Exemplo n.º 1
def get_factors_with_limitation(Factors):
    for factor in Factors:
        Elves[factor] = Elves[factor] + 1 if factor in Elves else 1
    return {factor for factor in Factors if Elves[factor] <= 50}

#### Main part.

Elves = {}
house = 0
house_1 = 0
house_2 = 0
while True:
    house += 1
    Factors = get_factors(house)

    # Part One
    if 10 * sum(Factors) >= INPUT and house_1 == 0:
        house_1 = house

    # Part Two
    if 11 * sum(
            get_factors_with_limitation(Factors)) >= INPUT and house_2 == 0:
        house_2 = house

    if house_1 * house_2 != 0:

print_results(house_1, house_2)
Exemplo n.º 2
import hashlib

from common import print_results, readline

INPUT = readline(__file__)

def find_suffix(prefix, suffix=0):
    while True:
        md5 = hashlib.md5(str.encode(INPUT + str(suffix)))
        if md5.hexdigest().startswith(prefix):
            return suffix
        suffix += 1

#### Main part.

five = find_suffix('0' * 5)
six = find_suffix('0' * 6, five)

print_results(five, six)
Exemplo n.º 3
            not self.handled
            and self.low_to is not None
            and self.high_to is not None
            and len(self.values) == 2

class Output:
    def __init__(self, number):
        self.number = number
        self.values = set()

    def add_value(self, value):

    def get_sum(self):
        return sum(self.values)

#### Main part.

factory = Factory()

for line in readlines(__file__):


    factory.get_bot_which_handles([17, 61]),
    factory.get_multiplied_outputs([0, 1, 2])
Exemplo n.º 4
from common import print_results, readline

def find_basement_position(parentheses):
    floor = 0
    for i, p in enumerate(parentheses, start=1):
        floor += 1 if p == '(' else -1
        if floor == -1:
            return i

#### Main part.

parentheses = readline(__file__)

    parentheses.count('(') - parentheses.count(')'),
Exemplo n.º 5
    def __init__(self):
        self.x = 0
        self.y = 0
        self.visited_locations = {(0, 0)}

    def update_location(self, direction):
        dx, dy = self.STR2VEC[direction]
        self.x += dx
        self.y += dy
        self.visited_locations.add((self.x, self.y))

#### Main part.

directions = readline(__file__)

# Part One
santa_only = Runner()
for d in directions:

# Part Two
santa = Runner()
robo_santa = Runner()
for d, e in zip(directions[0::2], directions[1::2]):

              len(santa.visited_locations | robo_santa.visited_locations))
Exemplo n.º 6
import json
import re

from common import print_results, read

NUMBER_REGEX = re.compile(r'-?\d+')

json_string = read(__file__)

# Part One
count_1 = sum(int(s) for s in NUMBER_REGEX.findall(json_string))

# Part Two
red = lambda x: {} if 'red' in x.values() else x
json_string = json.dumps(json.loads(json_string, object_hook=red))
count_2 = sum(int(s) for s in NUMBER_REGEX.findall(json_string))

print_results(count_1, count_2)
Exemplo n.º 7
import re

from common import print_results, readline

sequence = readline(__file__)

DIGIT_GROUP = re.compile(r'((\d)\2*)')

def play_game(times):
    global sequence
    for _ in range(times):
        res = ''
        for group, digit in DIGIT_GROUP.findall(sequence):
            res += '{}{}'.format(len(group), digit)
        sequence = res
    return len(sequence)

print_results(play_game(40), play_game(10))
Exemplo n.º 8
from numpy import prod

from common import print_results, readlines

def get_wrapping_paper(present):
    sides = (
        present[0] * present[1],
        present[0] * present[2],
        present[1] * present[2],
    return 2 * sum(sides) + min(sides)

def get_ribbon(present):
    return 2 * (present[0] + present[1]) + prod(present)

#### Main part.

wrapping_paper = 0
ribbon = 0

for line in readlines(__file__):
    present = sorted(map(int, line.split('x')))
    wrapping_paper += get_wrapping_paper(present)
    ribbon += get_ribbon(present)

print_results(wrapping_paper, ribbon)
Exemplo n.º 9
            position += instruction[2]
        elif instruction[0] == 'jmp':
            position += instruction[2]
        elif instruction[0] == 'jie':
            position += instruction[2] if x % 2 == 0 else 1
        elif instruction[0] == 'jio':
            position += instruction[2] if x == 1 else 1
        return (x, b) if instruction[1] == 'a' else (a, x)

    while True:
            a, b = update_register(instructions[position])
            return b

#### Main part.

instructions = []

for line in readlines(__file__):
    m = INPUT_ARRANGEMENT.match(line)
    if m.group(1) == 'jio' or m.group(1) == 'jie':
        instructions.append((m.group(1), m.group(2), int(m.group(3))))
    elif m.group(1) == 'jmp':
        instructions.append((m.group(1), '', int(m.group(2))))
        instructions.append((m.group(1), m.group(2), 1))

print_results(run_program(0), run_program(1))
Exemplo n.º 10
    def __get_babs_of_abas(self):
        babs = []
        for part in self.supernet_parts:
            abas = self.ABA_REGEX.finditer(part)
            for aba in abas:
                if aba.group(2) != aba.group(3):
        return babs

    def __get_bab(self, aba):
        return aba[1] + aba[0] + aba[1]

    def supports_tls(self):
        return (any(self.__has_abba(part) for part in self.supernet_parts) and
                not any(self.__has_abba(part) for part in self.hypernet_parts))

    def supports_ssl(self):
        babs = self.__get_babs_of_abas()
        for bab in babs:
            if any(bab in part for part in self.hypernet_parts):
                return True
        return False

#### Main part.

ip_addresses = [IPAddress(ip_address) for ip_address in readlines(__file__)]

print_results(sum(ip_address.supports_tls() for ip_address in ip_addresses),
              sum(ip_address.supports_ssl() for ip_address in ip_addresses))
Exemplo n.º 11
from common import print_results, readline

NUMBER_ELVES = int(readline(__file__))

def get_winner_of_game_1():
    number_participants = 1
    winner = 1
    while number_participants < NUMBER_ELVES:
        number_participants += 1
        winner = winner + 2 if winner + 2 <= number_participants else 1
    return winner

def get_winner_of_game_2():
    participants = list(range(1, NUMBER_ELVES + 1))
    turn = 0
    number_participants = NUMBER_ELVES
    while number_participants > 1:
        elf_to_kick = (int(number_participants / 2) +
                       turn) % number_participants
        del participants[elf_to_kick]
        number_participants = len(participants)
        turn = (turn if elf_to_kick < turn else turn + 1) % number_participants
    return participants[0]

#### Main part.

print_results(get_winner_of_game_1(), get_winner_of_game_2())
Exemplo n.º 12
REPLACEMENT_REGEX = re.compile(r'(\w+) => (\w+)')

replace = lambda s, i, rep: s[:i] + rep[1] + s[i + len(rep[0]):]

#### Main part.

lines = readlines(__file__)
replacements = [REPLACEMENT_REGEX.match(line).groups() for line in lines[:-2]]
medicine = lines[-1]
LENGTH = len(medicine)

# Part One
Molecules = set()
for rep in replacements:
    for occ in [n for n in range(LENGTH) if medicine.find(rep[0], n) == n]:
        Molecules.add(replace(medicine, occ, rep))

# Part Two (using a Greedy-like algorithm)
replacements.sort(key=lambda repl: repl[1], reverse=True)
step = 0
while medicine != 'e':
    for repl in replacements:
        if medicine.replace(repl[1], repl[0], 1) == medicine:
        medicine = medicine.replace(repl[1], repl[0], 1)
        step += 1

print_results(len(Molecules), step)
Exemplo n.º 13
IPInterval = namedtuple('IPInterval', 'start end')

def get_smallest_possible(intervals):
    smallest_ip = 0
    start, end = intervals.popleft()
    while start <= smallest_ip:
        smallest_ip = end + 1
        start, end = intervals.popleft()
    return smallest_ip

def count_all_possible(intervals):
    counter, possible_white_ip = 0, 0
    while len(intervals) > 0:
        start, end = intervals.popleft()
        counter += max(0, start - possible_white_ip)
        possible_white_ip = max(end + 1, possible_white_ip)
    return counter + NUMBER_IP_ADDRESSES - possible_white_ip

#### Main part.

intervals = sorted((IPInterval(*map(int,
                    for line in readlines(__file__)),
                   key=lambda interval: interval.start)

Exemplo n.º 14

        # Find shortest path to each node starting at 'SOURCE'.
        self.shortest_paths = nx.shortest_path_length(self.graph, source=SOURCE)

    # Set up a graph where the nodes are the open spaces. Neighboring open
    # spaces are connected by an edge.
    def __set_up_graph(self):
        for i, j in prod(range(0, MAX_EXPANSION), repeat=2):
            if self.__is_open_space(i, j):
                for k, l in list(prod([-1, 1], [0])) + list(prod([0], [-1, 1])):
                    if self.__is_open_space(i + k, j + l):
                        self.graph.add_edge((i, j), (i + k, j + l))

    def __is_open_space(self, x, y):
        if x < 0 or y < 0:
            return False
        return format((x + y)**2 + 3*x + y + FAVORITE, 'b').count('1') % 2 == 0

    def get_number_paths_not_longer_than(self, threshold):
        return sum(1 for i in self.shortest_paths.values() if i <= threshold)

#### Main Part.

maze = Maze()

Exemplo n.º 15
def get_real_sue():
    return sues.index([sue for sue in sues if tt.is_subset_of_tape(sue)][0]) + 1

#### Main part.

sues = []
for line in readlines(__file__):
    m = INPUT_ARRANGEMENT.match(line)
        (m.group(2), int(m.group(3))),
        (m.group(4), int(m.group(5))),
        (m.group(6), int(m.group(7)))

tt = TickerTape(TICKER_TAPE)

# Part One
sue_1 = get_real_sue()

# Part Two
max_value = max(max(thing[1] for thing in sue) for sue in sues)
tt.add_things_greater_than('cats', max_value)
tt.add_things_greater_than('trees', max_value)

sue_2 = get_real_sue()

print_results(sue_1, sue_2)
Exemplo n.º 16
    def message_length(self):
        return len(self.message)

def find_shortest_path(positions=[Position()]):
    next_positions = []
    for position in positions:
        for direction in position.get_possible_directions():
            next_position = position.move(direction)
            if next_position.is_destination():
                return next_position.digest.message_as_string
    return find_shortest_path(next_positions)

def find_steps_of_longest_path():
    max_steps = 0
    positions = deque([Position()])
    while positions:
        position = positions.popleft()
        directions = position.get_possible_directions()
        if position.is_destination():
            max_steps = max(position.digest.message_length, max_steps)
            positions.extend(position.move(d) for d in directions)
    return max_steps

#### Main part.

print_results(find_shortest_path(), find_steps_of_longest_path())
Exemplo n.º 17

# Go over to property tripel only.
Possibilities = [
    addTupels(addTupels(pos[0], pos[1]), addTupels(pos[2][0], pos[2][1]))
    for pos in Possibilities

#### Main part.

# Create the boss reading the data from the file.
lines = readlines(__file__)
boss_live = INPUT_REGEX.match(lines[0]).group(1)
boss_damage = INPUT_REGEX.match(lines[1]).group(1)
boss_armor = INPUT_REGEX.match(lines[2]).group(1)

minimum = float('inf')
maximum = 0
for pos in Possibilities:
    boss = Player(boss_live, boss_damage, boss_armor)
    player = Player(100, pos[1], pos[2])
    while player.is_alive() and boss.is_alive():
    if not boss.is_alive():
        minimum = min(minimum, pos[0])
    if not player.is_alive() and boss.is_alive():
        maximum = max(maximum, pos[0])

print_results(minimum, maximum)
Exemplo n.º 18
                lambda wire: self[wire.left_wire] | self[wire.right_wire],
                lambda wire: self[wire.left_wire] << self[wire.right_wire],
                lambda wire: self[wire.left_wire] >> self[wire.right_wire],
        return wire.signal

    def reset(self):
        for wire in self.wires.values():
            if wire.gate:
                wire.signal = None

#### Main part.

circuit = Circuit()
for line in readlines(__file__):

# Part One
signal_1 = circuit['a']

# Part Two
circuit.wires['b'].signal = signal_1
signal_2 = circuit['a']

print_results(signal_1, signal_2)
Exemplo n.º 19
import re

from common import print_results, readline

ROW_COLUMN_REGEX = re.compile(r'Enter the code at row (\d+), column (\d+)\.')

ROW, COLUMN = map(int, ROW_COLUMN_REGEX.search(readline(__file__)).groups())

A_0 = 20151125
FACTOR = 252533
DIVISOR = 33554393

# First, calculate how many steps are necessary.
b = ROW + COLUMN - 2
number_steps = b * (b + 1) // 2 + b + 2 - ROW

def do_step(a_n):
    while True:
        yield a_n
        a_n = FACTOR * a_n % DIVISOR

#### Main part.

sequence = do_step(A_0)
for _ in range(number_steps - 1):

print_results(sequence.__next__(), 'Merry Christmas!')
Exemplo n.º 20

def compute_ids():
    id_1 = []
    id_2 = list(8 * '_')
    nextPart = get_next_part()
    while '_' in id_2:
        position, value = nextPart.__next__()
            if id_2[int(position)] == '_':
                id_2[int(position)] = value
    return ''.join(id_1[:8]), ''.join(id_2)

def get_next_part():
    suffix = 0
    while True:
        md5 = hashlib.md5(str.encode(INPUT + str(suffix))).hexdigest()
        if md5.startswith('0' * ZEROS):
            yield md5[5], md5[6]
        suffix += 1

#### Main part.

Exemplo n.º 21
# difference of 100 and the sum of the three preceding ones.
possibilities = list(product(range(0, 98), repeat=3))
possibilities = [list(pos) for pos in possibilities if sum(pos) <= 100]
for pos in possibilities:
    pos.append(100 - sum(pos))

# Now go through all combinations.
maximum_1 = 0  # Saves the maximum regarding Part One.
maximum_2 = 0  # Saves the maximum regarding Part Two.
for pos in possibilities:
    # Calculate the total value of each property. Make sure that there is no
    # negative entry.
    value_of_properties = [
        max(0, sum(Properties[j][i] * pos[j]
                   for j in range(number_ingredients)))
        for i in range(NUMBER_PROPERTIES)
    # Multiply these values together.
    f = prod(value_of_properties)

    # Part One
    maximum_1 = max(maximum_1, f)

    # Part Two
    calories = sum(Properties[j][4] * pos[j]
                   for j in range(number_ingredients))
    if calories == 500:
        maximum_2 = max(maximum_2, f)

print_results(maximum_1, maximum_2)
Exemplo n.º 22
MARKER_REGEX = re.compile(r'^(\d+)x(\d+)')

def get_length(sequence, version_two=False):
    pos = 0
    counter = 0
    end_pos = len(sequence)
    while pos < end_pos:
        if sequence[pos] is '(':
            number, factor = MARKER_REGEX.match(sequence[pos+1:]).groups()
            marker_length = 1 + len(number) + 1 + len(factor) + 1
            if version_two:
                sub_sequence = sequence[
                    pos + marker_length : pos + marker_length + int(number)
                counter += int(factor) * get_length(sub_sequence,
                counter += int(number) * int(factor)
            pos += marker_length + int(number)
            counter += 1
            pos += 1
    return counter

#### Main part.

sequence = readline(__file__)

print_results(get_length(sequence), get_length(sequence, version_two=True))
Exemplo n.º 23
        for w in widths:
            position = self.position + w.dot(self.rotation)
            if not self.visitedLocationTwice:
        self.position = self.bookmarks[-1]

    def __is_position_bookmarked(self, position):
        if any((position == p).all() for p in self.bookmarks):
            self.firstVisitedTwice = np.copy(position)
            self.visitedLocationTwice = True

    def get_manhattan_distance(point):
        return sum(map(abs, point))

#### Main part.

instructions = [
    m.groups() for m in map(INSTRUCTION_REGEX.match,
                            read(__file__).split(', '))

path = Path()
for instruction in instructions:

Exemplo n.º 24
from common import print_results, read

def get_message(function, messages):
    return ''.join(map(lambda x: function(x, key=x.count), messages))

#### Main part.

flipped_messages = list(zip(*read(__file__).split()))

print_results(get_message(max, flipped_messages),
              get_message(min, flipped_messages))
Exemplo n.º 25
REGEX_INPUT = re.compile(
    r'^Disc #\d+ has (\d+) positions; at time=0, it is at position (\d+).$')

def positions_of_discs(time, discs):
    return map(lambda t: (t[1][1] + time + t[0]) % t[1][0],
               enumerate(discs, start=1))

def first_possible_start_time(discs, start_time=0):
    time = start_time
    while True:
        if sum(positions_of_discs(time, discs)) == 0:
            return time
        time += 1

#### Main part.

discs = list(
    map(lambda line: tuple(map(int,

part_1 = first_possible_start_time(discs)
part_2 = first_possible_start_time(discs + [ADDITIONAL_DISC],

print_results(part_1, part_2)
Exemplo n.º 26
    def get_password(self):
        return ''.join(self.passwort)

class ReversedScrambler(Scrambler):
    INVERSE_ROTATE_POS_TABLE = [(1 + 2 * i + (i >= 4)) % 8 for i in range(8)]

    def rotate_dir(self, dir, steps):
        super().rotate_dir('right' if dir == 'left' else 'left', steps)

    def rotate_pos(self, letter):
        index = self.passwort.index(letter)
        diff = index - ReversedScrambler.INVERSE_ROTATE_POS_TABLE.index(index)
        super().rotate_dir('left', diff if diff >= 0 else 8 + diff)

    def move(self, x, y):
        super().move(y, x)

#### Main part.

rules = readlines(__file__)

scrambler = Scrambler(STRING_PART_1)
reversed_scrambler = ReversedScrambler(STRING_PART_2)
for i in range(len(rules)):
    reversed_scrambler.scramble(rules[-i - 1])

print_results(scrambler.get_password(), reversed_scrambler.get_password())
Exemplo n.º 27
                    completed = True
                return prod(sublists[sublists.index(sl) - 1])
        return prod(sublists[-1]) if completed else 'Problem not solvable'

    weight = sum(packages) // number_boxes
    min_num = weight // packages[0] + 1
    completed = False
    return find_minimal_quantum_entaglement(packages)

def find_shortest_sublist(packs, weight, min_num):
    while True:
        sublist = [
            for s in combinations(packs, min_num)
            if sum(s) == weight
        if sublist == []:
            min_num += 1
            return sublist

#### Main part.

packages = sorted((int(line) for line in readlines(__file__)), reverse=True)

print_results(solve_problem(packages, 3), solve_problem(packages, 4))
Exemplo n.º 28
            print('Operation \'{}\' not recognized.'.format(operation))

    def __turn_on_rect(self, width, height):
        self.display[:height, :width] = 1

    def __rot_row(self, row, shift):
        self.display[row, :] = np.roll(self.display[row, :], shift)

    def __rot_col(self, column, shift):
        self.display[:, column] = np.roll(self.display[:, column], shift)

    def count_pixels(self):
        return sum(sum(self.display))

    def get_letters(self):
        letters = ''
        for i in range(0, 50, 5):
            for k, v in Display.LETTERS.items():
                if np.array_equal(v, self.display[:, i:i + 5]):
                    letters += k
        return letters

#### Main part.

display = Display()
for operation in readlines(__file__):

print_results(display.count_pixels(), display.get_letters())
Exemplo n.º 29
from common import print_results, read

def is_triangle(possible_triangle):
    a, b, c = sorted(possible_triangle)
    return a + b > c

#### Main part.

sides = list(map(int, read(__file__).split()))

row_triangles = [sides[i:i + 3] for i in range(0, len(sides), 3)]

column_triangles = [
    sides[i + j:i + j + 7:3] for i in range(0, len(sides), 9) for j in range(3)

print_results(sum(is_triangle(triangle) for triangle in row_triangles),
              sum(is_triangle(triangle) for triangle in column_triangles))
Exemplo n.º 30
from common import print_results, readlines

def powerlist(iterable):
    res_list = [[]]
    for l in iterable:
        res_list.extend([subset + [l] for subset in res_list])
    return res_list

containers = map(int, readlines(__file__))

pos = [len(l) for l in powerlist(containers) if sum(l) == 150]

print_results(len(pos), pos.count(min(pos)))