Exemplo n.º 1
def improvementMAST(agent, target, r, c, prevr, prevc, thresh):

    # check if recommended same location
    if (r == prevr and c == prevc):
        agent.searchCell(r, c, target)
        ret_r, ret_c = ba3(agent, r, c)
        return ret_r, ret_c

    # generate path
    path = pathwalkMAST(prevr, prevc, r, c)

    # highest probability path
    pathHigh = findHighestinRoomMAST(agent, path, thresh)

    # walkthrough the path
    i = 0
    found = False  # indicator variable
    ret_r = r
    ret_c = c
    for item in path:  # walk through path
        if (item in pathHigh):  # check if in pathhigh
            if (not agent.searchCell(item[0], item[1], target)):  # search
                ret_r, ret_c = ba3(agent, item[0], item[1])
                found = True
        i += 1
    numActions((prevr, prevc), path[i - 1], agent)

    if (not found):
        return (ret_r, ret_c)
        return (-1, -1)
Exemplo n.º 2
def improvedMAMTWithClue(agent, target, thresh=0.2):
    highest = 0
    r = c = 0
    for row in agent.map:
        for cell in row:
            cell.score = cell.probability * (1 - cell.falseNegativeProbability)
            # dist = float(manhattanDistance((r,c), (i,j)))
            # agent.map[i][j].score = dist / agent.map[i][j].score
            if cell.score > highest:
                highest = cell.score
                r, c = cell.row, cell.col

    while (agent.hasFoundTarget == False):
        prevr = r
        prevc = c
        searchResult = agent.searchCell(r, c, target)  # search cell
        withinFive = targetInRange(agent, target, r, c)  # check if within 5
        if searchResult == False:  # if not found
            r, c = ba3(agent, r, c)  # normalize board
            if not withinFive:  # if outside
                # find best score in cells outside
                minScore, r, c = minOutRange(agent, prevr, prevc)
                numActions((prevr, prevc), (r, c), agent)  # increment actions
            else:  # if within 5
                # find best score in cells within 5
                minScore, r, c = minInRange(agent, prevr, prevc)
                r, c = improvementMAMT(agent, target, r, c, prevr,
                                       prevc)  # run improvement

            if (r == -1 and c == -1):

    return agent.numMoves
Exemplo n.º 3
def improvedMAMTWithClue(agent, target):
    highest = 0
    r = c = 0

    for row in agent.map:
        for cell in row:
            cell.score = cell.probability * \
                (1 - cell.falseNegativeProbability)
            if cell.score > highest:
                highest = cell.score
                r, c = cell.row, cell.col

    while agent.hasFoundTarget == False:
        minScore = agent.dim**4
        prevr = r
        prevc = c

        numChecks = int(agent.map[r][c].falseNegativeProbability * 10.0)
        for check in range(numChecks):
            searchResult = agent.searchCell(r, c, target)
            #print('searched cell: ', (prevr,prevc))
            #print('Target Position: ', target.position)

            if searchResult == False:
                withinFive = targetInRange(agent, target, prevr, prevc)
                #print('target in range? ', withinFive)
                scale = 1 - agent.map[r][c].probability + \
                    agent.map[r][c].probability * \
                agent.map[r][c].probability = agent.map[r][c].probability * \
                i = 0
                while i < agent.dim:
                    j = 0
                    while j < agent.dim:
                        if prevr == i and prevc == j:
                            j += 1
                        # probabilities/scores are updated here
                        agent.map[i][j].probability = agent.map[i][
                            j].probability / scale
                        agent.map[i][j].score = agent.map[i][j].probability * \
                            (1 - agent.map[i][j].falseNegativeProbability)
                        dist = manhattanDistance((prevr, prevc), (i, j))
                        agent.map[i][j].score = (1 + float(dist)) / (
                            agent.map[i][j].probability *
                            (1 - agent.map[i][j].falseNegativeProbability))
                        j = j + 1
                    i = i + 1
                if check == numChecks - 1:
                    if withinFive:
                        minScore, r, c = minInRange(agent, prevr, prevc)
                        minScore, r, c = minOutRange(agent, prevr, prevc)
                    numActions((prevr, prevc), (r, c), agent)
    return agent.numMoves
Exemplo n.º 4
def improvedMAMTWithoutClue(agent, target):
    highest = 0
    r = c = 0
    for row in agent.map:
        for cell in row:
            cell.score = cell.probability * (1 - cell.falseNegativeProbability)
            # dist = float(manhattanDistance((r,c), (i,j)))
            # agent.map[i][j].score = dist / agent.map[i][j].score
            if cell.score > highest:
                highest = cell.score
                r, c = cell.row, cell.col

    while (agent.hasFoundTarget == False):
        minScore = agent.dim**4
        prevr = r
        prevc = c
        numChecks = int(agent.map[r][c].falseNegativeProbability * 10.0)
        for check in range(0, numChecks):
            searchResult = agent.searchCell(r, c, target)
            if searchResult == False:
                scale = 1 - agent.map[r][c].probability + \
                    agent.map[r][c].probability * \
                agent.map[r][c].probability = agent.map[r][c].falseNegativeProbability * \
                i = 0
                while i < agent.dim:
                    j = 0
                    while j < agent.dim:
                        if i == prevr and j == prevc:
                            j += 1
                        agent.map[i][j].probability = agent.map[i][
                            j].probability / scale
                        dist = manhattanDistance((prevr, prevc), (i, j))
                        agent.map[i][j].score = (1 + float(dist)) / (
                            agent.map[i][j].probability *
                            (1 - agent.map[i][j].falseNegativeProbability))
                        if check == numChecks - 1 and minScore > agent.map[i][
                            minScore = agent.map[i][j].score
                            r = i
                            c = j
                        j = j + 1
                    i = i + 1
                if check == numChecks - 1:
                    numActions((prevr, prevc), (r, c), agent)

    return agent.numMoves
Exemplo n.º 5
def rule2MAST(agent, target):
    highest = 0
    r = c = 0

    # Set the initial scores
    for row in agent.map:
        for cell in row:
            cell.score = cell.probability * (1 - cell.falseNegativeProbability)
            if cell.score > highest:
                highest = cell.score
                r, c = cell.row, cell.col

    while (agent.hasFoundTarget == False):
        maxP = 0
        prevr = r
        prevc = c
        searchResult = agent.searchCell(r, c, target)
        if searchResult == False:

            # Calculate the scaling factor
            scale = 1 - agent.map[r][c].probability + \
                agent.map[r][c].probability * \

            # Update the belief state of the searched cell
            agent.map[r][c].probability = agent.map[r][c].probability * \
            i = 0
            while i < agent.dim:
                j = 0
                while j < agent.dim:
                    if i == prevr and j == prevc:
                        j += 1

                    # Update the beleif state and score of all cells
                        j].probability = agent.map[i][j].probability / scale
                    agent.map[i][j].score = agent.map[i][j].probability * \
                        (1 - agent.map[i][j].falseNegativeProbability)

                    # Keep strack of the highest scored cell for the next search
                    if agent.map[i][j].score > maxP:
                        maxP = agent.map[i][j].score
                        numActions((r, c), (i, j), agent)
                        r = i
                        c = j
                    j += 1
                i += 1
    return agent.numMoves
Exemplo n.º 6
def rule3MAST(agent, target):
    highest = 0
    r = c = 0
    # the initializing of the first probabilities (no score here)
    for row in agent.map:
        for cell in row:
            cell.score = cell.probability * (1 - cell.falseNegativeProbability)
            if cell.score > highest:
                highest = cell.score
                r, c = cell.row, cell.col

    # while the target has not been found, keep searching cells
    while (agent.hasFoundTarget == False):
        minScore = agent.dim**4
        prevr = r
        prevc = c
        searchResult = agent.searchCell(r, c, target)
        if searchResult == False:
            # update the probabilties of the cell we just searched
            scale = 1 - agent.map[r][c].probability + \
                agent.map[r][c].probability * \
            agent.map[r][c].probability = agent.map[r][c].falseNegativeProbability * \
            i = 0
            while i < agent.dim:
                j = 0
                while j < agent.dim:
                    # if we reach the same cell that we already updated, skip, as the distance will be zero and this will always be the lowest scored cell
                    if i == prevr and j == prevc:
                        j += 1
                    # update the probabilties of each of the other cells in the board
                        j].probability = agent.map[i][j].probability / scale
                    # update the score of each of the other cells in the board.
                    dist = manhattanDistance((prevr, prevc), (i, j))
                    agent.map[i][j].score = (1 + float(dist)) / (
                        agent.map[i][j].probability *
                        (1 - agent.map[i][j].falseNegativeProbability))
                    if minScore > agent.map[i][j].score:
                        minScore = agent.map[i][j].score
                        r = i
                        c = j
                    j = j + 1
                i = i + 1
            # imcrement number of actions between the previous cell and the one we have just explored
            numActions((prevr, prevc), (r, c), agent)

    return agent.numMoves
Exemplo n.º 7
def rule1MAST(agent, target):
    r, c = (rnd.randint(0, agent.dim - 1), rnd.randint(0, agent.dim - 1))
    while (agent.hasFoundTarget == False):
        maxBelief = 0
        searchResult = agent.searchCell(r, c, target)
        prevr = r
        prevc = c

        if searchResult == False:

            # Calculate the scaling factor
            scale = 1 - agent.map[r][c].probability + \
                agent.map[r][c].probability * \

            # Update the probability of the searched cell
            agent.map[r][c].probability = agent.map[r][c].probability * \
            i = 0
            while i < agent.dim:
                j = 0
                while j < agent.dim:
                    if i == prevr and j == prevc:
                        j += 1

                    # Update the probabilities for the rest of the cells in the map
                        j].probability = agent.map[i][j].probability / scale

                    # Keep track of the highest probability cell in the map
                    if agent.map[i][j].probability > maxBelief:
                        maxBelief = agent.map[i][j].probability
                        r = i
                        c = j
                    j += 1
                i += 1
            # Update the number of moves taken based on the distance to the searched cell
            numActions((prevr, prevc), (r, c), agent)

    return agent.numMoves
Exemplo n.º 8
def improvementMAMT(agent, target, r, c, prevr, prevc, thresh=0.2):
    pathHighs = []
    # check if recommended same location
    if (r == prevr and c == prevc):
        agent.searchCell(r, c, target)
        ret_r, ret_c = ba3(agent, r, c)
        return ret_r, ret_c

    # generate path
    path1, path2 = pathwalkMAMT(prevr, prevc, r, c)
    if path1 == path2:
        path = path1
        pathHighs = findHighestinRoomMAMT(agent, path, thresh)
    elif (path1 and path2):
        # highest probability path
        path1probs, pathHigh1 = findHighestinRoomMAMT(agent, path1, thresh)
        path2probs, pathHigh2 = findHighestinRoomMAMT(agent, path2, thresh)
        # check this conditional because of the whole 1 - prob thing for the queue
        if path1probs[0] <= path2probs[0]:
            path = path1
            pathHighs = pathHigh1
            path = path2
            pathHighs = pathHigh2
    elif (path1 and not path2):
        path = path1
        pathHighs = pathHigh1
    elif (not path1 and path2):
        path = path2
        pathHighs = pathHigh2
        return (r, c)

    # walkthrough the path
    i = 0
    found = False  # indicator variable
    ret_r = r
    ret_c = c

    inMH = True

    for item in path:  # walk through path
        if (item in pathHighs):  # check if in pathhigh
            if (not agent.searchCell(item[0], item[1], target)):  # search
                ret_r, ret_c = ba3(agent, item[0], item[1])
                # boolean if target is on in range
                inMH = targetInRange(agent, target, r, c)
                if not inMH:
                    # we know that it is within 6 of the original spot, so pick out of those
                    minScore, ret_r, ret_c = minInRange(agent,
                    i += 1
                found = True
        i += 1
    numActions((prevr, prevc), path[i - 1], agent)

    if (not found):
        return (ret_r, ret_c)
        return (-1, -1)