [userID])
	if us is None:
		newPlayer = True

	# Find player who is right below our score
	target = glob.db.fetch("SELECT * FROM leaderboard_{} WHERE v <= %s ORDER BY position ASC LIMIT 1".format(mode), [newScore])
	plus = 0
	if target is None:
		# Wow, this user completely sucks at this game.
		target = glob.db.fetch("SELECT * FROM leaderboard_{} ORDER BY position DESC LIMIT 1".format(mode))
		plus = 1

	# Set newT
	if target is None:
		# Okay, nevermind. It's not this user to suck. It's just that no-one has ever entered the leaderboard thus far.
		# So, the player is now #1. Yay!
		newT = 1
		# Otherwise, just give them the position of the target.
		newT = target["position"] + plus

	# Make some place for the new "place holder".
	if newPlayer:
		glob.db.execute("UPDATE leaderboard_{} SET position = position + 1 WHERE position >= %s ORDER BY position DESC".format(mode), [newT])
		glob.db.execute("DELETE FROM leaderboard_{} WHERE user = %s".format(mode), [userID])
		glob.db.execute("UPDATE leaderboard_{} SET position = position + 1 WHERE position < %s AND position >= %s ORDER BY position DESC".format(mode), [us["position"], newT])

	#if newT <= 1:
	#	log.info("{} is now #{} ({})".format(userID, newT, mode), "bunker")

	# Finally, insert the user back.
	glob.db.execute("INSERT INTO leaderboard_{} (position, user, v) VALUES (%s, %s, %s);".format(mode), [newT, userID, newScore])
	if gameMode == 0:
		newPlayer = False
		us = glob.db.fetch("SELECT * FROM users_peak_rank WHERE userid = %s LIMIT 1", [userID])
		if us is None:
			newPlayer = True
		if newPlayer:
			glob.db.execute("INSERT INTO users_peak_rank (userid, peak_rank) VALUES (%s, %s);", [userID, newT])
			if us["peak_rank"] > newT:
				glob.db.execute("UPDATE users_peak_rank SET peak_rank = %s WHERE userid = %s", [newT,userID]) 
Exemplo n.º 7
def updatePP(userID, gameMode):
	Update userID's pp with new value

	:param userID: user id
	:param gameMode: game mode number
        "UPDATE users_stats SET pp_{}=%s WHERE id = %s LIMIT 1".format(
        (calculatePP(userID, gameMode), userID))
Exemplo n.º 8
def updateCountry(userID, newScore, gameMode):
	Update gamemode's country leaderboard.
	Doesn't do anything if userID is banned/restricted.

	:param userID: user, country is determined by the user
	:param newScore: new score or pp
	:param gameMode: gameMode number
	if userUtils.isAllowed(userID):
		country = userUtils.getCountry(userID)
		if country is not None and len(country) > 0 and country.lower() != "xx":
			log.debug("Updating {} country leaderboard...".format(country))
			k = "ripple:leaderboard_relax:{}:{}".format(scoreUtils.readableGameMode(gameMode), country.lower())
			if int(gameMode) == 3:
				k = "ripple:leaderboard:{}:{}".format(scoreUtils.readableGameMode(gameMode), country.lower())
			glob.redis.zadd(k, str(userID), str(newScore))
		log.debug("Country leaderboard update for user {} skipped (not allowed)".format(userID))
Exemplo n.º 9
def updateAccuracy(userID, gameMode):
	Update accuracy value for userID relative to gameMode in DB

	:param userID: user id
	:param gameMode: gameMode number
	newAcc = calculateAccuracy(userID, gameMode)
	mode = scoreUtils.readableGameMode(gameMode)
	glob.db.execute("UPDATE users_stats SET avg_accuracy_{m} = %s WHERE id = %s LIMIT 1".format(m=mode),
					[newAcc, userID])
Exemplo n.º 10
def incrementReplaysWatched(userID, gameMode):
	Increment userID's replays watched by others relative to gameMode

	:param userID: user id
	:param gameMode: game mode number
    mode = scoreUtils.readableGameMode(gameMode)
        "UPDATE users_stats SET replays_watched_{mode}=replays_watched_{mode}+1 WHERE id = %s LIMIT 1"
        .format(mode=mode), [userID])
Exemplo n.º 11
def updatePP(userID, gameMode, *, relax=False):
	Update userID's pp with new value

	:param userID: user id
	:param gameMode: game mode number
	:param relax: if True, calculate relax pp, otherwise calculate classic pp
        "UPDATE {table} SET pp_{m}=%s WHERE id = %s LIMIT 1".format(
            table="users_stats_relax" if relax else "users_stats",
        (calculatePP(userID, gameMode, relax=relax), userID))
Exemplo n.º 12
def getUserRank(userID, gameMode):
	Get userID's rank in gameMode's Leaderboard

	userID -- id of the user
	gameMode -- gameMode number
	return -- rank number. 0 if unknown
	mode = scoreUtils.readableGameMode(gameMode)
	result = glob.db.fetch("SELECT position FROM leaderboard_{} WHERE user = %s LIMIT 1".format(mode), [userID])
	if result is not None:
		return int(result["position"])
		return 0
Exemplo n.º 13
def getRankedScore(userID, gameMode):
	Get userID's ranked score relative to gameMode

	:param userID: user id
	:param gameMode: game mode number
	:return: ranked score
	mode = scoreUtils.readableGameMode(gameMode)
	result = glob.db.fetch("SELECT ranked_score_{} FROM users_stats WHERE id = %s LIMIT 1".format(mode), [userID])
	if result is not None:
		return result["ranked_score_{}".format(mode)]
		return 0
Exemplo n.º 14
def updateStatsRx(userID, score_):
	Update stats (playcount, total score, ranked score, level bla bla)
	with data relative to a score object

	:param userID:
	:param score_: score object
	:param beatmap_: beatmap object. Optional. If not passed, it'll be determined by score_.

	# Make sure the user exists
	if not exists(userID):
		log.warning("User {} doesn't exist.".format(userID))

	# Get gamemode for db
	mode = scoreUtils.readableGameMode(score_.gameMode)

	# Update total score, playcount and play time
	if score_.playTime is not None:
		realPlayTime = score_.playTime
		realPlayTime = score_.fullPlayTime

		"UPDATE rx_stats SET total_score_{m}=total_score_{m}+%s, playcount_{m}=playcount_{m}+1, "
		"playtime_{m} = playtime_{m} + %s "
		"WHERE id = %s LIMIT 1".format(
        (score_.score, realPlayTime, userID)

	# Calculate new level and update it
	updateLevelRX(userID, score_.gameMode)

	# Update level, accuracy and ranked score only if we have passed the song
	if score_.passed:
		# Update ranked score
			"UPDATE rx_stats SET ranked_score_{m}=ranked_score_{m}+%s WHERE id = %s LIMIT 1".format(m=mode),
			(score_.rankedScoreIncrease, userID)

		# Update accuracy
		updateAccuracyRX(userID, score_.gameMode)

		# Update pp
		updatePPRelax(userID, score_.gameMode)
Exemplo n.º 15
def updatePP(userID, gameMode):
	Update userID's pp with new value

	:param userID: user id
	:param gameMode: game mode number
	# Make sure the user exists
	# if not exists(userID):
	#	return

	# Get new total PP and update db
	newPP = calculatePP(userID, gameMode)
	mode = scoreUtils.readableGameMode(gameMode)
	glob.db.execute("UPDATE users_stats SET pp_{}=%s WHERE id = %s LIMIT 1".format(mode), [newPP, userID])
Exemplo n.º 16
def updateAccuracy(userID, gameMode, *, relax=False):
	Update accuracy value for userID relative to gameMode in DB

	:param userID: user id
	:param gameMode: gameMode number
	:param relax: if True, update relax accuracy, otherwise classic accuracy
    newAcc = calculateAccuracy(userID, gameMode, relax=relax)
    mode = scoreUtils.readableGameMode(gameMode)
        "UPDATE {table} SET avg_accuracy_{m} = %s WHERE id = %s LIMIT 1".
        format(table="users_stats_relax" if relax else "users_stats",
               m=mode), (newAcc, userID))
Exemplo n.º 17
def updateStats(userID, score_, beatmap_=None):
	Update stats (playcount, total score, ranked score, level bla bla)
	with data relative to a score object

	:param userID:
	:param score_: score object
	:param beatmap_: beatmap object. Optional. If not passed, it'll be determined by score_.

    # Make sure the user exists
    if not exists(userID):
        log.warning("User {} doesn't exist.".format(userID))

    if beatmap_ is None:
        beatmap_ = objects.beatmap.beatmap(score_.fileMd5, 0)

    # Get gamemode for db
    mode = scoreUtils.readableGameMode(score_.gameMode)

    # Update total score, playcount and play time
    realMapLength = beatmap_.hitLength
    if (score_.mods & mods.DOUBLETIME) > 0:
        realMapLength //= 1.5
    elif (score_.mods & mods.HALFTIME) > 0:
        realMapLength //= 0.75
        "UPDATE users_stats SET total_score_{m}=total_score_{m}+%s, playcount_{m}=playcount_{m}+1, "
        "playtime_{m} = playtime_{m} + %s "
        "WHERE id = %s LIMIT 1".format(m=mode),
        (score_.score, realMapLength, userID))

    # Calculate new level and update it
    updateLevel(userID, score_.gameMode)

    # Update level, accuracy and ranked score only if we have passed the song
    if score_.passed:
        # Update ranked score
            "UPDATE users_stats SET ranked_score_{m}=ranked_score_{m}+%s WHERE id = %s LIMIT 1"
            .format(m=mode), (score_.rankedScoreIncrease, userID))

        # Update accuracy
        updateAccuracy(userID, score_.gameMode)

        # Update pp
        updatePP(userID, score_.gameMode)
Exemplo n.º 18
def updateStats(userID, score_, *, relax=False):
	Update stats (playcount, total score, ranked score, level bla bla)
	with data relative to a score object

	:param userID:
	:param score_: score object
	:param relax: if True, update relax stats, otherwise classic stats

    # Make sure the user exists
    if not exists(userID):
        log.warning("User {} doesn't exist.".format(userID))

    # Get gamemode for db
    mode = scoreUtils.readableGameMode(score_.gameMode)

    table = "users_stats_relax" if relax else "users_stats"

    # Update total score, playcount and play time
    if score_.playTime is not None:
        realPlayTime = score_.playTime
        realPlayTime = score_.fullPlayTime

        "UPDATE {table} SET total_score_{m}=total_score_{m}+%s, "
        "playcount_{m}=playcount_{m}+1, "
        "playtime_{m} = playtime_{m} + %s "
        "WHERE id = %s LIMIT 1".format(table=table, m=mode),
        (score_.score, realPlayTime, userID))

    # Calculate new level and update it
    updateLevel(userID, score_.gameMode, relax=relax)

    # Update level, accuracy and ranked score only if we have passed the song
    if score_.passed:
        # Update ranked score
            "UPDATE {table} SET ranked_score_{m}=ranked_score_{m}+%s WHERE id = %s LIMIT 1"
            .format(table=table, m=mode), (score_.rankedScoreIncrease, userID))

        # Update accuracy
        updateAccuracy(userID, score_.gameMode, relax=relax)

        # Update pp
        updatePP(userID, score_.gameMode, relax=relax)
Exemplo n.º 19
def check(mode, beatmap):
    achievement_ids = []

    mode_str = scoreUtils.readableGameMode(mode)

    mode_2 = mode_str.replace("osu", "std")
    stars = getattr(beatmap, "stars" + mode_2.title())

    indexies = [
        x - 1 for x in ACHIEVEMENT_KEYS["index"] if x == math.floor(stars)

    for index in indexies:
        achievement_ids.append(mode + index * 4)

    return achievement_ids
Exemplo n.º 20
def getRankedScore(userID, gameMode, *, relax=False):
	Get userID's ranked score relative to gameMode

	:param userID: user id
	:param gameMode: game mode number
	:param relax:
	:return: ranked score
    mode = scoreUtils.readableGameMode(gameMode)
    result = glob.db.fetch(
        "SELECT ranked_score_{m} FROM {table} WHERE id = %s LIMIT 1".format(
            table="users_stats_relax" if relax else "users_stats", m=mode),
        (userID, ))
    if result is not None:
        return result["ranked_score_{}".format(mode)]
        return 0
Exemplo n.º 21
def updateStats(userID, __score):
	Update stats (playcount, total score, ranked score, level bla bla)
	with data relative to a score object

	:param userID:
	:param __score: score object

    # Make sure the user exists
    if not exists(userID):
        log.warning("User {} doesn't exist.".format(userID))

    # Get gamemode for db
    mode = scoreUtils.readableGameMode(__score.gameMode)

    # Update total score and playcount
        "UPDATE users_stats SET total_score_{m}=total_score_{m}+%s, playcount_{m}=playcount_{m}+1 WHERE id = %s LIMIT 1"
        .format(m=mode), [__score.score, userID])

    # Calculate new level and update it
    updateLevel(userID, __score.gameMode)

    # Update level, accuracy and ranked score only if we have passed the song
    if __score.passed:
        # Update ranked score
            "UPDATE users_stats SET ranked_score_{m}=ranked_score_{m}+%s WHERE id = %s LIMIT 1"
            .format(m=mode), [__score.rankedScoreIncrease, userID])

        # Update accuracy
        updateAccuracy(userID, __score.gameMode)

        # Update pp
        updatePP(userID, __score.gameMode)

        # Update clan rating

        updateClanRating(userID, __score.gameMode)
Exemplo n.º 22
def update(userID, newScore, gameMode, *, relax=False):
	Update gamemode's leaderboard.
	Doesn't do anything if userID is banned/restricted.

	:param userID: user
	:param newScore: new score or pp
	:param gameMode: gameMode number
	:param relax: if True, update relax global leaderboard, otherwise update classic global leaderboard
    if userUtils.isAllowed(userID):
        log.debug("Updating leaderboard...")
                ":relax" if relax else ""), str(userID), str(newScore))
            "Leaderboard update for user {} skipped (not allowed)".format(
Exemplo n.º 23
def incrementReplaysWatched(scoreID, userID, gameMode, watcher):
	Increment userID's replays watched by others relative to gameMode

	:param userID: user id
	:param gameMode: game mode number
    mode = scoreUtils.readableGameMode(gameMode)
    isWatched = glob.db.fetch(
        "SELECT id FROM score_views WHERE scoreid = %s AND userid = %s",
        [scoreID, watcher])
    if not isWatched:
            "INSERT INTO score_views (scoreid, userid) VALUES (%s, %s)",
            [scoreID, watcher])
            "UPDATE scores SET watched = watched + 1 WHERE id = %s LIMIT 1",
            "UPDATE users_stats SET replays_watched_{mode}=replays_watched_{mode}+1 WHERE id = %s LIMIT 1"
            .format(mode=mode), [userID])
Exemplo n.º 24
def update(userID, newScore, gameMode, mode='normal'):
	Update gamemode's leaderboard.
	Doesn't do anything if userID is banned/restricted.

	:param userID: user
	:param newScore: new score or pp
	:param gameMode: gameMode number
    if userUtils.isAllowed(userID):
        log.debug("Updating leaderboard...")
        if features.RANKING_SCOREV2 and mode == 'alternative':
            k = "ripple:leaderboard_alt:{}"
        elif mode == 'relax':
            k = "ripple:leaderboard_relax:{}"
            k = "ripple:leaderboard:{}"
        k = k.format(scoreUtils.readableGameMode(gameMode))
        glob.redis.zadd(k, str(userID), str(newScore))
            "Leaderboard update for user {} skipped (not allowed)".format(
Exemplo n.º 25
def getRankInfo(userID, gameMode):
	userID --
	gameMode -- gameMode number
	return -- {"nextusername": string, "difference": int}
	data = {"nextUsername": "", "difference": 0, "currentRank": 0}
	modeForDB = scoreUtils.readableGameMode(gameMode)
	v = glob.db.fetch("SELECT v FROM leaderboard_{mode} WHERE user = %s LIMIT 1".format(mode=modeForDB), [userID])
	if v is not None:
		v = v["v"]
		result = glob.db.fetchAll("SELECT leaderboard_{mode}.*, users.username FROM leaderboard_{mode} LEFT JOIN users ON users.id = leaderboard_{mode}.user WHERE v >= %s ORDER BY v ASC LIMIT 2".format(mode=modeForDB), [v])
		if len(result) == 2:
			# Get us and other
			us = result[0]
			other = result[1]

			# Get our rank, next rank username and pp/score difference
			data["currentRank"] = us["position"]
			data["nextUsername"] = other["username"]
			data["difference"] = int(other["v"])-int(us["v"])

	return data
Exemplo n.º 26
def rxupdate(userID, newScore, gameMode):
	Update gamemode's leaderboard.
	Doesn't do anything if userID is banned/restricted.

	:param userID: user
	:param newScore: new score or pp
	:param gameMode: gameMode number
	mode = scoreUtils.readableGameMode(gameMode)

	newPlayer = False
	us = glob.db.fetch("SELECT * FROM relaxboard_{} WHERE user=%s LIMIT 1".format(mode), [userID])
	if us is None:
		newPlayer = True

	# Find player who is right below our score
	target = glob.db.fetch("SELECT * FROM relaxboard_{} WHERE v <= %s ORDER BY position ASC LIMIT 1".format(mode), [newScore])
	plus = 0
	if target is None:
		# Wow, this user completely sucks at this game.
		target = glob.db.fetch("SELECT * FROM relaxboard_{} ORDER BY position DESC LIMIT 1".format(mode))
		plus = 1

	# Set newT
	if target is None:
		# Okay, nevermind. It's not this user to suck. It's just that no-one has ever entered the leaderboard thus far.
		# So, the player is now #1. Yay!
		newT = 1
		# Otherwise, just give them the position of the target.
		newT = target["position"] + plus

	# Make some place for the new "place holder".
	if newPlayer:
		glob.db.execute("UPDATE relaxboard_{} SET position = position + 1 WHERE position >= %s ORDER BY position DESC".format(mode), [newT])
		glob.db.execute("DELETE FROM relaxboard_{} WHERE user = %s".format(mode), [userID])
		glob.db.execute("UPDATE relaxboard_{} SET position = position + 1 WHERE position < %s AND position >= %s ORDER BY position DESC".format(mode), [us["position"], newT])

	#if newT <= 1:
	#	log.info("{} is now #{} ({})".format(userID, newT, mode), "bunker")

	# Finally, insert the user back.
	glob.db.execute("INSERT INTO relaxboard_{} (position, user, v) VALUES (%s, %s, %s);".format(mode), [newT, userID, newScore])
	if gameMode == 0:
		newPlayer = False
		us = glob.db.fetch("SELECT * FROM users_relax_peak_rank WHERE userid = %s LIMIT 1", [userID])
		if us is None:
			newPlayer = True
		if newPlayer:
			glob.db.execute("INSERT INTO users_relax_peak_rank (userid, peak_rank) VALUES (%s, %s);", [userID, newT])
			if us["peak_rank"] > newT:
						glob.db.execute("UPDATE users_relax_peak_rank SET peak_rank = %s WHERE userid = %s", [newT,userID])
	if userUtils.isAllowed(userID):
		log.debug("Updating relaxboard...")
		glob.redis.zadd("ripple:relaxboard:{}".format(scoreUtils.readableGameMode(gameMode)), str(userID), str(newScore))
		log.debug("Relaxboard update for user {} skipped (not allowed)".format(userID))