Exemplo n.º 1
def pandoc_ref_and_label(section_label2title, format, filestr):
    filestr = fix_ref_section_chapter(filestr, format)

    # Replace all references to sections. Pandoc needs a coding of
    # the section header as link. (Not using this anymore.)
    def title2pandoc(title):
        # http://johnmacfarlane.net/pandoc/README.html
        for c in ("?", ";", ":"):
            title = title.replace(c, "")
        title = title.replace(" ", "-").strip()
        start = 0
        for i in range(len(title)):
            if title[i].isalpha():
                start = i
        title = title[start:]
        title = title.lower()
        if not title:
            title = "section"
        return title

    for label in section_label2title:
        filestr = filestr.replace("ref{%s}" % label, "[%s](#%s)" % (section_label2title[label], label))
    #                            title2pandoc(section_label2title[label])))

    # Treat the remaining ref{}
    # Note done.
    # Can place labels in equations as <a name tags before the equation
    # environment and create appropriate [link](#label) syntax.
    # Need to specify figures and movies separately to find the
    # right link text. html.py has probably most solutions.
    filestr = re.sub(r"([Ff]igure|[Mm]ovie)\s+ref\{(.+?)\}", "[\g<1>](#\g<2>)", filestr)
    # Remaining ref{} (should protect \eqref)
    filestr = re.sub(r"ref\{(.+?)\}", "[\g<1>](#\g<1>)", filestr)
    # filestr = re.sub(r'([^q])ref\{(.+?)\}', '\g<1>[\g<2>](#\g<2>)', filestr)
    return filestr
Exemplo n.º 2
def wiki_ref_and_label_common(section_label2title, format, filestr):
    filestr = fix_ref_section_chapter(filestr, format)

    # remove label{...} from output
    filestr = re.sub(r'label\{.+?\}', '', filestr)  # all the remaining

    # anchors in titles do not work...

    # replace all references to sections:
    for label in section_label2title:
        title = section_label2title[label]
        filestr = filestr.replace('ref{%s}' % label,
                                  '[#%s]' % title.replace(' ', '_'))

    from common import ref2equations
    filestr = ref2equations(filestr)

    # replace remaining ref{x} as x
    filestr = re.sub(r'ref\{(.+?)\}', '\g<1>', filestr)

    return filestr
Exemplo n.º 3
def wiki_ref_and_label_common(section_label2title, format, filestr):
    filestr = fix_ref_section_chapter(filestr, format)

    # remove label{...} from output
    filestr = re.sub(r'label\{.+?\}', '', filestr)  # all the remaining

    # anchors in titles do not work...

    # replace all references to sections:
    for label in section_label2title:
        title = section_label2title[label]
        filestr = filestr.replace('ref{%s}' % label,
                                  '[#%s]' % title.replace(' ', '_'))

    from common import ref2equations
    filestr = ref2equations(filestr)

    # replace remaining ref{x} as x
    filestr = re.sub(r'ref\{(.+?)\}', '\g<1>', filestr)

    return filestr
Exemplo n.º 4
def plain_ref_and_label(section_label2title, format, filestr):
    filestr = fix_ref_section_chapter(filestr, format)

    # remove label{...} from output (when only label{} on a line, remove
    # the newline too, leave label in figure captions, and remove all the rest)
    #filestr = re.sub(r'^label\{.+?\}\s*$', '', filestr, flags=re.MULTILINE)
    cpattern = re.compile(r'^label\{.+?\}\s*$', flags=re.MULTILINE)
    filestr = cpattern.sub('', filestr)
    #filestr = re.sub(r'^(FIGURE:.+)label\{(.+?)\}', '\g<1>{\g<2>}', filestr, flags=re.MULTILINE)
    cpattern = re.compile(r'^(FIGURE:.+)label\{(.+?)\}', flags=re.MULTILINE)
    filestr = cpattern.sub('\g<1>{\g<2>}', filestr)
    filestr = re.sub(r'label\{.+?\}', '', filestr)  # all the remaining

    # replace all references to sections:
    for label in section_label2title:
        filestr = filestr.replace('ref{%s}' % label,
                                  '"%s"' % section_label2title[label])

    from common import ref2equations
    filestr = ref2equations(filestr)

    return filestr
Exemplo n.º 5
def matlabnb_ref_and_label(section_label2title, format, filestr):
    filestr = fix_ref_section_chapter(filestr, format)

    # remove label{...} from output (when only label{} on a line, remove
    # the newline too, leave label in figure captions, and remove all the rest)
    #filestr = re.sub(r'^label\{.+?\}\s*$', '', filestr, flags=re.MULTILINE)
    cpattern = re.compile(r'^label\{.+?\}\s*$', flags=re.MULTILINE)
    filestr = cpattern.sub('', filestr)
    #filestr = re.sub(r'^(FIGURE:.+)label\{(.+?)\}', '\g<1>{\g<2>}', filestr, flags=re.MULTILINE)
    cpattern = re.compile(r'^(FIGURE:.+)label\{(.+?)\}', flags=re.MULTILINE)
    filestr = cpattern.sub('\g<1>{\g<2>}', filestr)
    filestr = re.sub(r'label\{.+?\}', '', filestr)  # all the remaining

    # replace all references to sections:
    for label in section_label2title:
        filestr = filestr.replace('ref{%s}' % label,
                                  '"%s"' % section_label2title[label])

    from common import ref2equations
    filestr = ref2equations(filestr)

    return filestr
Exemplo n.º 6
def pandoc_ref_and_label(section_label2title, format, filestr):
    filestr = fix_ref_section_chapter(filestr, format)

    # Replace all references to sections. Pandoc needs a coding of
    # the section header as link. (Not using this anymore.)
    def title2pandoc(title):
        # http://johnmacfarlane.net/pandoc/README.html
        for c in ('?', ';', ':'):
            title = title.replace(c, '')
        title = title.replace(' ', '-').strip()
        start = 0
        for i in range(len(title)):
            if title[i].isalpha():
                start = i
        title = title[start:]
        title = title.lower()
        if not title:
            title = 'section'
        return title

    for label in section_label2title:
        filestr = filestr.replace(
            'ref{%s}' % label,
            '[%s](#%s)' % (section_label2title[label], label))
    #                            title2pandoc(section_label2title[label])))

    # Treat the remaining ref{}
    # Note done.
    # Can place labels in equations as <a name tags before the equation
    # environment and create appropriate [link](#label) syntax.
    # Need to specify figures and movies separately to find the
    # right link text. html.py has probably most solutions.
    filestr = re.sub(r'([Ff]igure|[Mm]ovie)\s+ref\{(.+?)\}', '[\g<1>](#\g<2>)',
    # Remaining ref{} (should protect \eqref)
    filestr = re.sub(r'ref\{(.+?)\}', '[\g<1>](#\g<1>)', filestr)
    #filestr = re.sub(r'([^q])ref\{(.+?)\}', '\g<1>[\g<2>](#\g<2>)', filestr)
    return filestr
Exemplo n.º 7
def ref_and_label_commoncode(section_label2title, format, filestr):
    filestr = fix_ref_section_chapter(filestr, format)

    # Deal with the problem of identical titles, which makes problem
    # with non-unique links in reST: add a counter to the title
    debugtext = ''
    section_pattern = r'^\s*(={3,9})(.+?)(={3,9})(\s*label\{(.+?)\})?'
    all_sections = re.findall(section_pattern, filestr, flags=re.MULTILINE)
    # First count the no of titles with the same wording
    titles = {}
    max_heading = 1  # track the top heading level for correct TITLE typesetting
    for heading, title, dummy2, dummy3, label in all_sections:
        entry = None if label == '' else label
        if title in titles:
            titles[title] = [entry]
        max_heading = max(max_heading, len(heading))

    # Typeset TITLE so that it gets the highest+1 (but no higher) section sevel
    max_heading += 2  # one level up (2 =)
    max_heading = min(max_heading, 9)
    pattern = r'^TITLE:\s*(.+)$'
    if format == 'sphinx':
        # Title cannot be more than 63 chars...
        m = re.search(pattern, filestr, flags=re.MULTILINE)
        if m:
            title = m.group(1).strip()
            if len(title) > 63:
                errwarn('*** error: sphinx title cannot be longer than 63 characters')
                errwarn('    current title: "%s" (%d characters)' % (title, len(title)))
    filestr = re.sub(pattern, '.. Document title:\n\n%s \g<1> %s\n' %
                     ('='*max_heading, '='*max_heading),
                     filestr, flags=re.MULTILINE)
    # Make new titles
    title_counter = {}   # count repeated titles (need to append counter to make unique links)
    sections = []
    for heading, title, dummy2, dummy3, label in all_sections:
        label = None if label == '' else label
        if len(titles[title]) > 1:
            if title in title_counter:
                title_counter[title] += 1
                title_counter[title] = 1
            # Add much whitespace so we can recognize the titles after
            # formats are compiled and remove the number
            new_title = title + '         (%d) ' % title_counter[title]
            sections.append((heading, new_title, label, title))
            if label in section_label2title:
                section_label2title[label] = new_title
            sections.append((heading, title, label, title))
    # Make replacements
    for heading, title, label, old_title in sections:
        if title != old_title:
            debugtext += '\nchanged title: %s -> %s\n' % (old_title, title)
        # Avoid trouble with \t, \n in replacement
        title = title.replace('\\', '\\\\')
        # The substitution depends on whether we have a label or not
        if label is not None:
            title_pattern = r'%s\s*%s\s*%s\s*label\{%s\}' % (heading, re.escape(old_title), heading, label)
            # title may contain ? () etc., that's why we take re.escape
            replacement = '.. _%s:\n\n' % label + r'%s %s %s' % \
                          (heading, title, heading)
            title_pattern = r'%s\s*%s\s*%s' % (heading, re.escape(old_title), heading)
            replacement = r'%s %s %s' % (heading, title, heading)
        filestr, n = re.subn(title_pattern, replacement, filestr, count=1)
        if n > 1:
            raise ValueError('Replaced more than one title. BUG!')

    # remove label{...} from output
    #filestr = re.sub(r'^label\{.+?\}\s*$', '', filestr, flags=re.MULTILINE)
    cpattern = re.compile(r'^label\{[^}]+?\}\s*$', flags=re.MULTILINE)
    filestr = cpattern.sub('', filestr)
    filestr = re.sub(r'label\{[^}]+?\}', '', filestr)  # all the remaining

    import doconce

    return filestr
Exemplo n.º 8
def ref_and_label_commoncode(section_label2title, format, filestr):
    filestr = fix_ref_section_chapter(filestr, format)

    # Deal with the problem of identical titles, which makes problem
    # with non-unique links in reST: add a counter to the title
    debugtext = ''
    section_pattern = r'^\s*(={3,9})(.+?)(={3,9})(\s*label\{(.+?)\})?'
    all_sections = re.findall(section_pattern, filestr, flags=re.MULTILINE)
    # First count the no of titles with the same wording
    titles = {}
    max_heading = 1  # track the top heading level for correct TITLE typesetting
    for heading, title, dummy2, dummy3, label in all_sections:
        entry = None if label == '' else label
        if title in titles:
            titles[title] = [entry]
        max_heading = max(max_heading, len(heading))

    # Typeset TITLE so that it gets the highest+1 (but no higher) section sevel
    max_heading += 2  # one level up (2 =)
    max_heading = min(max_heading, 9)
    pattern = r'^TITLE:\s*(.+)$'
    if format == 'sphinx':
        # Title cannot be more than 63 chars...
        m = re.search(pattern, filestr, flags=re.MULTILINE)
        if m:
            title = m.group(1).strip()
            if len(title) > 63:
                errwarn('*** error: sphinx title cannot be longer than 63 characters')
                errwarn('    current title: "%s" (%d characters)' % (title, len(title)))
    filestr = re.sub(pattern, '.. Document title:\n\n%s \g<1> %s\n' %
                     ('='*max_heading, '='*max_heading),
                     filestr, flags=re.MULTILINE)
    # Make new titles
    title_counter = {}   # count repeated titles (need to append counter to make unique links)
    sections = []
    for heading, title, dummy2, dummy3, label in all_sections:
        label = None if label == '' else label
        if len(titles[title]) > 1:
            if title in title_counter:
                title_counter[title] += 1
                title_counter[title] = 1
            # Add much whitespace so we can recognize the titles after
            # formats are compiled and remove the number
            new_title = title + '         (%d) ' % title_counter[title]
            sections.append((heading, new_title, label, title))
            if label in section_label2title:
                section_label2title[label] = new_title
            sections.append((heading, title, label, title))
    # Make replacements
    for heading, title, label, old_title in sections:
        if title != old_title:
            debugtext += '\nchanged title: %s -> %s\n' % (old_title, title)
        # Avoid trouble with \t, \n in replacement
        title = title.replace('\\', '\\\\')
        # The substitution depends on whether we have a label or not
        if label is not None:
            title_pattern = r'%s\s*%s\s*%s\s*label\{%s\}' % (heading, re.escape(old_title), heading, label)
            # title may contain ? () etc., that's why we take re.escape
            replacement = '.. _%s:\n\n' % label + r'%s %s %s' % \
                          (heading, title, heading)
            title_pattern = r'%s\s*%s\s*%s' % (heading, re.escape(old_title), heading)
            replacement = r'%s %s %s' % (heading, title, heading)
        filestr, n = re.subn(title_pattern, replacement, filestr, count=1)
        if n > 1:
            raise ValueError('Replaced more than one title. BUG!')

    # remove label{...} from output
    #filestr = re.sub(r'^label\{.+?\}\s*$', '', filestr, flags=re.MULTILINE)
    cpattern = re.compile(r'^label\{[^}]+?\}\s*$', flags=re.MULTILINE)
    filestr = cpattern.sub('', filestr)
    filestr = re.sub(r'label\{[^}]+?\}', '', filestr)  # all the remaining

    import doconce

    return filestr