Exemplo n.º 1
def classifiers(args):
    Trains a binary classifier using the features
    generated in the 'features' step.

    args : dict
        Configuration dict, typically loaded from YAML file
    if 'classifiers' in args.keys():
        if 'rfc' in args['classifiers']:
            with timer("Training Random Forest"):
                train.randomForestClassifier(args['working'], args['working'])

            with timer("Testing Random Forest"):
                clf = os.path.join(args['working'], 'classifiers',
                test.test_classifier(args['working'], args['working'],
                                     args['test_data'], clf, args['darpa'],

        if 'gnb' in args['classifiers']:
            with timer("Training Gaussian Naive Bayes"):
                train.naiveBayesClassifier(args['working'], args['working'])

            with timer("Testing Gaussian Naive Bayes"):
                clf = os.path.join(args['working'], 'classifiers',
                test.test_classifier(args['working'], args['working'],
                                     args['test_data'], clf, args['darpa'],
def main():
    ## Parameters ##
    data = cmn.dataset(xSet = "dist_days_time_dayOfWeek")
    data.load()#N_points = 1000)
    futureMask = makeFutureMask(data.tScope, data.tTest)

    # Try many values of k
    vals = np.ceil(2 ** (np.arange(15) / 1.5))
    rmse = np.zeros(shape=(len(vals)), dtype=np.float)
    for i in range(len(vals)):
        k = vals[i]
        timer = cmn.timer()
        yHat = manyNearestNeighborsVector(data.xScope, data.yScope, data.xTest, k, futureMask)
        print "k = {}\tRuntime = {:.2f}".format(k, timer.dur())
        rmse[i] = cmn.rmse(data.yTest, yHat)
        print "\tRMSE = {:.2f}".format(rmse[i])
        data.saveYHat(yHat, model = "{}NN".format(k))

        # Visualize and save the images for the model
        data.visualize(yHat, "{}NN".format(k))
    # Plot the historical RMSE
    plot(vals, rmse)
    xlabel("Number of nearest points, k in kNN")
    ylabel("Root Mean Squared Error (seconds)")
    title("kNN Model, RMSE for different ks")
    savefig("{}/{}_{}_k-rmse.png".format(data.figPath, data.serviceName, data.routeName))
Exemplo n.º 3
def test_generate_WKB(ctx_factory, grid_shape, proc_shape, dtype, random,
    if ctx_factory:
        ctx = ctx_factory()
        ctx = ps.choose_device_and_make_context()

    queue = cl.CommandQueue(ctx)
    h = 1
    mpi = ps.DomainDecomposition(proc_shape, h, grid_shape=grid_shape)
    rank_shape, _ = mpi.get_rank_shape_start(grid_shape)

    fft = ps.DFT(mpi, ctx, queue, grid_shape, dtype)

    L = (10,)*3
    volume = np.product(L)
    dk = tuple(2 * np.pi / Li for Li in L)
    modes = ps.RayleighGenerator(ctx, fft, dk, volume)

    # only checking that this call is successful
    fk, dfk = modes.generate_WKB(queue, random=random)

    if timing:
        ntime = 10
        from common import timer
        t = timer(lambda: modes.generate_WKB(queue, random=random), ntime=ntime)
        print(f"{random=} set_modes took {t:.3f} ms for {grid_shape=}")
def main():
    ## Parameters ##
    data = cmn.dataset(xSet = "dist_days_time_dayOfWeek")
    data.load(Nparts = 10)#N_points = 1000)
    futureMask = makeFutureMask(data.tScope, data.tTest)

    # Try many values of k
    vals = np.ceil(2 ** np.arange(10))
    rmse = np.zeros(shape=(len(vals)), dtype=np.float)
    for i in range(len(vals)):
        k = vals[i]
        timer = cmn.timer()
        yHat = regress(data.xScope, data.yScope, data.xTest, k, futureMask)
        print "rho = {}\tRuntime = {:.2f}".format(k, timer.dur())
        rmse[i] = cmn.rmse(data.yTest, yHat)
        print "\tRMSE = {:.2f}".format(rmse[i])
        data.saveYHat(yHat, model = "kernel_{}rho".format(k))

        # Visualize and save the images for the model
        data.visualize(yHat, "kernel_{}rho".format(k))
    # Plot the historical RMSE
    plot(vals, rmse)
    xlabel("rho Paramater")
    ylabel("Root Mean Squared Error (seconds)")
    title("Kernel Regression Model, RMSE for different rhos")
    savefig("{}/{}_{}_kernel_rho-rmse.png".format(data.figPath, data.serviceName, data.routeName))
Exemplo n.º 5
def test_reduction(ctx_factory,
    if ctx_factory:
        ctx = ctx_factory()
        ctx = ps.choose_device_and_make_context()

    queue = cl.CommandQueue(ctx)
    h = 1
    grid_shape = _grid_shape or grid_shape
    mpi = ps.DomainDecomposition(proc_shape, h, grid_shape=grid_shape)
    rank_shape, _ = mpi.get_rank_shape_start(grid_shape)

    from pymbolic import var
    from pystella import Field
    tmp_insns = [(var("x"), Field("f") / 2 + .31)]

    reducers = {}
    reducers["avg"] = [(var("x"), op)]

    if pass_grid_dims:
        reducer = ps.Reduction(mpi,
        reducer = ps.Reduction(mpi, reducers, tmp_instructions=tmp_insns)

    f = clr.rand(queue, rank_shape, dtype=dtype)

    import pyopencl.tools as clt
    pool = clt.MemoryPool(clt.ImmediateAllocator(queue))

    result = reducer(queue, f=f, allocator=pool)
    avg = result["avg"]

    avg_test = reducer.reduce_array(f / 2 + .31, op)
    if op == "avg":
        avg_test /= np.product(grid_shape)

    rtol = 5e-14 if dtype == np.float64 else 1e-5
    assert np.allclose(avg, avg_test, rtol=rtol, atol=0), \
        f"{op} reduction innaccurate for {grid_shape=}, {proc_shape=}"

    if timing:
        from common import timer
        t = timer(lambda: reducer(queue, f=f, allocator=pool), ntime=1000)
        if mpi.rank == 0:
                f"reduction took {t:.3f} ms for {grid_shape=}, {proc_shape=}")
            bandwidth = f.nbytes / 1024**3 / t * 1000
            print(f"Bandwidth = {bandwidth:.1f} GB/s")
Exemplo n.º 6
def test_field_statistics(ctx_factory,
    ctx = ctx_factory()

    queue = cl.CommandQueue(ctx)
    h = 1
    grid_shape = _grid_shape or grid_shape
    mpi = ps.DomainDecomposition(proc_shape, h, grid_shape=grid_shape)
    rank_shape, _ = mpi.get_rank_shape_start(grid_shape)

    # make select parameters local for convenience
    h = 2
    f = clr.rand(queue, (2, 1) + tuple(ni + 2 * h for ni in rank_shape),

    if pass_grid_dims:
        statistics = ps.FieldStatistics(mpi,
        statistics = ps.FieldStatistics(mpi, h)

    import pyopencl.tools as clt
    pool = clt.MemoryPool(clt.ImmediateAllocator(queue))

    stats = statistics(f, allocator=pool)
    avg = stats["mean"]
    var = stats["variance"]

    f_h = f.get()
    rank_sum = np.sum(f_h[..., h:-h, h:-h, h:-h], axis=(-3, -2, -1))
    avg_test = mpi.allreduce(rank_sum) / np.product(grid_shape)

    rank_sum = np.sum(f_h[..., h:-h, h:-h, h:-h]**2, axis=(-3, -2, -1))
    var_test = mpi.allreduce(rank_sum) / np.product(grid_shape) - avg_test**2

    rtol = 5e-14 if dtype == np.float64 else 1e-5

    assert np.allclose(avg, avg_test, rtol=rtol, atol=0), \
        f"average innaccurate for {grid_shape=}, {proc_shape=}"

    assert np.allclose(var, var_test, rtol=rtol, atol=0), \
        f"variance innaccurate for {grid_shape=}, {proc_shape=}"

    if timing:
        from common import timer
        t = timer(lambda: statistics(f, allocator=pool))
        if mpi.rank == 0:
                f"field stats took {t:.3f} ms "
                f"for outer shape {f.shape[:-3]}, {grid_shape=}, {proc_shape=}"
Exemplo n.º 7
def test_histogram(ctx_factory, grid_shape, proc_shape, dtype, num_bins,
    if ctx_factory:
        ctx = ctx_factory()
        ctx = ps.choose_device_and_make_context()

    queue = cl.CommandQueue(ctx)
    h = 1
    mpi = ps.DomainDecomposition(proc_shape, h, grid_shape=grid_shape)
    rank_shape, _ = mpi.get_rank_shape_start(grid_shape)

    if np.dtype(dtype) in (np.dtype("float64"), np.dtype("complex128")):
        max_rtol, avg_rtol = 1e-10, 1e-11
        max_rtol, avg_rtol = 5e-4, 5e-5

    from pymbolic import var
    _fx = ps.Field("fx")
    histograms = {
        "count": (var("abs")(_fx) * num_bins, 1),
        "squared": (var("abs")(_fx) * num_bins, _fx**2),
    hist = ps.Histogrammer(mpi, histograms, num_bins, dtype, rank_shape=rank_shape)

    rng = clr.ThreefryGenerator(ctx, seed=12321)
    fx = rng.uniform(queue, rank_shape, dtype)
    fx_h = fx.get()

    result = hist(queue, fx=fx)

    res = result["count"]
    assert np.sum(res.astype("int64")) == np.product(grid_shape), \
        f"Count histogram doesn't sum to grid_size ({np.sum(res)})"

    bins = np.linspace(0, 1, num_bins+1).astype(dtype)
    weights = np.ones_like(fx_h)
    np_res = np.histogram(fx_h, bins=bins, weights=weights)[0]
    np_res = mpi.allreduce(np_res)

    max_err, avg_err = get_errs(res, np_res)
    assert max_err < max_rtol and avg_err < avg_rtol, \
        f"Histogrammer inaccurate for grid_shape={grid_shape}" \
        f": {max_err=}, {avg_err=}"

    res = result["squared"]
    np_res = np.histogram(fx_h, bins=bins, weights=fx_h**2)[0]
    np_res = mpi.allreduce(np_res)

    max_err, avg_err = get_errs(res, np_res)
    assert max_err < max_rtol and avg_err < avg_rtol, \
        f"Histogrammer with weights inaccurate for grid_shape={grid_shape}" \
        f": {max_err=}, {avg_err=}"

    if timing:
        from common import timer
        t = timer(lambda: hist(queue, fx=fx))
        print(f"histogram took {t:.3f} ms for {grid_shape=}, {dtype=}")
Exemplo n.º 8
def test_generate(ctx_factory, grid_shape, proc_shape, dtype, random, timing=False):
    if ctx_factory:
        ctx = ctx_factory()
        ctx = ps.choose_device_and_make_context()

    queue = cl.CommandQueue(ctx)
    h = 1
    mpi = ps.DomainDecomposition(proc_shape, h, grid_shape=grid_shape)
    rank_shape, _ = mpi.get_rank_shape_start(grid_shape)

    fft = ps.DFT(mpi, ctx, queue, grid_shape, dtype)

    num_bins = int(sum(Ni**2 for Ni in grid_shape)**.5 / 2 + .5) + 1
    L = (10,)*3
    volume = np.product(L)
    dk = tuple(2 * np.pi / Li for Li in L)
    spectra = ps.PowerSpectra(mpi, fft, dk, volume)
    modes = ps.RayleighGenerator(ctx, fft, dk, volume, seed=5123)

    kbins = min(dk) * np.arange(0, num_bins)
    test_norm = 1 / 2 / np.pi**2 / np.product(grid_shape)**2

    for exp in [-1, -2, -3]:
        def power(k):
            return k**exp

        fk = modes.generate(queue, random=random, norm=1, field_ps=power)

        spectrum = spectra.norm * spectra.bin_power(fk, queue=queue, k_power=3)[1:-1]
        true_spectrum = test_norm * kbins[1:-1]**3 * power(kbins[1:-1])
        err = np.abs(1 - spectrum / true_spectrum)

        tol = .1 if num_bins < 64 else .3
        assert (np.max(err[num_bins//3:-num_bins//3]) < tol
                and np.average(err[1:]) < tol), \
            f"init power spectrum incorrect for {random=}, k**{exp}"

        if random:
            fx = fft.idft(cla.to_device(queue, fk)).real
            if isinstance(fx, cla.Array):
                fx = fx.get()

            grid_size = np.product(grid_shape)

            avg = mpi.allreduce(np.sum(fx)) / grid_size
            var = mpi.allreduce(np.sum(fx**2)) / grid_size - avg**2
            skew = mpi.allreduce(np.sum(fx**3)) / grid_size - 3 * avg * var - avg**3
            skew /= var**1.5
            assert skew < tol, \
                f"init power spectrum has large skewness for k**{exp}"

    if timing:
        ntime = 10
        from common import timer
        t = timer(lambda: modes.generate(queue, random=random), ntime=ntime)
        print(f"{random=} set_modes took {t:.3f} ms for {grid_shape=}")
Exemplo n.º 9
def features(args):
    Applys the trained Word2Vec model to translate 
    the token vectors into feature vectors.

    args : dict
        Configuration dict, typically loaded from YAML file
    with timer("Generating Feature Vectors"):
        pf.finalize_feature_vectors(args['working'], args['working'],
Exemplo n.º 10
def tokens(args):
    Generate token vectors from raw pcap files. 

    args : dict
        Configuration dict, typically loaded from YAML file
    with timer("Generating Tokens and Dictionary"):
Exemplo n.º 11
def main():
    ## Parameters ##
    data = cmn.dataset(xSet = "dist_days_time_dayOfWeek")
    data.load(Nparts = 10)#N_points = 1000)
    futureMask = makeFutureMask(data.tScope, data.tTest)

    rmse = np.zeros(shape=(len(vals)), dtype=np.float)
    timer = cmn.timer()
    yHat = regress(data.xScope, data.yScope, data.xTest, 1, futureMask)
    print "onTime\tRuntime = {:.2f}".format(timer.dur())
    rmse[i] = cmn.rmse(data.yTest, yHat)
    print "\tRMSE = {:.2f}".format(rmse[i])
    data.saveYHat(yHat, model = "onTime".format(k))

    # Visualize and save the images for the model
    data.visualize(yHat, "onTime".format(k))
Exemplo n.º 12
def embeddings(args):
    Train a Word2Vec model using Tensorflow with
    the token vectors generated in the 'tokens'

    args : dict
        Configuration dict, typically loaded from YAML file
    with timer("Training Word2Vec Model"):
        if 'embeddings' not in args.keys() or args['embeddings'] == None:
            te.create(args['working'], args['working'],
            te.update(args['working'], args['embeddings'], args['working'],
def main():
    ## Parameters ##
    data = cmn.dataset(xSet = "dist_days_time_dayOfWeek")
    data.load()#N_points = 1000)
    k = 10
    futureMask = makeFutureMask(data.tScope, data.tTest)

    timer = cmn.timer()
    yHat = manyNearestNeighborsVector(data.xScope, data.yScope, data.xTest, k, futureMask)
    print "Vectorized Runtime = {:.2f}".format(timer.dur())
    print "RMSE = {:.2f}".format(cmn.rmse(data.yTest, yHat))
    data.saveYHat(yHat, model = "{}NN".format(k))

    #yHat2 = manyNearestNeighbors(data.xTrain, data.yTrain, data.xTest, k)
    #print "Iterative Runtime = {:.2f}".format(timer.dur())
    #print "RMSE = {}".format(cmn.rmse(data.yTest, yHat))

    # Visualize and save the images for the model
    data.visualize(yHat, "{}NN".format(k))
Exemplo n.º 14
def main():
    ## Parameters ##
    #data = cmn.dataset(xSet = "traj")
    #data.load()#N_points = 1000)
    #futureMask = makeFutureMask(data.tScope, data.tTest)
    dataPath = "/projects/onebusaway/BakerNiedMLProject/data/routefeatures"
    resPath = "/projects/onebusaway/BakerNiedMLProject/data/modelPredictions"
    figPath = "/projects/onebusaway/BakerNiedMLProject/figures/predictions"
    serviceName = "intercitytransit"
    routeName = "route13"
    xSet = "traj"
    ySet = "dev"
    x = np.loadtxt("{}/{}_{}_{}.txt".format(dataPath, serviceName, routeName, xSet), dtype=np.float)
    # Try many values of k
    vals = np.ceil(2 ** (np.arange(15) / 1.5))
    rmse = np.zeros(shape=(len(vals)), dtype=np.float)
    minK = 0
    minRMSE = 0
    sel = np.random.permutation(range(len(x)));
    split = len(x)/4;
    xTrain = x[sel[:split*2]];
    xVal = x[sel[split*2:3*split]];
    xTest = x[sel[3*split:]];
    yTest = np.zeros(len(xVal));
    yHat = np.zeros(len(xVal));
    data_norm = np.empty(shape = x.shape)
    theMean = x[:,:].mean()
    theStdDev = x[:,:].std()
    data_norm = (x - theMean)/ theStdDev
    xTrainNorm = data_norm[sel[:split*2]];
    xValNorm = data_norm[sel[split*2:3*split]];
    xTestNorm = data_norm[sel[3*split:]];
    for i in range(len(vals)):
        k = vals[i]
        model = "{}NN".format(k);
        timer = cmn.timer()

        print xTrain.shape;
        print xTest.shape;
        print xVal.shape;
        for j in range(len(xVal)):
            v = len(xVal[0])-15
            t = np.random.randint(10,v);
            yTest[j] = xVal[j][t+10];
            #print xTrain[:,:t].shape;
            #print xTrain[:,t+10].shape;
            #print xVal[j,:t].shape;
            #print t;

            yHat[i] = manyNearestNeighborsVector(xTrainNorm[:,:t], xTrain[:,t+10], xValNorm[j,:t].reshape(1,t), k, weights=np.ones(t))
        print "k = {}\tRuntime = {:.2f}".format(k, timer.dur())
        rmse[i] = cmn.rmse(yTest, yHat)
        if i == 0 or rmse[i]<minRMSE:
            minRMSE = rmse[i]
            minK = vals[i]
        print "\tRMSE = {:.2f}".format(rmse[i])
        np.savetxt("{}/{}_{}_{}_{}_val.txt".format(resPath, serviceName, routeName, model, xSet), cmn.cmb(xVal, yTest, yHat))

    k = minK
    model = "{}NN".format(k);
    yTest = np.zeros(len(xTest));
    yHat = np.zeros(len(xTest));
    for i in range(len(xTest)):
        v = len(xVal[0])-15
        t = np.random.randint(10,v);
        yTest[i] = xTest[i][t+10];
        yHat[i] = manyNearestNeighborsVector(xTrain[:,:t], xTrain[:,t+10], xTest[i,:t].reshape(1,t), k, weights=np.ones(t))
        # Visualize and save the images for the model
        #data.visualize(yHat, "{}NN".format(k))
    np.savetxt("{}/{}_{}_{}_{}_test.txt".format(resPath, serviceName, routeName, model, xSet), cmn.cmb(xTest, yTest, yHat))
    # Plot the historical RMSE
    plot(vals, rmse)
    xlabel("Number of nearest points, k in kNN")
    ylabel("Root Mean Squared Error (seconds)")
    title("kNN Model, RMSE for different ks")
    savefig("{}/{}_{}_k-rmse.png".format(figPath, serviceName, routeName))
Exemplo n.º 15
def test_elementwise(ctx_factory, grid_shape, proc_shape, dtype, timing=False):
    if ctx_factory:
        ctx = ctx_factory()
        ctx = ps.choose_device_and_make_context()

    queue = cl.CommandQueue(ctx)
    rank_shape = tuple(Ni // pi for Ni, pi in zip(grid_shape, proc_shape))

    from pymbolic import var
    a = var("a")
    b = var("b")

    from pystella.field import Field
    x = Field("x")
    y = Field("y")
    z = Field("z")

    tmp_dict = {a[0]: x + 2, a[1]: 2 + x * y, b: x + y / 2}
    map_dict = {x: a[0] * y**2 * x + a[1] * b, z: z + a[1] * b}
    single_insn = {x: y + z}

    ew_map = ps.ElementWiseMap(map_dict, tmp_instructions=tmp_dict)

    x = clr.rand(queue, rank_shape, dtype=dtype)
    y = clr.rand(queue, rank_shape, dtype=dtype)
    z = clr.rand(queue, rank_shape, dtype=dtype)

    a0 = x + 2
    a1 = 2 + x * y
    b = x + y / 2
    x_true = a0 * y**2 * x + a1 * b
    z_true = z + a1 * b

    ew_map(queue, x=x, y=y, z=z)

    max_rtol = 5e-14 if dtype == np.float64 else 1e-5
    avg_rtol = 5e-14 if dtype == np.float64 else 1e-5

    max_err, avg_err = get_errs(x_true.get(), x.get())
    assert max_err < max_rtol and avg_err < avg_rtol, \
        f"x innaccurate for {grid_shape=}, {proc_shape=}: {max_err=}, {avg_err=}"

    max_err, avg_err = get_errs(z_true.get(), z.get())
    assert max_err < max_rtol and avg_err < avg_rtol, \
        f"z innaccurate for {grid_shape=}, {proc_shape=}: {max_err=}, {avg_err=}"

    # test success of single instruction
    ew_map_single = ps.ElementWiseMap(single_insn)
    ew_map_single(queue, x=x, y=y, z=z)

    x_true = y + z
    max_err, avg_err = get_errs(x_true.get(), x.get())
    assert max_err < max_rtol and avg_err < avg_rtol, \
        f"x innaccurate for {grid_shape=}, {proc_shape=}: {max_err=}, {avg_err=}"

    if timing:
        from common import timer
        t = timer(lambda: ew_map(queue, x=x, y=y, z=z)[0])
            f"elementwise map took {t:.3f} ms for {grid_shape=}, {proc_shape=}"
        bandwidth = 5 * x.nbytes / 1024**3 / t * 1000
        print(f"Bandwidth = {bandwidth:.1f} GB/s")
Exemplo n.º 16
        agent = PongAgent(state_size, n_actions)
    elif mode == "evo":
        from evo import PongAgent, training_loop
        agent = PongAgent(state_size, n_actions)

    callbacks = [
        ModelSaver(agent, config.agent),

    agent = training_loop(agent, env, config, callbacks)
    return agent

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
def main():


    agent = train_agent("dqn")  # dqn, evo, pg

    print("All OK")

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
if __name__ == "__main__":
    with timer("Pong RL"):
Exemplo n.º 17
    def check_outp(self):
        log = self.path_for('log')
        outp = self.path_for('outp')
        dat = self.path_for('persist')

        if not log:
            raise Warning("check_outp: Job %s missing log file" % self.name)
        if not outp:
            raise Warning("check_outp: Job %s missing outp file" % self.name)

        with common.timer('rawfine'):
            raw_dat = Datum.from_tuples(rawfine.read2csv(log, dat, meta=False))

        with common.timer('refine'):
            csv_dat = []
            with open(outp, 'r') as fh:
                for lineno, line in enumerate(fh):
                    line = line.strip()
                    if not line:
                    if line.startswith(COMMENT_LINE):

                    mean, err, its = line.split(',')
                    datum = Datum(float(mean), float(err), int(its))
                    datum._line_no = lineno
                    fin = math.isfinite
                    if not (fin(datum.mean) and fin(datum.stderr)):

        # lcs = common.LCS(csv_dat, raw_dat)
        with common.timer('lcs'):
            lcs = common.LCSGreedyApprox(raw_dat, csv_dat)
        com_dat = lcs.common()

        diff = lcs.diff()[0]
        if diff:
            fix = "#mean,stderr,weight\n"
            for d, k, x in diff:
                    x, _ = x
                except TypeError:
                fix += str(x) + "\n"

            warn = "\n"
            warn += "check_outp: Job %s:\n" % self.name
            warn += "  Inconsistent outp(%d, %s) log(%d, %s) outputs!\n" % (
                len(csv_dat), EXTS['outp'], len(raw_dat), EXTS['log'])

            overs = set()
            notcsv = 0
            warn2 = "    in outp but not log (*):\n"
            warn2 += "     #indx(line): mean,stderr,n\n"
            for d, k, x in diff:
                if d < 0:
                    if k in self.overrides['outp']:
                        ln = getattr(x, '_line_no', None)
                        ln = '????' if ln is None else '%4d' % ln
                        warn2 += "      %4d(%s): %s\n" % (k, ln, x)
                        notcsv += 1
            if notcsv:
                warn2 += "    * may indicate incorrect weighting...\n"
                warn += warn2
            excess = self.overrides['outp'].difference(overs)
            if excess:
                warn += "    overriden unnecessarily: %r\n" % excess

            notlog = 0
            warn2 = "    in log but not outp:\n"
            for d, k, x in diff:
                if d > 0:
                    warn2 += "      %4d: %s (mean~%f)\n" % (k, x, 1 / x.mean)
                    notlog += 1
            if notlog:
                warn += warn2

            warn += "  A candidate fix has been written to %s" % EXTS[

            if notcsv or notlog or excess:
                with open(self.path_for('outp_fix', True), 'w') as f:
                raise Warning(warn)
Exemplo n.º 18
    max_flux = data.groupby(['object_id',
    max_flux = pd.merge(max_flux,
                        data[['object_id', 'passband', 'flux', 'mjd']],
                        on=['object_id', 'passband', 'flux'],
    max_flux.columns = [
        'object_id', 'passband', 'max(flux)', 'time(max(flux))'
    max_flux.drop_duplicates(subset=['object_id', 'passband'], inplace=True)
    max_flux.reset_index(drop=True).to_feather(config.DATA_DIR +

if __name__ == "__main__":
    with timer("Make directory"):

    with timer("Convert metadata"):
        concat_to_feather(config.DATA_DIR + "training_set_metadata.csv",
                          config.DATA_DIR + "test_set_metadata.csv",
                          config.DATA_DIR + "meta.f",
                              'object_id', 'ra', 'decl', 'gal_l', 'gal_b',
                              'ddf', 'hostgal_specz', 'hostgal_photoz',
Exemplo n.º 19
def test_dft(ctx_factory,
    if not use_fftw and np.product(proc_shape) > 1:
        pytest.skip("Must use mpi4py-fft on more than one rank.")

    ctx = ctx_factory()

    queue = cl.CommandQueue(ctx)
    h = 1
    mpi = ps.DomainDecomposition(proc_shape, h, grid_shape=grid_shape)
    mpi0 = ps.DomainDecomposition(proc_shape, 0, grid_shape=grid_shape)
    rank_shape, _ = mpi.get_rank_shape_start(grid_shape)

    fft = ps.DFT(mpi, ctx, queue, grid_shape, dtype, use_fftw=use_fftw)
    grid_size = np.product(grid_shape)
    rdtype = fft.rdtype

    if fft.is_real:
        np_dft = np.fft.rfftn
        np_idft = np.fft.irfftn
        np_dft = np.fft.fftn
        np_idft = np.fft.ifftn

    rtol = 1e-11 if dtype in ("float64", "complex128") else 2e-3

    rng = clr.ThreefryGenerator(ctx, seed=12321 * (mpi.rank + 1))
    fx = rng.uniform(queue, rank_shape, rdtype) + 1e-2
    if not fft.is_real:
        fx = fx + 1j * rng.uniform(queue, rank_shape, rdtype)

    fx = fx.get()

    fk = fft.dft(fx)
    if isinstance(fk, cla.Array):
        fk = fk.get()
    fk, _fk = fk.copy(), fk  # hang on to one that fftw won't overwrite

    fx2 = fft.idft(_fk)
    if isinstance(fx2, cla.Array):
        fx2 = fx2.get()

    fx_glb = np.empty(shape=grid_shape, dtype=dtype)
    for root in range(mpi.nranks):
        mpi0.gather_array(queue, fx, fx_glb, root=root)

    fk_glb_np = np.ascontiguousarray(np_dft(fx_glb))
    fx2_glb_np = np.ascontiguousarray(np_idft(fk_glb_np))

    if use_fftw:
        fk_np = fk_glb_np[fft.fft.local_slice(True)]
        fx2_np = fx2_glb_np[fft.fft.local_slice(False)]
        fk_np = fk_glb_np
        fx2_np = fx2_glb_np

    max_err, avg_err = get_errs(fx, fx2 / grid_size)
    assert max_err < rtol, \
        f"IDFT(DFT(f)) != f for {grid_shape=}, {proc_shape=}: {max_err=}, {avg_err=}"

    max_err, avg_err = get_errs(fk_np, fk)
    assert max_err < rtol, \
        f"DFT disagrees with numpy for {grid_shape=}, {proc_shape=}:"\
        f" {max_err=}, {avg_err=}"

    max_err, avg_err = get_errs(fx2_np, fx2 / grid_size)
    assert max_err < rtol, \
        f"IDFT disagrees with numpy for {grid_shape=}, {proc_shape=}:"\
        f" {max_err=}, {avg_err=}"

    fx_cl = cla.empty(queue, rank_shape, dtype)
    pencil_shape = tuple(ni + 2 * h for ni in rank_shape)
    fx_cl_halo = cla.empty(queue, pencil_shape, dtype)
    fx_np = np.empty(rank_shape, dtype)
    fx_np_halo = np.empty(pencil_shape, dtype)
    fk_cl = cla.empty(queue, fft.shape(True), fft.fk.dtype)
    fk_np = np.empty(fft.shape(True), fft.fk.dtype)

    # FIXME: check that these actually produce the correct result
    fx_types = {
        "cl": fx_cl,
        "cl halo": fx_cl_halo,
        "np": fx_np,
        "np halo": fx_np_halo,
        "None": None

    fk_types = {"cl": fk_cl, "np": fk_np, "None": None}

    # run all of these to ensure no runtime errors even if no timing
    ntime = 20 if timing else 1

    from common import timer

    if mpi.rank == 0:
        print(f"N = {grid_shape}, ",
              "complex" if np.dtype(dtype).kind == "c" else "real")

    from itertools import product
    for (a, input_), (b, output) in product(fx_types.items(),
        t = timer(lambda: fft.dft(input_, output), ntime=ntime)
        if mpi.rank == 0:
            print(f"dft({a}, {b}) took {t:.3f} ms")

    for (a, input_), (b, output) in product(fk_types.items(),
        t = timer(lambda: fft.idft(input_, output), ntime=ntime)
        if mpi.rank == 0:
            print(f"idft({a}, {b}) took {t:.3f} ms")
Exemplo n.º 20
def extract_features(meta: pd.DataFrame,
                     lc: pd.DataFrame,
                     source: str,
                     normalize: bool = False,
                     snr: int = 3,
                     zbounds: str = 'estimated',
                     skip: int = 0,
                     end: int = -1,
                     clip_bounds: bool = False,
                     t_bounds: bool = False,
                     columns: List[str] = None):
    if normalize:
            for band in ['g', 'i', 'r', 'u', 'y', 'z']:
                b = read_bandpass('lsst/total_{}.dat'.format(band),
                sncosmo.register(b, 'lsst{}_n'.format(band))

    with timer('dropping meta'):
        meta = meta[meta.object_id.isin(lc.object_id)].reset_index(drop=True)
        print('shape(meta): {}'.format(meta.shape))

    if 'object_id' in meta:
        meta.set_index('object_id', inplace=True)

    if normalize:
        passbands = [
            'lsstu_n', 'lsstg_n', 'lsstr_n', 'lssti_n', 'lsstz_n', 'lssty_n'
        passbands = ['lsstu', 'lsstg', 'lsstr', 'lssti', 'lsstz', 'lssty']

    with timer('prep'):
        lc['band'] = lc['passband'].apply(lambda x: passbands[x])
        lc['zpsys'] = 'ab'
        lc['zp'] = 25.0

    # create a model
    model = Model(source=source)

    params = model.param_names

    if columns:
        ret = pd.DataFrame(columns=columns)
        columns = ['chisq', 'ncall'] + [source + '_' + c for c in params] + [
            source + '_' + c + '_err' for c in params
        ret = pd.DataFrame(columns=columns)

        prefix = source
        if zbounds == 'fixed':
            prefix += '_f_'
            prefix += '_p_'

        prefix += 'sn{}_'.format(snr)

        if normalize:
            prefix += 'n_'

        ret.columns = [prefix + c for c in ret.columns]

    n_errors = 0

    n_loop = len(meta)

    if end > 0:
        n_loop = end

    for i in tqdm(range(skip, n_loop)):
        object_id = meta.index[i]
            ret.loc[object_id] = fit_lc(model, meta, lc, object_id, zbounds,
                                        clip_bounds, t_bounds, snr)
            n_errors += 1

            if i == 30 and n_errors == 31:
                print('All 30 first attempts were failed. stopped')

    print('total {} data processed. {} data was skipped'.format(
        len(meta), n_errors))

    ret.rename(columns={'index': 'object_id'}, inplace=True)
    return ret
Exemplo n.º 21
def generate_index(args):
    jobdir = args.jobdir
    cachef = None
    jobs = {}
    cache = {}

    if args.cache:
        cachef = os.path.join(jobdir, args.cache)
            if not args.replan:
                with open(cachef, 'r') as f:
                    cache = json.load(f)
        except FileNotFoundError:

    with common.timer(1):
        for root, _, files in os.walk(jobdir):
            for file in files:
                path = os.path.join(root, file)
                rpath = pathlib.PurePath(path).relative_to(jobdir)
                jobn = str(rpath.with_suffix(''))

                if rpath.suffix in EXTS_rev:
                    jobs.setdefault(jobn, Job(jobdir, jobn))

    index = Index(args)

    with common.timer(2):
        warnings = False
        prog_bar = False
        for jobn, job in jobs.items():
            if jobn in cache:
                params = Parameters.from_dict(cache[jobn])
                error('.', end='', flush=True)
                prog_bar = True
                with common.timer((3, jobn)):
                        with common.timer((3, jobn, 'overrides')):
                        with common.timer((3, jobn, 'outp')):
                        with common.timer((3, jobn, 'params')):
                            params = job.get_parameters()
                            cache[jobn] = params.to_dict()

                    except Warning as w:
                        warnings = True
        if prog_bar: error('')

        if cachef:
            with open(cachef, 'w') as f:
                json.dump(cache, f, sort_keys=True, indent=4)

        if warnings:
            error("\n*** Please fix the above warnings before continuing")
                "* For inconsistent outp/log, manually edit relevant files to resolve inconsistencies or use override*"
                "* For missing outp files, use rawfine.py cautiously to reconstruct"
                "* For missing log files, first touch the log file, then override* the relevant warnings."
                "* For uninferred parameters, you may have an empty log file - add params to the log file..."
            error("** .override files: see README.md")
            return False

    with common.timer(4):
        warnings = False
        for p, xs in index.all():
            except Warning as w:
                warnings = True

        if warnings:
            error("\n*** Please fix the above warnings before continuing")
            error("* Staged plans need manual review before use;")
            error("  if the plan looks right, remove the staged key")
            return False

    return index
def main():
    ## Parameters ##
    xSet = "dist_days_time_dayOfWeek_normalized"

    # Load the Data
    data = cmn.dataset(xSet = xSet)
    data.load(Nparts = 10)#, N_points = 12000)

    # Set X, Y, xTest and get sizes
    Y     = data.yScope;

    (N_train, N_feat) = data.xScope.shape
    N_test            = data.xTest.shape[0]

    # Precompute the future mask
    futureMask = makeFutureMask(data.tScope, data.tTest, futureTime = -30 * 60)

    # Compute the distance matrix (since they all use the same)
    weights = np.array([3, 0.5, 2, 1])

    timer = cmn.timer()
    traintile = np.tile(np.reshape(data.xScope, (N_train, N_feat, 1)), (1, 1, N_test));
    testtile = np.tile(np.transpose(np.reshape(data.xTest, (N_test, N_feat, 1)), (2, 1, 0)), (N_train, 1, 1));
    weightstile = np.tile(weights.reshape(1, N_feat, 1), (N_train, 1, N_test))
    print "Dist runtime: {:.2f}".format(timer.dur())

    dist = np.sum(((traintile - testtile) ** 2) * weightstile, axis=1)

    ## Try out some models with rhos and ks
    filename = "{}/{}_{}_tests_Ntrain{}.txt".format(data.resPath, data.serviceName, data.routeName, N_train)
    f = open(filename, 'w')
    str = "Model\t{}\t{}\t{}\n".format("Param", "RunTime", "RMSE")
    print str[:len(str)-1]

    # Make a list of parameters to test
    rhos = 2 ** (np.arange(-10, 10) / 2.0)
    ks   = np.ceil( 2 ** (np.arange(18) / 1.5))

    # Allocate data containers
    N_onTime = 1
    N_kernel = len(rhos)
    N_kNN = len(ks)
    N_attempts = N_onTime + N_kernel + N_kNN
    attempts = range(0, N_attempts)
    rmses = np.zeros(shape=(N_attempts), dtype=np.float)
    times = np.zeros(shape=(N_attempts), dtype=np.float)
    models = [""] * N_attempts

    for i in attempts:
        timer = cmn.timer()
        if(i < N_onTime):
            yHat = onTime(dist.shape[1])
            models[i] = "onTime\t"
        elif(i < (N_kernel + N_onTime)):
            rho = rhos[i - N_onTime]
            yHat = kernel(dist, futureMask, Y, rho)
            models[i] = "kernel\t{: 3.2f}".format(rho)
        elif(i < (N_kNN + N_kernel + N_onTime)):
            k = ks[i - N_onTime - N_kernel]
            yHat = kNN(dist, futureMask, Y, k)
            models[i] = "kNN\t{: 5.0f}".format(k)

        times[i] = timer.dur()
        rmses[i] = cmn.rmse(data.yTest, yHat)
        str = "{}\t{:.2f}\t{:.2f}\n".format(models[i], times[i], rmses[i])
        print str[:len(str)-1]

Exemplo n.º 23
def test_share_halos(ctx_factory,
    ctx = ctx_factory()

    if isinstance(h, int):
        h = (h, ) * 3

    queue = cl.CommandQueue(ctx)
    grid_shape = _grid_shape or grid_shape
    mpi = ps.DomainDecomposition(
        proc_shape, h, grid_shape=(grid_shape if pass_grid_shape else None))
    rank_shape, substart = mpi.get_rank_shape_start(grid_shape)

    # data will be same on each rank
    rng = clr.ThreefryGenerator(ctx, seed=12321)
    data = rng.uniform(queue,
                       tuple(Ni + 2 * hi for Ni, hi in zip(grid_shape, h)),
    if h[0] > 0:
        data[:h[0], :, :] = data[-2 * h[0]:-h[0], :, :]
        data[-h[0]:, :, :] = data[h[0]:2 * h[0], :, :]
    if h[1] > 0:
        data[:, :h[1], :] = data[:, -2 * h[1]:-h[1], :]
        data[:, -h[1]:, :] = data[:, h[1]:2 * h[1], :]
    if h[2] > 0:
        data[:, :, :h[2]] = data[:, :, -2 * h[2]:-h[2]]
        data[:, :, -h[2]:] = data[:, :, h[2]:2 * h[2]]

    subdata = np.empty(tuple(ni + 2 * hi for ni, hi in zip(rank_shape, h)),
    rank_slice = tuple(
        slice(si + hi, si + ni + hi)
        for ni, si, hi in zip(rank_shape, substart, h))
    unpadded_slc = tuple(slice(hi, -hi) if hi > 0 else slice(None) for hi in h)
    subdata[unpadded_slc] = data[rank_slice]

    subdata_device = cla.to_device(queue, subdata)
    mpi.share_halos(queue, subdata_device)
    subdata2 = subdata_device.get()

    pencil_slice = tuple(
        slice(si, si + ri + 2 * hi)
        for ri, si, hi in zip(rank_shape, substart, h))
    assert (subdata2 == data[pencil_slice]).all(), \
        f"rank {mpi.rank} {mpi.rank_tuple} has incorrect halo data"

    # test that can call with different-shaped input
    if not pass_grid_shape:
        subdata_device_new = clr.rand(
            queue, tuple(ni // 2 + 2 * hi for ni, hi in zip(rank_shape, h)),
        mpi.share_halos(queue, subdata_device_new)

    if timing:
        from common import timer
        t = timer(lambda: mpi.share_halos(queue, fx=subdata_device))
        if mpi.rank == 0:
            print(f"share_halos took {t:.3f} ms for "
                  f"{grid_shape=}, {h=}, {proc_shape=}")
Exemplo n.º 24
def test_field_histogram(ctx_factory, grid_shape, proc_shape, dtype, timing=False):
    if ctx_factory:
        ctx = ctx_factory()
        ctx = ps.choose_device_and_make_context()

    queue = cl.CommandQueue(ctx)
    h = 1
    mpi = ps.DomainDecomposition(proc_shape, h, grid_shape=grid_shape)
    rank_shape, _ = mpi.get_rank_shape_start(grid_shape)
    pencil_shape = tuple(Ni + 2 * h for Ni in rank_shape)

    num_bins = 432

    if np.dtype(dtype) in (np.dtype("float64"), np.dtype("complex128")):
        max_rtol, avg_rtol = 1e-10, 1e-11
        max_rtol, avg_rtol = 5e-4, 5e-5

    hist = ps.FieldHistogrammer(mpi, num_bins, dtype,
                                rank_shape=rank_shape, halo_shape=h)

    rng = clr.ThreefryGenerator(ctx, seed=12321)
    fx = rng.uniform(queue, (2, 2)+pencil_shape, dtype, a=-1.2, b=3.)
    fx_h = fx.get()[..., h:-h, h:-h, h:-h]

    result = hist(fx)

    outer_shape = fx.shape[:-3]
    from itertools import product
    slices = list(product(*[range(n) for n in outer_shape]))

    for slc in slices:
        res = result["linear"][slc]
        np_res = np.histogram(fx_h[slc], bins=result["linear_bins"][slc])[0]
        np_res = mpi.allreduce(np_res)

        max_err, avg_err = get_errs(res, np_res)
        assert max_err < max_rtol and avg_err < avg_rtol, \
            f"linear Histogrammer inaccurate for grid_shape={grid_shape}" \
            f": {max_err=}, {avg_err=}"

        res = result["log"][slc]
        bins = result["log_bins"][slc]

        # avoid FPA comparison issues
        # numpy sometimes doesn't count the actual maximum/minimum
        eps = 1e-14 if np.dtype(dtype) == np.dtype("float64") else 1e-4
        bins[0] *= (1 - eps)
        bins[-1] *= (1 + eps)

        np_res = np.histogram(np.abs(fx_h[slc]), bins=bins)[0]
        np_res = mpi.allreduce(np_res)
        norm = np.maximum(np.abs(res), np.abs(np_res))
        norm[norm == 0.] = 1.

        max_err, avg_err = get_errs(res, np_res)
        assert max_err < max_rtol and avg_err < avg_rtol, \
            f"log Histogrammer inaccurate for grid_shape={grid_shape}" \
            f": {max_err=}, {avg_err=}"

    if timing:
        from common import timer
        t = timer(lambda: hist(fx[0, 0]))
        print(f"field histogram took {t:.3f} ms for {grid_shape=}, {dtype=}")
Exemplo n.º 25
def test_spectral_poisson(ctx_factory, grid_shape, proc_shape, h, dtype,
    if ctx_factory:
        ctx = ctx_factory()
        ctx = ps.choose_device_and_make_context()

    queue = cl.CommandQueue(ctx)
    mpi = ps.DomainDecomposition(proc_shape, h, grid_shape=grid_shape)
    rank_shape, _ = mpi.get_rank_shape_start(grid_shape)
    fft = ps.DFT(mpi, ctx, queue, grid_shape, dtype)

    L = (3, 5, 7)
    dx = tuple(Li / Ni for Li, Ni in zip(L, grid_shape))
    dk = tuple(2 * np.pi / Li for Li in L)

    if h == 0:
        def get_evals_2(k, dx):
            return - k**2

        derivs = ps.SpectralCollocator(fft, dk)
        from pystella.derivs import SecondCenteredDifference
        get_evals_2 = SecondCenteredDifference(h).get_eigenvalues
        derivs = ps.FiniteDifferencer(mpi, h, dx, stream=False)

    solver = ps.SpectralPoissonSolver(fft, dk, dx, get_evals_2)

    pencil_shape = tuple(ni + 2*h for ni in rank_shape)

    statistics = ps.FieldStatistics(mpi, 0, rank_shape=rank_shape,

    fx = cla.empty(queue, pencil_shape, dtype)
    rho = clr.rand(queue, rank_shape, dtype)
    rho -= statistics(rho)["mean"]
    lap = cla.empty(queue, rank_shape, dtype)
    rho_h = rho.get()

    for m_squared in (0, 1.2, 19.2):
        solver(queue, fx, rho, m_squared=m_squared)
        fx_h = fx.get()
        if h > 0:
            fx_h = fx_h[h:-h, h:-h, h:-h]

        derivs(queue, fx=fx, lap=lap)

        diff = np.fabs(lap.get() - rho_h - m_squared * fx_h)
        max_err = np.max(diff) / cla.max(clm.fabs(rho))
        avg_err = np.sum(diff) / cla.sum(clm.fabs(rho))

        max_rtol = 1e-12 if dtype == np.float64 else 1e-4
        avg_rtol = 1e-13 if dtype == np.float64 else 1e-5

        assert max_err < max_rtol and avg_err < avg_rtol, \
            f"solution inaccurate for {h=}, {grid_shape=}, {proc_shape=}"

    if timing:
        from common import timer
        time = timer(lambda: solver(queue, fx, rho, m_squared=m_squared), ntime=10)

        if mpi.rank == 0:
            print(f"poisson took {time:.3f} ms for {grid_shape=}, {proc_shape=}")
Exemplo n.º 26
def test_spectra(ctx_factory, grid_shape, proc_shape, dtype, L, timing=False):
    ctx = ctx_factory()

    queue = cl.CommandQueue(ctx)
    h = 1
    mpi = ps.DomainDecomposition(proc_shape, h, grid_shape=grid_shape)
    rank_shape, _ = mpi.get_rank_shape_start(grid_shape)

    fft = ps.DFT(mpi, ctx, queue, grid_shape, dtype)

    L = L or (3, 5, 7)
    dk = tuple(2 * np.pi / Li for Li in L)
    cdtype = fft.cdtype
    spec = ps.PowerSpectra(mpi,
                           bin_width=min(dk) + .001)
    # FIXME: bin_width=min(dk) sometimes disagrees to O(.1%) with numpy...

    assert int(np.sum(spec.bin_counts)) == np.product(grid_shape), \
        "bin counts don't sum to total number of points/modes"

    k_power = 2.
    fk = make_data(*fft.shape(True)).astype(cdtype)

    fk_d = cla.to_device(queue, fk)
    spectrum = spec.bin_power(fk_d, k_power=k_power)
    bins = np.arange(-.5, spec.num_bins + .5) * spec.bin_width

    sub_k = list(x.get() for x in fft.sub_k.values())
    kvecs = np.meshgrid(*sub_k, indexing="ij", sparse=False)
    kmags = np.sqrt(sum((dki * ki)**2 for dki, ki in zip(dk, kvecs)))

    if fft.is_real:
        counts = 2. * np.ones_like(kmags)
        counts[kvecs[2] == 0] = 1
        counts[kvecs[2] == grid_shape[-1] // 2] = 1
        counts = 1. * np.ones_like(kmags)

    if np.dtype(dtype) in (np.dtype("float64"), np.dtype("complex128")):
        max_rtol = 1e-8
        avg_rtol = 1e-11
        max_rtol = 2e-2
        avg_rtol = 2e-4

    bin_counts2 = spec.bin_power(np.ones_like(fk), queue=queue, k_power=0)

    max_err, avg_err = get_errs(bin_counts2, np.ones_like(bin_counts2))
    assert max_err < max_rtol and avg_err < avg_rtol, \
        f"bin counting disagrees between PowerSpectra and np.histogram" \
        f" for {grid_shape=}: {max_err=}, {avg_err=}"

    hist = np.histogram(kmags,
                        weights=np.abs(fk)**2 * counts * kmags**k_power)[0]
    hist = mpi.allreduce(hist) / spec.bin_counts

    # skip the Nyquist mode and the zero mode
    max_err, avg_err = get_errs(spectrum[1:-2], hist[1:-2])
    assert max_err < max_rtol and avg_err < avg_rtol, \
        f"power spectrum inaccurate for {grid_shape=}: {max_err=}, {avg_err=}"

    if timing:
        from common import timer
        t = timer(lambda: spec.bin_power(fk_d, k_power=k_power))
        print(f"power spectrum took {t:.3f} ms for {grid_shape=}, {dtype=}")
Exemplo n.º 27
def test_tensor_projector(ctx_factory,
    if ctx_factory:
        ctx = ctx_factory()
        ctx = ps.choose_device_and_make_context()

    queue = cl.CommandQueue(ctx)
    mpi = ps.DomainDecomposition(proc_shape, h, grid_shape=grid_shape)
    rank_shape, _ = mpi.get_rank_shape_start(grid_shape)

    L = (10, 8, 11.5)
    dx = tuple(Li / Ni for Li, Ni in zip(L, grid_shape))
    dk = tuple(2 * np.pi / Li for Li in L)

    fft = ps.DFT(mpi, ctx, queue, grid_shape, dtype)
    cdtype = fft.cdtype
    if h > 0:
        stencil = FirstCenteredDifference(h)
        project = ps.Projector(fft, stencil.get_eigenvalues, dk, dx)
        derivs = ps.FiniteDifferencer(mpi, h, dx)
        project = ps.Projector(fft, lambda k, dx: k, dk, dx)
        derivs = ps.SpectralCollocator(fft, dk)

    vector_x = cla.empty(queue, (3, ) + tuple(ni + 2 * h for ni in rank_shape),
    div = cla.empty(queue, rank_shape, dtype)
    pdx = cla.empty(queue, (3, ) + rank_shape, dtype)

    def get_divergence_errors(hij):
        max_errors = []
        avg_errors = []
        for i in range(1, 4):
            for mu in range(3):
                fft.idft(hij[tensor_id(i, mu + 1)], vector_x[mu])

            derivs.divergence(queue, vector_x, div)

            derivs(queue, fx=vector_x[0], pdx=pdx[0])
            derivs(queue, fx=vector_x[1], pdy=pdx[1])
            derivs(queue, fx=vector_x[2], pdz=pdx[2])
            norm = sum([clm.fabs(pdx[mu]) for mu in range(3)])

            max_errors.append(cla.max(clm.fabs(div)) / cla.max(norm))
            avg_errors.append(cla.sum(clm.fabs(div)) / cla.sum(norm))

        return np.array(max_errors), np.array(avg_errors)

    max_rtol = 1e-11 if dtype == np.float64 else 1e-4
    avg_rtol = 1e-13 if dtype == np.float64 else 1e-5

    def get_trace_errors(hij_h):
        trace = sum([hij_h[tensor_id(i, i)] for i in range(1, 4)])
        norm = np.sqrt(
            sum(np.abs(hij_h[tensor_id(i, i)])**2 for i in range(1, 4)))

        trace = np.abs(trace[norm != 0]) / norm[norm != 0]
        trace = trace[trace < .9]
        return np.max(trace), np.sum(trace) / trace.size

    k_shape = fft.shape(True)
    hij = cla.empty(queue, shape=(6, ) + k_shape, dtype=cdtype)

    for mu in range(6):
        hij[mu] = make_data(queue, fft).astype(cdtype)

    project.transverse_traceless(queue, hij)
    hij_h = hij.get()

    if isinstance(fft, gDFT):
        assert all(is_hermitian(hij_h[i]) for i in range(6)), \
            f"TT projection is non-hermitian for {grid_shape=}, {h=}"

    max_err, avg_err = get_divergence_errors(hij)
    assert all(max_err < max_rtol) and all(avg_err < avg_rtol), \
        f"TT projection not transverse for {grid_shape=}, {h=}" \
        f": {max_err=}, {avg_err=}"

    max_err, avg_err = get_trace_errors(hij_h)
    assert max_err < max_rtol and avg_err < avg_rtol, \
        f"TT projected tensor isn't traceless for {grid_shape=}, {h=}" \
        f": {max_err=}, {avg_err=}"

    plus = make_data(queue, fft).astype(cdtype)
    minus = make_data(queue, fft).astype(cdtype)
    project.pol_to_tensor(queue, plus, minus, hij)

    if isinstance(fft, gDFT):
        assert all(is_hermitian(hij[i]) for i in range(6)), \
            f"pol->tensor is non-hermitian for {grid_shape=}, {h=}"

    max_err, avg_err = get_divergence_errors(hij)
    assert all(max_err < max_rtol) and all(avg_err < avg_rtol), \
        f"pol->tensor not transverse for {grid_shape=}, {h=}" \
        f": {max_err=}, {avg_err=}"

    hij_h = hij.get()
    max_err, avg_err = get_trace_errors(hij_h)
    assert max_err < max_rtol and avg_err < avg_rtol, \
        f"pol->tensor isn't traceless for {grid_shape=}, {h=}" \
        f": {max_err=}, {avg_err=}"

    hij_2 = cla.zeros_like(hij)
    project.transverse_traceless(queue, hij, hij_2)
    hij_h_2 = hij_2.get()

    max_err, avg_err = get_errs(hij_h, hij_h_2)
    assert max_err < max_rtol and avg_err < avg_rtol, \
        f"pol->tensor != its own TT projection for {grid_shape=}, {h=}" \
        f": {max_err=}, {avg_err=}"

    plus1 = cla.zeros_like(plus)
    minus1 = cla.zeros_like(minus)
    project.tensor_to_pol(queue, plus1, minus1, hij)

    if isinstance(fft, gDFT):
        assert is_hermitian(plus1) and is_hermitian(minus1), \
            f"polarizations aren't hermitian for {grid_shape=}, {h=}"

    max_err, avg_err = get_errs(plus1.get(), plus.get())
    assert max_err < max_rtol and avg_err < avg_rtol, \
        f"pol->tensor->pol (plus) is not identity for {grid_shape=}, {h=}" \
        f": {max_err=}, {avg_err=}"

    max_err, avg_err = get_errs(minus1.get(), minus.get())
    assert max_err < max_rtol and avg_err < avg_rtol, \
        f"pol->tensor->pol (minus) is not identity for {grid_shape=}, {h=}" \
        f": {max_err=}, {avg_err=}"

    project.tensor_to_pol(queue, hij[0], hij[1], hij)

    max_err, avg_err = get_errs(plus1.get(), hij[0].get())
    assert max_err < max_rtol and avg_err < avg_rtol, \
        f"in-place pol->tensor->pol (plus) not identity for {grid_shape=}, {h=}" \
        f": {max_err=}, {avg_err=}"

    max_err, avg_err = get_errs(minus1.get(), hij[1].get())
    assert max_err < max_rtol and avg_err < avg_rtol, \
        f"in-place pol->tensor->pol (minus) not identity for {grid_shape=}, {h=}" \
        f": {max_err=}, {avg_err=}"

    if timing:
        from common import timer
        ntime = 10
        t = timer(lambda: project.transverse_traceless(queue, hij),
        print(f"TT projection took {t:.3f} ms for {grid_shape=}")
        t = timer(lambda: project.pol_to_tensor(queue, plus, minus, hij),
        print(f"pol->tensor took {t:.3f} ms for {grid_shape=}")
        t = timer(lambda: project.tensor_to_pol(queue, plus, minus, hij),
        print(f"tensor->pol took {t:.3f} ms for {grid_shape=}")
Exemplo n.º 28
def test_scalar_energy(ctx_factory,
    if ctx_factory:
        ctx = ctx_factory()
        ctx = ps.choose_device_and_make_context()

    queue = cl.CommandQueue(ctx)
    mpi = ps.DomainDecomposition(proc_shape, h, grid_shape=grid_shape)
    rank_shape, _ = mpi.get_rank_shape_start(grid_shape)

    grid_size = np.product(grid_shape)

    nscalars = 2

    def potential(f):
        phi, chi = f[0], f[1]
        return 1 / 2 * phi**2 + 1 / 2 * chi**2 + 1 / 2 * phi**2 * chi**2

    scalar_sector = ps.ScalarSector(nscalars, potential=potential)
    scalar_energy = ps.Reduction(mpi,

    pencil_shape = tuple(ni + 2 * h for ni in rank_shape)
    f = clr.rand(queue, (nscalars, ) + pencil_shape, dtype)
    dfdt = clr.rand(queue, (nscalars, ) + pencil_shape, dtype)
    lap = clr.rand(queue, (nscalars, ) + rank_shape, dtype)

    energy = scalar_energy(queue, f=f, dfdt=dfdt, lap_f=lap, a=np.array(1.))

    kin_test = []
    grad_test = []
    for fld in range(nscalars):
        df_h = dfdt[fld].get()
        rank_sum = np.sum(df_h[h:-h, h:-h, h:-h]**2)
        kin_test.append(1 / 2 * mpi.allreduce(rank_sum) / grid_size)

        f_h = f[fld].get()
        lap_h = lap[fld].get()

        rank_sum = np.sum(-f_h[h:-h, h:-h, h:-h] * lap_h)
        grad_test.append(1 / 2 * mpi.allreduce(rank_sum) / grid_size)

    energy_test = {}
    energy_test["kinetic"] = np.array(kin_test)
    energy_test["gradient"] = np.array(grad_test)

    phi = f[0].get()[h:-h, h:-h, h:-h]
    chi = f[1].get()[h:-h, h:-h, h:-h]
    pot_rank = np.sum(potential([phi, chi]))
    energy_test["potential"] = np.array(mpi.allreduce(pot_rank) / grid_size)

    max_rtol = 1e-14 if dtype == np.float64 else 1e-5
    avg_rtol = 1e-14 if dtype == np.float64 else 1e-5

    for key, value in energy.items():
        max_err, avg_err = get_errs(value, energy_test[key])
        assert max_err < max_rtol and avg_err < avg_rtol, \
            f"{key} inaccurate for {nscalars=}, {grid_shape=}, {proc_shape=}" \
            f": {max_err=}, {avg_err=}"

    if timing:
        from common import timer
        t = timer(lambda: scalar_energy(
            queue, a=np.array(1.), f=f, dfdt=dfdt, lap_f=lap))
        if mpi.rank == 0:
            print(f"scalar energy took {t:.3f} "
                  f"ms for {nscalars=}, {grid_shape=}, {proc_shape=}")
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from sklearn.feature_extraction import DictVectorizer
from sklearn.feature_extraction.text import CountVectorizer, TfidfVectorizer

from sklearn.pipeline import FeatureUnion, Pipeline, make_union, make_pipeline

from common import timer, read_csv, ItemSelector, TextStats

with timer("Load data"):
    df_protein_train = read_csv("df_protein_train.csv")
    df_protein_test = read_csv("df_protein_test.csv")

df_protein = pd.concat([df_protein_train, df_protein_test])
df_protein.Sequence = df_protein.Sequence.apply(lambda x: x.upper())

feature_union = make_union(
                  CountVectorizer(analyzer='char', ngram_range=(1, 1))),
        TfidfVectorizer(analyzer='char', ngram_range=(1, 1), use_idf=False)),
    make_pipeline(ItemSelector(key="Sequence"), TextStats(), DictVectorizer()))

with timer("Fit feature_union"):
    feat = feature_union.fit_transform(df_protein)

out_col = [f'protein_stat_{i}' for i in range(feat.shape[1])]
output_file = "./input/temp/df_protein_stat.csv"

with timer(f"Save file to {output_file}"):
Exemplo n.º 30
def test_gather_scatter(ctx_factory,
    ctx = ctx_factory()

    if isinstance(h, int):
        h = (h, ) * 3

    queue = cl.CommandQueue(ctx)
    grid_shape = _grid_shape or grid_shape
    mpi = ps.DomainDecomposition(proc_shape, h)
    rank_shape, substart = mpi.get_rank_shape_start(grid_shape)

    rank_slice = tuple(
        slice(si, si + ri) for ri, si, hi in zip(rank_shape, substart, h))
    pencil_shape = tuple(ni + 2 * hi for ni, hi in zip(rank_shape, h))

    unpadded_slc = tuple(slice(hi, -hi) if hi > 0 else slice(None) for hi in h)

    # create random data with same seed on all ranks
    rng = clr.ThreefryGenerator(ctx, seed=12321)
    data = rng.uniform(queue, grid_shape, dtype)

    # cl.Array -> cl.Array
    subdata = cla.zeros(queue, pencil_shape, dtype)
    mpi.scatter_array(queue, data if mpi.rank == 0 else None, subdata, 0)
    sub_h = subdata.get()
    data_h = data.get()
    assert (sub_h[unpadded_slc] == data_h[rank_slice]).all()

    data_test = cla.zeros_like(data)
    mpi.gather_array(queue, subdata, data_test if mpi.rank == 0 else None, 0)
    data_test_h = data_test.get()
    if mpi.rank == 0:
        assert (data_test_h == data_h).all()

    # np.ndarray -> np.ndarray
    mpi.scatter_array(queue, data_h if mpi.rank == 0 else None, sub_h, 0)
    assert (sub_h[unpadded_slc] == data_h[rank_slice]).all()

    mpi.gather_array(queue, sub_h, data_test_h if mpi.rank == 0 else None, 0)
    if mpi.rank == 0:
        assert (data_test_h == data_h).all()

    # scatter cl.Array -> np.ndarray
    sub_h[:] = 0
    mpi.scatter_array(queue, data if mpi.rank == 0 else None, sub_h, 0)
    assert (sub_h[unpadded_slc] == data_h[rank_slice]).all()

    # gather np.ndarray -> cl.Array
    data_test[:] = 0
    mpi.gather_array(queue, sub_h, data_test if mpi.rank == 0 else None, 0)
    data_test_h = data_test.get()
    if mpi.rank == 0:
        assert (data_test_h == data_h).all()

    # scatter np.ndarray -> cl.Array
    subdata[:] = 0
    mpi.scatter_array(queue, data_h if mpi.rank == 0 else None, subdata, 0)
    sub_h = subdata.get()
    assert (sub_h[unpadded_slc] == data_h[rank_slice]).all()

    # gather cl.Array -> np.ndarray
    data_test_h[:] = 0
    mpi.gather_array(queue, subdata, data_test_h if mpi.rank == 0 else None, 0)
    if mpi.rank == 0:
        assert (data_test_h == data_h).all()

    if timing:
        from common import timer
        ntime = 25
        times = {}

        times["scatter cl.Array -> cl.Array"] = \
            timer(lambda: mpi.scatter_array(queue, data, subdata, 0), ntime=ntime)
        times["scatter cl.Array -> np.ndarray"] = \
            timer(lambda: mpi.scatter_array(queue, data, sub_h, 0), ntime=ntime)
        times["scatter np.ndarray -> cl.Array"] = \
            timer(lambda: mpi.scatter_array(queue, data_h, subdata, 0), ntime=ntime)
        times["scatter np.ndarray -> np.ndarray"] = \
            timer(lambda: mpi.scatter_array(queue, data_h, sub_h, 0), ntime=ntime)

        times["gather cl.Array -> cl.Array"] = \
            timer(lambda: mpi.gather_array(queue, subdata, data, 0), ntime=ntime)
        times["gather cl.Array -> np.ndarray"] = \
            timer(lambda: mpi.gather_array(queue, subdata, data_h, 0), ntime=ntime)
        times["gather np.ndarray -> cl.Array"] = \
            timer(lambda: mpi.gather_array(queue, sub_h, data, 0), ntime=ntime)
        times["gather np.ndarray -> np.ndarray"] = \
            timer(lambda: mpi.gather_array(queue, sub_h, data_h, 0), ntime=ntime)

        if mpi.rank == 0:
            print(f"{grid_shape=}, {h=}, {proc_shape=}")
            for key, val in times.items():
                print(f"{key} took {val:.3f} ms")
Exemplo n.º 31
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np

from common import timer, read_csv

fp_col = [f'fp_{i}' for i in range(167)]
out_col = ["molecule_count"] + fp_col
output_file = "./input/temp/df_molecule_stat.csv"

with timer("Load data"):
    df_molecule = read_csv("df_molecule.csv")
    df_aff_train = read_csv("df_affinity_train.csv")
    df_aff_test = read_csv("df_affinity_test_toBePredicted.csv")

df_aff = pd.concat([df_aff_train, df_aff_test])

with timer("Make molecule count feature"):
    df_molecule_count = df_aff.groupby("Molecule_ID", as_index=False).Ki.agg(
        {"molecule_count": "count"})
    df_molecule = df_molecule.merge(df_molecule_count, on=["Molecule_ID"])

with timer("Parse fingerprint"):
    fingerprint = df_molecule.Fingerprint.apply(
        lambda x: np.array(x.split(', '))).values
    fingerprint = np.vstack(fingerprint).astype(np.uint8)
    df_fingerprint = pd.DataFrame(fingerprint, columns=fp_col, dtype=np.uint8)
    df_molecule = pd.concat([df_molecule, df_fingerprint], axis=1)
    del df_fingerprint, fingerprint

with timer(f"Save file to {output_file}"):
    df_molecule[['Molecule_ID'] + out_col].to_csv(output_file, index=False)

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np

import gc

from sklearn.linear_model import Ridge
from sklearn.model_selection import KFold

from common import timer, read_csv, ItemSelector

fp_col = [f'fp_{i}' for i in range(167)]
w2v_col = [f'w2v_{i}' for i in range(128)]

with timer("Load data"):
    df_affinity_train = read_csv("df_affinity_train.csv")
    df_molecule = read_csv("df_molecule_stat.csv", "./input/temp/")
    df_protein_w2v = read_csv("df_w2v_ws3.csv", "./input/temp/")
    df_affinity_test = read_csv("df_affinity_test_toBePredicted.csv")

df_train = df_affinity_train.merge(df_molecule)
df_train = df_train.merge(df_protein_w2v)

df_test = df_affinity_test.merge(df_molecule)
df_test = df_test.merge(df_protein_w2v)

test = df_test
all_protein_id = df_train.Protein_ID.unique()

kfold = KFold(n_splits=5, shuffle=True, random_state=2018)
Exemplo n.º 33
def test_gradient_laplacian(ctx_factory,
    if h == 0 and stream is True:
        pytest.skip("no streaming spectral")

    ctx = ctx_factory()

    queue = cl.CommandQueue(ctx)
    mpi = ps.DomainDecomposition(proc_shape, h, grid_shape=grid_shape)
    rank_shape, start = mpi.get_rank_shape_start(grid_shape)

    L = (3, 5, 7)
    dx = tuple(Li / Ni for Li, Ni in zip(L, grid_shape))
    dk = tuple(2 * np.pi / Li for Li in L)

    if h == 0:

        def get_evals_1(k, dx):
            return k

        def get_evals_2(k, dx):
            return -k**2

        fft = ps.DFT(mpi, ctx, queue, grid_shape, dtype)
        derivs = ps.SpectralCollocator(fft, dk)
        from pystella.derivs import FirstCenteredDifference, SecondCenteredDifference
        get_evals_1 = FirstCenteredDifference(h).get_eigenvalues
        get_evals_2 = SecondCenteredDifference(h).get_eigenvalues
        if stream:
                derivs = ps.FiniteDifferencer(mpi,
            except:  # noqa
                pytest.skip("StreamingStencil unavailable")
            derivs = ps.FiniteDifferencer(mpi, h, dx, rank_shape=rank_shape)

    pencil_shape = tuple(ni + 2 * h for ni in rank_shape)

    # set up test data
    fx_h = np.empty(pencil_shape, dtype)
    kvec = np.array(dk) * np.array([-5, 4, -3]).astype(dtype)
    xvec = np.meshgrid(*[
        dxi * np.arange(si, si + ni)
        for dxi, si, ni in zip(dx, start, rank_shape)

    phases = sum(ki * xi for ki, xi in zip(kvec, xvec))
    if h > 0:
        fx_h[h:-h, h:-h, h:-h] = np.sin(phases)
        fx_h[:] = np.sin(phases)
    fx_cos = np.cos(phases)

    fx = cla.to_device(queue, fx_h)

    lap = cla.empty(queue, rank_shape, dtype)
    grd = cla.empty(queue, (3, ) + rank_shape, dtype)
    derivs(queue, fx=fx, lap=lap, grd=grd)

    eff_kmag_sq = sum(
        get_evals_2(kvec_i, dxi) for dxi, kvec_i in zip(dx, kvec))
    lap_true = eff_kmag_sq * np.sin(phases)

    max_rtol = 1e-9 if dtype == np.float64 else 3e-4
    avg_rtol = 1e-11 if dtype == np.float64 else 5e-5

    # filter small values dominated by round-off error
    mask = np.abs(lap_true) > 1e-11
    max_err, avg_err = get_errs(lap_true[mask], lap.get()[mask])
    assert max_err < max_rtol and avg_err < avg_rtol, \
        f"lap inaccurate for {h=}, {grid_shape=}, {proc_shape=}:" \
        f" {max_err=}, {avg_err=}"

    for i in range(3):
        eff_k = get_evals_1(kvec[i], dx[i])
        pdi_true = eff_k * fx_cos

        # filter small values dominated by round-off error
        mask = np.abs(pdi_true) > 1e-11
        max_err, avg_err = get_errs(pdi_true[mask], grd[i].get()[mask])
        assert max_err < max_rtol and avg_err < avg_rtol, \
            f"pd{i} inaccurate for {h=}, {grid_shape=}, {proc_shape=}:" \
            f" {max_err=}, {avg_err=}"

    vec = cla.empty(queue, (3, ) + pencil_shape, dtype)
    for mu in range(3):
        vec[mu] = fx

    div = cla.empty(queue, rank_shape, dtype)
    derivs.divergence(queue, vec, div)
    div_true = sum(grd[i] for i in range(3)).get()

    # filter small values dominated by round-off error
    mask = np.abs(div_true) > 1e-11
    max_err, avg_err = get_errs(div_true[mask], div.get()[mask])
    assert max_err < max_rtol and avg_err < avg_rtol, \
        f"div inaccurate for {h=}, {grid_shape=}, {proc_shape=}:" \
        f" {max_err=}, {avg_err=}"

    if timing:
        from common import timer

        base_args = dict(queue=queue, fx=fx)
        div_args = dict(queue=queue, vec=vec, div=div)
        if h == 0:
            import pyopencl.tools as clt
            pool = clt.MemoryPool(clt.ImmediateAllocator(queue))
            base_args["allocator"] = pool
            div_args["allocator"] = pool

        times = {}
        times["gradient and laplacian"] = timer(
            lambda: derivs(lap=lap, grd=grd, **base_args))
        times["gradient"] = timer(lambda: derivs(grd=grd, **base_args))
        times["laplacian"] = timer(lambda: derivs(lap=lap, **base_args))
        times["pdx"] = timer(lambda: derivs(pdx=grd[0], **base_args))
        times["pdy"] = timer(lambda: derivs(pdy=grd[1], **base_args))
        times["pdz"] = timer(lambda: derivs(pdz=grd[2], **base_args))
        times["divergence"] = timer(lambda: derivs.divergence(**div_args))

        if mpi.rank == 0:
            print(f"{grid_shape=}, {h=}, {proc_shape=}")
            for key, val in times.items():
                print(f"{key} took {val:.3f} ms")
Exemplo n.º 34
def test_stencil(ctx_factory,
    if ctx_factory:
        ctx = ctx_factory()
        ctx = ps.choose_device_and_make_context()

    queue = cl.CommandQueue(ctx)
    rank_shape = tuple(Ni // pi for Ni, pi in zip(grid_shape, proc_shape))

    from pymbolic import var
    x = var("x")
    y = var("y")
    i, j, k = var("i"), var("j"), var("k")

    map_dict = {}
    map_dict[y[i, j,
               k]] = (x[i + h + h, j + h, k + h] + x[i + h, j + h + h, k + h] +
                      x[i + h, j + h, k + h + h] + x[i - h + h, j + h, k + h] +
                      x[i + h, j - h + h, k + h] + x[i + h, j + h, k - h + h])

    if stream:
            stencil_map = ps.StreamingStencil(map_dict,
        except:  # noqa
            pytest.skip("StreamingStencil unavailable")
        stencil_map = ps.Stencil(map_dict, h, prefetch_args=["x"])

    x = clr.rand(queue, tuple(ni + 2 * h for ni in rank_shape), dtype)
    y = clr.rand(queue, rank_shape, dtype)

    x_h = x.get()
    y_true = (x_h[2 * h:, h:-h, h:-h] + x_h[h:-h, 2 * h:, h:-h] +
              x_h[h:-h, h:-h, 2 * h:] + x_h[:-2 * h, h:-h, h:-h] +
              x_h[h:-h, :-2 * h, h:-h] + x_h[h:-h, h:-h, :-2 * h])

    stencil_map(queue, x=x, y=y)

    max_rtol = 5e-14 if dtype == np.float64 else 1e-5
    avg_rtol = 5e-14 if dtype == np.float64 else 1e-5

    max_err, avg_err = get_errs(y_true, y.get())
    assert max_err < max_rtol and avg_err < avg_rtol, \
        f"y innaccurate for {grid_shape=}, {h=}, {proc_shape=}" \
        f": {max_err=}, {avg_err=}"

    if timing:
        from common import timer
        t = timer(lambda: stencil_map(queue, x=x, y=y)[0])
            f"stencil took {t:.3f} ms for {grid_shape=}, {h=}, {proc_shape=}")
        bandwidth = (x.nbytes + y.nbytes) / 1024**3 / t * 1000
        print(f"Bandwidth = {bandwidth} GB/s")
Exemplo n.º 35
    args : dict
        Configuration dict, typically loaded from YAML file

if __name__ == '__main__':
    # Parse arguments and call appropriate method
    docargs = docopt(__doc__)

    # Program modes
    modes = {
        'run': run,
        'tokens': tokens,
        'embeddings': embeddings,
        'features': features,
        'classifiers': classifiers

    f = modes[[mode for mode in modes if docargs[mode]][0]]
    c = docargs['--config']

    with open(c, 'r') as yml:
        args = yaml.safe_load(yml)

    with timer("Packet2Vec"):
Exemplo n.º 36
def test_vector_projector(ctx_factory,
    if ctx_factory:
        ctx = ctx_factory()
        ctx = ps.choose_device_and_make_context()

    queue = cl.CommandQueue(ctx)
    mpi = ps.DomainDecomposition(proc_shape, h, grid_shape=grid_shape)
    rank_shape, _ = mpi.get_rank_shape_start(grid_shape)
    pencil_shape = tuple(ni + 2 * h for ni in rank_shape)

    L = (10, 8, 11.5)
    dx = tuple(Li / Ni for Li, Ni in zip(L, grid_shape))
    dk = tuple(2 * np.pi / Li for Li in L)

    fft = ps.DFT(mpi, ctx, queue, grid_shape, dtype)
    cdtype = fft.cdtype
    if h > 0:
        stencil = FirstCenteredDifference(h)
        project = ps.Projector(fft, stencil.get_eigenvalues, dk, dx)
        derivs = ps.FiniteDifferencer(mpi, h, dx)
        project = ps.Projector(fft, lambda k, dx: k, dk, dx)
        derivs = ps.SpectralCollocator(fft, dk)

    vector_x = cla.empty(queue, (3, ) + pencil_shape, dtype)
    div = cla.empty(queue, rank_shape, dtype)
    pdx = cla.empty(queue, (3, ) + rank_shape, dtype)

    def get_divergence_error(vector):
        for mu in range(3):
            fft.idft(vector[mu], vector_x[mu])

        derivs.divergence(queue, vector_x, div)

        derivs(queue, fx=vector_x[0], pdx=pdx[0])
        derivs(queue, fx=vector_x[1], pdy=pdx[1])
        derivs(queue, fx=vector_x[2], pdz=pdx[2])
        norm = sum([clm.fabs(pdx[mu]) for mu in range(3)])

        max_err = cla.max(clm.fabs(div)) / cla.max(norm)
        avg_err = cla.sum(clm.fabs(div)) / cla.sum(norm)
        return max_err, avg_err

    max_rtol = 1e-11 if dtype == np.float64 else 1e-4
    avg_rtol = 1e-13 if dtype == np.float64 else 1e-5

    k_shape = fft.shape(True)
    vector = cla.empty(queue, (3, ) + k_shape, cdtype)

    for mu in range(3):
        vector[mu] = make_data(queue, fft).astype(cdtype)

    project.transversify(queue, vector)

    max_err, avg_err = get_divergence_error(vector)
    assert max_err < max_rtol and avg_err < avg_rtol, \
        f"transversify failed for {grid_shape=}, {h=}: {max_err=}, {avg_err=}"

    plus = make_data(queue, fft).astype(cdtype)
    minus = make_data(queue, fft).astype(cdtype)
    project.pol_to_vec(queue, plus, minus, vector)

    if isinstance(fft, gDFT):
        assert all(is_hermitian(vector[i]) for i in range(3)), \
            f"pol->vec is non-hermitian for {grid_shape=}, {h=}"

    max_err, avg_err = get_divergence_error(vector)
    assert max_err < max_rtol and avg_err < avg_rtol, \
        f"pol_to_vec result not transverse for {grid_shape=}, {h=}" \
        f": {max_err=}, {avg_err=}"

    vector_h = vector.get()
    vector_2 = cla.zeros_like(vector)
    project.transversify(queue, vector, vector_2)
    vector_2_h = vector_2.get()

    max_err, avg_err = get_errs(vector_h, vector_2_h)
    assert max_err < max_rtol and avg_err < avg_rtol, \
        f"pol->vector != its own transverse proj. for {grid_shape=}, {h=}" \
        f": {max_err=}, {avg_err=}"

    plus1 = cla.zeros_like(plus)
    minus1 = cla.zeros_like(minus)
    project.vec_to_pol(queue, plus1, minus1, vector)

    if isinstance(fft, gDFT):
        assert is_hermitian(plus1) and is_hermitian(minus1), \
            f"polarizations aren't hermitian for {grid_shape=}, {h=}"

    max_err, avg_err = get_errs(plus1.get(), plus.get())
    assert max_err < max_rtol and avg_err < avg_rtol, \
        f"pol->vec->pol (plus) is not identity for {grid_shape=}, {h=}" \
        f": {max_err=}, {avg_err=}"

    max_err, avg_err = get_errs(minus1.get(), minus.get())
    assert max_err < max_rtol and avg_err < avg_rtol, \
        f"pol->vec->pol (minus) is not identity for {grid_shape=}, {h=}" \
        f": {max_err=}, {avg_err=}"

    project.vec_to_pol(queue, vector[0], vector[1], vector)

    max_err, avg_err = get_errs(plus1.get(), vector[0].get())
    assert max_err < max_rtol and avg_err < avg_rtol, \
        f"in-place pol->vec->pol (plus) not identity for {grid_shape=}, {h=}" \
        f": {max_err=}, {avg_err=}"

    max_err, avg_err = get_errs(minus1.get(), vector[1].get())
    assert max_err < max_rtol and avg_err < avg_rtol, \
        f"in-place pol->vec->pol (minus) not identity for {grid_shape=}, {h=}" \
        f": {max_err=}, {avg_err=}"

    # reset and test longitudinal component
    for mu in range(3):
        vector[mu] = make_data(queue, fft).astype(cdtype)
        fft.idft(vector[mu], vector_x[mu])

    long = cla.zeros_like(minus)
    project.decompose_vector(queue, vector, plus1, minus1, long)

    long_x = cla.empty(queue, pencil_shape, dtype)
    fft.idft(long, long_x)

    div_true = cla.empty(queue, rank_shape, dtype)
    derivs.divergence(queue, vector_x, div_true)

    derivs(queue, fx=long_x, grd=pdx)
    div_long = cla.empty(queue, rank_shape, dtype)
    if h != 0:
        pdx_h = cla.empty(queue, (3, ) + pencil_shape, dtype)
        for mu in range(3):
            mpi.restore_halos(queue, pdx[mu], pdx_h[mu])
        derivs.divergence(queue, pdx_h, div_long)
        derivs.divergence(queue, pdx, div_long)

    max_err, avg_err = get_errs(div_true.get(), div_long.get())
    assert max_err < 1e-6 and avg_err < 1e-11, \
        f"lap(longitudinal) != div vector for {grid_shape=}, {h=}" \
        f": {max_err=}, {avg_err=}"

    if timing:
        from common import timer
        ntime = 10
        t = timer(lambda: project.transversify(queue, vector), ntime=ntime)
        print(f"transversify took {t:.3f} ms for {grid_shape=}")
        t = timer(lambda: project.pol_to_vec(queue, plus, minus, vector),
        print(f"pol_to_vec took {t:.3f} ms for {grid_shape=}")
        t = timer(lambda: project.vec_to_pol(queue, plus, minus, vector),
        print(f"vec_to_pol took {t:.3f} ms for {grid_shape=}")
        t = timer(
            lambda: project.decompose_vector(queue, vector, plus, minus, long),
        print(f"decompose_vector took {t:.3f} ms for {grid_shape=}")
Exemplo n.º 37
def main():
    ## Parameters ##
    xSet = "dist_days_time_dayOfWeek"
    data = cmn.dataset(xSet = xSet)
    data.load(Nparts = 10, N_points = 4000)
    futureMask = makeFutureMask(data.tScope, data.tTest, futureTime = -30 * 60)

    print "Model\t{}\t{}\t{}".format("Param", "RunTime", "RMSE")

    # Predict on time
    timer = cmn.timer()
    yHat = onTime.regress(data.xScope, data.yScope, data.xTest, 1, futureMask)
    time_onTime = timer.dur()
    rmse_onTime = cmn.rmse(data.yTest, yHat)
    print "onTime\t\t{:.2f}\t{:.2f}".format(time_onTime, rmse_onTime)
    data.saveYHat(yHat, model = "onTime")

    # Visualize and save the images for the model
    data.visualize(yHat, "onTime")

    ## kNN

    # Try many values of k
    ks = np.ceil(2 ** (np.arange(15) / 1.5))
    rmse_kNN = np.zeros(shape=(len(ks)), dtype=np.float)
    time_kNN = np.zeros(shape=(len(ks)), dtype=np.float)
    for i in range(len(ks)):
        k = ks[i]
        timer = cmn.timer()
        yHat = kNN.regress(data.xScope, data.yScope, data.xTest, k, futureMask)
        time_kNN[i] = timer.dur()
        rmse_kNN[i] = cmn.rmse(data.yTest, yHat)
        print "kNN\t{: 5.0f}\t{:.2f}\t{:.2f}".format(k, time_kNN[i], rmse_kNN[i])
        data.saveYHat(yHat, model = "{}NN".format(k))

        # Visualize and save the images for the model
        data.visualize(yHat, "{}NN".format(k))
    # Plot the historical RMSE
    plot(ks, rmse_kNN)
    xlabel("Number of nearest points, k in kNN")
    ylabel("Root Mean Squared Error (seconds)")
    title("kNN Model, RMSE for different ks")
    savefig("{}/{}_{}_k-rmse.png".format(data.figPath, data.serviceName, data.routeName))

    ## Kernel

    # Try many values of k
    rhos = np.ceil(10 ** (np.arange(12) / 2.0))
    rmse_kernel = np.zeros(shape=(len(rhos)), dtype=np.float)
    time_kernel = np.zeros(shape=(len(rhos)), dtype=np.float)
    for i in range(len(rhos)):
        rho = rhos[i]
        timer = cmn.timer()
        yHat = kernel.regress(data.xScope, data.yScope, data.xTest, rho, futureMask)
        time_kernel[i] = timer.dur()
        rmse_kernel[i] = cmn.rmse(data.yTest, yHat)
        print "kernel\t{: 5.0f}\t{:.2f}\t{:.2f}".format(rho, time_kernel[i], rmse_kernel[i])
        data.saveYHat(yHat, model = "kernel_{}rho".format(rho))

        # Visualize and save the images for the model
        data.visualize(yHat, "kernel_{}rho".format(rho))
    # Plot the historical RMSE
    plot(rhos, rmse_kernel)
    xlabel("rho Paramater")
    ylabel("Root Mean Squared Error (seconds)")
    title("Kernel Regression Model, RMSE for different rhos")
    savefig("{}/{}_{}_kernel_rho-rmse.png".format(data.figPath, data.serviceName, data.routeName))