Exemplo n.º 1
    def __delete_page(self, page_id, trash_ancestor):
        Delete a page by moving it to the orphan folder

        :param page_id: confluence page id
        :return: None
        LOGGER.info('Moving page %s to ORPHAN...', page_id)
        url = '%s/rest/api/content/%s?expand=version' % (CONFLUENCE_API_URL,

        response = common.make_request_get(url)
        data = response.json()
        LOGGER.debug("data: %s", str(data))

        page_id = data[u'id']
        version = data[u'version'][u'number']
        title = data[u'title']
        ancestors = common.get_page_as_ancestor(trash_ancestor)

        url = '%s/rest/api/content/%s' % (CONFLUENCE_API_URL, page_id)
        page_json = {
            "id": page_id,
            "type": "page",
            "title": title,
            "version": {
                "number": version + 1,
                "minorEdit": True
            'ancestors': ancestors
        LOGGER.debug("data: %s", json.dumps(page_json))

        common.make_request_put(url, data=json.dumps(page_json))
Exemplo n.º 2
def main():
    Main program

    LOGGER.info('Markdown to Confluence Upload Tool')

    LOGGER.info('Space Key: %s', SPACE_KEY)

    if not NOTRACK:

    # upload everything under the ancestor
    root_ancestors = common.get_page_as_ancestor(ANCESTOR)

    for root in DOCUMENTATION_ROOTS:
        upload_folder(root, root_ancestors)

    # for any pages with refs that could not be resolved,
    # revisit them and try again

    if not NOTRACK and CHILD_PAGES.trash_needed():
        trash = PAGE_API.create_trash()

    LOGGER.info('Markdown Converter completed successfully.')
Exemplo n.º 3
    def create_trash(self):
        Create a __ORPHAN__ folder under the root ancestor
        file = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(mode='w', delete=False)
        file.write('''# __ORPHAN__

<p>~!Files under this folder are NOT present in the source repo and and were moved here in lieu of deletion.!~</p>

If these files are no longer needed, it is safe to delete this folder.
        title = FILE_API.get_title(file.name)
        html = FILE_API.get_html(file.name)
        root_ancestors = common.get_page_as_ancestor(ANCESTOR)
        page_id = self.create_or_update_page(title, html, root_ancestors,
        return page_id
Exemplo n.º 4
def upload_folder(directory, ancestors):
    Upload everything under a folder, recursively

    :param directory: folder to upload
    :param ancestors: parent page in ancestors format
    LOGGER.info('Folder: %s', directory)

    # there must be at least one .md file under this folder or a
    # subfolder in order for us to proceed with processing it
    if not common.does_path_contain(directory, lambda file : os.path.splitext(file)[1] == '.md'):
        LOGGER.info('Skipping folder; no files found')

    # Make sure there is a landing page for the directory
    doc_file = FILE_API.get_landing_page_doc_file(directory)
    dir_landing_page_id = PAGE_API.create_dir_landing_page(doc_file, ancestors)
    dir_landing_as_ancestors = common.get_page_as_ancestor(dir_landing_page_id)

    # Walk through all other .md files in this directory and upload them all with
    # the landing page as its ancestor
    for file in os.scandir(directory):
        if file.is_file() and os.path.splitext(file)[1] == '.md':
            if os.path.normpath(file.path) != os.path.normpath(doc_file):
                LOGGER.info('Markdown file: %s', file.name)
                title = FILE_API.get_title(file.path)
                html = FILE_API.get_html(file.path)

                if SIMULATE:
                    common.log_html(html, title)
                    page_id = \
                        PAGE_API.create_or_update_page(title, html, \
                            dir_landing_as_ancestors, file.path)

    # Walk through all subdirectories and recursively upload them,
    # using this directory's landing page as the ancestor for them
    for folder in os.scandir(directory):
        if folder.is_dir():
            upload_folder(folder.path, dir_landing_as_ancestors)
Exemplo n.º 5
    def __update_page_refs_only(self, filepath):
        Update refs on a page without changing anything else about it

        :param filepath: markdown file full path
        title = FILE_API.get_title(filepath)
        LOGGER.info('Updating page refs %s...', title)

        # update the page
        page = PAGE_CACHE.get_page(title)
        html = FILE_API.get_html(filepath)
        version = page.version
        ancestors = common.get_page_as_ancestor(page.ancestor)

        LOGGER.info('.. title: %s .. version: %d .. ancestor: %s ..', title,
                    version, page.ancestor)

        PAGE_API.update_page(page.id, title, html, version, ancestors,
Exemplo n.º 6
    def __add_images(self, page_id, html, filepath):
        Scan for images and upload as attachments or child pages if found

        :param page_id: Confluence page id
        :param html: html string
        :param filepath: markdown file full path
        :return: html with modified image reference
        source_folder = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(filepath))

        # <img/> tags turn into attachments
        for tag in re.findall('<img(.*?)/>', html):
            orig_rel_path = re.search('src="(.*?)"', tag).group(1)
            alt_text = re.search('alt="(.*?)"', tag).group(1)
            rel_path = urllib.parse.unquote(orig_rel_path)
            abs_path = os.path.join(source_folder, rel_path)
            basename = os.path.basename(rel_path)
            self.__upload_attachment(page_id, abs_path, alt_text)
            if re.search('http.*', rel_path) is None:
                if CONFLUENCE_API_URL.endswith('/wiki'):
                    html = html.replace(
                        '%s' % (orig_rel_path),
                        '/wiki/download/attachments/%s/%s' %
                        (page_id, basename))
                    html = html.replace(
                        '%s' % (orig_rel_path),
                        '/download/attachments/%s/%s' % (page_id, basename))

        # <a href="<image>">[Name]</a> turns into a sub-page
        ancestors = common.get_page_as_ancestor(page_id)
        for ref in re.findall(r'<a href=\"([^\"]+)\">([^<]+)</a>', html):
            if not ref[0].startswith(
                ('http', '/')) and ref[0].endswith('.png'):
                dirname = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(filepath))
                rel_image_from_page = os.path.join(dirname, ref[0])
                image = os.path.normpath(rel_image_from_page)
                alt = ref[1]
                if image in self.__IMAGE_LINK_PAGES:
                    page = self.__IMAGE_LINK_PAGES[image]
                    file = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(mode='w', delete=False)
                    title = urllib.parse.unquote(os.path.basename(image))
                    title = "%s - Diagram" % (os.path.splitext(title)[0])
                    file.write('# %s\n' % title)
                    temp_dirname = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(file.name))
                    rel_image_from_temp = os.path.relpath(image, temp_dirname)
                    file.write('![%s](%s)\n' % (alt, rel_image_from_temp))
                    title = FILE_API.get_title(file.name)
                    subhtml = FILE_API.get_html(file.name)
                    self.create_or_update_page(title, subhtml, ancestors,
                    page = PAGE_CACHE.get_page(title)
                    self.__IMAGE_LINK_PAGES[image] = page
                html = html.replace(ref[0], page.link)

        return html