Exemplo n.º 1
def post_detail_formate(obj):
    if obj:
        slug = slugfy(obj.title)
        obj.slug = slug
        obj.absolute_url = '%s/topic/%d/%s' % (BASE_URL, obj.id, slug)
        obj.shorten_url = '%s/t/%s' % (BASE_URL, obj.id)
        if '[/code]' in obj.content:
            obj.highlight = True
            obj.highlight = False        
        obj.content = tran_content(obj.content, obj.highlight)
        obj.taglist = ', '.join(["""<a href="%s/tag/%s/" rel="tag">%s</a>"""%(BASE_URL, tag, tag) for tag in obj.tags.split(',')])
        obj.add_time_fn = time_from_now(int(obj.add_time))
        obj.last_modified = timestamp_to_datetime(obj.edit_time)
        obj.keywords = obj.tags
        obj.description = HTML_REG.sub('',obj.content[:DESCRIPTION_CUT_WORDS])
        #get prev and next obj
        obj.prev_obj = sdb.get('SELECT `id`,`title` FROM `sp_posts` WHERE `id` > %s LIMIT 1' % str(obj.id))
        if obj.prev_obj:
            obj.prev_obj.slug = slugfy(obj.prev_obj.title)
        obj.next_obj = sdb.get('SELECT `id`,`title` FROM `sp_posts` WHERE `id` < %s ORDER BY `id` DESC LIMIT 1' % str(obj.id))
        if obj.next_obj:
            obj.next_obj.slug = slugfy(obj.next_obj.title)
        #get relative obj base tags
        obj.relative = []
        if obj.tags:
            idlist = []
            getit = False
            for tag in obj.tags.split(','):
                tagobj = Tag.get_tag_by_name(tag)
                if tagobj and tagobj.content:
                    pids = tagobj.content.split(',')
                    for pid in pids:
                        if pid != str(obj.id) and pid not in idlist:
                            if len(idlist) >= RELATIVE_POST_NUM:
                                getit = True
                if getit:
            if idlist:
                obj.relative = sdb.query('SELECT `id`,`title` FROM `sp_posts` WHERE `id` in(%s) LIMIT %s' % (','.join(idlist), str(len(idlist))))
                if obj.relative:
                    for robj in obj.relative:
                        robj.slug = slugfy(robj.title)
        #get comment
        obj.coms = []
        if obj.comment_num >0:
            if obj.comment_num >= EACH_PAGE_COMMENT_NUM:
                first_limit = EACH_PAGE_COMMENT_NUM
                first_limit = obj.comment_num
            obj.coms = Comment.get_post_page_comments_by_id( obj.id, 0, first_limit )
    return obj
Exemplo n.º 2
def post_list_format(posts):
    for obj in posts:
        obj.absolute_url = '%s/topic/%d/%s' % (BASE_URL, obj.id, slugfy(obj.title))
        obj.taglist = ', '.join(["""<a href="%s/tag/%s/" rel="tag">%s</a>"""%(BASE_URL, tag, tag) for tag in obj.tags.split(',')])
        if '<!--more-->' in obj.content:
            obj.shorten_content = obj.content.split('<!--more-->')[0]
            obj.shorten_content = HTML_REG.sub('',obj.content[:SHORTEN_CONTENT_WORDS])
        obj.add_time_fn = time_from_now(int(obj.add_time))
    return posts
Exemplo n.º 3
def post_list_format(posts):
    for obj in posts:
        obj.absolute_url = "%s/topic/%d/%s" % (BASE_URL, obj.id, slugfy(obj.title))
        obj.taglist = ", ".join(
            ["""<a href="%s/tag/%s/" rel="tag">%s</a>""" % (BASE_URL, tag, tag) for tag in obj.tags.split(",")]

        if "<!--more-->" in obj.content:
            obj.shorten_content = obj.content.split("<!--more-->")[0]
            obj.shorten_content = HTML_REG.sub("", obj.content[:SHORTEN_CONTENT_WORDS])

        obj.add_time_fn = time_from_now(int(obj.add_time))
    return posts
Exemplo n.º 4
def post_detail_formate(obj):
    if obj:
        slug = slugfy(obj.title)
        obj.slug = slug
        obj.absolute_url = "%s/topic/%d/%s" % (BASE_URL, obj.id, slug)
        obj.shorten_url = "%s/t/%s" % (BASE_URL, obj.id)
        if "[/code]" in obj.content:
            obj.highlight = True
            obj.highlight = False
        obj.content = tran_content(obj.content, obj.highlight)
        obj.taglist = ", ".join(
            ["""<a href="%s/tag/%s/" rel="tag">%s</a>""" % (BASE_URL, tag, tag) for tag in obj.tags.split(",")]
        obj.add_time_fn = time_from_now(int(obj.add_time))
        obj.last_modified = timestamp_to_datetime(obj.edit_time)
        obj.keywords = obj.tags
        obj.description = HTML_REG.sub("", obj.content[:DESCRIPTION_CUT_WORDS])
        # get prev and next obj
        obj.prev_obj = sdb.get("SELECT `id`,`title` FROM `sp_posts` WHERE `id` > %s LIMIT 1" % str(obj.id))
        if obj.prev_obj:
            obj.prev_obj.slug = slugfy(obj.prev_obj.title)
        obj.next_obj = sdb.get(
            "SELECT `id`,`title` FROM `sp_posts` WHERE `id` < %s ORDER BY `id` DESC LIMIT 1" % str(obj.id)
        if obj.next_obj:
            obj.next_obj.slug = slugfy(obj.next_obj.title)
        # get relative obj base tags
        obj.relative = []
        if obj.tags:
            idlist = []
            getit = False
            for tag in obj.tags.split(","):
                tagobj = Tag.get_tag_by_name(tag)
                if tagobj and tagobj.content:
                    pids = tagobj.content.split(",")
                    for pid in pids:
                        if pid != str(obj.id) and pid not in idlist:
                            if len(idlist) >= RELATIVE_POST_NUM:
                                getit = True
                if getit:
            if idlist:
                obj.relative = sdb.query(
                    "SELECT `id`,`title` FROM `sp_posts` WHERE `id` in(%s) LIMIT %s"
                    % (",".join(idlist), str(len(idlist)))
                if obj.relative:
                    for robj in obj.relative:
                        robj.slug = slugfy(robj.title)
        # get comment
        obj.coms = []
        if obj.comment_num > 0:
            if obj.comment_num >= EACH_PAGE_COMMENT_NUM:
                first_limit = EACH_PAGE_COMMENT_NUM
                first_limit = obj.comment_num
            obj.coms = Comment.get_post_page_comments_by_id(obj.id, 0, first_limit)
    return obj