Exemplo n.º 1
def discover_finished_runs(denied_runs, conf):
    """Discover new ended runs

        conf: configuration object

    run_ids_done = load_processed_run_ids(conf)

    if common.is_conf_value_equals_true(HISEQ_STEP_KEY, conf):
        for run_id in (get_available_finished_run_ids(conf) - run_ids_done - denied_runs):

            if run_id is None or len(run_id) == 0:
                # No run id found
                return []

            common.log('INFO', 'Ending run detection ' + str(run_id) + ' on ' + common.get_instrument_name(run_id, conf),

            if hiseq_run.get_read_count(run_id, conf) == 0:
                send_failed_run_message(run_id, common.MAX_DELAY_TO_SEND_TERMINATED_RUN_EMAIL, conf)
                add_run_id_to_denied_run_ids(run_id, conf)
                create_run_summary_reports(run_id, conf)
                if create_run_summary_reports(run_id, conf):
                    send_mail_if_recent_run(run_id, common.MAX_DELAY_TO_SEND_TERMINATED_RUN_EMAIL, conf)
                    add_run_id_to_processed_run_ids(run_id, conf)

    return run_ids_done
Exemplo n.º 2
def discover_new_runs(denied_runs, conf):
    """Discover new runs.

        conf: configuration object

    # Discover new run

    run_already_discovered = load_processed_run_ids(conf)

    if common.is_conf_value_equals_true(FIRST_BASE_REPORT_STEP_KEY, conf):
        for run_id in (get_available_new_run_ids(conf) - run_already_discovered - denied_runs):
                       'First base report ' + run_id + ' on sequencer ' + common.get_instrument_name(run_id, conf),
            if send_report(run_id, conf):
                add_run_id_to_processed_run_ids(run_id, conf)

            # Verify space needed during the first base report
            estimate_space_needed.estimate(run_id, conf)
Exemplo n.º 3
def create_bcl2fastq_command_line(run_id, command_path, input_run_data_path, fastq_output_dir, samplesheet_csv_path,
                                  tmp_path, nb_mismatch, conf):
    nb_threads = str(get_cpu_count(conf))

    if command_path is None:
        final_command_path = 'bcl2fastq'
        final_command_path = command_path

    #  List arg
    args = []
    args.extend(['--loading-threads', nb_threads])
    args.extend(['--demultiplexing-threads', nb_threads])
    args.extend(['--processing-threads', nb_threads])
    args.extend(['--writing-threads', nb_threads])

    args.extend(['--sample-sheet', samplesheet_csv_path])
    args.extend(['--barcode-mismatches', nb_mismatch])

    # Common parameter, setting per default
    args.extend(['--input-dir', quote(input_run_data_path + '/Data/Intensities/BaseCalls')])
    args.extend(['--output-dir', quote(fastq_output_dir)])

    if common.is_conf_value_equals_true(BCL2FASTQ_WITH_FAILED_READS_KEY, conf):

    # Specific parameter
    args.extend(['--runfolder-dir', quote(input_run_data_path)])
    args.extend(['--interop-dir', quote(fastq_output_dir + '/InterOp')])
    args.extend(['--min-log-level', 'TRACE'])
    # args.extend(['--stats-dir', fastq_output_dir + '/Stats'])
    # args.extend(['--reports-dir', fastq_output_dir + '/Reports'])

    # Set the compression level
    if common.is_conf_key_exists(BCL2FASTQ_COMPRESSION_LEVEL_KEY, conf):
        level_str = conf[BCL2FASTQ_COMPRESSION_LEVEL_KEY].strip()
            level_int = int(level_str)
            if level_int > 0 and level_int < 10:
                args.extend(['--fastq-compression-level', str(level_int)])
        except ValueError:

    if common.is_conf_key_exists(BCL2FASTQ_ADDITIONNAL_ARGUMENTS_KEY, conf):
        additional_args = conf[BCL2FASTQ_ADDITIONNAL_ARGUMENTS_KEY]
        additional_args = re.sub('\\s+', ' ', additional_args).strip()
        args.extends(additional_args.split(' '))

    # Retrieve output in file
    args.extend(['>', quote(tmp_path + '/bcl2fastq_output_' + run_id + '.out')])
    args.extend(['2>', quote(tmp_path + '/bcl2fastq_output_' + run_id + '.err')])

    return " ".join(args)
Exemplo n.º 4
def get_exclude_files_list(run_id, conf):
    """ Build list of excluded extension file from sequencer type.

        run_id: the run id
        conf: configuration dictionary

        excluded extension files list

    # Check if excluded file is required
    if not common.is_conf_value_equals_true(SYNC_EXCLUDE_CIF_KEY, conf):
        return []

    # TODO exclude *bcl.bgzf.bci  with RTA 2 ?
    return ['*.cif', '*_pos.txt', '*.errorMap', '*.FWHMMap']
Exemplo n.º 5
def is_sync_step_enable(conf):
    """Check if all parameters useful for synchronization step are defined

        conf: configuration dictionary

    # Synchronization step: True
    if common.is_conf_value_equals_true(SYNC_STEP_KEY, conf):

        # Check bcl path must be defined
        if common.is_conf_key_exists(BCL_DATA_PATH_KEY, conf):
            bcl_path = conf[BCL_DATA_PATH_KEY]

            # Check bcl not same hiseq output path
            for path in hiseq_run.get_hiseq_data_paths(conf):
                if path == bcl_path:
                    error('Configuration error.',
                          'Basecalling path and hiseq output data path must be different: ' + bcl_path, conf)
                    return False

            return True

    return False
Exemplo n.º 6
def demux(run_id, conf):
    """Add a processed run id to the list of the run ids.

        run_id: The run id
        conf: configuration dictionary

    start_time = time.time()
    common.log('INFO', 'Demux step: Starting', conf)

    reports_data_base_path = conf[REPORTS_DATA_PATH_KEY]
    reports_data_path = common.get_report_run_data_path(run_id, conf)

    samplesheet_filename = build_samplesheet_filename(run_id, conf)
    bcl2fastq_samplesheet_path = conf[TMP_PATH_KEY] + '/' + samplesheet_filename + '.csv'

    input_run_data_path = common.get_input_run_data_path(run_id, conf)

    if input_run_data_path is None:
        return False

    fastq_output_dir = conf[FASTQ_DATA_PATH_KEY] + '/' + run_id

    basecall_stats_prefix = 'basecall_stats_'
    basecall_stats_file = basecall_stats_prefix + run_id + '.tar.bz2'

    # Check if root input bcl data directory exists
    if not os.path.exists(input_run_data_path):
        error("Basecalling data directory does not exist",
              "Basecalling data directory does not exist: " + str(input_run_data_path), conf)
        # return False

    # Check if root input fastq data directory exists
    if not common.is_dir_exists(FASTQ_DATA_PATH_KEY, conf):
        error("FASTQ data directory does not exist",
              "FASTQ data directory does not exist: " + conf[FASTQ_DATA_PATH_KEY], conf)
        return False

    # Check if bcl2fastq samplesheets path exists
    if not common.is_dir_exists(BCL2FASTQ_SAMPLESHEETS_PATH_KEY, conf):
        error("Bcl2fastq samplesheet directory does not exist",
              "Bcl2fastq samplesheet directory does not exist: " + conf[BCL2FASTQ_SAMPLESHEETS_PATH_KEY], conf)
        return False

    # Check if bcl2fastq basedir path exists
    if not common.is_conf_value_equals_true(BCL2FASTQ_USE_DOCKER_KEY, conf):
        if not common.is_dir_exists(BCL2FASTQ_PATH_KEY, conf):
            error("Bcl2fastq directory does not exist",
                  "Bcl2fastq directory does not exist: " + conf[BCL2FASTQ_PATH_KEY], conf)
            return False

    # Check if temporary directory exists
    if not common.is_dir_exists(TMP_PATH_KEY, conf):
        error("Temporary directory does not exist",
              "Temporary directory does not exist: " + conf[TMP_PATH_KEY], conf)
        return False

    # Check if reports_data_path exists
    if not os.path.exists(reports_data_base_path):
        error("Report directory does not exist",
              "Report directory does not exist: " + reports_data_base_path, conf)
        return False

    # Create if not exist report directory for the run
    if not os.path.exists(reports_data_path):

    # Check if basecall stats archive exists
    if os.path.exists(reports_data_path + '/' + basecall_stats_file):
        error('Basecall stats archive already exists for run ' + run_id,
              'Basecall stats archive already exists for run ' + run_id + ': ' + basecall_stats_file, conf)
        return False

    # Check if the output directory already exists
    if os.path.exists(fastq_output_dir):
        error("FASTQ output directory already exists for run " + run_id,
              'FASTQ output directory already exists for run ' + run_id + ': ' + fastq_output_dir, conf)
        return False

    # Compute disk usage and disk free to check if enough disk space is available
    input_path_du = common.du(input_run_data_path)
    output_df = common.df(conf[FASTQ_DATA_PATH_KEY])
    du_factor = float(conf[DEMUX_SPACE_FACTOR_KEY])
    space_needed = input_path_du * du_factor

    common.log("WARNING", "Demux step: input disk usage: " + str(input_path_du), conf)
    common.log("WARNING", "Demux step: output disk free: " + str(output_df), conf)
    common.log("WARNING", "Demux step: space needed: " + str(space_needed), conf)

    common.log("CONFIG", "Bcl2fastq Docker mode: " + str(
        common.is_conf_value_equals_true(Settings.BCL2FASTQ_USE_DOCKER_KEY, conf)), conf)

    # Check if free space is available
    if output_df < space_needed:
        error("Not enough disk space to perform demultiplexing for run " + run_id,
              "Not enough disk space to perform demultiplexing for run " + run_id +
              '.\n%.2f Gb' % (space_needed / 1024 / 1024 / 1024) + ' is needed (factor x' + str(
                  du_factor) + ') on ' + fastq_output_dir + '.', conf)
        return False

    # Load RunInfo object
    run_info = RunInfo.parse(input_run_data_path + '/RunInfo.xml')

    # Load samplesheet
    samplesheet, original_samplesheet_path = load_samplesheet(run_id, input_run_data_path, samplesheet_filename, conf)

    if samplesheet is None:
        return False

    # Update samplesheet
    if not update_samplesheet(samplesheet, run_id, run_info.getFlowCellLaneCount(), conf):
        return False

    # Check samplesheet
    check_result, samplesheet_warnings = check_samplesheet(samplesheet, run_id, run_info.getFlowCell(), conf)
    if not check_result:
        return False

    # Get the number of mismatches
    nb_mismatch = get_bcl2fastq_mismatches(samplesheet, conf[BCL2FASTQ_MISMATCHES_KEY])

    # Write final samplesheet
    if not write_bcl2fastq_samplesheet(samplesheet, bcl2fastq_samplesheet_path, conf):
        return False

    # Run demultiplexing
    if common.is_conf_value_equals_true(Settings.BCL2FASTQ_USE_DOCKER_KEY, conf):
        # With image docker
        if not demux_run_with_docker(run_id, input_run_data_path, fastq_output_dir, bcl2fastq_samplesheet_path,
                                     nb_mismatch, conf):
            return False
        if not demux_run_standalone(run_id, input_run_data_path, fastq_output_dir, bcl2fastq_samplesheet_path,
                                    nb_mismatch, conf):
            return False

    # Check if the output directory has been created
    if not os.path.exists(fastq_output_dir):
        error("Error while demultiplexing run " + run_id + ' on ' + common.get_instrument_name(run_id, conf),
              'Error while demultiplexing run ' + run_id + '.\n' +
              'The output directory of bcl2fastq has been created: ' + fastq_output_dir, conf)
        return False

    # Check if the output directory has been created
    if os.path.isfile(fastq_output_dir):
        error("Error while demultiplexing run " + run_id + ' on ' + common.get_instrument_name(run_id, conf),
              'Error while demultiplexing run ' + run_id + '.\n' +
              'The output directory of bcl2fastq is a file instead of a directory: ' + fastq_output_dir, conf)
        return False

    # Copy bcl2fastq log to output directory
    cmd = 'cp ' + quote(conf[TMP_PATH_KEY]) + '/bcl2fastq_output_' + run_id + '.* ' + quote(fastq_output_dir)
    common.log("INFO", "exec: " + cmd, conf)
    if os.system(cmd) != 0:
        error("Error while copying bcl2fastq log to the output FASTQ directory" + run_id_msg,
              'Error while copying bcl2fastq log to the output FASTQ directory.\nCommand line:\n' + cmd, conf)
        return False

    # The output directory must be read only
    if not common.chmod_files_in_dir(fastq_output_dir, ".fastq", conf):
        error("Error while setting the output FASTQ directory to read only" + run_id_msg,
              'Error while setting the output FASTQ directory to read only.\nCommand line:\n' + cmd, conf)
        return False

    if not check_if_output_fastq_files_exists(fastq_output_dir):
        error("Error with bcl2fastq execution for run " + run_id,
              "Error with bcl2fastq execution for run " + run_id + " no FASTQ file found in " + fastq_output_dir,
        return False

    # Copy samplesheet to output directory
    cmd = 'cp -p ' + quote(bcl2fastq_samplesheet_path) + ' ' + quote(fastq_output_dir + '/SampleSheet.csv')
    common.log("INFO", "exec: " + cmd, conf)
    if os.system(cmd) != 0:
        error("Error while copying samplesheet file to FASTQ directory for run " + run_id,
              'Error while copying samplesheet file to FASTQ directory.\nCommand line:\n' + cmd, conf)
        return False

    # Create archives on demultiplexing statistics
    if not archive_demux_stat(run_id, fastq_output_dir, reports_data_path, basecall_stats_file,
                              basecall_stats_prefix, bcl2fastq_samplesheet_path, conf):
        return False

    # Archive samplesheet
    if not archive_samplesheet(run_id, original_samplesheet_path, bcl2fastq_samplesheet_path, conf):
        return False

    # Remove temporary samplesheet files
    if os.path.exists(bcl2fastq_samplesheet_path):

    # Create index.hml file
    common.create_html_index_file(conf, run_id, [Settings.HISEQ_STEP_KEY, Settings.DEMUX_STEP_KEY])

    df_in_bytes = common.df(fastq_output_dir)
    du_in_bytes = common.du(fastq_output_dir)
    df = df_in_bytes / (1024 * 1024 * 1024)
    du = du_in_bytes / (1024 * 1024 * 1024)

    common.log("WARNING", "Demux step: output disk free after demux: " + str(df_in_bytes), conf)
    common.log("WARNING", "Demux step: space used by demux: " + str(du_in_bytes), conf)

    duration = time.time() - start_time

    msg = 'Ending demultiplexing with ' + nb_mismatch + ' mismatch(es) for run ' + run_id + '.' + \
          '\nJob finished at ' + common.time_to_human_readable(time.time()) + \
          ' without error in ' + common.duration_to_human_readable(duration) + '.\n\n' + \
          'FASTQ files for this run ' + \
          'can be found in the following directory:\n  ' + fastq_output_dir

    if samplesheet_warnings.size() > 0:
        msg += '\n\nSamplesheet warnings:'
        for warn in samplesheet_warnings:
            msg += "\n  - " + warn

    # Add path to report if reports.url exists
    if common.is_conf_key_exists(REPORTS_URL_KEY, conf):
        msg += '\n\nRun reports can be found at following location:\n  ' + conf[REPORTS_URL_KEY] + '/' + run_id

    msg += '\n\nFor this task %.2f GB has been used and %.2f GB still free.' % (du, df)

    common.send_msg('[Aozan] Ending demultiplexing for run ' + run_id + ' on ' +
                    common.get_instrument_name(run_id, conf), msg, False, conf)
    common.log('INFO', 'Demux step: successful in ' + common.duration_to_human_readable(duration), conf)

    return True
Exemplo n.º 7
def launch_steps(conf):
    """Launch steps.

        conf: configuration object
        a boolean. True if launch_steps() is a success.

    # Load run do not process
    hiseq_run_ids_do_not_process = hiseq_run.load_deny_run_ids(conf)

    # Discover new runs
        detection_new_run.discover_new_runs(hiseq_run_ids_do_not_process, conf)
        exception_error(None , 'Failed to discover new runs', conf)

    # Discover finished runs
        hiseq_run_ids_done = detection_end_run.discover_finished_runs(hiseq_run_ids_do_not_process, conf)
        exception_error(None , 'Failed to discover finished runs', conf)

    # Sync hiseq and storage

    sync_run_ids_done = sync_run.load_processed_run_ids(conf)

    # Load run with higher priority
    prioritized_run_ids = common.load_prioritized_run_ids(conf)

    # Get the list of run available on HiSeq output
    if sync_run.is_sync_step_enable(conf):

            sync_denied_run_ids = sync_run.load_denied_run_ids(conf)
            for run_id in run_id_sorted_by_priority(
                                            hiseq_run_ids_done - sync_run_ids_done - hiseq_run_ids_do_not_process - sync_denied_run_ids,

                # print 'DEBUG sync launch on '+ str(run_id)

                if lock_sync_step(conf, run_id):
                    common.log('INFO', 'Synchronizing ' + run_id, conf)
                    if sync_run.sync(run_id, conf):
                        sync_run.add_run_id_to_processed_run_ids(run_id, conf)
                        unlock_sync_step(conf, run_id)
                        unlock_sync_step(conf, run_id)
                        return False
                    common.log('INFO', 'Synchronizing ' + run_id + ' is locked.', conf)

            exception_error('sync' , 'Failed synchronization for run ' + run_id, conf)

    # Demultiplexing

    if common.is_conf_value_equals_true(DEMUX_USE_HISEQ_OUTPUT_KEY, conf):
        sync_run_ids_done = hiseq_run_ids_done

    demux_run_ids_done = demux_run.load_processed_run_ids(conf)
    # print 'DEBUG launchStep demux done '+ str(demux_run_ids_done)
    # print 'DEBUG runs to demux '+ str(sync_run_ids_done - demux_run_ids_done)

    if common.is_conf_value_equals_true(DEMUX_STEP_KEY, conf):
            demux_denied_run_ids = demux_run.load_denied_run_ids(conf)
            for run_id in run_id_sorted_by_priority(sync_run_ids_done - demux_run_ids_done - demux_denied_run_ids,

                # print 'DEBUG demux launch on ' + str(run_id)

                if lock_demux_step(conf, run_id):
                    common.log('INFO', 'Demultiplexing ' + run_id, conf)
                    if demux_run.demux(run_id, conf):
                        demux_run.add_run_id_to_processed_run_ids(run_id, conf)
                        unlock_demux_step(conf, run_id)
                        unlock_demux_step(conf, run_id)
                        return False
                    common.log('INFO', 'Demultiplexing ' + run_id + ' is locked.', conf)

            exception_error('demux', 'Failed demultiplexing for run ' + run_id, conf)

    # Recompression

    recompress_run_ids_done = recompress_run.load_processed_run_ids(conf)

    if common.is_conf_value_equals_true(RECOMPRESS_STEP_KEY, conf):

            recompress_denied_run_ids = recompress_run.load_denied_run_ids(conf)
            for run_id in run_id_sorted_by_priority(demux_run_ids_done - recompress_run_ids_done - recompress_denied_run_ids,
                if lock_recompress_step(conf, run_id):
                    common.log('INFO', 'Recompressing ' + run_id, conf)
                    if recompress_run.recompress(run_id, conf):
                        recompress_run.add_run_id_to_processed_run_ids(run_id, conf)
                        unlock_recompress_step(conf, run_id)
                        unlock_recompress_step(conf, run_id)
                        return False
                    common.log('INFO', 'Recompressing ' + run_id + ' is locked.', conf)

            exception_msg = str(sys.exc_info()[0]) + ' (' + str(sys.exc_info()[1]) + ')'
            traceback_msg = traceback.format_exc(sys.exc_info()[2])
            recompress_run.error("Failed recompression for run " + run_id + ", catch exception " + exception_msg,
                         "Failed recompression for run " + run_id + ", catch exception " + exception_msg + "\n Stacktrace : \n" + traceback_msg,

    # Quality control

    if not common.is_conf_value_equals_true(RECOMPRESS_STEP_KEY, conf):
        recompress_run_ids_done = demux_run_ids_done

    qc_run_ids_done = qc_run.load_processed_run_ids(conf)

    if common.is_conf_value_equals_true(QC_STEP_KEY, conf):

            qc_denied_run_ids = qc_run.load_denied_run_ids(conf)
            for run_id in run_id_sorted_by_priority(recompress_run_ids_done - qc_run_ids_done - qc_denied_run_ids,
                if lock_qc_step(conf, run_id):
                    common.log('INFO', 'Quality control ' + run_id, conf)
                    if qc_run.qc(run_id, conf):
                        qc_run.add_run_id_to_processed_run_ids(run_id, conf)
                        unlock_qc_step(conf, run_id)
                        unlock_qc_step(conf, run_id)
                        return False
                    common.log('INFO', 'Quality control ' + run_id + ' is locked.', conf)

            exception_error('qc', 'Failed quality control for run ' + run_id, conf)

    # Partial synchronization

    working_run_ids = hiseq_run.get_working_run_ids(conf)

    if common.is_conf_value_equals_true(SYNC_CONTINUOUS_SYNC_KEY, conf):
        for run_id in (working_run_ids - sync_run_ids_done - hiseq_run_ids_do_not_process):
            if lock_partial_sync_step(conf, run_id):
                common.log('INFO', 'Partial synchronizing ' + run_id, conf)
                if not sync_run.partial_sync(run_id, False, conf):
                    unlock_partial_sync_step(conf, run_id)
                    return False
                unlock_partial_sync_step(conf, run_id)
                common.log('INFO', 'Partial synchronizing ' + run_id + ' is locked.', conf)

    # Close Docker connections

    # Everything is OK
    return True
Exemplo n.º 8
        return False
    except Throwable, exp:
        error("Error while computing QC report for run " + run_id + ".", common.exception_msg(exp, conf), conf)
        return False

    # Remove QC data if not demand
    if common.is_conf_value_defined(QC_REPORT_SAVE_RAW_DATA_KEY, 'false', conf):
            os.remove(qc_output_dir + '/data-' + run_id + '.txt')
            # qc.writeRawData(report, qc_output_dir + '/data-' + run_id + '.txt')
        except AozanException, exp:
            error("Error while removing QC raw data for run " + run_id + ".", exp.getMessage(), conf)
            return False

    # Write the XML report
    if common.is_conf_value_equals_true(QC_REPORT_SAVE_REPORT_DATA_KEY, conf):
            qc.writeXMLReport(report, qc_output_dir + '/' + run_id + '.xml')
        except AozanException, exp:
            error("Error while computing QC XML report for run " + run_id + ".", common.exception_msg(exp, conf), conf)
            return False
        except Throwable, exp:
            error("Error while computing QC XML report for run " + run_id + ".", common.exception_msg(exp, conf), conf)
            return False

    # Remove tmp extension of temporary QC directory
    os.rename(qc_output_dir, qc_output_dir[:-len(tmp_extension)])
    qc_output_dir = qc_output_dir[:-len(tmp_extension)]

    # Write the HTML report
    html_report_file = qc_output_dir + '/' + run_id + '.html'
Exemplo n.º 9
def recompress(run_id, conf):
    """Proceed to recompression of a run.

        run_id: The run id
        conf: configuration dictionary

    common.log('INFO', 'Recompress step: Starting', conf)

    # Check if input root fastq root data exists
    if not common.is_dir_exists(FASTQ_DATA_PATH_KEY, conf):
        error("FASTQ data directory does not exist",
              "FASTQ data directory does not exist: " + conf[FASTQ_DATA_PATH_KEY], conf)
        return False

    start_time = time.time()
    fastq_input_dir = conf[FASTQ_DATA_PATH_KEY] + '/' + run_id

    # initial du for comparing with ending disk usage
    previous_du_in_bytes = common.du(fastq_input_dir)

    # get information about compression type
    compression_type = conf[RECOMPRESS_COMPRESSION_KEY]
    compression_level = conf[RECOMPRESS_COMPRESSION_LEVEL_KEY]
    compression_info_tuple = get_info_from_file_type(compression_type, compression_level)

    if compression_info_tuple is None:
        error("Unknown compression type",
              "Unknown compression type: " + compression_type, conf)
        return False

    (compression_type_result, output_file_extension, output_compression_command, output_decompression_command,
     compression_level_argument) = compression_info_tuple

    # The following list contains the processed type of files to recompress
    types_to_recompress = ["fastq.gz", "fastq"]

    # list of program to check if exists in path before execution
    program_set = {"bash", "tee", "touch", "chmod", "md5sum", output_compression_command, output_decompression_command}

    # get list of file to process
    input_files = []
    for extension in types_to_recompress:

        input_files.extend(list_files(fastq_input_dir, extension))
        simple_extension = os.path.splitext(extension)[-1][1:]
        extension_info_tuple = get_info_from_file_type(simple_extension)

        if extension_info_tuple is None:
            error("Unknown extension type",
                  "Unknown extension type: " + extension, conf)
            return False


    # actual program list check
    for program in program_set:
        if not common.exists_in_path(program):
            error("Can't find all needed commands in PATH env var",
                  "Can't find all needed commands in PATH env var. Unable to find: " + program + " command.", conf)
            return False

    # Create executor and for parallelization of processus
    executor = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(int(conf[RECOMPRESS_THREADS_KEY]))
    workers = []

    # process each fastq and fastq.gz recursively in each fastq directory
    for input_file in input_files:

        simple_extension = os.path.splitext(input_file)[-1][1:]

        # get info about the type of input file
        extension_info_tuple = get_info_from_file_type(simple_extension)
        if extension_info_tuple is None:
            error("Unknown extension type",
                  "Unknown extension type: " + simple_extension, conf)
            return False

        input_decompression_command = extension_info_tuple[3]

        # get file base name and create output_file name, if file is already .fastq its ready to be base_input_file
        base_input_file = input_file[0: input_file.index(".fastq") + 6]
        output_file = base_input_file + "." + output_file_extension

        # Skip if the output_file already exists
        if not os.path.exists(output_file):

            # Create worker then execute in thread
            worker = Worker(input_file, output_file, input_decompression_command, output_compression_command,
                            common.is_conf_value_equals_true(RECOMPRESS_DELETE_ORIGINAL_FASTQ_KEY, conf))

            common.log("WARNING", "Recompress step: Omitting processing file " + input_file + ". The associated output file " + output_file + " already exists.", conf)

    # Wait for all thread to finish
    while not executor.isTerminated():

    # Check if any worker is in error
    for worker in workers:
        if not worker.is_successful():
                  worker.get_long_error_message(), conf)
            return False

    # check new disk usage
    df_in_bytes = common.df(fastq_input_dir)
    du_in_bytes = common.du(fastq_input_dir)
    previous_du = previous_du_in_bytes / (1024 * 1024)
    df = df_in_bytes / (1024 * 1024 * 1024)
    du = du_in_bytes / (1024 * 1024)

    common.log("WARNING", "Recompress step: output disk free after step: " + str(df_in_bytes), conf)
    common.log("WARNING", "Recompress step: space previously used: " + str(previous_du_in_bytes), conf)
    common.log("WARNING", "Recompress step: space now used by step: " + str(du_in_bytes), conf)

    duration = time.time() - start_time

    msg = 'Ending recompression for run ' + run_id + '.' + \
          '\nJob finished at ' + common.time_to_human_readable(time.time()) + \
          ' without error in ' + common.duration_to_human_readable(duration) + '. '

    msg += '\n\nAfter recompress step FASTQ folder is now %.2f MB (previously %.2f MB) and %.2f GB still free.' % (
        du, previous_du, df)

    common.send_msg('[Aozan] Ending recompress for run ' + run_id + ' on ' +
                    common.get_instrument_name(run_id, conf), msg, False, conf)
    common.log('INFO', 'Recompress step: successful in ' + common.duration_to_human_readable(duration), conf)
    return True