Exemplo n.º 1
 def getValue(self,extraslices=None,dataonly=False):
     # Resolve any lazy objects in our slice specification.
     slices = LazyExpression.argument2value(self.slice,dataonly=True)
     slices = common.processEllipsis(slices,len(self.args[0].getDimensions()))
     if self.simpleslices:
         # Slice specification is integer-based - determine the final indices based on the shape of the data.
         # This is *required* if this slice is to be combined with a higher level slice (extraslices argument).
         shape = self.args[0].getShape()
         if shape is not None:
             newslices = []
             for sl,l in zip(slices,shape):
                 if isinstance(sl,slice):
                     start,stop,step = sl.indices(l)
                     sl = slice(start,stop,step)
             slices = tuple(newslices)
     if extraslices is not None:
         # Add the additional slices
         assert self.simpleslices,'LazySlice variable receives additional slice, but does not support slice combination.'
         shape = self.getShape()
         extraslices = [extraslices.get(d,slice(0,shape[i],1)) for i,d in enumerate(self.getDimensions())]
         slices = LazyExpression.combineSlices(slices,extraslices)
     # Convert list of slices to dictionary linking dimension name to corresponding slice.
     slices = dict(zip(self.args[0].getDimensions(),slices))
     return LazyExpression.argument2value(self.args[0],slices,dataonly=dataonly)
Exemplo n.º 2
 def adjustDimensions(dimnames,slic):
     slic = common.processEllipsis(slic,len(dimnames))
     assert len(dimnames)==len(slic), 'Number of slices (%i) does not match number of dimensions (%i).' % (len(slic),len(dimnames))
     dimnames = list(dimnames)
     for i in range(len(dimnames)-1,-1,-1):
         if not isinstance(slic[i],slice):
             curshape = getShape(slic[i])
             if curshape is not None and len(curshape)==0: del dimnames[i]
     return dimnames
Exemplo n.º 3
 def slices2prettystring(slices,dimnames):
     """This function takes a slice object and converts it to a descriptive slice
     specification string.
     slices = common.processEllipsis(slices,len(dimnames))
     slicestrings = []
     for dimname,slic in zip(dimnames,slices):
         res = LazyExpression.slice2string(slic)
         if res!=':' and res!='...': slicestrings.append('%s=%s' % (dimname,res))
     return '[%s]' % ','.join(slicestrings)
Exemplo n.º 4
    def adjustShape(shape,slic):
        if shape is None: return None
        slic = common.processEllipsis(slic,len(shape))
        assert len(shape)==len(slic), 'Number of slices (%i) does not match number of dimensions (%i).' % (len(slic),len(shape))
        baseshape = list(shape)
        for i in range(len(baseshape)-1,-1,-1):
            if isinstance(slic[i],slice):
                # For non-integer slices we do not know the resulting shape
                if not (isinstance(slic[i].start,(int,types.NoneType)) and isinstance(slic[i].stop,(int,types.NoneType))): return None

                start,stop,step = slic[i].indices(baseshape[i])
                baseshape[i] = (stop-start-1)/step+1
                curshape = getShape(slic[i])
                if curshape is None or len(curshape)>0:
                    # Slice object will be an array or has unknown shape - final shape is unknown
                    return None
                del baseshape[i]

        return baseshape
Exemplo n.º 5
    def __getitem__(self,slices):
        shape = self.getShape()
        if self.outsourceslices and shape is not None:
            # We are allowed to outsource the slicing to the arguments of the expression.
            # This takes away the need of first getting all data to operate on, and then
            # take a slice, which is time-consuming and memory-intensive.
            slices = common.processEllipsis(slices,len(shape))
            newargs = []
            for arg in self.args:
                if isinstance(arg,LazyExpression):
                    # Argument is an expression: outsource the slicing
                    argshape = arg.getShape()
                    nmissing = len(shape)-len(argshape)
                    if nmissing: argshape = [1]*nmissing+list(argshape)
                    curslices = []
                    for i,s in enumerate(slices):
                        if argshape[i]==1 and shape[i]>1:
                            # Argument dimension length = 1, but target dimension length > 1
                            # NumPy will perform broadcasting: intelligently adjust the slice for the argument.
                            if isinstance(s,slice):
                            # Argument and target dimension lengths match: use the slice as given.
                    # Slice the argument
                    arg = arg.__getitem__(tuple(curslices[nmissing:]))

            import copy
            copy = copy.copy(self)
            copy.args = tuple(newargs)
            return copy
            # No outsourcing of slicing: apply the slice only after this expression is done.
            return LazyExpression.__getitem__(self,slices)
Exemplo n.º 6
 def getSlice(self,bounds=None,dataonly=False):
     ndim = len(self.getDimensions())
     if bounds is None: bounds = (Ellipsis,)
     bounds = common.processEllipsis(bounds,ndim)
     s = [node[bounds].getValue(dataonly=dataonly) for node in self.root]
     return s