Exemplo n.º 1
    def dmeas_dinstrumentb(self, x_instrument, wl_hi, rdn_hi):
        """Jacobian of radiance with respect to the instrument parameters
           that are unknown and not retrieved, i.e. the inevitable persisting
           uncertainties in instrument spectral and radiometric calibration.
           Input: meas, a vector of size n_chan
           Returns: Kb_instrument, a matrix of size 
            [n_measurements x nb_instrument]"""

        # Uncertainty due to radiometric calibration
        meas = self.sample(x_instrument, wl_hi, rdn_hi)
        dmeas_dinstrument = s.hstack(
            (s.diagflat(meas), s.zeros((self.n_chan, 2))))

        # Uncertainty due to spectral calibration
        if self.bval[-2] > 1e-6:
            dmeas_dinstrument[:, -2] = self.sample(
                x_instrument, wl_hi, s.hstack((s.diff(rdn_hi), s.array([0]))))

        # Uncertainty due to spectral stray light
        if self.bval[-1] > 1e-6:
            ssrf = srf(s.arange(-10, 11), 0, 4)
            blur = convolve(meas, ssrf, mode='same')
            dmeas_dinstrument[:, -1] = blur - meas

        return dmeas_dinstrument
Exemplo n.º 2
    def dLs_dsurface(self, x_surface, geom):
        '''Emission at surface includes fluorescence (here, a Gaussian)'''

        dLs = s.zeros((len(self.wl), len(self.statevec)))
        ngauss = srf(self.wl, self.fl_mu, self.fl_sigma)
        ngauss = ngauss/max(ngauss)
        dLs[:, self.flh_ind] = ngauss
        return dLs
Exemplo n.º 3
    def sample(self, x_instrument, wl_hi, rdn_hi):
        """ Apply instrument sampling to a radiance spectrum, returning the
            predicted measurement"""

        if self.calibration_fixed and all((self.wl_init - wl_hi) < wl_tol):
            return rdn_hi
        wl, fwhm = self.calibration(x_instrument)
        if rdn_hi.ndim == 1:
            return resample_spectrum(rdn_hi, wl_hi, wl, fwhm)
            resamp = []
            # The "fast resample" option approximates a complete resampling
            # by a convolution with a uniform FWHM.
            if self.fast_resample:
                for i, r in enumerate(rdn_hi):
                    ssrf = srf(s.arange(-10, 11), 0, fwhm[0])
                    blur = convolve(r, ssrf, mode='same')
                    resamp.append(interp1d(wl_hi, blur)(wl))
                for i, r in enumerate(rdn_hi):
                    r2 = resample_spectrum(r, wl_hi, wl, fwhm)
            return s.array(resamp)
Exemplo n.º 4
    def calc_Ls(self, x_surface, geom):
        '''Emission at surface includes fluorescence (here, a Gaussian)'''

        ngauss = srf(self.wl, self.fl_mu, self.fl_sigma)
        ngauss = ngauss/max(ngauss)
        return ngauss * x_surface[self.flh_ind]