Exemplo n.º 1
 def lookupUserID(user):
     iter = []
     for result in iter:
         if result:
             return result
Exemplo n.º 2
def restrict(fro, chan, message):
    # Get parameters
    for i in message:
        i = i.lower()
    target = message[0]

    # Make sure the user exists
    targetUserID = userUtils.getIDSafe(target)
    userID = userUtils.getID(fro)
    if not targetUserID:
        return "{}: user not found".format(target)

    # Put this user in restricted mode

    # Send restricted mode packet to this user if he's online
    targetToken = glob.tokens.getTokenFromUsername(userUtils.safeUsername(target), safe=True)
    if targetToken is not None:

    requests.get(glob.conf.config["discord"]["krbot"] + "api/v1/submitBanOrRestrict", params={
        'token': glob.conf.config["discord"]["krbotToken"],
        'banned': target,
        'type': 0,
        'author': fro
    log.rap(userID, "has put {} in restricted mode".format(target), True)
    return "Bye bye {}. See you later, maybe.".format(target)
Exemplo n.º 3
def ban(fro, chan, message):
	# Get parameters
	for i in message:
		i = i.lower()
	target = message[0]
	reason = ' '.join(message[1:])

	# Make sure the user exists
	targetUserID = userUtils.getIDSafe(target)
	userID = userUtils.getID(fro)
	if not targetUserID:
		return "{}: user not found".format(target)

	if targetUserID < 1002 and userID > 1002:
		return "Nice try."
	if not reason:
		return "Please specify a reason for the ban."

	# Set allowed to 0

	# Send ban packet to the user if he's online
	targetToken = glob.tokens.getTokenFromUsername(userUtils.safeUsername(target), safe=True)
	if targetToken is not None:

	log.rap(userID, "has banned {}".format(target), True)
	return "RIP {}. You will not be missed.".format(target)
Exemplo n.º 4
    def mp_removeRef():
        userID = userUtils.getID(fro)
        if not can_user_touch_lobby(get_match_id_from_channel(chan), userID,
                                    False, False):
            return False

        if len(message) < 2:
            raise exceptions.invalidArgumentsException(
                "Wrong syntax: !mp removeref <ref username>")

        userRefID = userUtils.getIDSafe(message[1])
        if not userRefID:
            raise exceptions.invalidArgumentsException("User not found")

        _match = glob.matches.matches[get_match_id_from_channel(chan)]
        if not userRefID in _match.refs:
            return "This user is not referre."

        chat.partChannel(userRefID, "#multiplayer", kick=True)
        return "Match referre was deleted!"
Exemplo n.º 5
    def mp_addRef():
        userID = userUtils.getID(fro)
        if not can_user_touch_lobby(get_match_id_from_channel(chan), userID,
                                    False, False):
            return False

        if len(message) < 2:
            raise exceptions.invalidArgumentsException(
                "Wrong syntax: !mp addref <ref username>")

        # check is correct nickname
        userID = userUtils.getID(fro)
        userRefID = userUtils.getIDSafe(message[1])
        if not userRefID:
            raise exceptions.invalidArgumentsException("User not found")

        if userID == userRefID:
            return False

        tokens = glob.tokens.getTokenFromUsername(userUtils.safeUsername(
        if len(tokens) == 0:
            return "{} is not online".format(message[1])

        _match = glob.matches.matches[get_match_id_from_channel(chan)]
        if userRefID in _match.refs:
            return "This referre added already :) He can join with command !mp join {}".format(

        return "Added {} to match referre. He can join with command !mp join {}".format(
            userRefID, _match.matchID)
Exemplo n.º 6
 def mp_invite():
     userID = userUtils.getID(fro)
     if not can_user_touch_lobby(get_match_id_from_channel(chan), userID,
         return False
     if len(message) < 2:
         raise exceptions.invalidArgumentsException(
             "Wrong syntax: !mp invite <username>")
     username = message[1].strip()
     if not username:
         raise exceptions.invalidArgumentsException(
             "Please provide a username")
     userID = userUtils.getIDSafe(username)
     if userID is None:
         raise exceptions.userNotFoundException("No such user")
     token = glob.tokens.getTokenFromUserID(userID, ignoreIRC=True)
     if token is None:
         raise exceptions.invalidUserException(
             "That user is not connected to bancho right now.")
     _match = glob.matches.matches[get_match_id_from_channel(chan)]
     _match.invite(999, userID)
             "Please accept the invite you've just received from {} to "
             "enter your tourney match.".format(glob.BOT_NAME)))
     return "An invite to this match has been sent to {}".format(username)
Exemplo n.º 7
def ban(fro, chan, message):
    # Get parameters
    for i in message:
        i = i.lower()
    target = message[0]

    # Make sure the user exists
    targetUserID = userUtils.getIDSafe(target)
    userID = userUtils.getID(fro)
    if not targetUserID:
        return "{}: user not found".format(target)

    # Set allowed to 0

    # Send ban packet to the user if he's online
    targetToken = glob.tokens.getTokenFromUsername(userUtils.safeUsername(target), safe=True)
    if targetToken is not None:

    # Posting to discord
    requests.get(glob.conf.config["discord"]["krbot"] + "api/v1/submitBanOrRestrict", params={
        'token': glob.conf.config["discord"]["krbotToken"],
        'banned': target,
        'type': 1,
        'author': fro
    log.rap(userID, "has banned {}".format(target), True)
    return "RIP {}. You will not be missed.".format(target)
Exemplo n.º 8
def rtx(fro, chan, message):
	target = message[0]
	message = " ".join(message[1:]).strip()
	if not message:
		return "Invalid message"
	targetUserID = userUtils.getIDSafe(target)
	if not targetUserID:
		return "{}: user not found".format(target)
	userToken = glob.tokens.getTokenFromUserID(targetUserID, ignoreIRC=True, _all=False)
	return ":ok_hand:"
Exemplo n.º 9
	def mpHost():
		if len(message) < 2:
			raise exceptions.invalidArgumentsException("Wrong syntax: !mp host <username>")
		username = message[1].strip()
		if not username:
			raise exceptions.invalidArgumentsException("Please provide a username")
		userID = userUtils.getIDSafe(username)
		if userID is None:
			raise exceptions.userNotFoundException("No such user")
		_match = glob.matches.matches[getMatchIDFromChannel(chan)]
		success = _match.setHost(userID)
		return "{} is now the host".format(username) if success else "Couldn't give host to {}".format(username)
Exemplo n.º 10
def restrict(fro, chan, message):
	# Get parameters
	for i in message:
		i = i.lower()
	target = message[0]
	reason = ' '.join(message[1:])

	# Make sure the user exists
	targetUserID = userUtils.getIDSafe(target)
	username = chat.fixUsernameForBancho(fro)
	userID = userUtils.getID(fro)
	if not targetUserID:
		return "{}: user not found".format(target)

	if targetUserID < 1002 and userID > 1002:
		log.enjuu("{} attempted to restrict immortal user {}.".format(username, targetUserID), discord="cm")
		return "Nice try."
	if not reason:
			reason = "not avialable"

	# Put this user in restricted mode

	# Send restricted mode packet to this user if he's online
	targetToken = glob.tokens.getTokenFromUsername(userUtils.safeUsername(target), safe=True)
	if targetToken is not None:

	log.rap(userID, "has restricted {} ({}) for: {}".format(target, targetUserID, reason), True)
	hook = Webhook(glob.conf.config["discord"]["webhook"])

	embed = Embed(
		timestamp='now'  # sets the timestamp to current time

	avatar = "https://a.enjuu.click/"

	embed.set_author(name='Restriction', icon_url="https://a.enjuu.click/{}".format(targetUserID))
	embed.add_field(name='Username', value="{}".format(target))
	embed.add_field(name='Reason', value="{}".format(reason))
	embed.set_footer(text="Restricted by {}".format(username))


	return "{} has been restricted for {}".format(target, reason)
Exemplo n.º 11
	def asyncGet(self):
			# Get request ip
			ip = self.getRequestIP()

			# Check arguments
			if not requestsManager.checkArguments(self.request.arguments, ["c", "u", "h"]):
				raise exceptions.invalidArgumentsException(MODULE_NAME)

			# Get arguments
			username = self.get_argument("u")
			password = self.get_argument("h")
			replayID = self.get_argument("c")

			# Login check
			userID = userUtils.getID(username)
			if userID == 0:
				raise exceptions.loginFailedException(MODULE_NAME, userID)
			if not userUtils.checkLogin(userID, password, ip):
				raise exceptions.loginFailedException(MODULE_NAME, username)
			if userUtils.check2FA(userID, ip):
				raise exceptions.need2FAException(MODULE_NAME, username, ip)

			# Get user ID
			replayData = glob.db.fetch("SELECT scores.*, users.username AS uname FROM scores LEFT JOIN users ON scores.userid = users.id WHERE scores.id = %s", [replayID])

			# Increment 'replays watched by others' if needed
			immuneUsers = [1001, 1002, 1028]
			UserID = userUtils.getIDSafe(username)
			if replayData is not None:
				if username != replayData["uname"]:
					if userID not in immuneUsers:
						userUtils.incrementReplaysWatched(replayData["userid"], replayData["play_mode"], replayData["mods"])

			# Serve replay
			log.info("Serving replay_{}.osr".format(replayID))
			fileName = ".data/replays/replay_{}.osr".format(replayID)
			if os.path.isfile(fileName):
				with open(fileName, "rb") as f:
					fileContent = f.read()
				log.warning("Replay {} doesn't exist".format(replayID))
		except exceptions.invalidArgumentsException:
		except exceptions.need2FAException:
		except exceptions.loginFailedException:
Exemplo n.º 12
def silence(fro, chan, message):
    message = [x.lower() for x in message]
    target = message[0]
    amount = message[1]
    unit = message[2]
    reason = ' '.join(message[3:]).strip()
    if not reason:
        return "Please provide a valid reason."
    if not amount.isdigit():
        return "The amount must be a number."

    # Get target user ID
    targetUserID = userUtils.getIDSafe(target)
    userID = userUtils.getID(fro)

    # Make sure the user exists
    if not targetUserID:
        return "{}: user not found".format(target)

    # Calculate silence seconds
    if unit == 's':
        silenceTime = int(amount)
    elif unit == 'm':
        silenceTime = int(amount) * 60
    elif unit == 'h':
        silenceTime = int(amount) * 3600
    elif unit == 'd':
        silenceTime = int(amount) * 86400
        return "Invalid time unit (s/m/h/d)."

    # Max silence time is 7 days
    if silenceTime > 604800:
        return "Invalid silence time. Max silence time is 7 days."

    # Send silence packet to target if he's connected
    targetToken = glob.tokens.getTokenFromUsername(
        userUtils.safeUsername(target), safe=True)
    if targetToken is not None:
        # user online, silence both in db and with packet
        targetToken.silence(silenceTime, reason, userID)
        # User offline, silence user only in db
        userUtils.silence(targetUserID, silenceTime, reason, userID)

    # Log message
    msg = "{} has been silenced for the following reason: {}".format(
        target, reason)
    return msg
Exemplo n.º 13
	def mpTeam():
		if len(message) < 3:
			raise exceptions.invalidArgumentsException("Wrong syntax: !mp team <username> <colour>")
		username = message[1].strip()
		if not username:
			raise exceptions.invalidArgumentsException("Please provide a username")
		colour = message[2].lower().strip()
		if colour not in ["red", "blue"]:
			raise exceptions.invalidArgumentsException("Team colour must be red or blue")
		userID = userUtils.getIDSafe(username)
		if userID is None:
			raise exceptions.userNotFoundException("No such user")
		_match = glob.matches.matches[getMatchIDFromChannel(chan)]
		_match.changeTeam(userID, matchTeams.BLUE if colour == "blue" else matchTeams.RED)
		return "{} is now in {} team".format(username, colour)
Exemplo n.º 14
	def mpMove():
		if len(message) < 3 or not message[2].isdigit() or int(message[2]) < 0 or int(message[2]) > 16:
			raise exceptions.invalidArgumentsException("Wrong syntax: !mp move <username> <slot>")
		username = message[1]
		newSlotID = int(message[2])
		userID = userUtils.getIDSafe(username)
		if userID is None:
			raise exceptions.userNotFoundException("No such user")
		_match = glob.matches.matches[getMatchIDFromChannel(chan)]
		success = _match.userChangeSlot(userID, newSlotID)
		if success:
			result = "Player {} moved to slot {}".format(username, newSlotID)
			result = "You can't use that slot: it's either already occupied by someone else or locked"
		return result
Exemplo n.º 15
 def mpKick():
     if len(message) < 2:
         raise exceptions.invalidArgumentsException(
             "Wrong syntax: !mp kick <username>")
     username = message[1]
     userID = userUtils.getIDSafe(username)
     if userID is None:
         raise exceptions.userNotFoundException("No such user")
     _match = glob.matches.matches[getMatchIDFromChannel(chan)]
     slotID = _match.getUserSlotID(userID)
     if slotID is None:
         raise exceptions.userNotFoundException(
             "The specified user is not in this match")
     for i in range(0, 2):
     return "{} has been kicked from the match.".format(username)
Exemplo n.º 16
def kill(fro, chan, message):
	for i in message:
		i = i.lower()
	target = message[0]
	targetUserID = userUtils.getIDSafe(target)
	userID = userUtils.getID(fro)
	if not targetUserID:
		return "{}: user not found".format(target)

	targetToken = glob.tokens.getTokenFromUserID(targetUserID)
	targetToken.enqueue(serverPackets.userSupporterGMT(True, False, False))
	targetToken.enqueue(serverPackets.userSupporterGMT(False, True, False))
	return "{} has been killed".format(target)
Exemplo n.º 17
def unrestrict(fro, chan, message):
    # Get parameters
    for i in message:
        i = i.lower()
    target = message[0]

    # Make sure the user exists
    targetUserID = userUtils.getIDSafe(target)
    userID = userUtils.getID(fro)
    if not targetUserID:
        return "{}: user not found".format(target)

    # Set allowed to 1

    log.rap(userID, "has removed restricted mode from {}".format(target), True)
    return "Welcome back {}!".format(target)
Exemplo n.º 18
 def mpInvite():
     if len(message) < 2:
         raise exceptions.invalidArgumentsException(
             "Wrong syntax: !mp invite <username>")
     username = message[1]
     userID = userUtils.getIDSafe(username)
     if userID is None:
         raise exceptions.userNotFoundException("No such user")
     token = glob.tokens.getTokenFromUserID(userID, ignoreIRC=True)
     if token is None:
         raise exceptions.invalidUserException(
             "That user is not connected to bancho right now.")
     _match = glob.matches.matches[getMatchIDFromChannel(chan)]
     _match.invite(999, userID)
             "Please accept the invite you've just received from FokaBot to "
             "enter your tourney match."))
     return "An invite to this match has been sent to {}".format(username)
Exemplo n.º 19
def switchServer(fro, chan, message):
    # Get target user ID
    target = message[0]
    newServer = message[1]
    targetUserID = userUtils.getIDSafe(target)
    userID = userUtils.getID(fro)

    # Make sure the user exists
    if not targetUserID:
        return "{}: user not found".format(target)

    # Connect the user to the end server
    userToken = glob.tokens.getTokenFromUserID(userID,

    # Disconnect the user from the origin server
    # userToken.kick()
    return "{} has been connected to {}".format(target, newServer)
Exemplo n.º 20
def lock_user(fro, chan, message):
    # Get parameters
    for i in message:
        i = i.lower()
    target = message[0]

    # Make sure the user exists
    targetUserID = userUtils.getIDSafe(target)
    userID = userUtils.getID(fro)
    if not targetUserID:
        return "{}: user not found".format(target)

    # only lock client now ;d

    targetToken = glob.tokens.getTokenFromUsername(userUtils.safeUsername(target), safe=True)
    if targetToken is not None:

    return "RIP {}. Now he have locked osu!client!".format(target)
Exemplo n.º 21
def removeSilence(fro, chan, message):
	# Get parameters
	for i in message:
		i = i.lower()
	target = message[0]

	# Make sure the user exists
	targetUserID = userUtils.getIDSafe(target)
	userID = userUtils.getID(fro)
	if not targetUserID:
		return "{}: user not found".format(target)

	# Send new silence end packet to user if he's online
	targetToken = glob.tokens.getTokenFromUsername(userUtils.safeUsername(target), safe=True)
	if targetToken is not None:
		# User online, remove silence both in db and with packet
		targetToken.silence(0, "", userID)
		# user offline, remove islene ofnlt from db
		userUtils.silence(targetUserID, 0, "", userID)

	return "{}'s silence reset".format(target)
Exemplo n.º 22
def restrict(fro, chan, message):
	# Get parameters
	for i in message:
		i = i.lower()
	target = message[0]

	# Make sure the user exists
	targetUserID = userUtils.getIDSafe(target)
	userID = userUtils.getID(fro)
	if not targetUserID:
		return "{}: user not found".format(target)

	# Put this user in restricted mode

	# Send restricted mode packet to this user if he's online
	targetToken = glob.tokens.getTokenFromUsername(userUtils.safeUsername(target), safe=True)
	if targetToken is not None:

	log.rap(userID, "has put {} in restricted mode".format(target), True)
	return "Bye bye {}. See you later, maybe.".format(target)
Exemplo n.º 23
def unrestrict(fro, chan, message):
    # Get parameters
    for i in message:
        i = i.lower()
    target = message[0]

    # Make sure the user exists
    targetUserID = userUtils.getIDSafe(target)
    userID = userUtils.getID(fro)
    if not targetUserID:
        return "{}: user not found".format(target)

    # Set allowed to 1
    requests.get(glob.conf.config["discord"]["krbot"] + "api/v1/submitBanOrRestrict", params={
        'token': glob.conf.config["discord"]["krbotToken"],
        'banned': target,
        'type': 2,
        'author': fro

    log.rap(userID, "has removed restricted mode from {}".format(target), True)
    return "Welcome back {}!".format(target)
Exemplo n.º 24
 def mp_kick():
     userID = userUtils.getID(fro)
     if not can_user_touch_lobby(get_match_id_from_channel(chan), userID,
                                 False, False):
         return False
     if len(message) < 2:
         raise exceptions.invalidArgumentsException(
             "Wrong syntax: !mp kick <username>")
     username = message[1].strip()
     if not username:
         raise exceptions.invalidArgumentsException(
             "Please provide a username")
     userID = userUtils.getIDSafe(username)
     if userID is None:
         raise exceptions.userNotFoundException("No such user")
     _match = glob.matches.matches[get_match_id_from_channel(chan)]
     slotID = _match.getUserSlotID(userID)
     if slotID is None:
         raise exceptions.userNotFoundException(
             "The specified user is not in this match")
     for i in range(0, 2):
     return "{} has been kicked from the match.".format(username)