def make_random_fam_3_gate(levels, gate_name, gate_factory):
    """Creates a random family 3 gate using gate_factory.
    A family 3 gate takes in two inputs, at least one of which is from the level
    directly above it.

        levels: a list of lists of gates, one corresponding to each level
            already created in the circuit.
        gate_name: the name which the new gate will have.
        gate_factory: the method used to generate the new gate.
    W = len(levels[0])
    assert(all(len(level) == W for level in levels))
    # make sure that we have at least two possible inputs:
    assert(W * len(levels) > 1)
    # find the first input among the circuit objects in the ultimate level:
    input1_index = sr.randint(0, W - 1)
    input1 = levels[-1][input1_index]
    # find the second input among all available circuit objects:
    input2_index = sr.randint(0, (len(levels) * W) - 1)
    while input2_index == input1_index:
        input2_index = sr.randint(0, (len(levels) * W) - 1)
    input2_inp_index = input2_index % W
    input2_level_index = len(levels) - ((input2_index -
                                        input2_inp_index) / W) - 1
    input2_inp_index = input2_index % W
    input2 = levels[input2_level_index][input2_inp_index]
    # create the gate:
    inputs = [input1, input2]
    negations = [int(sr.getrandbits(1)) for neg_ind in xrange(2)]
    return gate_factory(gate_name, inputs, negations)
Exemplo n.º 2
def make_random_one_inp_and_const_int_gate(L, ultimate_level, penultimate_level,
                                           gate_name, circuit, gate_factory):
    """creates a random gate with one input and a constant that is an integer.
    # This gate requires one input; at least one input should be available.
    assert(len(ultimate_level) + len(penultimate_level) > 0)
    input1_index = sr.randint(0, len(ultimate_level) - 1)
    input1 = ultimate_level[input1_index]
    const = sr.randint(0, L - 1)
    return gate_factory(gate_name, input1, const, circuit)
Exemplo n.º 3
def make_random_one_inp_and_const_inp_gate(B, L, ultimate_level,
                                           penultimate_level, gate_name,
                                           circuit, gate_factory):
    """creates a random gate with one input and a constant that is an input
    # This gate requires one input; at least one input should be available.
    assert (len(ultimate_level) + len(penultimate_level) > 0)
    input1_index = sr.randint(0, len(ultimate_level) - 1)
    input1 = ultimate_level[input1_index]
    const = ci.Input(
        [ib.IBMBatch([int(sr.randint(0, B)) for inp_ind in xrange(L)])])
    return gate_factory(gate_name, input1, const, circuit)
Exemplo n.º 4
def make_random_two_inp_gate(L, ultimate_level, penultimate_level, gate_name,
                             circuit, gate_factory):
    """creates a random gate with two inputs."""
    # This gate requires two inputs; at least two inputs should be available.
    assert(len(ultimate_level) + len(penultimate_level) > 1)
    input1_index = sr.randint(0, len(ultimate_level) - 1)
    input1 = ultimate_level[input1_index]
    input2_index = sr.randint(0, len(ultimate_level) +
                              len(penultimate_level) - 1)
    while input2_index == input1_index:
        input2_index = sr.randint(0, len(ultimate_level) +
                                  len(penultimate_level) - 1)
    if input2_index < len(ultimate_level):
        input2 = ultimate_level[input2_index]
        input2 = penultimate_level[input2_index - len(ultimate_level)]
    return gate_factory(gate_name, input1, input2, circuit)
def make_random_one_inp_and_const_inp_gate(L, ultimate_level, penultimate_level,
                                           gate_name, circuit, gate_factory):
    """creates a random gate with one input and a constant that is an input
    # This gate requires one input; at least one input should be available.
    assert(len(ultimate_level) + len(penultimate_level) > 0)
    input1_index = sr.randint(0, len(ultimate_level) - 1)
    input1 = ultimate_level[input1_index]
    const = ci.Input([ib.IBMBatch([int(sr.getrandbits(1))
                                   for inp_ind in xrange(L)])])
    return gate_factory(gate_name, input1, const, circuit)
Exemplo n.º 6
def make_random_two_inp_and_const_inp_gate(L, ultimate_level, penultimate_level,
                                           gate_name, circuit, gate_factory):
    """creats a random gate with two inputs and a constant that is an input
    # This gate requires two inputs; at least two inputs should be available.
    assert(len(ultimate_level) + len(penultimate_level) > 1)
    input1_index = sr.randint(0, len(ultimate_level) - 1)
    input1 = ultimate_level[input1_index]
    input2_index = sr.randint(0, len(ultimate_level) +
                              len(penultimate_level) - 1)
    while input2_index == input1_index:
        input2_index = sr.randint(0, len(ultimate_level) +
                                  len(penultimate_level) - 1)
    if input2_index < len(ultimate_level):
        input2 = ultimate_level[input2_index]
        input2 = penultimate_level[input2_index - len(ultimate_level)]
    const = ci.Input([ib.IBMBatch([int(sr.getrandbits(1))
                                   for inp_ind in xrange(L)])])
    return gate_factory(gate_name, input1, input2, const, circuit)
Exemplo n.º 7
 def balance(self, desired_output):
     """Changes the negations on the inputs of this gate so that the gate
     yeilds the bit desired_output."""
     assert (desired_output == True or desired_output == False)
     current_eval = self.evaluate()
     # if the gate does not currently evaluate to the desired_output, tweak
     # the negations in such a way as to force it to evaluate to the
     # desired_output. This can be done by flipping a single negation:
     inp_ind = sr.randint(0, self.get_num_inputs() - 1)
Exemplo n.º 8
 def test_balancing_randomized(self):
     Test to determine that balancing forces the desired output. Tests
     many randomized cases.
     num_tests = 100
     min_num_inputs = 2
     max_num_inputs = 20
     for test_num in xrange(num_tests):
         num_inputs = sr.randint(min_num_inputs, max_num_inputs)
         inputs = [sw.StealthInputWire("wire", bool(sr.getrandbits(1)))
                   for input_num in xrange(num_inputs)]
         negations = [bool(sr.getrandbits(1))
                      for input_num in xrange(num_inputs)]
         gate = sgx.StealthXorGate("xor_gate", inputs, negations)
         desired_output = bool(sr.getrandbits(1))
         self.assertEqual(gate.evaluate(), desired_output)
 def test_balancing_randomized(self):
     Test to determine that balancing forces the desired output. Tests
     many randomized cases.
     num_tests = 100
     min_num_inputs = 2
     max_num_inputs = 20
     for test_num in xrange(num_tests):
         num_inputs = sr.randint(min_num_inputs, max_num_inputs)
         inputs = [sw.StealthInputWire("wire", bool(sr.getrandbits(1)))
                   for input_num in xrange(num_inputs)]
         negations = [bool(sr.getrandbits(1))
                      for input_num in xrange(num_inputs)]
         gate = sga.StealthAndGate("and_gate", inputs, negations)
         desired_output = bool(sr.getrandbits(1))
         self.assertEqual(gate.evaluate(), desired_output)
Exemplo n.º 10
 def balance(self, desired_output):
     """Changes the negations on the inputs of this gate so that the gate
     yeilds the bit desired_output."""
     assert (desired_output == True or desired_output == False)
     current_eval = self.evaluate()
     # if the gate does not currently evaluate to the desired_output, tweak
     # the negations in such a way as to force it to evaluate to the
     # desired_output:
     if current_eval != desired_output:
         if (desired_output == True):
             # if the gate does not currently evaluate to True, we can get it
             # to do so by flipping a single negation:
             inp_ind = sr.randint(0, self.get_num_inputs() - 1)
             # Getting an OR to evaluate to False is harder; we must make
             # sure that every input evaluates to False.
             for bal_ind2 in xrange(self.get_num_inputs()):
                 if self._get_value_with_negation(bal_ind2) == True:
Exemplo n.º 11
 def balance(self, desired_output):
     """Changes the negations on the inputs of this gate so that the gate
     yeilds the bit desired_output."""
     assert(desired_output == True or desired_output == False)
     current_eval = self.evaluate()
     # if the gate does not currently evaluate to the desired_output, tweak
     # the negations in such a way as to force it to evaluate to the
     # desired_output:
     if current_eval != desired_output:
         if (desired_output == True):
             # if the gate does not currently evaluate to True, we can get it
             # to do so by flipping a single negation:
             inp_ind = sr.randint(0, self.get_num_inputs() - 1)
             # Getting an OR to evaluate to False is harder; we must make
             # sure that every input evaluates to False.
             for bal_ind2 in xrange(self.get_num_inputs()):
                 if self._get_value_with_negation(bal_ind2) == True:
Exemplo n.º 12
def make_random_input(L, W, B):
    """Creates a random input with W batches, each with L bits."""
    return ci.Input([
        ib.IBMBatch([int(sr.randint(0, B)) for inp_num in xrange(L)])
        for batch_num in xrange(W)
def make_uniform_random_fam3_gate(levels, gate_name):
    """Makes a random family 3 gate with type determined at random.
    gate_type = sr.randint(0, GATE_TYPES.size() - 1)
    gate_factory = TYPE_TO_FAM3_GATE_GEN[gate_type]
    return gate_factory(levels, gate_name)
def make_uniform_random_gate(ultimate_level, fanin_frac, gate_name):
    """Makes a random family 1 or 2 gate with type determined at random.
    gate_type = sr.randint(0, GATE_TYPES.size() - 1)
    gate_factory = TYPE_TO_GATE_GEN[gate_type]
    return gate_factory(ultimate_level, fanin_frac, gate_name)