Exemplo n.º 1
def read_new_metadata(filename,
    """Read metadata in new format and convert output to ccpp_prebuild metadata dictionary"""
    if not os.path.isfile(filename):
        raise Exception("New metadata file {0} not found".format(filename))

    # Save metadata, because this routine new_metadata
    # is called once for every table in that file
    if filename in NEW_METADATA_SAVE.keys():
        new_metadata_headers = NEW_METADATA_SAVE[filename]
        new_metadata_headers = MetadataHeader.parse_metadata_file(filename)
        NEW_METADATA_SAVE[filename] = new_metadata_headers

    # Convert new metadata for requested table to old metadata dictionary
    metadata = collections.OrderedDict()
    for new_metadata_header in new_metadata_headers:
        if not scheme_name:
            if not new_metadata_header.title == table_name:
                # Skip this table, since it is not requested right now
            if new_metadata_header.title == module_name:
                container = encode_container(module_name)
                container = encode_container(module_name,
            if not new_metadata_header.title == table_name:
                # Skip this table, since it is not requested right now
            container = encode_container(module_name, scheme_name, table_name)
        for new_var in new_metadata_header.variable_list():
            standard_name = new_var.get_prop_value('standard_name')
            rank = len(new_var.get_prop_value('dimensions'))
            var = Var(
                optional='T' if new_var.get_prop_value('optional') else 'F',
            # Set rank using integer-setter method
            var.rank = rank
            # Check for duplicates in same table
            if standard_name in metadata.keys():
                raise Exception(
                    "Error, multiple definitions of standard name {0} in new metadata table {1}"
                    .format(standard_name, table_name))
            metadata[standard_name] = [var]
    return metadata
Exemplo n.º 2
def generate_scheme_caps(metadata, arguments, caps_dir, module_use_template_scheme_cap):
    """Generate scheme caps for all schemes parsed."""
    success = True
    # Change to physics directory
    # List of filenames of scheme caps
    scheme_caps = []
    for module_name in arguments.keys():
        for scheme_name in arguments[module_name].keys():
            for subroutine_name in arguments[module_name][scheme_name].keys():
                # Skip subroutines without argument table or with empty argument table
                if not arguments[module_name][scheme_name][subroutine_name]:
            # Create cap
            cap = Cap()
            cap.filename = "{0}_cap.F90".format(scheme_name)
            # Parse all subroutines and their arguments to generate the cap
            capdata = collections.OrderedDict()
            for subroutine_name in arguments[module_name][scheme_name].keys():
                capdata[subroutine_name] = []
                for var_name in arguments[module_name][scheme_name][subroutine_name]:
                    container = encode_container(module_name, scheme_name, subroutine_name)
                    for var in metadata[var_name]:
                        if var.container == container:
            # If required (not at the moment), add module use statements to module_use_template_scheme_cap
            module_use_statement = module_use_template_scheme_cap
            # Write cap
            cap.write(module_name, module_use_statement, capdata)
    return (success, scheme_caps)
def generate_scheme_caps(metadata_define, metadata_request, arguments,
                         pset_schemes, ccpp_field_maps, caps_dir):
    """Generate scheme caps for all schemes parsed."""
    success = True
    # Change to caps directory
    # List of filenames of scheme caps
    scheme_caps = []
    for module_name in arguments.keys():
        for scheme_name in arguments[module_name].keys():
            for subroutine_name in arguments[module_name][scheme_name].keys():
                # Skip subroutines without argument table or with empty argument table
                if not arguments[module_name][scheme_name][subroutine_name]:
            # Create cap
            cap = Cap()
            cap.filename = "{0}_cap.F90".format(scheme_name)
            # Parse all subroutines and their arguments to generate the cap
            capdata = collections.OrderedDict()
            for subroutine_name in arguments[module_name][scheme_name].keys():
                capdata[subroutine_name] = []
                for var_name in arguments[module_name][scheme_name][
                    container = encode_container(module_name, scheme_name,
                    for var in metadata_request[var_name]:
                        if var.container == container:
            # Write cap using the unique physics set for the scheme
            pset = pset_schemes[scheme_name][0]
            cap.write(module_name, capdata, ccpp_field_maps[pset],
    return (success, scheme_caps)
Exemplo n.º 4
def parse_scheme_tables(filepath, filename):
    """Parses metadata tables for a physics scheme that requests/requires variables as
    input arguments. Metadata tables can only describe variables required by a subroutine
    'subroutine_name' of scheme 'scheme_name' inside a module 'module_name'. Each variable
    (standard_name) can exist only once, i.e. each entry (list of variables) in the metadata
    dictionary  contains only one element (variable = instance of class Var defined in
    mkcap.py). The metadata dictionaries of the individual schemes are merged afterwards
    (called from ccpp_prebuild.py) using merge_metadata_dicts, where multiple instances
    of variables are compared for compatibility and collected in a list (entry in the
    merged metadata dictionary). The merged metadata dictionary of all schemes (which
    contains only compatible variable instances in the list referred to by standard_name)
    is then compared to the unique definition in the metadata dictionary of the variables
    provided by the host model using compare_metadata in ccpp_prebuild.py."""

    # Set debug to true if logging level is debug
    debug = logging.getLogger().getEffectiveLevel() == logging.DEBUG

    # Final metadata container for all variables in file
    metadata = collections.OrderedDict()

    # Registry of modules and derived data types in file
    registry = collections.OrderedDict()

    # Argument lists of each subroutine in the file
    arguments = collections.OrderedDict()

    # List of Dependencies for this scheme
    dependencies = collections.OrderedDict()

    # Read all lines of the file at once
    with (open(filename, 'r')) as file:
            file_lines = file.readlines()
        except UnicodeDecodeError:
            raise Exception(
                "Decoding error while trying to read file {}, check that the file only contains ASCII characters"

    lines = []
    original_line_numbers = []
    buffer = ''
    for i in range(len(file_lines)):
        line = file_lines[i].rstrip('\n').strip()
        # Skip empty lines
        if line == '' or line == '&':
        # Remove line continuations: concatenate with following lines
        if line.endswith('&'):
            buffer += file_lines[i].rstrip('\n').replace('&', ' ')
        # Write out line with buffer and reset buffer
        lines.append(buffer + file_lines[i].rstrip('\n').replace('&', ' '))
        original_line_numbers.append(i + 1)
        buffer = ''
    del file_lines

    # Find all modules within the file, and save the start and end lines
    module_lines = collections.OrderedDict()
    line_counter = 0
    for line in lines:
        # For the purpose of identifying module constructs, remove any trailing comments from line
        if '!' in line and not line.startswith('!'):
            line = line[:line.find('!')]
        words = line.split()
        if len(words) > 1 and words[0].lower(
        ) == 'module' and not words[1].lower() == 'procedure':
            module_name = words[1].strip()
            if module_name in registry.keys():
                raise Exception(
                    'Duplicate module name {0}'.format(module_name))
            registry[module_name] = collections.OrderedDict()
            module_lines[module_name] = {'startline': line_counter}
        elif len(words) > 1 and words[0].lower() == 'end' and words[1].lower(
        ) == 'module':
                test_module_name = words[2]
            except IndexError:
                    'Warning, encountered closing statement "end module" without module name; assume module_name is {0}'
                test_module_name = module_name
            if not module_name == test_module_name:
                raise Exception(
                    'Module names in opening/closing statement do not match: {0} vs {1}'
                    .format(module_name, test_module_name))
            module_lines[module_name]['endline'] = line_counter
        line_counter += 1

    # Parse each module in the file separately
    for module_name in registry.keys():
        startline = module_lines[module_name]['startline']
        endline = module_lines[module_name]['endline']
        line_counter = 0
        in_subroutine = False
        for line in lines[startline:endline]:
            # For the purpose of identifying scheme constructs, remove any trailing comments from line
            if '!' in line and not line.startswith('!'):
                line = line[:line.find('!')]
            current_line_number = startline + line_counter
            words = line.split()
            for j in range(len(words)):
                # Check for the word 'subroutine', that it is the first word in the line,
                # and that a name exists afterwards. Nested subroutines are ignored.
                if words[j].lower(
                ) == 'subroutine' and j == 0 and len(words) > 1:
                    if in_subroutine:
                            'Warning, ignoring nested subroutine in module {0} and subroutine {1}'
                            .format(module_name, subroutine_name))
                    subroutine_name = words[j + 1].split('(')[0].strip()
                    # Consider the last substring separated by a '_' of the subroutine name as a 'postfix'
                    if subroutine_name.find('_') >= 0:
                        scheme_name = None
                        subroutine_suffix = None
                        for ccpp_stage in CCPP_STAGES:
                            pattern = '^(.*)_{}$'.format(ccpp_stage)
                            match = re.match(pattern, subroutine_name)
                            if match:
                                scheme_name = match.group(1)
                                subroutine_suffix = ccpp_stage
                        if match:
                            if not scheme_name == module_name:
                                raise Exception(
                                    'Scheme name differs from module name: module_name="{0}" vs. scheme_name="{1}"'
                                    .format(module_name, scheme_name))
                            if not scheme_name in registry[module_name].keys():
                                    scheme_name] = collections.OrderedDict()
                            if subroutine_name in registry[module_name][
                                raise Exception(
                                    'Duplicate subroutine name {0} in module {1}'
                                    .format(subroutine_name, module_name))
                                subroutine_name] = [current_line_number]
                            in_subroutine = True
                elif words[j].lower() == 'subroutine' and j == 1 and words[
                        j - 1].lower() == 'end':
                        test_subroutine_name = words[j + 1]
                    except IndexError:
                        logging.warning('Warning, encountered closing statement "end subroutine" without subroutine name; ' +\
                                        ' assume subroutine_name is {0}'.format(subroutine_name))
                        test_subroutine_name = subroutine_name
                    if in_subroutine and subroutine_name == test_subroutine_name:
                        in_subroutine = False
                # Avoid problems by enforcing end statements to carry a descriptor (subroutine, module, ...)
                elif in_subroutine and len(
                        words) == 1 and words[0].lower() == 'end':
                    raise Exception('Encountered closing statement "end" without descriptor (subroutine, module, ...): ' +\
                                    'line {0}="{1}" in file {2}'.format(original_line_numbers[current_line_number], line, filename))
            line_counter += 1

        # Check that for each registered subroutine the start and end lines were found
        for scheme_name in registry[module_name].keys():
            for subroutine_name in registry[module_name][scheme_name].keys():
                if not len(registry[module_name][scheme_name]
                           [subroutine_name]) == 2:
                    raise Exception(
                        'Error parsing start and end lines for subroutine {0} in module {1}'
                        .format(subroutine_name, module_name))
        logging.debug('Parsing file {0} with registry {1}'.format(
            filename, registry))

        for scheme_name in registry[module_name].keys():
            # Record the dependencies for the scheme
            if not scheme_name in dependencies.keys():
                dependencies[scheme_name] = []
            for subroutine_name in registry[module_name][scheme_name].keys():
                # Record the order of variables in the call list to each subroutine in a list
                if not scheme_name in arguments.keys():
                    arguments[scheme_name] = collections.OrderedDict()
                if not subroutine_name in arguments[scheme_name].keys():
                    arguments[scheme_name][subroutine_name] = []
                # Find the argument table corresponding to each subroutine by searching
                # "upward" from the subroutine definition line for the "arg_table_SubroutineName" section
                table_found = False
                header_line_number = None
                for line_number in range(
                        -1, -1):
                    line = lines[line_number]
                    words = line.split()
                    for word in words:
                        if (len(words) > 2 and words[0] in ['!!', '!>']
                                and '\section' in words[1]
                                and 'arg_table_{0}'.format(subroutine_name)
                                in words[2]):
                            table_found = True
                            header_line_number = line_number + 1
                            table_name = subroutine_name
                            for word in words:
                                if 'arg_table_{0}'.format(
                                        subroutine_name) in word:
                                    raise Exception(
                                        "Malformatted table found in {0} / {1} / {2} / {3}"
                                        .format(filename, module_name,
                                                scheme_name, subroutine_name))
                    if table_found:
                # If an argument table is found, parse it
                if table_found:
                    if 'htmlinclude' in lines[header_line_number].lower():
                        words = lines[header_line_number].split()
                        if words[0] == '!!' and words[
                                1] == '\\htmlinclude' and len(words) == 3:
                            filename_parts = filename.split('.')
                            metadata_filename = '.'.join(
                                filename_parts[0:len(filename_parts) -
                                               1]) + '.meta'
                             these_dependencies) = read_new_metadata(
                            if these_dependencies:
                                # Remove duplicates when combining lists
                                dependencies[scheme_name] = list(
                                    set(dependencies[scheme_name] +
                            for var_name in this_metadata.keys():
                                # Add standard_name to argument list for this subroutine
                                # For all instances of this var (can be only one) in this subroutine's metadata,
                                # add to global metadata and check for compatibility with existing variables
                                for var in this_metadata[var_name]:
                                    if not var_name in metadata.keys():
                                        metadata[var_name] = [var]
                                        for existing_var in metadata[var_name]:
                                            if not existing_var.compatible(
                                                raise Exception('New entry for variable {0}'.format(var_name) + \
                                                                ' in argument table of subroutine {0}'.format(subroutine_name) +\
                                                                ' is incompatible with existing entry:\n' +\
                                                                '    existing: {0}\n'.format(existing_var.print_debug()) +\
                                                                '     vs. new: {0}'.format(var.print_debug()))
                            raise Exception(
                                "Invalid definition of new metadata format in file {}, \htmlinclude must be preceeded by '!! ' : {}"
                                .format(filename, lines[header_line_number]))
                        # Next line must denote the end of table,
                        # i.e. look for a line containing only '!!'
                        line_number = header_line_number + 1
                        nextline = lines[line_number]
                        nextwords = nextline.split()
                        if len(nextwords) == 1 and nextwords[0].strip(
                        ) == '!!':
                            end_of_table = True
                            raise Exception(
                                'Encountered invalid format "{0}" of new metadata table hook in table {1}'
                                .format(line, table_name))
                        line_number += 1

                        words = lines[header_line_number].split()
                        if len(words) == 1 and words[0].strip() == '!!':
                                "Legacy extension - skip empty table for {}".
                            end_of_table = True
                            line_number += 1
                            raise Exception(
                                "Invalid definition of metadata in file {0}: {1}"
                                .format(filename, words))

                    # After parsing entire metadata table for the subroutine, check that all
                    # mandatory CCPP variables are present - skip empty tables.
                    if arguments[scheme_name][subroutine_name]:
                        for var_name in CCPP_MANDATORY_VARIABLES.keys():
                            if not var_name in arguments[scheme_name][
                                raise Exception(
                                    'Mandatory CCPP variable {0} not declared in metadata table of subroutine {1}'
                                    .format(var_name, subroutine_name))
            # Sort the dependencies to avoid differences in the auto-generated code

        # Debugging output to screen and to XML
        if debug and len(metadata.keys()) > 0:
            # To screen
            logging.debug('Module name: {}'.format(module_name))
            for scheme_name in registry[module_name].keys():
                logging.debug('Scheme name: {}'.format(scheme_name))
                logging.debug('Scheme dependencies: {}'.format(
                for subroutine_name in registry[module_name][scheme_name].keys(
                    container = encode_container(module_name, scheme_name,
                    vars_in_subroutine = []
                    for var_name in metadata.keys():
                        for var in metadata[var_name]:
                            if var.container == container:
                    logging.debug('Variables in subroutine {}: {}'.format(
                        subroutine_name, ', '.join(vars_in_subroutine)))
        # Standard output to screen
        elif len(metadata.keys()) > 0:
            for scheme_name in registry[module_name].keys():
                if dependencies[scheme_name]:
                        'Parsed tables in scheme {} with dependencies {}'.
                        format(scheme_name, dependencies[scheme_name]))
                        'Parsed tables in scheme {}'.format(scheme_name))

    # End of loop over all module_names

    # Add absolute path to dependencies
    for scheme_name in dependencies.keys():
        if dependencies[scheme_name]:
            dependencies[scheme_name] = [
                os.path.join(filepath, x) for x in dependencies[scheme_name]
            for dependency in dependencies[scheme_name]:
                if not os.path.isfile(dependency):
                    raise Exception(
                        "Dependency {} for scheme table {} does not exit".
                        format(dependency, scheme_name))

    return (metadata, arguments, dependencies)
Exemplo n.º 5
def parse_variable_tables(filepath, filename):
    """Parses metadata tables on the host model side that define the available variables.
    Metadata tables can refer to variables inside a module or as part of a derived
    datatype, which itself is defined inside a module (depending on the location of the
    metadata table). Each variable (standard_name) can exist only once, i.e. each entry
    (list of variables) in the metadata dictionary contains only one element
    (variable = instance of class Var defined in mkcap.py)"""
    # Set debug to true if logging level is debug
    debug = logging.getLogger().getEffectiveLevel() == logging.DEBUG

    # Final metadata container for all variables in file
    metadata = collections.OrderedDict()

    # Registry of modules and derived data types in file
    registry = collections.OrderedDict()

    # List of dependencies for this scheme
    dependencies = collections.OrderedDict()

    # Read all lines of the file at once
    with (open(filename, 'r')) as file:
            file_lines = file.readlines()
        except UnicodeDecodeError:
            raise Exception(
                "Decoding error while trying to read file {}, check that the file only contains ASCII characters"

    lines = []
    buffer = ''
    for i in range(len(file_lines)):
        line = file_lines[i].rstrip('\n').strip()
        # Skip empty lines
        if line == '' or line == '&':
        # Remove line continuations: concatenate with following lines
        if line.endswith('&'):
            buffer += file_lines[i].rstrip('\n').replace('&', ' ')
        # Write out line with buffer and reset buffer
        lines.append(buffer + file_lines[i].rstrip('\n').replace('&', ' '))
        buffer = ''
    del file_lines

    # Find all modules within the file, and save the start and end lines
    module_lines = collections.OrderedDict()
    line_counter = 0
    for line in lines:
        words = line.split()
        if len(words) > 1 and words[0].lower() in [
                'module', 'program'
        ] and not words[1].lower() == 'procedure':
            module_name = words[1].strip()
            if module_name in registry.keys():
                raise Exception(
                    'Duplicate module name {0}'.format(module_name))
            registry[module_name] = collections.OrderedDict()
            module_lines[module_name] = {'startline': line_counter}
        elif len(words) > 1 and words[0].lower() == 'end' and words[1].lower(
        ) in ['module', 'program']:
                test_module_name = words[2]
            except IndexError:
                    'Encountered closing statement "end module" without module name; assume module_name is {0}'
                test_module_name = module_name
            if not module_name == test_module_name:
                raise Exception(
                    'Module names in opening/closing statement do not match: {0} vs {1}'
                    .format(module_name, test_module_name))
            module_lines[module_name]['endline'] = line_counter
        line_counter += 1

    # Parse each module in the file separately
    for module_name in registry.keys():
        startline = module_lines[module_name]['startline']
        endline = module_lines[module_name]['endline']
        line_counter = 0
        in_type = False
        for line in lines[startline:endline]:
            # For the purpose of identifying module, type and scheme constructs, remove any trailing comments from line
            if '!' in line and not line.startswith('!'):
                line = line[:line.find('!')]
            current_line_number = startline + line_counter
            words = line.split()
            for j in range(len(words)):
                # Check for the word 'type', that it is the first word in the line,
                # and that a name exists afterwards. It is assumed that definitions
                # (not usage) of derived types cannot be nested - reasonable for Fortran.
                # The following if / elif / else statements filter lines that do not
                # contain a type definition.
                # Ignore words containing type that are not 'type', 'type,', 'type::';
                # this includes variable declarations of a user defined type, e.g. 'type(mytype) ::'
                if not (words[j].lower()=='type' or \
                       words[j].lower().startswith('type,') or \
                # Ignore variable declarations of a user defined type with a space
                # between 'type' and '(', e.g. 'type (mytype) ::'
                elif j == 0 and len(words) > 1 and words[j +
                # Ignore lines starting with 'type is' or 'type is(' (select type statements)
                elif (words[j].lower() == 'type' and j==0 and j<len(words)-1 and \
                        (words[j+1].lower() == 'is' or words[j+1].lower().startswith('is('))):
                # Detect 'end type TYPENAME' and (fallback) unlabeled 'end type' statements
                elif words[j].lower() == 'type' and j == 1 and words[
                        j - 1].lower() == 'end':
                    if not in_type:
                        raise Exception(
                            'Encountered "end_type" without corresponding "type" statement'
                        test_type_name = words[j + 1]
                    except IndexError:
                            'Encountered closing statement "end type" without type name; assume type_name is {0}'
                        test_type_name = type_name
                    if not type_name == test_type_name:
                        raise Exception(
                            'Type names in opening/closing statement do not match: {0} vs {1}'
                            .format(type_name, test_type_name))
                    in_type = False
                # If type is not the first word, ignore the word
                elif j > 0:
                # Detect type definition using Ftype_type_decl class, routine
                # type_def_line and extract type_name
                    type_declaration = Ftype_type_decl.type_def_line(
                    if in_type:
                        raise Exception(
                            'Nested definitions of derived types not supported'
                    in_type = True
                    type_name = type_declaration[0]
                    if type_name in registry[module_name].keys():
                        raise Exception(
                            'Duplicate derived type name {0} in module {1}'.
                            format(type_name, module_name))
                    registry[module_name][type_name] = [current_line_number]
                # Done with user defined type detection
            line_counter += 1
        logging.debug('Parsing file {0} with registry {1}'.format(
            filename, registry))

        # Variables can either be defined at module-level or in derived types - alongside with their tables
        line_counter = 0
        in_table = False
        in_type = False
        for line in lines[startline:endline]:
            current_line_number = startline + line_counter

            # Check for beginning of new table
            words = line.split()
            # This is case sensitive
            if len(words) > 2 and words[0] in [
                    '!!', '!>'
            ] and '\section' in words[1] and 'arg_table_' in words[2]:
                if in_table:
                    raise Exception(
                        'Encountered table start for table {0} while still in table {1}'
                        .format(words[2].replace('arg_table_', ''),
                table_name = words[2].replace('arg_table_', '')
                if not (table_name == module_name
                        or table_name in registry[module_name].keys()):
                    raise Exception(
                        'Encountered table with name {0} without corresponding module or type name'
                in_table = True
                if not table_name in dependencies.keys():
                    dependencies[table_name] = []
                header_line_number = current_line_number + 1
                line_counter += 1
            elif (words[0].startswith('!!')
                  or words[0].startswith('!>')) and '\section' in words[0]:
                raise Exception(
                    "Malformatted table found in {0} / {1} / {2}".format(
                        filename, module_name, table_name))
            # If an argument table is found, parse it
            if in_table:
                words = line.split('|')
                # Separate the table headers
                if current_line_number == header_line_number:
                    if 'htmlinclude' in line.lower():
                        words = line.split()
                        if words[0] == '!!' and words[
                                1] == '\\htmlinclude' and len(words) == 3:
                            filename_parts = filename.split('.')
                            metadata_filename = '.'.join(
                                filename_parts[0:len(filename_parts) -
                                               1]) + '.meta'
                             these_dependencies) = read_new_metadata(
                                 metadata_filename, module_name, table_name)
                            if these_dependencies:
                                # Remove duplicates when combining lists
                                dependencies[table_name] = list(
                                    set(dependencies[table_name] +
                            for var_name in this_metadata.keys():
                                for var in this_metadata[var_name]:
                                    if var_name in CCPP_MANDATORY_VARIABLES.keys(
                                    ) and not CCPP_MANDATORY_VARIABLES[
                                        raise Exception('Entry for variable {0}'.format(var_name) + \
                                                        ' in argument table {0}'.format(table_name) +\
                                                        ' is incompatible with mandatory variable:\n' +\
                                                        '    existing: {0}\n'.format(CCPP_MANDATORY_VARIABLES[var_name].print_debug()) +\
                                                        '     vs. new: {0}'.format(var.print_debug()))
                                    # Add variable to metadata dictionary
                                    if not var_name in metadata.keys():
                                        metadata[var_name] = [var]
                                        for existing_var in metadata[var_name]:
                                            if not existing_var.compatible(
                                                raise Exception('New entry for variable {0}'.format(var_name) + \
                                                                ' in argument table {0}'.format(table_name) +\
                                                                ' is incompatible with existing entry:\n' +\
                                                                '    existing: {0}\n'.format(existing_var.print_debug()) +\
                                                                '     vs. new: {0}'.format(var.print_debug()))

                            raise Exception(
                                "Invalid definition of new metadata format in file {}, \htmlinclude must be preceeded by '!! ' : {}"
                                .format(filename, line))
                        line_counter += 1
                    # Check for blank table
                    if len(words) <= 1:
                            'Skipping blank table {0}'.format(table_name))
                        in_table = False
                        line_counter += 1
                    table_header = [x.strip() for x in words[1:-1]]
                    # Check that only valid table headers are used
                    for item in table_header:
                        if not item in VALID_ITEMS['header']:
                            raise Exception(
                                'Invalid column header {0} in argument table {1}'
                                .format(item, table_name))
                    # Locate mandatory column 'standard_name'
                        standard_name_index = table_header.index(
                    except ValueError:
                        raise Exception(
                            'Mandatory column standard_name not found in argument table {0}'
                    line_counter += 1
                    # DH* warn or raise error for old metadata format
                        "Old metadata table found for table {}".format(
                    #raise Exception("Old metadata table found for table {}".format(table_name))
                    # *DH
                    if len(words) == 1:
                        # End of table
                        if words[0].strip() == '!!':
                            if not current_line_number == header_line_number + 1:
                                raise Exception(
                                    "Invalid definition of new metadata format in file {0}"
                            in_table = False
                            line_counter += 1
                            raise Exception(
                                'Encountered invalid line "{0}" in argument table {1}'
                                .format(line, table_name))
                        raise Exception(
                            "Invalid definition of metadata in file {0}: {1}".
                            format(filename, words))

            line_counter += 1

        # Informative output to screen
        if debug and len(metadata.keys()) > 0:
            for module_name in registry.keys():
                logging.debug('Module name: {0}'.format(module_name))
                container = encode_container(module_name)
                vars_in_module = []
                for var_name in metadata.keys():
                    for var in metadata[var_name]:
                        if var.container == container:
                logging.debug('Module variables: {0}'.format(
                    ', '.join(vars_in_module)))
                for type_name in registry[module_name].keys():
                    container = encode_container(module_name, type_name)
                    vars_in_type = []
                    for var_name in metadata.keys():
                        for var in metadata[var_name]:
                            if var.container == container:
                    logging.debug('Variables in derived type {0}: {1}'.format(
                        type_name, ', '.join(vars_in_type)))

        if len(metadata.keys()) > 0:
                'Parsed variable definition tables in module {0}'.format(

    # Add absolute path to dependencies
    for table_name in dependencies.keys():
        if dependencies[table_name]:
            dependencies[table_name] = [
                os.path.join(filepath, x) for x in dependencies[table_name]
            for dependency in dependencies[table_name]:
                if not os.path.isfile(dependency):
                    raise Exception(
                        "Dependency {} for variable table {} does not exit".
                        format(dependency, table_name))

    return (metadata, dependencies)
Exemplo n.º 6
def read_new_metadata(filename,
    """Read metadata in new format and convert output to ccpp_prebuild metadata dictionary"""
    if not os.path.isfile(filename):
        raise Exception("New metadata file {0} not found".format(filename))

    # Save metadata, because this routine new_metadata
    # is called once for every table in that file
    if filename in NEW_METADATA_SAVE.keys():
        new_metadata_headers = NEW_METADATA_SAVE[filename]
        new_metadata_headers = MetadataHeader.parse_metadata_file(filename)
        NEW_METADATA_SAVE[filename] = new_metadata_headers

    # Record dependencies for the metadata table (only applies to schemes)
    has_property_table = False
    dependencies = []

    # Convert new metadata for requested table to old metadata dictionary
    metadata = collections.OrderedDict()
    for new_metadata_header in new_metadata_headers:
        # Module or DDT tables
        if not scheme_name:
            # Module property tables
            if new_metadata_header.property_table and new_metadata_header.title == module_name:
                # If this is a ccpp-table-properties table for a module, it can only contain dependencies;
                # ensure that for module tables, the header type is "module"
                if not new_metadata_header.header_type == 'module':
                    raise Exception(
                        "Unsupported header_type '{}' for table properties for modules"
                dependencies += new_metadata_header.dependencies
                has_property_table = True
            # DDT property tables
            elif new_metadata_header.property_table:
                # If this is a ccpp-table-properties table for a DDT, it can only contain dependencies;
                # ensure that for DDT tables, the header type is "ddt"
                if not new_metadata_header.header_type == 'ddt':
                    raise Exception(
                        "Unsupported header_type '{}' for table properties for DDTs"
                dependencies += new_metadata_header.dependencies
                has_property_table = True
            # Module or DDT argument tables
                if not new_metadata_header.title == table_name:
                    # Skip this table, since it is not requested right now
                # Distinguish between module argument tables and DDT argument tables
                if new_metadata_header.title == module_name:
                    container = encode_container(module_name)
                    container = encode_container(module_name,
            # Scheme property tables
            if new_metadata_header.property_table and new_metadata_header.title == scheme_name:
                # If this is a ccpp-table-properties table for a scheme, it can only contain dependencies;
                # ensure that for scheme tables, the header type is "scheme"
                if not new_metadata_header.header_type == 'scheme':
                    raise Exception(
                        "Unsupported header_type '{}' for table properties for schemes"
                dependencies += new_metadata_header.dependencies
                has_property_table = True
            # Scheme argument tables
                if not new_metadata_header.title == table_name:
                    # Skip this table, since it is not requested right now
                container = encode_container(module_name, scheme_name,
        for new_var in new_metadata_header.variable_list():
            standard_name = new_var.get_prop_value('standard_name')
            # DH* 2020-05-26
            # Legacy extension for inconsistent metadata (use of horizontal_dimension versus horizontal_loop_extent).
            # Since horizontal_dimension and horizontal_loop_extent have the same attributes (otherwise it doesn't
            # make sense), we swap the standard name and add a note to the long name
            legacy_note = ''
            if standard_name == 'horizontal_loop_extent' and scheme_name and \
                    (table_name.endswith("_init") or table_name.endswith("_finalize")):
                logging.warn("Legacy extension - replacing variable 'horizontal_loop_extent'" + \
                             " with 'horizontal_dimension' in table {}".format(table_name))
                standard_name = 'horizontal_dimension'
                legacy_note = ' replaced by horizontal dimension (legacy extension)'
            elif standard_name == 'horizontal_dimension' and scheme_name and table_name.endswith(
                logging.warn("Legacy extension - replacing variable 'horizontal_dimension' " + \
                             "with 'horizontal_loop_extent' in table {}".format(table_name))
                standard_name = 'horizontal_loop_extent'
                legacy_note = ' replaced by horizontal loop extent (legacy extension)'
            # Adjust dimensions
            dimensions = new_var.get_prop_value('dimensions')
            if scheme_name and (table_name.endswith("_init") or table_name.endswith("_finalize")) \
                    and 'horizontal_loop_extent' in dimensions:
                logging.warn("Legacy extension - replacing dimension 'horizontal_loop_extent' with 'horizontal_dimension' " + \
                             "for variable {} in table {}".format(standard_name,table_name))
                dimensions = [
                    if x == 'horizontal_loop_extent' else x for x in dimensions
            elif scheme_name and table_name.endswith(
                    "_run") and 'horizontal_dimension' in dimensions:
                logging.warn("Legacy extension - replacing dimension 'horizontal_dimension' with 'horizontal_loop_extent' " + \
                             "for variable {} in table {}".format(standard_name,table_name))
                dimensions = [
                    if x == 'horizontal_dimension' else x for x in dimensions
            # *DH  2020-05-26
            if new_var.get_prop_value('active').lower() == '.true.':
                active = 'T'
            elif new_var.get_prop_value('active').lower() == '.false.':
                active = 'F'
                # Replace multiple whitespaces, preserve case
                active = ' '.join(new_var.get_prop_value('active').split())
            var = Var(
                long_name=new_var.get_prop_value('long_name') + legacy_note,
                optional='T' if new_var.get_prop_value('optional') else 'F',
            # Check for duplicates in same table
            if standard_name in metadata.keys():
                raise Exception(
                    "Error, multiple definitions of standard name {} in new metadata table {}"
                    .format(standard_name, table_name))
            metadata[standard_name] = [var]

    # CCPP property tables are mandatory
    if not has_property_table:
        if scheme_name:
            raise Exception("Metadata file {} for scheme {} does not have a [ccpp-table-properties] section,".format(filename, scheme_name) + \
                                                                      " or the 'name = ...' attribute in the [ccpp-table-properties] is wrong")
            raise Exception("Metadata file {} for table {} does not have a [ccpp-table-properties] section,".format(filename, table_name) + \
                                                                      " or the 'name = ...' attribute in the [ccpp-table-properties] is wrong")

    return (metadata, dependencies)
Exemplo n.º 7
def parse_scheme_tables(filename):
    """Parses metadata tables for a physics scheme that requests/requires variables as
    input arguments. Metadata tables can only describe variables required by a subroutine
    'subroutine_name' of scheme 'scheme_name' inside a module 'module_name'. Each variable
    (standard_name) can exist only once, i.e. each entry (list of variables) in the metadata
    dictionary  contains only one element (variable = instance of class Var defined in
    mkcap.py). The metadata dictionaries of the individual schemes are merged afterwards
    (called from ccpp_prebuild.py) using merge_metadata_dicts, where multiple instances
    of variables are compared for compatibility and collected in a list (entry in the
    merged metadata dictionary). The merged metadata dictionary of all schemes (which
    contains only compatible variable instances in the list referred to by standard_name)
    is then compared to the unique definition in the metadata dictionary of the variables
    provided by the host model using compare_metadata in ccpp_prebuild.py."""

    # Set debug to true if logging level is debug
    debug = logging.getLogger().getEffectiveLevel() == logging.DEBUG

    # Valid suffices for physics scheme routines
    subroutine_suffices = ['init', 'run', 'finalize']

    # Final metadata container for all variables in file
    metadata = collections.OrderedDict()

    # Registry of modules and derived data types in file
    #registry = {}
    registry = collections.OrderedDict()

    # Argument lists of each subroutine in the file
    arguments = collections.OrderedDict()

    # Read all lines of the file at once
    with (open(filename, 'r')) as file:
        file_lines = file.readlines()

    lines = []
    original_line_numbers = []
    buffer = ''
    for i in range(len(file_lines)):
        line = file_lines[i].rstrip('\n').strip()
        # Skip empty lines
        if line == '' or line == '&':
        # Remove line continuations: concatenate with following lines
        if line.endswith('&'):
            buffer += file_lines[i].rstrip('\n').replace('&', ' ')
        # Write out line with buffer and reset buffer
        lines.append(buffer + file_lines[i].rstrip('\n').replace('&', ' '))
        original_line_numbers.append(i + 1)
        buffer = ''
    del file_lines

    # Find all modules within the file, and save the start and end lines
    module_lines = {}
    line_counter = 0
    for line in lines:
        # For the purpose of identifying module constructs, remove any trailing comments from line
        if '!' in line and not line.startswith('!'):
            line = line[:line.find('!')]
        words = line.split()
        if len(words) > 1 and words[0].lower(
        ) == 'module' and not words[1].lower() == 'procedure':
            module_name = words[1].strip()
            if module_name in registry.keys():
                raise Exception(
                    'Duplicate module name {0}'.format(module_name))
            registry[module_name] = {}
            module_lines[module_name] = {'startline': line_counter}
        elif len(words) > 1 and words[0].lower() == 'end' and words[1].lower(
        ) == 'module':
                test_module_name = words[2]
            except IndexError:
                    'Warning, encountered closing statement "end module" without module name; assume module_name is {0}'
                test_module_name = module_name
            if not module_name == test_module_name:
                raise Exception(
                    'Module names in opening/closing statement do not match: {0} vs {1}'
                    .format(module_name, test_module_name))
            module_lines[module_name]['endline'] = line_counter
        line_counter += 1

    # Parse each module in the file separately
    for module_name in registry.keys():
        startline = module_lines[module_name]['startline']
        endline = module_lines[module_name]['endline']
        line_counter = 0
        in_subroutine = False
        for line in lines[startline:endline]:
            # For the purpose of identifying scheme constructs, remove any trailing comments from line
            if '!' in line and not line.startswith('!'):
                line = line[:line.find('!')]
            current_line_number = startline + line_counter
            words = line.split()
            for j in range(len(words)):
                # Check for the word 'subroutine', that it is the first word in the line,
                # and that a name exists afterwards. Nested subroutines are ignored.
                if words[j].lower(
                ) == 'subroutine' and j == 0 and len(words) > 1:
                    if in_subroutine:
                            'Warning, ignoring nested subroutine in module {0} and subroutine {1}'
                            .format(module_name, subroutine_name))
                    subroutine_name = words[j + 1].split('(')[0].strip()
                    # Consider the last substring separated by a '_' of the subroutine name as a 'postfix'
                    if subroutine_name.find('_') >= 0:
                        subroutine_suffix = subroutine_name.split('_')[-1]
                        if subroutine_suffix in subroutine_suffices:
                            scheme_name = subroutine_name[0:subroutine_name.
                            if not scheme_name == module_name:
                                raise Exception(
                                    'Scheme name differs from module name: module_name="{0}" vs. scheme_name="{1}"'
                                    .format(module_name, scheme_name))
                            if not scheme_name in registry[module_name].keys():
                                registry[module_name][scheme_name] = {}
                            if subroutine_name in registry[module_name][
                                raise Exception(
                                    'Duplicate subroutine name {0} in module {1}'
                                    .format(subroutine_name, module_name))
                                subroutine_name] = [current_line_number]
                            in_subroutine = True
                elif words[j].lower() == 'subroutine' and j == 1 and words[
                        j - 1].lower() == 'end':
                        test_subroutine_name = words[j + 1]
                    except IndexError:
                        logging.warning('Warning, encountered closing statement "end subroutine" without subroutine name; ' +\
                                        ' assume subroutine_name is {0}'.format(subroutine_name))
                        test_subroutine_name = subroutine_name
                    if in_subroutine and subroutine_name == test_subroutine_name:
                        in_subroutine = False
                # Avoid problems by enforcing end statements to carry a descriptor (subroutine, module, ...)
                elif in_subroutine and len(
                        words) == 1 and words[0].lower() == 'end':
                    raise Exception('Encountered closing statement "end" without descriptor (subroutine, module, ...): ' +\
                                    'line {0}="{1}" in file {2}'.format(original_line_numbers[current_line_number], line, filename))
            line_counter += 1

        # Check that for each registered subroutine the start and end lines were found
        for scheme_name in registry[module_name].keys():
            for subroutine_name in registry[module_name][scheme_name].keys():
                if not len(registry[module_name][scheme_name]
                           [subroutine_name]) == 2:
                    raise Exception(
                        'Error parsing start and end lines for subroutine {0} in module {1}'
                        .format(subroutine_name, module_name))
        logging.debug('Parsing file {0} with registry {1}'.format(
            filename, registry))

        for scheme_name in registry[module_name].keys():
            for subroutine_name in registry[module_name][scheme_name].keys():
                # Record the order of variables in the call list to each subroutine in a list
                if not module_name in arguments.keys():
                    arguments[module_name] = {}
                if not scheme_name in arguments[module_name].keys():
                    arguments[module_name][scheme_name] = {}
                if not subroutine_name in arguments[module_name][
                    arguments[module_name][scheme_name][subroutine_name] = []
                # Find the argument table corresponding to each subroutine by searching
                # "upward" from the subroutine definition line for the "arg_table_SubroutineName" section
                table_found = False
                header_line_number = None
                for line_number in range(
                        -1, -1):
                    line = lines[line_number]
                    words = line.split()
                    for word in words:
                        if (len(words) > 2 and words[0] in ['!!', '!>']
                                and '\section' in words[1]
                                and 'arg_table_{0}'.format(subroutine_name)
                                in words[2]):
                            table_found = True
                            header_line_number = line_number + 1
                            table_name = subroutine_name
                            for word in words:
                                if 'arg_table_{0}'.format(
                                        subroutine_name) in word:
                                    raise Exception(
                                        "Malformatted table found in {0} / {1} / {2} / {3}"
                                        .format(filename, module_name,
                                                scheme_name, subroutine_name))
                    if table_found:
                # If an argument table is found, parse it
                if table_found:
                    if 'htmlinclude' in lines[header_line_number].lower():
                        words = lines[header_line_number].split()
                        if words[0] == '!!' and words[
                                1] == '\\htmlinclude' and len(words) == 3:
                            new_metadata = True
                            filename_parts = filename.split('.')
                            metadata_filename = '.'.join(
                                filename_parts[0:len(filename_parts) -
                                               1]) + '.meta'
                            this_metadata = read_new_metadata(
                            for var_name in this_metadata.keys():
                                # Add standard_name to argument list for this subroutine
                                # For all instances of this var (can be only one) in this subroutine's metadata,
                                # add to global metadata and check for compatibility with existing variables
                                for var in this_metadata[var_name]:
                                    if not var_name in metadata.keys():
                                        metadata[var_name] = [var]
                                        for existing_var in metadata[var_name]:
                                            if not existing_var.compatible(
                                                raise Exception('New entry for variable {0}'.format(var_name) + \
                                                                ' in argument table of subroutine {0}'.format(subroutine_name) +\
                                                                ' is incompatible with existing entry:\n' +\
                                                                '    existing: {0}\n'.format(existing_var.print_debug()) +\
                                                                '     vs. new: {0}'.format(var.print_debug()))
                        # Next line must denote the end of table,
                        # i.e. look for a line containing only '!!'
                        line_number = header_line_number + 1
                        nextline = lines[line_number]
                        nextwords = nextline.split()
                        if len(nextwords) == 1 and nextwords[0].strip(
                        ) == '!!':
                            end_of_table = True
                            raise Exception(
                                'Encountered invalid format "{0}" of new metadata table hook in table {1}'
                                .format(line, table_name))
                        line_number += 1

                    # Separate the table headers
                    table_header = lines[header_line_number].split('|')
                    # Check for blank table
                    if len(table_header) <= 1:
                            'Skipping blank table {0}'.format(table_name))
                        table_found = False
                    # Extract table header
                    table_header = [x.strip() for x in table_header[1:-1]]
                    # Check that only valid table headers are used
                    for item in table_header:
                        if not item in VALID_ITEMS['header']:
                            raise Exception(
                                'Invalid column header {0} in argument table {1}'
                                .format(item, table_name))
                    # Locate mandatory column 'standard_name'
                        standard_name_index = table_header.index(
                    except ValueError:
                        raise Exception(
                            'Mandatory column standard_name not found in argument table {0}'
                    # DH* warn or raise error for old metadata format
                        "Old metadata table found for table {}".format(
                    #raise Exception("Old metadata table found for table {}".format(table_name))
                    # *DH
                    # Get all of the variable information in table
                    end_of_table = False
                    line_number = header_line_number + 2
                    while not end_of_table:
                        line = lines[line_number]
                        words = line.split('|')
                        if len(words) == 1:
                            if words[0].strip() == '!!':
                                end_of_table = True
                                raise Exception(
                                    'Encountered invalid line "{0}" in argument table {1}'
                                    .format(line, table_name))
                            var_items = [x.strip() for x in words[1:-1]]
                            if not len(var_items) == len(table_header):
                                raise Exception(
                                    'Error parsing variable entry "{0}" in argument table {1}'
                                    .format(var_items, table_name))
                            var_name = var_items[standard_name_index]
                            # Column standard_name cannot be left blank in scheme_tables
                            if not var_name:
                                raise Exception(
                                    'Encountered line "{0}" without standard name in argument table {1}'
                                    .format(line, table_name))
                            # Enforce CF standards: no dashes, no dots (underscores instead)
                            if "-" in var_name:
                                raise Exception(
                                    "Invalid character '-' found in standard name {0} in table {1}"
                                    .format(var_name, table_name))
                            elif "." in var_name:
                                raise Exception(
                                    "Invalid character '.' found in standard name {0} in table {1}"
                                    .format(var_name, table_name))
                            # Add standard_name to argument list for this subroutine
                            var = Var.from_table(table_header, var_items)
                            # Check for incompatible definitions with CCPP mandatory variables
                            if var_name in CCPP_MANDATORY_VARIABLES.keys(
                            ) and not CCPP_MANDATORY_VARIABLES[
                                raise Exception('Entry for variable {0}'.format(var_name) + \
                                                ' in argument table of subroutine {0}'.format(subroutine_name) +\
                                                ' is incompatible with mandatory variable:\n' +\
                                                '    existing: {0}\n'.format(CCPP_MANDATORY_VARIABLES[var_name].print_debug()) +\
                                                '     vs. new: {0}'.format(var.print_debug()))
                            # Record the location of this variable: module, scheme, table
                            container = encode_container(
                                module_name, scheme_name, table_name)
                            var.container = container
                            # Add variable to metadata dictionary
                            if not var_name in metadata.keys():
                                metadata[var_name] = [var]
                                for existing_var in metadata[var_name]:
                                    if not existing_var.compatible(var):
                                        raise Exception('New entry for variable {0}'.format(var_name) + \
                                                        ' in argument table of subroutine {0}'.format(subroutine_name) +\
                                                        ' is incompatible with existing entry:\n' +\
                                                        '    existing: {0}\n'.format(existing_var.print_debug()) +\
                                                        '     vs. new: {0}'.format(var.print_debug()))

                        line_number += 1

                    # After parsing entire metadata table for the subroutine, check that all mandatory CCPP variables are present
                    for var_name in CCPP_MANDATORY_VARIABLES.keys():
                        if not var_name in arguments[module_name][scheme_name][
                            raise Exception(
                                'Mandatory CCPP variable {0} not declared in metadata table of subroutine {1}'
                                .format(var_name, subroutine_name))

        # For CCPP-compliant files (i.e. files with metadata tables, perform additional checks)
        if len(metadata.keys()) > 0:
            # Check that all subroutine "root" names in the current module are equal to scheme_name
            # and that there are exactly three subroutines for scheme X: X_init, X_run, X_finalize
            message = ''
            abort = False
            for scheme_name in registry[module_name].keys():
                # Pre-generate error message
                message += 'Check that all subroutines in module {0} have the same root name:\n'.format(
                message += '    i.e. scheme_A_init, scheme_A_run, scheme_A_finalize\n'
                message += 'Here is a list of the subroutine names for scheme {0}:\n'.format(
                message += '{0}\n\n'.format(', '.join(
                if (not len(registry[module_name][scheme_name].keys()) == 3):
                    abort = True
                    for suffix in subroutine_suffices:
                        subroutine_name = '{0}_{1}'.format(scheme_name, suffix)
                        if not subroutine_name in registry[module_name][
                            abort = True
            if abort:
                raise Exception(message)

        # Debugging output to screen and to XML
        if debug and len(metadata.keys()) > 0:
            # To screen
            logging.debug('Module name: {0}'.format(module_name))
            for scheme_name in registry[module_name].keys():
                logging.debug('Scheme name: {0}'.format(scheme_name))
                for subroutine_name in registry[module_name][scheme_name].keys(
                    container = encode_container(module_name, scheme_name,
                    vars_in_subroutine = []
                    for var_name in metadata.keys():
                        for var in metadata[var_name]:
                            if var.container == container:
                    logging.debug('Variables in subroutine {0}: {1}'.format(
                        subroutine_name, ', '.join(vars_in_subroutine)))
        # Standard output to screen
        elif len(metadata.keys()) > 0:
            for scheme_name in registry[module_name].keys():
                logging.info('Parsed tables in scheme {0}'.format(scheme_name))

    # End of loop over all module_names

    return (metadata, arguments)
Exemplo n.º 8
    def write(self, metadata_request, metadata_define, arguments):
        # Create an inverse lookup table of local variable names defined (by the host model) and standard names
        standard_name_by_local_name_define = {}
        for standard_name in metadata_define.keys():
            standard_name_by_local_name_define[metadata_define[standard_name][0].local_name] = standard_name

        # First get target names of standard CCPP variables for subcycling and error handling
        ccpp_loop_counter_target_name = metadata_request[CCPP_LOOP_COUNTER][0].target
        ccpp_error_flag_target_name = metadata_request[CCPP_ERROR_FLAG_VARIABLE][0].target
        ccpp_error_msg_target_name = metadata_request[CCPP_ERROR_MSG_VARIABLE][0].target
        module_use = ''
        self._module = 'ccpp_{suite}_{name}_cap'.format(name=self._name, suite=self._suite)
        self._filename = '{module_name}.F90'.format(module_name=self._module)
        self._subroutines = []
        local_subs = ''
        for ccpp_stage in CCPP_STAGES:
            # The special init and finalize routines are only run in that stage
            if self._init and not ccpp_stage == 'init':
            elif self._finalize and not ccpp_stage == 'finalize':
            # For mapping local variable names to standard names
            local_vars = {}
            # For mapping temporary variable names (for unit conversions, etc) to local variable names
            tmpvar_cnt = 0
            tmpvars    = {}
            body = ''
            var_defs = ''
            for subcycle in self._subcycles:
                if subcycle.loop > 1 and ccpp_stage == 'run':
                    body += '''
      associate(cnt => {loop_var_name})
      do cnt=1,{loop_cnt}\n\n'''.format(loop_var_name=ccpp_loop_counter_target_name,loop_cnt=subcycle.loop)
                for scheme_name in subcycle.schemes:
                    # actions_before and actions_after capture operations such
                    # as unit conversions, transformations that have to happen
                    # before and/or after the call to the subroutine (scheme)
                    actions_before = ''
                    actions_after  = ''
                    module_name = scheme_name
                    subroutine_name = scheme_name + '_' + ccpp_stage
                    container = encode_container(module_name, scheme_name, subroutine_name)
                    # Skip entirely empty routines
                    if not arguments[module_name][scheme_name][subroutine_name]:
                    error_check = ''
                    args = ''
                    length = 0
                    # Extract all variables needed (including indices for components/slices of arrays)
                    for var_standard_name in arguments[module_name][scheme_name][subroutine_name]:
                        # Pick the correct variable for this module/scheme/subroutine
                        # from the list of requested variable
                        for var in metadata_request[var_standard_name]:
                            if container == var.container:
                        if not var_standard_name in local_vars.keys():
                            if not var_standard_name in metadata_define.keys():
                                raise Exception('Variable {standard_name} not defined in host model metadata'.format(
                            var_local_name_define = metadata_define[var_standard_name][0].local_name

                            # Break apart var_local_name_define into the different components (members of DDTs)
                            # to determine all variables that are required
                            (parent_local_name_define, parent_local_names_define_indices) = \

                            # Check for each of the derived parent local names as defined by the host model
                            # if they are registered (i.e. if there is a standard name for it). Note that
                            # the output of extract_parents_and_indices_from_local_name is stripped of any
                            # array subset information, i.e. a local name 'Atm(:)%...' will produce a
                            # parent local name 'Atm'. Since the rank of tha parent variable is not known
                            # at this point and since the local name in the host model metadata table could
                            # contain '(:)', '(:,:)', ... (up to the rank of the array), we search for the
                            # maximum number of dimensions allowed by the Fortran standard.
                            for local_name_define in [parent_local_name_define] + parent_local_names_define_indices:
                                parent_standard_name = None
                                parent_var = None
                                for i in xrange(FORTRAN_ARRAY_MAX_DIMS+1):
                                    if i==0:
                                        dims_string = ''
                                        # (:) for i==1, (:,:) for i==2, ...
                                        dims_string = '(' + ','.join([':' for j in xrange(i)]) + ')'
                                    if local_name_define+dims_string in standard_name_by_local_name_define.keys():
                                        parent_standard_name = standard_name_by_local_name_define[local_name_define+dims_string]
                                        parent_var = metadata_define[parent_standard_name][0]
                                if not parent_var:
                                    raise Exception('Parent variable {parent} of {child} with standard name '.format(
                                                               parent=local_name_define, child=var_local_name_define)+\
                                                    '{standard_name} not defined in host model metadata'.format(

                                # Reset local name for entire array to a notation without (:), (:,:), etc.;
                                # this is needed for the var.print_def_intent() routine to work correctly
                                parent_var.local_name = local_name_define

                                # Add variable to dictionary of parent variables, if not already there.
                                # Set or update intent, depending on whether the variable is an index
                                # in var_local_name_define or the actual parent of that variable.
                                if not parent_standard_name in self.parents[ccpp_stage].keys():
                                    self.parents[ccpp_stage][parent_standard_name] = copy.deepcopy(parent_var)
                                    # Copy the intent of the actual variable being processed
                                    if local_name_define == parent_local_name_define:
                                        self.parents[ccpp_stage][parent_standard_name].intent = var.intent
                                    # It's an index for the actual variable being processed --> intent(in)
                                        self.parents[ccpp_stage][parent_standard_name].intent = 'in'
                                elif self.parents[ccpp_stage][parent_standard_name].intent == 'in':
                                    # Adjust the intent if the actual variable is not intent(in)
                                    if local_name_define == parent_local_name_define and not var.intent == 'in':
                                        self.parents[ccpp_stage][parent_standard_name].intent = 'inout'
                                    # It's an index for the actual variable being processed, intent is ok
                                    #   # nothing to do
                                elif self.parents[ccpp_stage][parent_standard_name].intent == 'out':
                                    # Adjust the intent if the actual variable is not intent(out)
                                    if local_name_define == parent_local_name_define and not var.intent == 'out':
                                        self.parents[ccpp_stage][parent_standard_name].intent = 'inout'
                                    # Adjust the intent, because the variable is also used as index variable
                                        self.parents[ccpp_stage][parent_standard_name].intent = 'inout'

                                # Record this information in the local_vars dictionary
                                local_vars[var_standard_name] = {
                                    'name' : metadata_define[var_standard_name][0].local_name,
                                    'kind' : metadata_define[var_standard_name][0].kind,
                                    'parent_standard_name' : parent_standard_name

                            parent_standard_name = local_vars[var_standard_name]['parent_standard_name']
                            # Update intent information if necessary
                            if self.parents[ccpp_stage][parent_standard_name].intent == 'in' and not var.intent == 'in':
                                self.parents[ccpp_stage][parent_standard_name].intent = 'inout'
                            elif self.parents[ccpp_stage][parent_standard_name].intent == 'out' and not var.intent == 'out':
                                self.parents[ccpp_stage][parent_standard_name].intent = 'inout'

                        # Add necessary actions before/after while populating the subroutine's argument list
                        kind_string = '_' + local_vars[var_standard_name]['kind'] if local_vars[var_standard_name]['kind'] else ''
                        if var.actions['out']:
                            if local_vars[var_standard_name]['name'] in tmpvars.keys():
                                # If the variable already has a local variable (tmpvar), reuse it
                                tmpvar = tmpvars[local_vars[var_standard_name]['name']]
                                # Add a local variable (tmpvar) for this variable
                                tmpvar_cnt += 1
                                tmpvar = copy.deepcopy(var)
                                tmpvar.local_name = 'tmpvar{0}'.format(tmpvar_cnt)
                                tmpvars[local_vars[var_standard_name]['name']] = tmpvar
                            if var.rank:
                                # Add allocate statement if the variable has a rank > 0
                                actions_before += '      allocate({t}, source={v})\n'.format(t=tmpvar.local_name,
                            if var.actions['in']:
                                # Add unit conversion before entering the subroutine
                                actions_before += '      {t} = {c}\n'.format(t=tmpvar.local_name,
                            # Add unit conversion after returning from the subroutine
                            actions_after  += '      {v} = {c}\n'.format(v=local_vars[var_standard_name]['name'],
                            if var.rank:
                                # Add deallocate statement if the variable has a rank > 0
                                actions_after += '      deallocate({t})\n'.format(t=tmpvar.local_name)
                            # Add to argument list
                            arg = '{local_name}={var_name},'.format(local_name=var.local_name, 
                        elif var.actions['in']:
                            # Add to argument list, call action in argument list
                            action = var.actions['in'].format(var=local_vars[var_standard_name]['name'],
                            arg = '{local_name}={action},'.format(local_name=var.local_name, action=action)
                            # Add to argument list
                            arg = '{local_name}={var_name},'.format(local_name=var.local_name, 
                        args += arg
                        length += len(arg)
                        # Split args so that lines don't exceed 260 characters (for PGI)
                        if length > 70 and not var_standard_name == arguments[module_name][scheme_name][subroutine_name][-1]:
                            args += ' &\n                  '
                            length = 0

                    args = args.rstrip(',')
                    subroutine_call = '''

      call {subroutine_name}({args})

'''.format(subroutine_name=subroutine_name, args=args, actions_before=actions_before.rstrip('\n'), actions_after=actions_after.rstrip('\n'))
                    error_check = '''if ({target_name_flag}/=0) then
        write({target_name_msg},'(a)') "An error occured in {subroutine_name}"
      end if
'''.format(target_name_flag=ccpp_error_flag_target_name, target_name_msg=ccpp_error_msg_target_name, subroutine_name=subroutine_name)
                    body += '''
    '''.format(subroutine_call=subroutine_call, error_check=error_check)

                    module_use += '   use {m}, only: {s}\n'.format(m=module_name, s=subroutine_name)

                if subcycle.loop > 1 and ccpp_stage == 'run':
                    body += '''
      end do
      end associate

            # Get list of arguments, module use statement and variable definitions for this subroutine (=stage for the group)
            (self.arguments[ccpp_stage], sub_module_use, sub_var_defs) = create_arguments_module_use_var_defs(
                                                           self.parents[ccpp_stage], metadata_define, tmpvars.values())
            sub_argument_list = create_argument_list_wrapped(self.arguments[ccpp_stage])

            subroutine = self._suite + '_' + self._name + '_' + ccpp_stage + '_cap'
            # Test and set blocks for initialization status
            initialized_test_block = Group.initialized_test_blocks[ccpp_stage].format(
            initialized_set_block = Group.initialized_set_blocks[ccpp_stage].format(
            # Create subroutine
            local_subs += Group.sub.format(subroutine=subroutine,
                                           module_use='\n      '.join(sub_module_use),
                                           var_defs='\n      '.join(sub_var_defs),

        # Write output to stdout or file
        if (self.filename is not sys.stdout):
            f = open(self.filename, 'w')
            f = sys.stdout
                                    subroutines=', &\n             '.join(self._subroutines)))
        if (f is not sys.stdout):

Exemplo n.º 9
def parse_variable_tables(filename):
    """Parses metadata tables on the host model side that define the available variables.
    Metadata tables can refer to variables inside a module or as part of a derived
    datatype, which itself is defined inside a module (depending on the location of the
    metadata table). Each variable (standard_name) can exist only once, i.e. each entry
    (list of variables) in the metadata dictionary contains only one element
    (variable = instance of class Var defined in mkcap.py)"""
    # Set debug to true if logging level is debug
    debug = logging.getLogger().getEffectiveLevel() == logging.DEBUG

    # Final metadata container for all variables in file
    metadata = collections.OrderedDict()

    # Registry of modules and derived data types in file
    registry = collections.OrderedDict()

    # Read all lines of the file at once
    with (open(filename, 'r')) as file:
        file_lines = file.readlines()

    lines = []
    buffer = ''
    for i in xrange(len(file_lines)):
        line = file_lines[i].rstrip('\n').strip()
        # Skip empty lines
        if line == '' or line == '&':
        # Remove line continuations: concatenate with following lines
        if line.endswith('&'):
            buffer += file_lines[i].rstrip('\n').replace('&', ' ')
        # Write out line with buffer and reset buffer
        lines.append(buffer + file_lines[i].rstrip('\n').replace('&', ' '))
        buffer = ''
    del file_lines

    # Find all modules within the file, and save the start and end lines
    module_lines = {}
    line_counter = 0
    for line in lines:
        words = line.split()
        if len(words) > 1 and words[0].lower() == 'module' and not words[1].lower() == 'procedure':
            module_name = words[1].strip()
            if module_name in registry.keys():
                raise Exception('Duplicate module name {0}'.format(module_name))
            registry[module_name] = {}
            module_lines[module_name] = { 'startline' : line_counter }
        elif len(words) > 1 and words[0].lower() == 'end' and words[1].lower() == 'module':
                test_module_name = words[2]
            except IndexError:
                logging.warning('Encountered closing statement "end module" without module name; assume module_name is {0}'.format(module_name))
                test_module_name = module_name
            if not module_name == test_module_name:
                raise Exception('Module names in opening/closing statement do not match: {0} vs {1}'.format(module_name, test_module_name))
            module_lines[module_name]['endline'] = line_counter
        line_counter += 1

    # Parse each module in the file separately
    for module_name in registry.keys():
        startline = module_lines[module_name]['startline']
        endline = module_lines[module_name]['endline']
        line_counter = 0
        in_type = False
        for line in lines[startline:endline]:
            current_line_number = startline + line_counter
            words = line.split()
            for j in range(len(words)):
                # Check for the word 'type', that it is the first word in the line,
                # and that a name exists afterwards. It is assumed that definitions
                # (not usage) of derived types cannot be nested - reasonable for Fortran.
                if words[j].lower() == 'type' and j == 0 and len(words) > 1 and not '(' in words[j+1]:
                    if in_type:
                        raise Exception('Nested definitions of derived types not supported')
                    in_type = True
                    type_name = words[j+1].split('(')[0].strip()
                    if type_name in registry[module_name].keys():
                        raise Exception('Duplicate derived type name {0} in module {1}'.format(
                                                                       type_name, module_name))
                    registry[module_name][type_name] = [current_line_number]
                elif words[j].lower() == 'type' and j == 1 and words[j-1].lower() == 'end':
                    if not in_type:
                        raise Exception('Encountered "end_type" without corresponding "type" statement')
                        test_type_name = words[j+1]
                    except IndexError:
                        logging.warning('Encountered closing statement "end type" without type name; assume type_name is {0}'.format(type_name))
                        test_type_name = type_name
                    if not type_name == test_type_name:
                        raise Exception('Type names in opening/closing statement do not match: {0} vs {1}'.format(type_name, test_type_name))
                    in_type = False
            line_counter += 1
        logging.debug('Parsing file {0} with registry {1}'.format(filename, registry))

        # Variables can either be defined at module-level or in derived types - alongside with their tables
        line_counter = 0
        in_table = False
        in_type = False
        for line in lines[startline:endline]:
            current_line_number = startline + line_counter

            # Check for beginning of new table
            words = line.split()
            # This is case sensitive
            if len(words) > 2 and words[0] in ['!!', '!>'] and '\section' in words[1] and 'arg_table_' in words[2]:
                if in_table:
                    raise Exception('Encountered table start for table {0} while still in table {1}'.format(words[2].replace('arg_table_',''), table_name))
                table_name = words[2].replace('arg_table_','')
                if not (table_name == module_name or table_name in registry[module_name].keys()):
                    raise Exception('Encountered table with name {0} without corresponding module or type name'.format(table_name))
                in_table = True
                header_line_number = current_line_number + 1
                line_counter += 1
            elif (words[0].startswith('!!') or words[0].startswith('!>')) and '\section' in words[0]:
                raise Exception("Malformatted table found in {0} / {1} / {2}".format(filename, module_name, table_name))
            # If an argument table is found, parse it
            if in_table:
                words = line.split('|')
                # Separate the table headers
                if current_line_number == header_line_number:
                    # Check for blank table
                    if len(words) <= 1:
                        logging.debug('Skipping blank table {0}'.format(table_name))
                        in_table = False
                        line_counter += 1
                    table_header = [x.strip() for x in words[1:-1]]
                    # Check that only valid table headers are used
                    for item in table_header:
                        if not item in VALID_ITEMS['header']:
                            raise Exception('Invalid column header {0} in argument table {1}'.format(item, table_name))
                    # Locate mandatory column 'standard_name'
                        standard_name_index = table_header.index('standard_name')
                    except ValueError:
                        raise Exception('Mandatory column standard_name not found in argument table {0}'.format(table_name))
                    line_counter += 1
                elif current_line_number == header_line_number + 1:
                    # Skip over separator line
                    line_counter += 1
                    if len(words) == 1:
                        # End of table
                        if words[0].strip() == '!!':
                            in_table = False
                            line_counter += 1
                            raise Exception('Encountered invalid line "{0}" in argument table {1}'.format(line, table_name))
                        var_items = [x.strip() for x in words[1:-1]]
                        if not len(var_items) == len(table_header):
                            raise Exception('Error parsing variable entry "{0}" in argument table {1}'.format(var_items, table_name))
                        var_name = var_items[standard_name_index]
                        # Skip variables without a standard_name (i.e. empty cell in column standard_name)
                        if var_name:
                            var = Var.from_table(table_header,var_items)
                            if table_name == module_name:
                                container = encode_container(module_name)
                                container = encode_container(module_name, table_name)
                            var.container = container
                            # Check for incompatible definitions with CCPP mandatory variables
                            if var_name in CCPP_MANDATORY_VARIABLES.keys() and not CCPP_MANDATORY_VARIABLES[var_name].compatible(var):
                                raise Exception('Entry for variable {0}'.format(var_name) + \
                                                ' in argument table {0}'.format(table_name) +\
                                                ' is incompatible with mandatory variable:\n' +\
                                                '    existing: {0}\n'.format(CCPP_MANDATORY_VARIABLES[var_name].print_debug()) +\
                                                '     vs. new: {0}'.format(var.print_debug()))
                            # Add variable to metadata dictionary
                            if not var_name in metadata.keys():
                                metadata[var_name] = [var]
                                for existing_var in metadata[var_name]:
                                    if not existing_var.compatible(var):
                                        raise Exception('New entry for variable {0}'.format(var_name) + \
                                                        ' in argument table {0}'.format(table_name) +\
                                                        ' is incompatible with existing entry:\n' +\
                                                        '    existing: {0}\n'.format(existing_var.print_debug()) +\
                                                        '     vs. new: {0}'.format(var.print_debug()))

                        #    logging.debug('Skipping variable entry "{0}" without a standard_name'.format(var_items))

            line_counter += 1

        # Informative output to screen
        if debug and len(metadata.keys()) > 0:
            for module_name in registry.keys():
                logging.debug('Module name: {0}'.format(module_name))
                container = encode_container(module_name)
                vars_in_module = []
                for var_name in metadata.keys():
                    for var in metadata[var_name]:
                        if var.container == container:
                logging.debug('Module variables: {0}'.format(', '.join(vars_in_module)))
                for type_name in registry[module_name].keys():
                    container = encode_container(module_name, type_name)
                    vars_in_type = []
                    for var_name in metadata.keys():
                        for var in metadata[var_name]:
                            if var.container == container:
                    logging.debug('Variables in derived type {0}: {1}'.format(type_name, ', '.join(vars_in_type)))

        if debug and len(metadata.keys()) > 0:
            # Write out the XML for debugging purposes
            top = ET.Element('definition')
            top.set('module', module_name)
            container = encode_container(module_name)
            for var_name in metadata.keys():
                for var in metadata[var_name]:
                    if var.container == container:
                        sub_var = var.to_xml(ET.SubElement(top, 'variable'))
            for type_name in registry[module_name].keys():
                container = encode_container(module_name, type_name)
                sub_type = ET.SubElement(top, 'type')
                sub_type.set('type_name', type_name)
                for var_name in metadata.keys():
                    for var in metadata[var_name]:
                        if var.container == container:
                            sub_var = var.to_xml(ET.SubElement(sub_type, 'variable'))
            tree = ET.ElementTree(top)
            xmlfile = module_name + '.xml'
            tree.write(xmlfile, xml_declaration=True, encoding='utf-8', method="xml")
            logging.info('Parsed variable definition tables in module {0}; output => {1}'.format(module_name, xmlfile))
        elif len(metadata.keys()) > 0:
            logging.info('Parsed variable definition tables in module {0}'.format(module_name))

    return metadata
Exemplo n.º 10
def read_new_metadata(filename,
    """Read metadata in new format and convert output to ccpp_prebuild metadata dictionary"""
    if not os.path.isfile(filename):
        raise Exception("New metadata file {0} not found".format(filename))

    # Save metadata, because this routine new_metadata
    # is called once for every table in that file
    if filename in NEW_METADATA_SAVE.keys():
        new_metadata_headers = NEW_METADATA_SAVE[filename]
        new_metadata_headers = MetadataHeader.parse_metadata_file(filename)
        NEW_METADATA_SAVE[filename] = new_metadata_headers

    # Convert new metadata for requested table to old metadata dictionary
    metadata = collections.OrderedDict()
    for new_metadata_header in new_metadata_headers:
        if not scheme_name:
            if not new_metadata_header.title == table_name:
                # Skip this table, since it is not requested right now
            if new_metadata_header.title == module_name:
                container = encode_container(module_name)
                container = encode_container(module_name,
            if not new_metadata_header.title == table_name:
                # Skip this table, since it is not requested right now
            container = encode_container(module_name, scheme_name, table_name)
        for new_var in new_metadata_header.variable_list():
            standard_name = new_var.get_prop_value('standard_name')
            # DH* 2020-05-26
            # Legacy extension for inconsistent metadata (use of horizontal_dimension versus horizontal_loop_extent).
            # Since horizontal_dimension and horizontal_loop_extent have the same attributes (otherwise it doesn't
            # make sense), we swap the standard name and add a note to the long name
            legacy_note = ''
            if standard_name == 'horizontal_loop_extent' and scheme_name and \
                    (table_name.endswith("_init") or table_name.endswith("finalize")):
                logging.warn("Legacy extension - replacing variable 'horizontal_loop_extent'" + \
                             " with 'horizontal_dimension' in table {}".format(table_name))
                standard_name = 'horizontal_dimension'
                legacy_note = ' replaced by horizontal dimension (legacy extension)'
            elif standard_name == 'horizontal_dimension' and scheme_name and table_name.endswith(
                logging.warn("Legacy extension - replacing variable 'horizontal_dimension' " + \
                             "with 'horizontal_loop_extent' in table {}".format(table_name))
                standard_name = 'horizontal_loop_extent'
                legacy_note = ' replaced by horizontal loop extent (legacy extension)'
            # Adjust dimensions
            dimensions = new_var.get_prop_value('dimensions')
            if scheme_name and (table_name.endswith("_init") or table_name.endswith("finalize")) \
                    and 'horizontal_loop_extent' in dimensions:
                logging.warn("Legacy extension - replacing dimension 'horizontal_loop_extent' with 'horizontal_dimension' " + \
                             "for variable {} in table {}".format(standard_name,table_name))
                dimensions = [
                    if x == 'horizontal_loop_extent' else x for x in dimensions
            elif scheme_name and table_name.endswith(
                    "_run") and 'horizontal_dimension' in dimensions:
                logging.warn("Legacy extension - replacing dimension 'horizontal_dimension' with 'horizontal_loop_extent' " + \
                             "for variable {} in table {}".format(standard_name,table_name))
                dimensions = [
                    if x == 'horizontal_dimension' else x for x in dimensions
            # *DH  2020-05-26
            if new_var.get_prop_value('active').lower() == '.true.':
                active = 'T'
            elif new_var.get_prop_value('active').lower() == '.false.':
                active = 'F'
                # Replace multiple whitespaces and use lowercase throughout
                active = ' '.join(
            var = Var(
                long_name=new_var.get_prop_value('long_name') + legacy_note,
                optional='T' if new_var.get_prop_value('optional') else 'F',
            # Check for duplicates in same table
            if standard_name in metadata.keys():
                raise Exception(
                    "Error, multiple definitions of standard name {0} in new metadata table {1}"
                    .format(standard_name, table_name))
            metadata[standard_name] = [var]
    return metadata
Exemplo n.º 11
    def write(self, metadata_request, metadata_define, arguments,
              ccpp_field_maps, module_use_cap):
        # First get target names of standard CCPP variables for subcycling and error handling
        ccpp_loop_counter_target_name = metadata_request[CCPP_LOOP_COUNTER][
        ccpp_error_flag_target_name = metadata_request[
        ccpp_error_msg_target_name = metadata_request[CCPP_ERROR_MSG_VARIABLE][
        module_use = module_use_cap
        self._module = 'ccpp_group_{name}_cap'.format(name=self._name)
        self._filename = '{module_name}.F90'.format(module_name=self._module)
        self._subroutines = []
        local_subs = ''
        for ccpp_stage in CCPP_STAGES:
            if self._init and not ccpp_stage == 'init':
            elif self._finalize and not ccpp_stage == 'finalize':
            # For creating and mappig local variable names to standard names
            local_vars = {}
            local_var_cnt = 0
            local_var_cnt_max = 9999
            local_var_template = 'v{x:04d}'
            # Add the predefined variables for subcycling and error handling (special, no need to retrieve from cdata via ccpp_field_get)
            local_vars[CCPP_LOOP_COUNTER] = ccpp_loop_counter_target_name
            local_vars[CCPP_ERROR_FLAG_VARIABLE] = ccpp_error_flag_target_name
            local_vars[CCPP_ERROR_MSG_VARIABLE] = ccpp_error_msg_target_name
            body = ''
            var_defs = ''
            var_gets = ''
            for subcycle in self._subcycles:
                if subcycle.loop > 1 and ccpp_stage == 'run':
                    body += '''
      associate(cnt => {loop_var_name})
      do cnt=1,{loop_cnt}\n\n'''.format(
                for scheme_name in subcycle.schemes:
                    module_name = scheme_name
                    subroutine_name = scheme_name + '_' + ccpp_stage
                    container = encode_container(module_name, scheme_name,
                    # Skip entirely empty routines
                    if not arguments[module_name][scheme_name][subroutine_name]:
                    error_check = ''
                    args = ''
                    length = 0
                    for var_name in arguments[module_name][scheme_name][
                        for var in metadata_request[var_name]:
                            if container == var.container:
                        if not var_name in local_vars:
                            local_var_cnt += 1
                            if local_var_cnt > local_var_cnt_max:
                                raise Exception(
                                    "local_var_cnt exceeding local_var_cnt_max, increase limit!"
                            tmpvar = copy.deepcopy(var)
                            tmpvar.local_name = local_var_template.format(
                                x=local_var_cnt)  #var_name.replace('-','_')
                            var_defs += '      ' + tmpvar.print_def() + '\n'
                            # Use the index lookup from ccpp_field_maps for the group's
                            # physics set and given variable name (standard name)
                            var_gets += tmpvar.print_get(index=ccpp_field_maps[
                                self._pset][var_name]) + '\n'
                            # Add to list of local variables with the auto-generated local variable name
                            local_vars[var_name] = tmpvar.local_name
                            del tmpvar

                        # Add to argument list
                        arg = '{local_name}={var_name},'.format(
                        )  #var_name.replace('-','_'))
                        args += arg
                        length += len(arg)
                        # Split args so that lines don't exceed 260 characters (for PGI)
                        if length > 70 and not var_name == arguments[
                            args += ' &\n                  '
                            length = 0

                    args = args.rstrip(',')
                    subroutine_call = 'call {subroutine_name}({args})'.format(
                        subroutine_name=subroutine_name, args=args)
                    error_check = '''if ({target_name_flag}/=0) then
             write({target_name_msg},'(a)') "An error occured in {subroutine_name}"
          end if
                    body += '''
    '''.format(subroutine_call=subroutine_call, error_check=error_check)

                    module_use += '   use {m}, only: {s}\n'.format(
                        m=module_name, s=subroutine_name)

                if subcycle.loop > 1 and ccpp_stage == 'run':
                    body += '''
      end do
      end associate

            subroutine = self._name + '_' + ccpp_stage + '_cap'
            # Test and set blocks for initialization status
            initialized_test_block = Group.initialized_test_blocks[
            initialized_set_block = Group.initialized_set_blocks[
            # Create subroutine
            local_subs += Group.sub.format(

        # Write output to stdout or file
        if (self.filename is not sys.stdout):
            f = open(self.filename, 'w')
            f = sys.stdout
        if (f is not sys.stdout):

Exemplo n.º 12
def read_new_metadata(filename,
    """Read metadata in new format and convert output to ccpp_prebuild metadata dictionary"""
    if not os.path.isfile(filename):
        raise Exception("New metadata file {0} not found".format(filename))

    # Save metadata, because this routine new_metadata
    # is called once for every table in that file
    if filename in NEW_METADATA_SAVE.keys():
        new_metadata_headers = NEW_METADATA_SAVE[filename]
        new_metadata_headers = parse_metadata_file(
        NEW_METADATA_SAVE[filename] = new_metadata_headers

    # Record dependencies for the metadata table (only applies to schemes)
    dependencies = []

    # Convert new metadata for requested table to old metadata dictionary
    metadata = collections.OrderedDict()
    for new_metadata_header in new_metadata_headers:
        for metadata_section in new_metadata_header.sections():
            # Module or DDT tables
            if not scheme_name:
                # Module property tables
                if not metadata_section.title == table_name:
                    # Skip this table, since it is not requested right now

                # Distinguish between module argument tables and DDT argument tables
                if metadata_section.title == module_name:
                    container = encode_container(module_name)
                    container = encode_container(module_name,

                # Add to dependencies
                if new_metadata_header.relative_path:
                    dependencies += [
                        os.path.join(new_metadata_header.relative_path, x)
                        for x in new_metadata_header.dependencies
                    dependencies += new_metadata_header.dependencies
                # Scheme property tables
                if not metadata_section.title == table_name:
                    # Skip this table, since it is not requested right now

                container = encode_container(module_name, scheme_name,

                # Add to dependencies
                if new_metadata_header.relative_path:
                    dependencies += [
                        os.path.join(new_metadata_header.relative_path, x)
                        for x in new_metadata_header.dependencies
                    dependencies += new_metadata_header.dependencies

            for new_var in metadata_section.variable_list():
                standard_name = new_var.get_prop_value('standard_name')
                # DH* 2020-05-26
                # Legacy extension for inconsistent metadata (use of horizontal_dimension versus horizontal_loop_extent).
                # Since horizontal_dimension and horizontal_loop_extent have the same attributes (otherwise it doesn't
                # make sense), we swap the standard name and add a note to the long name - 2021-05-26: this is now an error.
                legacy_note = ''
                if standard_name == 'horizontal_loop_extent' and scheme_name and \
                        (table_name.endswith("_init") or table_name.endswith("_finalize")):
                    #logging.warn("Legacy extension - replacing variable 'horizontal_loop_extent'" + \
                    #             " with 'horizontal_dimension' in table {}".format(table_name))
                    #standard_name = 'horizontal_dimension'
                    #legacy_note = ' replaced by horizontal dimension (legacy extension)'
                    raise Exception("Legacy extension DISABLED: replacing variable 'horizontal_loop_extent'" + \
                                    " with 'horizontal_dimension' in table {}".format(table_name))
                elif standard_name == 'horizontal_dimension' and scheme_name and table_name.endswith(
                    #logging.warn("Legacy extension - replacing variable 'horizontal_dimension'" + \
                    #             " with 'horizontal_loop_extent' in table {}".format(table_name))
                    #standard_name = 'horizontal_loop_extent'
                    #legacy_note = ' replaced by horizontal loop extent (legacy extension)'
                    raise Exception("Legacy extension DISABLED: replacing variable 'horizontal_dimension'" + \
                                    " with 'horizontal_loop_extent' in table {}".format(table_name))

                # Adjust dimensions
                dimensions = new_var.get_prop_value('dimensions')
                if scheme_name and (table_name.endswith("_init") or table_name.endswith("_finalize")) \
                        and 'horizontal_loop_extent' in dimensions:
                    #logging.warn("Legacy extension - replacing dimension 'horizontal_loop_extent' with 'horizontal_dimension' " + \
                    #             "for variable {} in table {}".format(standard_name,table_name))
                    #dimensions = ['horizontal_dimension' if x=='horizontal_loop_extent' else x for x in dimensions]
                    raise Exception("Legacy extension DISABLED: replacing dimension 'horizontal_loop_extent' with 'horizontal_dimension' " + \
                                    "for variable {} in table {}".format(standard_name,table_name))
                elif scheme_name and table_name.endswith(
                        "_run") and 'horizontal_dimension' in dimensions:
                    #logging.warn("Legacy extension - replacing dimension 'horizontal_dimension' with 'horizontal_loop_extent' " + \
                    #             "for variable {} in table {}".format(standard_name,table_name))
                    #dimensions = ['horizontal_loop_extent' if x=='horizontal_dimension' else x for x in dimensions]
                    raise Exception("Legacy extension DISABLED: replacing dimension 'horizontal_dimension' with 'horizontal_loop_extent' " + \
                                    "for variable {} in table {}".format(standard_name,table_name))
                elif not scheme_name and 'horizontal_dimension' in dimensions:
                    raise Exception("Legacy extension DISABLED: replacing dimension 'horizontal_dimension' with 'horizontal_loop_extent' " + \
                                    "for variable {} in table {}".format(standard_name,table_name))
                # *DH  2020-05-26

                if not new_var.get_prop_value('active'):
                    # If it doesn't have an active attribute, then the variable is always active (default)
                    active = 'T'
                elif new_var.get_prop_value('active').lower() == '.true.':
                    active = 'T'
                elif new_var.get_prop_value(
                        'active') and new_var.get_prop_value(
                            'active').lower() == '.false.':
                    active = 'F'
                    # Replace multiple whitespaces, preserve case
                    active = ' '.join(new_var.get_prop_value('active').split())

                # DH* 20210812
                # Workaround for Fortran DDTs incorrectly having the type of
                # the DDT copied into the kind attribute in parse_metadata_file
                if new_var.is_ddt() and new_var.get_prop_value('kind'):
                    kind = ''
                    kind = new_var.get_prop_value('kind')
                #kind = new_var.get_prop_value('kind')
                # *DH 20210812

                var = Var(
                    long_name=new_var.get_prop_value('long_name') +
                    if new_var.get_prop_value('optional') else 'F',
                # Check for duplicates in same table
                if standard_name in metadata.keys():
                    raise Exception(
                        "Error, multiple definitions of standard name {} in new metadata table {}"
                        .format(standard_name, table_name))
                metadata[standard_name] = [var]

    return (metadata, dependencies)