''' import common, config import sys, os reload(sys) sys.setdefaultencoding('utf-8') ''' Report file path & naming rules ''' REPORT_DIR = config.REPORT_DIR REPORT_NAME = "Report_" + common.stamp_datetime2() + ".txt" # Report_ naming rules REPORT_ABS = common.pathJoin(REPORT_DIR, REPORT_NAME) groupDir = os.getcwd() caseSuite = os.path.basename(groupDir) caseName = "" caseRunNth = -1 ''' Report directory and files initial ''' common.mkdirs(REPORT_DIR) with open(REPORT_ABS,"w") as f: pass print "[Report]\t\t" + REPORT_ABS
import common, config import sys, os reload(sys) sys.setdefaultencoding('utf-8') ''' log file path & naming rules ''' LOG_DIR = config.LOG_DIR HTML_DIR = config.HTML_DIR PIC_DIR = config.PIC_DIR LOG_NAME = "log_" + common.stamp_datetime2() + ".txt" # Log naming rules LOG_ABS = common.pathJoin(LOG_DIR, LOG_NAME) USERLOG_NAME = "userlog_" + common.stamp_datetime2() + ".txt" # user's Log naming rules USERLOG_ABS = common.pathJoin(LOG_DIR, USERLOG_NAME) HTML_NAME = common.stamp_datetime2() + ".html" # HTML naming rules HTML_ABS = common.pathJoin(HTML_DIR,HTML_NAME) ''' db log (to mongo) ''' groupDir = os.getcwd() caseSuite = os.path.basename(groupDir)
BROWSER = common.getConf("browser", "browser") BROWSER_X = common.getConfInt("browser", "x") BROWSER_Y = common.getConfInt("browser", "y") # Run sleepTime = common.getConfInt("run", "sleepTime") imWaitTime = common.getConfInt("run", "imWaitTime") # Path PROJECT_PATH = common.getConf("path", "PROJECT_PATH") LOG_DIRNAME = common.getConf("path", "LOG_DIRNAME") HTML_DIRNAME = common.getConf("path", "HTML_DIRNAME") PIC_DIRNAME = common.getConf("path", "PIC_DIRNAME") LOG_DIR = common.pathJoin(PROJECT_PATH, LOG_DIRNAME) HTML_DIR = common.pathJoin(PROJECT_PATH, HTML_DIRNAME) PIC_DIR = common.pathJoin(PROJECT_PATH, PIC_DIRNAME) # Environment ENV = common.getConf("env", "url_env") # Test report REPORT_DIRNAME = common.getConf("report", "REPORT_DIRNAME") REPORT_DIR = common.pathJoin(PROJECT_PATH, REPORT_DIRNAME) if __name__ == "__main__": pass