Exemplo n.º 1
 def cash_flow(self, request, pk=None, **kwargs):
     Returns all the cash-flow events for this goal.
     :param request:
     :param pk:
     # Get the goal even though we don't need it (we could ust use the pk)
     # so we can ensure we have permission to do so.
     goal = self.get_object()
     txs = Transaction.objects.filter(
         Q(to_goal=goal) | Q(from_goal=goal),
     txs = txs.order_by('executed').values_list('to_goal', 'executed',
     return Response([(dt2ed(tx[1]), tx[2] if tx[0] else -tx[2])
                      for tx in txs])
Exemplo n.º 2
    def performance_history(self, request, pk=None, **kwargs):
        Returns the performance history for this goal. I.e. The raw performance given the periods of stocks held.
        This doesn't consider the price the stocks were actually bought or sold, just the movement of the market prices
        considering the volumes held by the goal over time. I.e. Execution costs (fees, spread etc) are not considered.
        :param request: The web request
        :param pk: The id of the goal
        :return: A django rest framework response object with date, perf tuples
                 eg. [[112234232,0.00312],[112234233,-0.00115], ...]
        # Get the goal even though we don't need it (we could just use the pk)
        # so we can ensure we have permission to do so.
        goal = self.get_object()

        # - Get all the transaction with this goal involved that are of reason 'Execution'.
        #   We want the volume, ticker id, date ordered by date. [(date, {ticker: vol}, ...]
        qs = Transaction.objects.filter(
            Q(to_goal=goal) | Q(from_goal=goal),
        txs = qs.values_list('execution_distribution__execution__executed',
        ts = []
        entry = (None, )
        aids = set()
        # If there were no transactions, there can be no performance
        if len(txs) == 0:
            return Response([])

        # Because executions are stored with timezone, but other things are just as date, we need to make datetimes
        # naive before doing date arithmetic on them.
        bd = timezone.make_naive(txs[0][0]).date()
        ed = timezone.make_naive(timezone.now()).date()
        for tx in txs:
            txd = timezone.make_naive(tx[0]).date()
            if txd == entry[0]:
                entry[1][tx[1]] += tx[2]
                if entry[0] is not None:
                entry = (txd, defaultdict(int))
                entry[1][tx[1]] = tx[2]

        # - Get the time-series of prices for each instrument from the first transaction date until now.
        #   Fill empty dates with previous value [(date, {ticker: price}, ...]
        pqs = DailyPrice.objects.filter(
            date__range=(bd, ed),
        prices = pqs.to_timeseries(
            fieldnames=['price', 'date', 'instrument_object_id'],
        # Remove negative prices and fill missing values
        # We replace negs with None so they are interpolated.
        prices[prices <= 0] = None
        prices = prices.reindex(pd.date_range(bd, ed),

        # For each day, calculate the performance
        piter = prices.itertuples()
        res = []
        # Process the first day - it's special
        row = next(piter)
        p_m1 = row[1:]
        vols_m1 = [0] * len(prices.columns)
        tidlocs = {tid: ix for ix, tid in enumerate(prices.columns)}
        for tid, vd in ts.pop(0)[1].items():
            vols_m1[tidlocs[tid]] += vd
                    0))  # First day has no performance as there wasn't a move
        # Process the rest
        for row in piter:
            # row[0] (a datetime) is a naive timestamp, so we don't need to convert it
            if ts and row[0].date() == ts[0][0]:
                vols = vols_m1.copy()
                dtrans = ts.pop(0)[
                    1]  # The transactions for the current processed day.
                for tid, vd in dtrans.items():
                    vols[tidlocs[tid]] += vd
                # The exposed assets for the day. These are the assets we know for sure were exposed for the move.
                pvol = list(map(min, vols, vols_m1))
                vols = vols_m1
                pvol = vols
            pdelta = list(map(operator.sub, row[1:],
                              p_m1))  # The change in price from yesterday
            impact = sum(
                map(operator.mul, pvol, pdelta)
            )  # The total portfolio impact due to price moves for exposed assets.
            b_m1 = sum(
                map(operator.mul, pvol, p_m1)
            )  # The total portfolio value yesterday for the exposed assets.
            perf = 0 if b_m1 == 0 else impact / b_m1
            # row[0] (a datetime) is a naive timestamp, so we don't need to convert it
                (dt2ed(row[0]), decimal.Decimal.from_float(perf).quantize(
            p_m1 = row[1:]
            vols_m1 = vols[:]

        return Response(res)