Exemplo n.º 1
def main():
    yield from db.connect()
    users = yield from db.execute( "select callsign, settings from users" )
    fname = datetime.now().strftime( "%Y%m%d" ) + ".csv"
    for user in users:
        if user['settings'] and 'station' in user['settings'] and \
            'callsign' in user['settings']['station'] and \
            user['settings']['station']['callsign'] and \
            user['settings']['status']['get'] == 'gpslogger':            
            stationCs = user['settings']['station']['callsign']
            stationPath = getStationPath( stationCs )
            statusPath = stationPath + '/status.json'
            status = loadJSON( statusPath  )
            if not status:
                status = {}
            ftpPath = webRoot + '/ftp/' + user['callsign'] + '/GPSLogger'
            if os.path.isdir( ftpPath ):
                ftpFilePath = ( ftpPath + '/' + fname )
                if os.path.isfile( ftpFilePath ):
                    data = None
                    with open( ftpPath + '/' + fname, 'r' ) as f:
                        data = f.readlines()[-1].split( ',' )
                    dt = datetime.strptime( data[0], '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%fZ' )
                    ts = int( dt.timestamp() + tzOffset() )
                    if not 'ts' in status or status['ts'] < ts:
                        status['date'], status['time'] = dtFmt( dt )    
                        status['year'] = dt.year
                        status['ts'] = ts
                        status['location'] = [ float(data[1]), float(data[2] ) ]
                        status['loc'] = qth( data[1], data[2] )
                        if status['loc'] in rafa:
                            status['rafa'] = rafa[status['loc']]
                            status['rafa'] = None
                        status['speed'] = float( data[6] )
                        #dt_ = datetime.utcnow()
                        #dt_.replace( tzinfo = timezone.utc )
                        #status['ts_'] = dt_.timestamp() 
                        #status['date_'], status['time_'] = dtFmt( dt_ )    
                        #status['year_'] = dt_.year
                        with open( statusPath, 'w' ) as f:
                            json.dump( status, f, ensure_ascii = False )
Exemplo n.º 2
def save_qth_now_location(cs, location, path):
    qth_now_locations = loadJSON(path)
    if not qth_now_locations:
        qth_now_locations = []
    ts = int(time.time())
    dtUTC = datetime.utcnow()
    dt, tm = dtFmt(dtUTC)
    qth_now_locations = [item for item in qth_now_locations\
        if ts - item['ts'] < 600 and\
        (item['location'][0] != location[0] or\
            item['location'][1] != location[1])\
        and (cs == None or item['callsign'] != cs)]
        'location': location,
        'ts': ts,
        'date': dt,
        'time': tm,
        'callsign': cs
    with open(path, 'w') as f:
        json.dump(qth_now_locations, f, ensure_ascii=False)
Exemplo n.º 3
def insertChatMessage(path, msg_data, admin):
    CHAT_MAX_LENGTH = int(conf['chat']['max_length'])
    chat = loadJSON(path)
    if not chat:
        chat = []
    msg = { 'user': msg_data['from'], \
            'text': msg_data['text'], \
            'admin': admin, 'ts': time.time() }
    msg['date'], msg['time'] = dtFmt(datetime.utcnow())
    if msg['text'][0] == '@':
        to, txt = msg['text'][1:].split(' ', maxsplit=1)
        txt = txt.strip()
        if not txt and to in IM_QUEUE:
            del IM_QUEUE[to]
            IM_QUEUE[to] = {
                'user': msg['user'],
                'text': txt,
                'ts': msg['ts'],
                'date': msg['date'],
                'time': msg['time']
            logging.debug('------- IM_QUEUE -------')
        if 'name' in msg_data:
            msg['name'] = msg_data['name']
        chat.insert(0, msg)
        chat_trunc = []
        chat_adm = []
        for msg in chat:
            if msg['text'].startswith('***') and msg['admin']:
            elif len(chat_trunc) < CHAT_MAX_LENGTH:
        chat = chat_adm + chat_trunc
        with open(path, 'w') as f:
            json.dump(chat, f, ensure_ascii=False)
Exemplo n.º 4
        def process_qso(qso):
                dt = datetime.strptime(qso['ts'], "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
                qso['date'], qso['time'] = dtFmt(dt)
                qso['qso_ts'] = (dt -
                                 datetime(1970, 1, 1)) / timedelta(seconds=1)
            except (ValueError, TypeError) as exc:
                logging.error("Error parsing qso timestamp" + qso['ts'])
                return {'ts': None}

            serverTs = qso.pop('serverTs') if 'serverTs' in qso else None

            if serverTs:
                qso['ts'] = serverTs
                qsoIdx = [
                    i[0] for i in enumerate(log) if i[1]['ts'] == qso['ts']
                if qsoIdx:
                    log[qsoIdx[0]] = qso
                dbUpdate = yield from db.execute(
                    update log set qso = %(qso)s
                    where callsign = %(callsign)s and (qso->>'ts')::float = %(ts)s""",
                        'callsign': callsign,
                        'ts': qso['ts'],
                        'qso': json.dumps(qso)
                if not dbUpdate:
                    yield from dbInsertQso(callsign, qso)

                new_qso = True
                if log:
                    for log_qso in log:
                        sameFl = True
                        for key in qso:
                            if key not in ('ts', 'rda', 'wff', 'comments', 'serverTs', 'qso_ts', 'qth', 'no')\
                                and (key not in log_qso or qso[key] != log_qso[key]):
                                sameFl = False
                        if sameFl:
                            logging.debug('prev qso found:')
                            new_qso = False
                            qso['ts'] = log_qso['ts']
                            log_qso['qso_ts'] = qso['qso_ts']

                if new_qso:
                    statusPath = stationPath + '/status.json'
                    statusData = loadJSON(statusPath)
                    ts = dt.timestamp() + tzOffset()
                    if ('freq' not in statusData
                            or statusData['freq']['ts'] < ts):
                        statusData['freq'] = {'value': qso['freq'], 'ts': ts}
                        with open(statusPath, 'w') as f:
                            json.dump(statusData, f, ensure_ascii=False)

                    qso['ts'] = time.time()
                    while [x for x in log if x['ts'] == qso['ts']]:
                        qso['ts'] += 0.00000001
                    log.insert(0, qso)
                    yield from dbInsertQso(callsign, qso)

            return {'ts': qso['ts']}
Exemplo n.º 5
def locationHandler(request):
    newData = yield from request.json()
    callsign = None
    stationPath = None
    stationSettings = None
    stationCallsign = None
    if ('token' in newData and newData['token']):
        callsign = decodeToken(newData)
        if not isinstance(callsign, str):
            return callsign
        stationPath = yield from getStationPathByAdminCS(callsign)
        stationSettings = loadJSON(stationPath + '/settings.json')
        if not stationSettings:
            return web.HTTPBadRequest(
                text='Expedition profile is not initialized.')
        if stationSettings and 'station' in stationSettings and\
            'callsign' in stationSettings['station'] and\
            stationSettings['station']['callsign'] and\
            'activityPeriod' in stationSettings['station'] and\
            act_period = [datetime.strptime(dt, '%d.%m.%Y') for dt in\
                stationSettings['station']['activityPeriod'] if dt]
            if act_period and act_period[0] <= datetime.utcnow() <=\
                act_period[1] + timedelta(days=1):
                stationCallsign = stationSettings['station']['callsign']

    if 'location' in newData and newData['location']:
        qth_now_cs = None
        if 'callsign' in newData and newData['callsign']:
            qth_now_cs = newData['callsign']
        elif stationCallsign:
            qth_now_cs = stationCallsign
        logging.info('map callsign: %s' % qth_now_cs)

        if qth_now_cs:
            qth_now_cs = qth_now_cs.upper()
            save_qth_now_location(qth_now_cs, newData['location'],\
                webRoot + '/js/qth_now_locations.json')

        save_qth_now_location(qth_now_cs, newData['location'],\
            webRoot + '/js/qth_now_locations_all.json')

    if ('token' not in newData
            or not newData['token']) and 'location' in newData:
        qth = yield from get_qth_data(newData['location'])
        return web.json_response({'qth': qth})
    fp = stationPath + '/status.json'
    data = loadJSON(fp)
    if not data:
        data = {}
    if not 'locTs' in data and 'ts' in data:
        data['locTs'] = data['ts']
    dtUTC = datetime.utcnow()
    data['ts'] = int(time.time())
    data['date'], data['time'] = dtFmt(dtUTC)
    data['year'] = dtUTC.year
    if 'online' in newData:
        data['online'] = newData['online']
    if 'freq' in newData and newData['freq']:
        data['freq'] = {'value': newData['freq'], 'ts': data['ts']}
        fromCallsign = stationSettings['station']['callsign']
        insertChatMessage(path=stationPath + '/chat.json',\
            msg_data={'from': fromCallsign,\
            'text': '<b><i>' + newData['freq'] + '</b></i>'},\
    country = stationSettings['qthCountry'] if 'qthCountry' in stationSettings\
        else None
    if 'location' in newData and newData['location']:
        location = newData['location']

        country = get_country(location)

        data['qth'] = yield from get_qth_data(location, country=country)

        if 'comments' in newData:
            data['comments'] = newData['comments']
        if 'location' in data and data['location']:
            data['prev'] = { 'location': data['location'][:], \
                    'ts': data['locTs'] }
        data['locTs'] = data['ts']
        data['location'] = newData['location']
        if 'prev' in data:
            lat = [data['location'][1], data['prev']['location'][1]]
            lon = [data['location'][0], data['prev']['location'][0]]
            dlon = lon[0] - lon[1]
            dlat = lat[0] - lat[1]
            a = (sind(dlat/2))**2 + cosd(lat[0]) * cosd(lat[1]) * (sind(dlon/2)) \
                    ** 2
            c = 2 * math.atan2(math.sqrt(a), math.sqrt(1 - a))
            d = c * 6373
            data['d'] = d
            data['dt'] = data['locTs'] - data['prev']['ts']
            if float(data['locTs'] - data['prev']['ts']) != 0:
                data['speed'] = d / ( float( data['locTs'] - data['prev']['ts'] ) \
                        / 3600 )
                data['speed'] = 0

    if 'qth' in newData:

        if 'qth' not in data:
            data['qth'] = {'fields':\
        for key in newData['qth']['fields'].keys():
                key)] = newData['qth']['fields'][key]
        if 'loc' in newData['qth']:
            data['qth']['loc'] = newData['qth']['loc']

    with open(fp, 'w') as f:
        json.dump(data, f, ensure_ascii=False)
    return web.json_response(data)