Exemplo n.º 1
 def test_is_digit(self):
     assert Util.is_digit('1')
     assert Util.is_digit('-1')
     assert Util.is_digit('1.1')
     assert Util.is_digit('1.')
     assert not Util.is_digit('.1')
     assert not Util.is_digit(' 1')
     assert not Util.is_digit('1 ')
     assert not Util.is_digit('+1')
     assert not Util.is_digit('.')
     assert not Util.is_digit('-')
Exemplo n.º 2
 def get_now_price_from_yahoo_stock_detail(html):
     m = re.search('<td class="stoksPrice">(.+)</td>', html)
     if m:
         price = m.group(1).replace(',', '')
         price = re.sub('\.\d*$', '', price)
         if Util.is_digit(price):
             return price
     return ""
Exemplo n.º 3
    def outstanding_share(self, t, search_row):
        ret = {}
        for r in t['table']:
            td_cnt = r.count('<td>')
            if td_cnt > 0:
                m = re.search('<td>(.*?)</td>' * td_cnt, r)
                if m:
                    ttl = self.tag_remove(m.group(1))
                    if '種類' in ttl:
                        buf = self.norm(self.tag_remove(m.group(3)))
                        if '年' in buf and '月' in buf and '日' in buf:
                            ret['date'] = self.convert_date(buf)

                    if '普通株式' in ttl:
                            str_hakkou = self.tag_remove(m.group(3)).replace(
                                ',', '')
                            ret['hutuu_hakkou'] = str_hakkou if not Util.is_digit(
                                str_hakkou) else str(

                            mm = re.search('([\d,]+)株', m.group(5))
                            if mm:
                                str_tan = mm.group(1).replace(',', '')
                                ret['unit'] = str_tan if not Util.is_digit(
                                    str_tan) else str(int(str_tan))
                                ret['unit'] = str(1)
                            print('outstanding_share: 普通株式 err')

        if 'date' not in ret or ret['date'] == '-':
            Log.warn('発行済株式日付不正: {}'.format(search_row['company_name']))
            return '-'
        if 'hutuu_hakkou' not in ret:
            Log.warn('発行済株式数不正: {}'.format(search_row['company_name']))
            return '-'
        if 'unit' not in ret:
            Log.warn('発行済株式単元数不正: {}'.format(search_row['company_name']))
            return '-'
        return ret
Exemplo n.º 4
 def get_now_price_from_yahoo_stock_detail(self, cd):
     html = requests.get(YAHOO_STOCK_DETAIL, {'code': cd}, timeout=15)
     m = re.search('<td class="stoksPrice">(.+)</td>', html.text)
     if m:
         price = m.group(1).replace(',', '')
         if cd == 'USDJPY':
             price = re.sub('0000$', '', price)
             price = re.sub('\.\d*$', '', price)
         if Util.is_digit(price):
             return price
     return "-"
Exemplo n.º 5
    def major_shareholders(self, t, search_row):
        holders, vol_unit = [], ''
        for r in t['table']:
            if not vol_unit and self.find_text(r, '所有株式数'):
                vol_unit = self.tag_remove(r).replace('所有株式数', '')

            m = re.search(
                '<td>(.+?)</td><td>(.+?)</td><td>(.+?)</td><td>(.+?)</td>', r)
            if not m or '住所' in m.group(2):

            holder = self.tag_remove(m.group(1))
            holder = re.sub('\(常任代理人.+$', '', holder)
            vol = self.tag_remove(m.group(3)).replace(',', '')
            rate = self.tag_remove(m.group(4)).replace(',', '')

            if Util.is_digit(vol):
                vol = re.sub('\.\d+$', '', vol)
                vol = str(int(vol))
            if Util.is_digit(rate):
                rate = str(float(rate))

            holders.append([holder, vol, rate])

        if 'dec_date' not in t:
            Log.warn('大株主報告日付不正: {}'.format(search_row['company_name']))
            return '-'

        if not vol_unit:
            Log.warn('大株主株式数単位不正: {} dec_date, vol_unit: {}'.format(
                search_row['company_name'], t['dec_date']))
            return '-'

        dec = self.convert_date(t['dec_date'])
        unit = self.convert_unit(vol_unit)
        return {'holders': holders, 'date': dec, 'unit': unit}
Exemplo n.º 6
    def run(self, dao: Dao, req):
        Log.info("Task004 invoked.")
        tweet_stocks = req['param']['stocks']
        tweet_id = req['param']['tweet_id']

        for brand in tweet_stocks.values():
            if 'ccode' in brand:
                stock_repos = self.model.find_stock_report_by_ccode(brand['ccode'])
                if stock_repos:
                    result = MqCaller('Task004').call_wait('Task002',
                                                           JSON.dumps([brand['ccode']]), timeout=40)
                    p_dic = JSON.loads(result)
                    if not p_dic or not p_dic['prices']:
                    price = p_dic['prices'][brand['ccode']]  # 現在価格
                    history = self.model.find_last_price_history(brand['ccode'])  # 前日と前々日価格
                    if price and history:
                        price = price.replace(',', "")
                        repo_tweets = stock_repos['tweets']
                        for rt in repo_tweets:
                            if rt['id_str'] == tweet_id:
                                Log.debug('price add. price={}, ccode={}, tweet={}',
                                          price, stock_repos['ccode'], tweet_id)
                                if Util.is_digit(price):
                                    Log.debug("price is digit. price={}, history[0][close]={}".format(
                                        price, history[0]['close']))
                                    rt['price'] = int(price)
                                    rt['last_price'] = history[0]['close']
                                    rt['last_price_date'] = history[0]['date']
                                    Log.debug("price is not digit. price={}".format(price))
                                    rt['price'] = history[0]['close']
                                    rt['last_price'] = history[1]['close']
                                    rt['last_price_date'] = history[1]['date']

                        {'ccode': brand['ccode'], 'name': brand['name']},
                        {"$set": stock_repos}, upsert=True)

        Log.info("Task004 end.")
Exemplo n.º 7
    def holder_rate_status(self, t, search_row):
        # gov: 政府及び地方公共団体, fin: 金融機関, sec: 金融商品取引業者, cop: その他法人
        # frc: 外国法人, frp: 外国個人, otp:個人その他, tot: 計, lwu: 単元未満株式
        col_flg = OrderedDict({
            'gov': False,
            'fin': False,
            'sec': False,
            'cop': False,
            'frc': False,
            'frp': False,
            'otp': False,
            'tot': False,
            'lwu': False
        ret = {
            'gov': [],
            'fin': [],
            'sec': [],
            'cop': [],
            'frc': [],
            'frp': [],
            'otp': [],
            'tot': [],
            'lwu': []
        reach_kabunushi_su = False

        for r in t['table']:
            td_cnt = r.count('<td>')
            if td_cnt > 0:
                m = re.search('<td>(.*?)</td>' * td_cnt, r)
                if m:
                    if not reach_kabunushi_su:
                        for i in range(td_cnt):
                            row = self.tag_remove(m.group(i + 1)).replace(
                                ' ', '')
                            if not col_flg['gov'] and '政府及び地方公共団体' in row:
                                col_flg['gov'] = True
                            if not col_flg['fin'] and '金融機関' in row:
                                col_flg['fin'] = True
                            if not col_flg['sec'] and ('金融商品取扱業者' in row
                                                       or '金融商品取引業者' in row):
                                col_flg['sec'] = True
                            if not col_flg['cop'] and 'その他の法人' in row:
                                col_flg['cop'] = True
                            if not col_flg['frc'] and '個人以外' in row:
                                col_flg['frc'] = True
                            if not col_flg['frp'] and '個人' == row:
                                col_flg['frp'] = True
                            if not col_flg['otp'] and '個人その他' in row:
                                col_flg['otp'] = True
                            if not col_flg['tot'] and '計' in row:
                                col_flg['tot'] = True
                            if not col_flg['lwu'] and '単元未満株式の状況' in row:
                                col_flg['lwu'] = True

                            if '株主数' in row:
                                reach_kabunushi_su = True

                    if reach_kabunushi_su:
                        kbn = self.tag_remove(m.group(1))

                        if re.search(r'所有株式数\s*\(', kbn):
                            ret['unit'] = kbn.replace('所有株式数', '')

                        if '株主数' in kbn or '所有株式数' in kbn or kbn in '所有株式数の割合':
                            row_cnt = 2
                            for k, v in col_flg.items():
                                if v:
                                    if row_cnt < len(m.groups()):
                                        val = self.tag_remove(
                                            m.group(row_cnt)).replace(',', '')
                                        val = self.norm(val)
                                        val = '0' if val == '-' or val == '-' or val == '―' else val
                                        if Util.is_digit(val):
                                        row_cnt = row_cnt + 1

        if 'dec_date' not in t:
            Log.warn('所有者別日付不正: {}'.format(search_row['company_name']))
            return '-'
        if 'unit' not in ret:
            Log.warn('株式単位不正: {}'.format(search_row['company_name']))
            return '-'

        ret['date'] = self.convert_date(t['dec_date'])
        return ret