Exemplo n.º 1
 def TopItems(self):
         Gets the top 50 items
     #check for cookie:
     logFile.info("Checking for NOS cookies.")
     if uriHandler.CookieCheck('UGSES') and uriHandler.CookieCheck('CheckUGCookie'):# and uriHandler.CookieCheck('quuid'):
         logFile.info("Cookies found. Continuing")
         logFile.info("No cookies found. Opening main site")
         temp = uriHandler.Open(self.baseUrl)
     items = []
     data = uriHandler.Open("http://www.uitzendinggemist.nl/index.php/top50")
     results = common.DoRegexFindAll('<td style=[^>]+><a href="/index.php/aflevering(\?aflID=\d+&amp;md5=[^"]+)">([^<]+)</a></td>\W+<td align="right">([^<]+)</td>', data)
     logFile.debug("Adding %s top50 items", len(results))
     for result in results:
         tmp = common.clistItem(result[1], common.StripAmp(result[0]))
         tmp.icon = self.icon
         tmp.date = result[2]
         tmp.type = 'video'
     return items
Exemplo n.º 2
 def CreateEpisodeItem(self, resultSet):
     Accepts an arraylist of results. It returns an item. 
     #logFile.info('starting CreateEpisodeItem for %s', self.channelName)
     #<div class="enddep"><a\W+href="([^"]+)"[^>]+>([^<]+)</a></div>
     #                                 0               1                                
     item = common.clistItem(resultSet[1], common.StripAmp(urlparse.urljoin(self.baseUrl, resultSet[0])))
     item.description = "%s%s" % (self.categoryName, item.name)
     item.icon = self.icon
     logFile.debug("%s (%s)", item.name, item.url)
     return item
Exemplo n.º 3
 def CreateEpisodeItem(self, resultSet):
     Accepts an arraylist of results. It returns an item. 
     #logFile.info('starting CreateEpisodeItem for %s', self.channelName)
     #<a class='nArrow' href='([^']+)' title='[^']*'>([^<]+)</a>
     #                            0                     1
     item = common.clistItem(
         common.StripAmp("%s%s" % (self.baseUrl, resultSet[0])))
     item.icon = self.icon
     logFile.debug("%s (%s)", item.name, item.url)
     return item
Exemplo n.º 4
 def CreateFolderItem(self, resultSet):
     # <div class="enddep"><a[^>]+href="([^"]+)"[^>]*>([^<]+)</a>\W*</div>
     #                                      0            1
     # <td class="image"><a[^>]+><img[^>]+src="([^"]+)"[^>]+></a></td>\W+<td[^>]+><div[^>]+><div class="enddep"><a[^>]+href="([^"]+)"[^>]*>([^<]+)</a>\W*</div>
     #                   0                                                                            1            2
     item = common.clistItem(resultSet[1], common.StripAmp(urlparse.urljoin(self.baseUrl, resultSet[0])))
     item.description = "%s%s" % (self.categoryName, item.name)
     item.thumb = self.noImage
     item.type = "folder"
     item.complete = True
     item.icon = self.folderIcon
     return item
Exemplo n.º 5
    def SearchSite(self):
        accepts an url and returns an list with items of type CListItem
        Items have a name and url. 

        items = []
        #check for cookie:
        logFile.info("Checking for NOS cookies.")
        if uriHandler.CookieCheck('UGSES') and uriHandler.CookieCheck('CheckUGCookie'):# and uriHandler.CookieCheck('quuid'):
            logFile.info("Cookies found. Continuing")
            logFile.info("No cookies found. Opening main site")
            temp = uriHandler.Open(self.baseUrl)
        keyboard = xbmc.Keyboard('')
        if (keyboard.isConfirmed()):
            needle = keyboard.getText()
            if len(needle)<4:
                dialog = xbmcgui.Dialog()
                dialog.ok("Uitzendinggemist","Geen geldig zoekopdracht. Een zoekopdracht\nheeft minimaal 4 characters.")
            #get only first one
            logFile.info("Searching NOS for needle: "+needle)
            data = uriHandler.Open("http://www.uitzendinggemist.nl/index.php/search",params="searchitem=&qs_uitzending="+needle+"&titel=&dag=&net_zender=&omroep=&genre=")
            #resultSet = common.DoRegexFindAll('<a class="title" href="/index.php/search\?([^"]+)&sq=[^<]+">([^<]+)(<span[^>]+>)*([^<]+)(</span>)*</a></td>', data)
            resultSet = common.DoRegexFindAll('<a class="title" href="/index.php/search\?([^"]+)&sq=[^<]+">([^<]*)(<span[^>]+>)*([^<]*)(</span>)*([^<]*)</a></td>', data)
            for item in resultSet: 
                name = ""
                for part in item[1:]:
                    if not part.find(">") > 0:
                        name = "%s%s" % (name, part)
                tmp = common.clistItem(name, self.baseUrl + "/index.php/serie?" + common.StripAmp(item[0]))
                tmp.icon = self.folderIcon
                tmp.thumb = self.noImage
                tmp.description = name
            #because lists are downloaded according to date (else some programs will be missing), a sort on name is performed.
            items.sort(lambda x, y: cmp(x.name,y.name))
            logFile.info('user canceled search')
        return items
Exemplo n.º 6
    def CreateEpisodeItem(self, resultSet):
        Accepts an arraylist of results. It returns an item. 
        logFile.debug('starting CreateVideoItem for %s', self.channelName)

        item = common.clistItem(resultSet[2], common.StripAmp(resultSet[1]))
        item.date = resultSet[0]
        if item.date == "":
            item.date = "Geen Datum"
        item.type = 'video'
        item.icon = self.icon
        return item
Exemplo n.º 7
 def CreateVideoItem(self, resultSet):
     Accepts an arraylist of results. It returns an item. 
     logFile.debug('starting FormatVideoItem for %s', self.channelName)
     #(<td class="image"><img src="([^"]+)" [^>]+>\W*</td>\W*<td [^>]+>)*<div class="video"><a [^>]+ href="([^"]+)" [^>]+>([^<]+)</a>
     #      0                        1                                                                        2              3
     name = common.ConvertHTMLEntities(resultSet[3])
     item = common.clistItem(name, common.StripAmp(urlparse.urljoin(self.baseUrl, resultSet[2])))
     item.description = "%s%s" % (self.categoryName, item.name)
     item.icon = self.icon
     if resultSet[1] != "":
         item.thumbUrl = common.StripAmp(urlparse.urljoin(self.baseUrl, resultSet[1]))
         logFile.debug("Setting thumburl=%s", item.thumbUrl)
     item.thumb = self.noImage
     item.type = 'video'
     item.complete = False
     return item
Exemplo n.º 8
 def NewItems(self):
         Filters the correct data from www.uitzendinggemist.nl page and calls
     items = []
     data = uriHandler.Open("http://www.uitzendinggemist.nl/")
     selectedData = common.DoRegexFindAll("Meer nieuwe programma([\w\W]+)<!--// options -->", data)            
     if len(selectedData) > 0:
         data = selectedData[0]
         results = common.DoRegexFindAll("<a href=\"/index.php/aflevering(\?aflID=\d+&amp;md5=[0-9a-f]+)\"[^>]+>([^<]+)</a>", data)
         for result in results:
             tmp = common.clistItem(result[1], common.StripAmp(result[0]))
             tmp.icon = self.icon
             tmp.type = 'video'
     return items
Exemplo n.º 9
 def TipItems(self):
         Filters the tips from www.uitzendinggemist.nl
     items = []
     data = uriHandler.Open("http://www.uitzendinggemist.nl/")
     selectedData = common.DoRegexFindAll("<!--<h1>Eerdere tips van Uitzendinggemist</h1>([\W\w]+)<!--// eerdere tips van uitzendinggemist -->", data)            
     if len(selectedData) > 0:
         data = selectedData[0]
         results = common.DoRegexFindAll("<a href=\"http://player.omroep.nl/(\?aflID=\d+&amp;md5=[0-9a-f]+)\" [^>]+>([^<]+)</a>", data)
         for result in results:
             tmp = common.clistItem(result[1], common.StripAmp(result[0]))
             tmp.icon = self.icon
             tmp.type = 'video'
     return items
Exemplo n.º 10
 def PopularItems(self):
         Filters the NewItems from www.uitzendinggemist.nl
     items = []
     data = uriHandler.Open("http://www.uitzendinggemist.nl/")
     selectedData = common.DoRegexFindAll("<thead id=\"tooltip_populair\"([\w\W]+)<script type=\"text/javascript\">", data)            
     if len(selectedData) > 0:
         data = selectedData[0]
         results = common.DoRegexFindAll("<td><a href=\"/index.php/aflevering(\?aflID=\d+&amp;md5=[0-9a-f]+)\">([^<]+)</a></td>\W+<td [^>]+>([^<]+)</td>", data)
         for result in results:
             tmp = common.clistItem(result[1], common.StripAmp(result[0]))
             tmp.date = result[2]
             tmp.icon = self.icon
             tmp.type = 'video'
     return items        
Exemplo n.º 11
 def UpdateVideoItem(self, item):
     Accepts an item. It returns an updated item. Usually retrieves the MediaURL 
     and the Thumb! It should return a completed item. 
     logFile.info('starting UpdateVideoItem for %s (%s)', item.name, self.channelName)
     # download the thumb
     item.thumb = self.CacheThumb(item.thumbUrl)        
     # load the url and get the info for the media urls:
     data = uriHandler.Open(item.url, pb=False)
     acts = common.DoRegexFindAll('<media:content url="([^=]+=\d+&amp;hiLoPref=hi)"[^>]+>', data)
     #retrieve the first real url
     rtmpUrls = []
     if len(acts)>0:
         rtmpData = uriHandler.Open(common.StripAmp(acts[0]), pb=False)
         parts = common.DoRegexFindAll('<src>([^<]+ondemand)/([^<]+flv/\d+_)\d+(_[^<]+)[.]flv</src>', rtmpData)
         rtmpUrlParts = []
         for part in parts:
             rtmpUrlParts = part
         actNr = 1
         for act in acts:
             rtmpUrl = "%s?slist=%s%s%s" % (rtmpUrlParts[0], rtmpUrlParts[1], actNr ,rtmpUrlParts[2])
             actNr = actNr + 1
             logFile.debug('Appending: %s', rtmpUrl)
         item.mediaurl = rtmpUrls
         logFile.critical("Error retrieving rtmp stream from %s", item.url)
     if item.mediaurl != "":
         logFile.debug("Media url was found: %s", item.mediaurl)
         item.complete = True
         logFile.debug("Media url was not found.")
     return item    
Exemplo n.º 12
    def CreatePageItem(self, resultSet):
        Accepts an resultset
        logFile.debug("Starting CreatePageItem")
        total = ''

        for set in resultSet:
            total = "%s%s" % (total, set)

        total = common.StripAmp(total)

        if not self.pageNavigationRegexIndex == '':
            item = common.clistItem(resultSet[self.pageNavigationRegexIndex],
                                    urlparse.urljoin(self.baseUrl, total))
            item = common.clistItem("0")

        item.type = "page"
        logFile.debug("Created '%s' for url %s", item.name, item.url)
        return item
Exemplo n.º 13
    def CreateVideoItem(self, resultSet):
        Accepts an arraylist of results. It returns an item. 
        logFile.debug('starting FormatVideoItem for %s', self.channelName)
        #<img id='([^']+)' src='([^']+)' class='vThumb' alt='[^']*'/></a></div></div><div class='sCenter vTitle'><span class='title'><a[^>]+title='([^']+)'>
        #            0            1                                                                                                                    2
        name = common.ConvertHTMLEntities(resultSet[2])
        item = common.clistItem(
            name, common.StripAmp("%s%s" % (self.baseUrl, resultSet[0])))

        item.description = "%s\n%s" % (self.categoryName, resultSet[2])
        item.icon = self.icon
        item.thumb = self.noImage
        item.thumbUrl = resultSet[1]

        # now create the video url using the
        # http://myvideo-550.vo.llnwd.net/nl/d3/movie7/4a/thumbs/3384551_1.jpg
        # http://myvideo-550.vo.llnwd.net/nl/d3/movie7/4a/3384551.flv

        # het script: http://myvideo-906.vo.llnwd.net/nl/d2/movie4/d93548906.flv
        # de pagina:  http://myvideo-906.vo.llnwd.net/nl/d2/movie4/d9/3548906.flv

        urlResult = common.DoRegexFindAll(
            "(http://myvideo[^_]+)/thumbs(/\d+)_\d+.jpg", item.thumbUrl)
        item.mediaurl = ""
        if len(urlResult) > 0:
            for part in urlResult[0]:
                item.mediaurl = "%s%s" % (item.mediaurl, part)
        item.mediaurl = "%s.flv" % (item.mediaurl)

        logFile.debug("Updated mediaurl for %s to: %s", item.name,
        item.type = 'video'
        item.complete = False

        return item
Exemplo n.º 14
    def ProcessFolderList(self, url):
        logFile.info('starting ParseFolder for ' + url)
        items = []
        # get the data for most current episode
            # load first page as "pageBase"
            data = uriHandler.Open(url, pb=True)

            # see if it is an extended page or not:
            extended = common.DoRegexFindAll('<u>terug naar programma</u>',
            if extended != []:
                items = self.ProcessExtendedPages(data)
                items = self.ProcessNormalPage(data)

                # determine if an extended page item should be added
                pageExtUrl = common.DoRegexFindAll(
                    '<a href="(/index.php/serie2\?serID=\d+&amp;md5=[0-9a-f]+)"',
                if pageExtUrl != []:
                    # add an folder item  for it to the list
                    folderItem = common.clistItem(
                        "Oudere afleveringen",
                        self.baseUrl + common.StripAmp(pageExtUrl[0]),
                    folderItem.icon = self.folderIcon
                    folderItem.thumb = self.noImage
                    folderItem.description = "Oudere, gearchiveerde items van '%s'." % items[
                    items.insert(0, folderItem)

            return items
            logFile.critical("Error Parsing with new methode", exc_info=True)
            return items
Exemplo n.º 15
    def ParseMainList(self):
        accepts an url and returns an list with items of type CListItem
        Items have a name and url. 
        if len(self.mainListItems) > 1:
            return self.mainListItems

        items = []
        logFile.info('Mainlist for %s parsing %s', self.channelName,

        #check for cookie:
        logFile.info("Checking for %s cookies.", self.channelName)
        if uriHandler.CookieCheck('UGSES') and uriHandler.CookieCheck(
                'CheckUGCookie'):  # and uriHandler.CookieCheck('UGWMC'):
            logFile.info("Cookies found. Continuing")
            logFile.info("No cookies found. Opening main site")

            if not uriHandler.CookieCheck(
                    'UGSES') and not uriHandler.CookieCheck('CheckUGCookie'):
                logFile.debug("Opening %s for cookie UGSES", self.baseUrl)
                temp = uriHandler.Open(self.baseUrl)

            #if not uriHandler.CookieCheck('UGWMC'):
            #    logFile.debug("Opening %s for cookie UGWMC", self.baseUrl2)
            #    temp = uriHandler.Open(self.baseUrl2)

        #now start opening
        pb = xbmcgui.DialogProgress()
        pb.create("Opening %s" % (self.channelName, ), "Opening page 1 of ??")

            data = uriHandler.Open(self.mainListUri, pb=False)

            # find number of subpages and load them
            numPages = common.DoRegexFindAll("&amp;pgNum=(\d+)", data)

            if len(numPages) > 0:
                numPages = int(numPages[-1])
                if numPages > self.maxNumberOfFrontPages:
                    numPages = self.maxNumberOfFrontPages
                numPages = 1
            logFile.debug("Loading %s pages from the frontpage of uzg",

            # now loop through the pages
            for page in range(1, numPages + 1):
                if page > 1:
                    pb.update(int((page - 1) * 100 / numPages),
                              "Opening page %s of %s" % (page, numPages))
                    data = uriHandler.Open("%s&pgNum=%s" %
                                           (self.mainListUri, page),

                # programma's
                resultItems = common.DoRegexFindAll(self.episodeItemRegex,

                for item in resultItems:
                    #tmp = common.clistItem(item[1], self.baseUrl + '/index.php/serie?' + common.StripAmp(item[0]))
                    tmp = common.clistItem(
                        item[1], self.baseUrl + common.StripAmp(item[0]))
                    if len(item) > 2:
                        tmp.date = item[2]

                    tmp.icon = self.icon

                if pb.iscanceled():

            #because lists are downloaded according to date (else some programs will be missing), a sort on name is performed.
            pb.update(int((page) * 100 / numPages), "Sorting Items")
            if self.sortAlphabetically:
                items.sort(lambda x, y: cmp(x.name, y.name))

            logFile.error("Error parsing mainlist", exc_info=True)

        self.mainListItems = items
        return items