Exemplo n.º 1
def render_and_write(filename, **kw):
    with open(join(TEMPLATES_DIR, filename)) as f:
        template = Template(f.read())

    html = template.render(kw)
    html = strip_whitespace_from_links(html)

    with open(join(BUILD_DIR, filename), 'w') as f:
Exemplo n.º 2
def _main():
    # start with clear build dir
    if exists(BUILD_DIR):

    # prepare to count tag occurances
    tags_count = defaultdict(int)

    # render posts creating tag pages as you go by
    dates = []
    for post in get_posts():

        with open(post.path, 'w') as post_f:

            for link in post.links:

                for tag in link.tags[:-1]:
                    tags_count[tag.name] += 1
                    is_new = not exists(tag.path)

                    with open(tag.path, 'a') as tag_f:
                        if is_new:

                        tag_f.write(render(link, tag))

    # prepare to create a tag cloud
    min_count = min(tags_count.itervalues())
    max_count = min([200, max(tags_count.itervalues())])
    min_scale = 1
    max_scale = 3
    get_scale = lambda count: '%.2f' % \
        (min_scale + (max_scale - min_scale) * \
        (min([count, max_count]) - min_count) / (max_count - min_count))

    # render tag cloud
    render_and_write('tags.html', tags=[
        {'name': tag, 'scale': get_scale(count)} \
        for tag, count in sorted(tags_count.iteritems())

    # render feed
    render_and_write('feed.xml', dates=dates)
Exemplo n.º 3
 def __init__(self, date, prev, next, src):
     self.date = date
     self.prev = '/%s' % prev if prev else None
     self.next = '/%s' % next if next else None
     self.url = '/%s' % date
     self.path = join(BUILD_DIR, '%s.html' % date)
     self.links = (Link(dct, self) for dct in yaml.load(open(src)))
Exemplo n.º 4
    def _load_map(self):
        stream = common.open('level.txt')
        lines = stream.readlines()

        self.moves = lines[1].rstrip()
        self.timeline = lines[2].rstrip()
        self.moves_count = int(self.moves.replace(" ", ""))

        if len(self.moves) != len(self.timeline):
            #TODO: lanzar una excepción, tal vez...
            print "eh!, la lista de movimientos y linea de tiempo difieren."
Exemplo n.º 5
import yaml

from common import open

# set paths
CURR_DIR = dirname(realpath(__file__))
BUILD_DIR = join(CURR_DIR, 'build')
POSTS_DIR = join(CURR_DIR, '..', 'posts')
TAGS_DIR = join(BUILD_DIR, 'tags')
TEMPLATES_DIR = join(CURR_DIR, 'templates')

# keep templates in memory
templates = {}
for name in ['link', 'post', 'tag', 'tags']:
    with open(join(TEMPLATES_DIR, '%s.html' % name)) as f:
        templates[name] = Template(f.read())

class Link(object):

    def __init__(self, dct, post):
        # render markdown
        desc = dct.get('desc', None)
        if desc:
            dct['desc'] = improve_typography(render_markdown(desc))

        # improve typography in title
        dct['title'] = improve_typography(dct['title'])

        self._dct = dct
Exemplo n.º 6
def takeaway(path):
    with open(join(BUILD_DIR, path)) as f:
        return f.read()
Exemplo n.º 7
TEMPLATES_DIR = join(CURR_DIR, 'templates')

# list available website paths
PATHS = ['feed']
ext = '.html'
ext_len = len(ext)
for prefix in ['', 'tags/']:
    for name in listdir(join(BUILD_DIR, prefix)):
        if name.endswith(ext):
            PATHS.append(prefix + name[:-ext_len])

# get latest post's path
LATEST_POST_PATH = sorted(filter(lambda s: s[0] == '2', PATHS))[-1]

# get wrapping template
with open(join(TEMPLATES_DIR, 'wrapper.html')) as f:
    WRAPPER = Template(f.read())

# read 404 page
with open(join(TEMPLATES_DIR, '404.html')) as f:
    html_for_404 = f.read()

# create wsgi app
app = Flask(__name__)

def flipflop_ninja():
    return redirect(LATEST_POST_PATH)

Exemplo n.º 8
Arquivo: mr.py Projeto: kho/mr-mira
def run_qsub_mr(options):
    # Record current working directory. Both mapper and reducer commands will run under this directory.
    cwd = os.getcwd()
    # Find input files.
    input_files = glob.glob(options.input)
    common.check(input_files, 'input pattern does not list any file')
    common.check(len(set([basename(i) for i in input_files])) == len(input_files), 'input pattern matches input files with duplicate basename')
    if options.verbose:
        common.info('input pattern %s matched %d files', repr(options.input), len(input_files))
    # Check then create output directory.
    common.check(options.retry or not os.path.exists(options.output), 'output directory already exists')
    workdir = os.path.join(options.output, '.mr')
    if not os.path.exists(workdir):
    if options.verbose:
        common.info('workdir: %s', workdir)
    # Write out script to rerun this command.
    with common.open(os.path.join(workdir, 'rerun.bash'), 'w') as f:
        f.write('''# Run this script with --rerun is equivalent to running the mapreduction (assuming the input hasn't changed)
        cd %(cwd)s
        %(args)s "$@"
        ''' % {'cwd': pipes.quote(cwd),
               'args': ' '.join(map(pipes.quote, sys.argv))})
    # Write out mapper script to run on nodes.
    with common.open(os.path.join(workdir, 'map.node.bash'), 'w') as f:
        f.write(bash_start + options.mapper)
    # Write out mapper script to submit to qsub.
    with common.open(os.path.join(workdir, 'map.qsub.bash'), 'w') as f:
        f.write(bash_start + '''
        cd %(cwd)s
        if [ -e %(workdir)s/map.${PBS_ARRAYID}.err ]; then
          mv %(workdir)s/map.${PBS_ARRAYID}.err %(workdir)s/map.${PBS_ARRAYID}.err.old
        bash %(workdir)s/map.${PBS_ARRAYID}.bash 2> %(workdir)s/map.${PBS_ARRAYID}.err
        ''' % {'cwd': pipes.quote(cwd), 'workdir': pipes.quote(workdir)})
    # Write out individual mapper command scripts.
    for i, path in enumerate(input_files):
        with common.open(os.path.join(workdir, 'map.%d.bash' % i), 'w') as f:
            f.write(bash_start + '''
            cd %(cwd)s
            %(cat)s %(path)s | bash %(workdir)s/map.node.bash | gzip - > %(workdir)s/map.%(task_id)d.out.gz
            touch %(workdir)s/map.%(task_id)d.success
            ''' % {'cwd': pipes.quote(cwd),
                   'cat': choose_cat(path),
                   'path': pipes.quote(path),
                   'workdir': pipes.quote(workdir),
                   'task_id': i})
    # Write out reducer script.
    if options.reducer != 'NONE':
        with common.open(os.path.join(workdir, 'reduce.node.bash'), 'w') as f:
            f.write(bash_start + options.reducer)
        with common.open(os.path.join(workdir, 'reduce.qsub.bash'), 'w') as f:
            f.write(bash_start + '''
            cd %(cwd)s
            if [ -e %(workdir)s/reduce.err ]; then
              mv %(workdir)s/reduce.err %(workdir)s/reduce.err.old
            find %(workdir)s -name 'map.*.out.gz' -print0 2>> %(workdir)s/reduce.err | \\
              xargs -0 zcat 2>> %(workdir)s/reduce.err | \\
              LC_ALL=C sort %(sort_options)s 2>> %(workdir)s/reduce.err | \\
              bash %(workdir)s/reduce.node.bash 2>> %(workdir)s/reduce.err | \\
              gzip - > %(workdir)s/reduce.out.gz 2>> %(workdir)s/reduce.err
            touch %(workdir)s/reduce.success 2>> %(workdir)s/reduce.err
            ''' % {'cwd': pipes.quote(cwd),
                   'workdir': pipes.quote(workdir),
                   'sort_options': '-n' if options.numerical_sort else ''})
    # Run mapper jobs.
    for i in range(options.max_tries):
        # Find tasks to run.
        task_ids = []
        for task_id in range(len(input_files)):
            if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(workdir, 'map.%d.success' % task_id)):
        if not task_ids:
        qsub_args = ['-N', '%s-map' % options.name, '-q', options.mapper_queue,
                     '-l', 'pmem=%s,walltime=%s' % (options.mapper_pmem, options.mapper_walltime),
                     '-t', format_task_ids(task_ids), '-o', os.devnull, '-e', os.devnull] + \
            options.qsub_args + [os.path.join(workdir, 'map.qsub.bash')]
        if options.verbose:
            common.info('map try %d of %d: need to run %d tasks', i + 1, options.max_tries, len(task_ids))
            common.info('map try %d of %d: qsub_args is %s', i + 1, options.max_tries, repr(qsub_args))
        if options.verbose:
            common.info('map try %d of %d: finished', i + 1, options.max_tries)
    map_success = 0
    for task_id in range(len(input_files)):
        if os.path.exists(os.path.join(workdir, 'map.%d.success' % task_id)):
           map_success += 1
    if i > 0 and options.verbose:
        common.info('map success: %d / %d', map_success, len(input_files))
    common.check(map_success == len(input_files), 'map failed after %d tries', options.max_tries)
    # Run reducer jobs.
    if options.reducer != 'NONE':
        for i in range(options.max_tries):
            if os.path.exists(os.path.join(workdir, 'reduce.success')):
            qsub_args = ['-N', '%s-reduce' % options.name, '-q', options.reducer_queue,
                         '-l', 'pmem=%s,walltime=%s' % (options.reducer_pmem, options.reducer_walltime),
                         '-o', os.devnull, '-e', os.devnull] + options.qsub_args + \
                [os.path.join(workdir, 'reduce.qsub.bash')]
            if options.verbose:
                common.info('reduce try %d of %d: started', i + 1, options.max_tries)
                common.info('reduce try %d of %d: qsub_args is %s', i + 1, options.max_tries, repr(qsub_args))
            if options.verbose:
                common.info('reduce try %d of %d: finished', i + 1, options.max_tries)
        common.check(os.path.exists(os.path.join(workdir, 'reduce.success')), 'reduce failed after %d tries', options.max_tries)
    # Move output.
    if options.reducer != 'NONE':
        src = os.path.join(workdir, 'reduce.out.gz')
        dst = os.path.join(options.output, 'reduce.out.gz')
        subprocess.check_call(['rm', '-f', dst])
        if options.keep_workdir:
            os.symlink(os.path.abspath(src), dst)
            os.rename(src, dst)
        for i, path in enumerate(input_files):
            src = os.path.join(workdir, 'map.%d.out.gz' % i)
            dst = os.path.join(options.output, 'map.%s.out.gz' % basename(path))
            subprocess.check_call(['rm', '-f', dst])
            if options.keep_workdir:
                os.symlink(os.path.abspath(src), dst)
                os.rename(src, dst)
    # Remove workdir
    if not options.keep_workdir:
        subprocess.call(['rm', '-rf', workdir])