Exemplo n.º 1
def test_icapture():
    x = range(100)
    y = []
    z = []
    for i in common.icapture(x, result=y):
    assert x == y
    assert x == z
Exemplo n.º 2
def demodulate(symbols, filters, freqs, sampler):
    streams = []
    symbol_list = []
    errors = {}

    def error_handler(received, decoded, freq):
        errors.setdefault(freq, []).append(received / decoded)

    generators = common.split(symbols, n=len(freqs))
    for freq, S in zip(freqs, generators):
        S = filters[freq](S)

        if pylab:
            equalized = []
            S = common.icapture(S, result=equalized)

        freq_handler = functools.partial(error_handler, freq=freq)
        bits = modem.qam.decode(S, freq_handler)  # list of bit tuples
        streams.append(bits)  # stream per frequency

    stats['symbol_list'] = symbol_list
    stats['rx_bits'] = 0
    stats['rx_start'] = time.time()

    log.info('Demodulation started')
    for i, block in enumerate(itertools.izip(*streams)):  # block per frequency
        for bits in block:
            stats['rx_bits'] = stats['rx_bits'] + len(bits)
            yield bits

        if i and i % config.baud == 0:
            mean_err = np.array([e for v in errors.values() for e in v])
            correction = np.mean(np.angle(mean_err)) / (2*np.pi)
            duration = time.time() - stats['rx_start']
            log.debug('%10.1f kB, realtime: %6.2f%%, sampling error: %+.3f%%',
                      stats['rx_bits'] / 8e3,
                      duration * 100.0 / (i*config.Tsym),
                      correction * 1e2)
            sampler.freq -= 0.01 * correction / config.Fc
            sampler.offset -= correction