Exemplo n.º 1
def wait_new_replica_ready(client, volume_name, replica_names):  # NOQA
    Wait for a new replica to be found on the specified volume. Trigger a
    failed assertion if one can't be found.
    :param client: The Longhorn client to use in the request.
    :param volume_name: The name of the volume.
    :param replica_names: The list of names of the volume's old replicas.
    new_replica_ready = False
    wait_for_rebuild_complete(client, volume_name)
    for _ in range(RETRY_COUNTS):
        v = client.by_id_volume(volume_name)
        for r in v.replicas:
            if r["name"] not in replica_names and r["running"] and \
                    r["mode"] == "RW":
                new_replica_ready = True
        if new_replica_ready:
    assert new_replica_ready
Exemplo n.º 2
def test_allow_volume_creation_with_degraded_availability_csi(
        client, core_api, apps_api, make_deployment_with_pvc):  # NOQA
    Test Allow Volume Creation with Degraded Availability (CSI)

    1. Set `allow-volume-creation-with-degraded-availability` to true.
    2. Set `node-level-soft-anti-affinity` to false.

    1. Disable scheduling for node 3.
    2. Create a Deployment Pod with a volume and 3 replicas.
        1. After the volume is attached, scheduling error should be seen.
    3. Write data to the Pod.
    4. Scale down the deployment to 0 to detach the volume.
        1. Scheduled condition should become true.
    5. Scale up the deployment back to 1 and verify the data.
        1. Scheduled condition should become false.
    6. Enable the scheduling for node 3.
        1. Volume should start rebuilding on the node 3 soon.
        2. Once the rebuilding starts, the scheduled condition should become
    7. Once rebuild finished, scale down and back the deployment to verify
       the data.
    setting = client.by_id_setting(common.SETTING_DEGRADED_AVAILABILITY)
    client.update(setting, value="true")

    setting = client.by_id_setting(SETTING_REPLICA_NODE_SOFT_ANTI_AFFINITY)
    client.update(setting, value="false")

    nodes = client.list_node()
    node3 = nodes[2]
    client.update(node3, allowScheduling=False)

    vol = common.create_and_check_volume(client, generate_volume_name(),
                                         size=str(500 * Mi))

    pv_name = vol.name + "-pv"
    common.create_pv_for_volume(client, core_api, vol, pv_name)

    pvc_name = vol.name + "-pvc"
    common.create_pvc_for_volume(client, core_api, vol, pvc_name)

    deployment_name = vol.name + "-dep"
    deployment = make_deployment_with_pvc(deployment_name, pvc_name)
    deployment["spec"]["replicas"] = 3
    apps_api.create_namespaced_deployment(body=deployment, namespace='default')
    common.wait_for_volume_status(client, vol.name,
    common.wait_scheduling_failure(client, vol.name)

    data_path = "/data/test"
    pod = common.wait_and_get_any_deployment_pod(core_api, deployment_name)
    common.write_pod_volume_random_data(core_api, pod.metadata.name,
                                        data_path, common.DATA_SIZE_IN_MB_2)
    created_md5sum = get_pod_data_md5sum(core_api, pod.metadata.name,

    deployment['spec']['replicas'] = 0
    vol = common.wait_for_volume_detached(client, vol.name)
    assert vol.conditions[VOLUME_CONDITION_SCHEDULED]['status'] == "True"

    deployment['spec']['replicas'] = 1
    common.wait_for_volume_status(client, vol.name,
    common.wait_for_volume_condition_scheduled(client, vol.name, "status",
    pod = common.wait_and_get_any_deployment_pod(core_api, deployment_name)
    assert created_md5sum == get_pod_data_md5sum(core_api,

    client.update(node3, allowScheduling=True)
    common.wait_for_rebuild_start(client, vol.name)
    vol = client.by_id_volume(vol.name)
    assert vol.conditions[VOLUME_CONDITION_SCHEDULED]['status'] == "True"
    common.wait_for_rebuild_complete(client, vol.name)

    deployment['spec']['replicas'] = 0
    common.wait_for_volume_detached(client, vol.name)

    deployment['spec']['replicas'] = 1
    common.wait_for_volume_status(client, vol.name,

    pod = common.wait_and_get_any_deployment_pod(core_api, deployment_name)
    assert created_md5sum == get_pod_data_md5sum(core_api,
Exemplo n.º 3
def test_data_locality_basic(client, core_api, volume_name, pod,
                             settings_reset):  # NOQA
    Test data locality basic feature


    Data Locality feature allows users to have an option to keep a local
    replica on the same node as the consuming pod.
    Longhorn is currently supporting 2 modes:
    - disabled: Longhorn does not try to keep a local replica
    - best-effort: Longhorn try to keep a local replica

    See manual tests at:


    Case 1: Test that Longhorn builds a local replica on the engine node

    1. Create a volume(1) with 1 replica and dataLocality set to disabled
    2. Find node where the replica is located on.
       Let's call the node is replica-node
    3. Attach the volume to a node different than replica-node.
       Let call the node is engine-node
    4. Write 200MB data to volume(1)
    5. Use a retry loop to verify that Longhorn does not create
       a replica on the engine-node
    6. Update dataLocality to best-effort for volume(1)
    7. Use a retry loop to verify that Longhorn creates and rebuilds
       a replica on the engine-node and remove the other replica
    8. detach the volume(1) and attach it to a different node.
       Let's call the new node is new-engine-node and the old
       node is old-engine-node
    9. Wait for volume(1) to finish attaching
    10. Use a retry loop to verify that Longhorn creates and rebuilds
       a replica on the new-engine-node and remove the replica on

    Case 2: Test that Longhorn prioritizes deleting replicas on the same node

    1. Add the tag AVAIL to node-1 and node-2
    2. Set node soft anti-affinity to `true`.
    3. Create a volume(2) with 3 replicas and dataLocality set to best-effort
    4. Use a retry loop to verify that all 3 replicas are on node-1 and
        node-2, no replica is on node-3
    5. Attach volume(2) to node-3
    6. User a retry loop to verify that there is no replica on node-3 and
        we can still read/write to volume(2)
    7. Find the node which contains 2 replicas.
        Let call the node is most-replica-node
    8. Set the replica count to 2 for volume(2)
    9. Verify that Longhorn remove one replica from most-replica-node

    Case 3: Test that the volume is not corrupted if there is an unexpected
    detachment during building local replica

    1. Remove the tag AVAIL from node-1 and node-2
       Set node soft anti-affinity to `false`.
    2. Create a volume(3) with 1 replicas and dataLocality set to best-effort
    3. Attach volume(3) to node-3.
    4. Use a retry loop to verify that volume(3) has only 1 replica on node-3
    5. Write 800MB data to volume(3)
    6. Detach volume(3)
    7. Attach volume(3) to node-1
    8. Use a retry loop to:
        Wait until volume(3) finishes attaching.
        Wait until Longhorn start rebuilding a replica on node-1
        Immediately detach volume(3)
    9. Verify that the replica on node-1 is in ERR state.
    10. Attach volume(3) to node-1
    11. Wait until volume(3) finishes attaching.
    12. Use a retry loop to verify the Longhorn cleanup the ERR replica,
        rebuild a new replica on node-1, and remove the replica on node-3

    Case 4: Make sure failed to schedule local replica doesn't block the
    the creation of other replicas.

    1. Disable scheduling for node-3
    2. Create a vol with 1 replica, `dataLocality = best-effort`.
        The replica is scheduled on a node (say node-1)
    3. Attach vol to node-3. There is a fail-to-schedule
        replica with Spec.HardNodeAffinity=node-3
    4. Increase numberOfReplica to 3. Verify that the replica set contains:
        one on node-1, one on node-2,  one failed replica
        with Spec.HardNodeAffinity=node-3.
    5. Decrease numberOfReplica to 2. Verify that the replica set contains:
        one on node-1, one on node-2,  one failed replica
        with Spec.HardNodeAffinity=node-3.
    6. Decrease numberOfReplica to 1. Verify that the replica set contains:
        one on node-1 or node-2,  one failed replica
        with Spec.HardNodeAffinity=node-3.
    7. Decrease numberOfReplica to 2. Verify that the replica set contains:
        one on node-1, one on node-2, one failed replica
        with Spec.HardNodeAffinity=node-3.
    8. Turn off data locality by set `dataLocality=disabled` for the vol.
        Verify that the replica set contains: one on node-1, one on node-2

    9. clean up

    # Case 1: Test that Longhorn builds a local replica on the engine node

    nodes = client.list_node()

    default_data_locality_setting = \
        client.update(default_data_locality_setting, value="disabled")
    except Exception as e:
        print("Exception when update Default Data Locality setting",
              default_data_locality_setting, e)

    volume1_name = volume_name + "-1"
    volume1_size = str(500 * Mi)
    volume1_data_path = "/data/test"
    pv1_name = volume1_name + "-pv"
    pvc1_name = volume1_name + "-pvc"
    pod1_name = volume1_name + "-pod"
    pod1 = pod

    pod1['metadata']['name'] = pod1_name

    volume1 = create_and_check_volume(client,

    volume1 = client.by_id_volume(volume1_name)
    create_pv_for_volume(client, core_api, volume1, pv1_name)
    create_pvc_for_volume(client, core_api, volume1, pvc1_name)

    volume1 = client.by_id_volume(volume1_name)
    volume1_replica_node = volume1.replicas[0]['hostId']

    volume1_attached_node = None
    for node in nodes:
        if node.name != volume1_replica_node:
            volume1_attached_node = node.name

    assert volume1_attached_node is not None

    pod1['spec']['volumes'] = [{
        "name": "pod-data",
        "persistentVolumeClaim": {
            "claimName": pvc1_name

    pod1['spec']['nodeSelector'] = \
        {"kubernetes.io/hostname": volume1_attached_node}
    create_and_wait_pod(core_api, pod1)

    write_pod_volume_random_data(core_api, pod1_name, volume1_data_path,

    for i in range(10):
        volume1 = client.by_id_volume(volume1_name)
        assert len(volume1.replicas) == 1
        assert volume1.replicas[0]['hostId'] != volume1_attached_node

    volume1 = client.by_id_volume(volume1_name)

    for _ in range(RETRY_COUNTS):
        volume1 = client.by_id_volume(volume1_name)
        if len(volume1.replicas) == 1 and \
                volume1.replicas[0]['hostId'] == volume1_attached_node:
    assert len(volume1.replicas) == 1
    assert volume1.replicas[0]['hostId'] == volume1_attached_node

    delete_and_wait_pod(core_api, pod1_name)
    volume1 = wait_for_volume_detached(client, volume1_name)

    volume1_replica_node = volume1.replicas[0]['hostId']

    volume1_attached_node = None
    for node in nodes:
        if node.name != volume1_replica_node:
            volume1_attached_node = node.name

    assert volume1_attached_node is not None

    pod1['spec']['nodeSelector'] = \
        {"kubernetes.io/hostname": volume1_attached_node}
    create_and_wait_pod(core_api, pod1)
    for _ in range(RETRY_COUNTS):
        volume1 = client.by_id_volume(volume1_name)
        if len(volume1.replicas) == 1 and \
                volume1.replicas[0]['hostId'] == volume1_attached_node:
    assert len(volume1.replicas) == 1
    assert volume1.replicas[0]['hostId'] == volume1_attached_node
    delete_and_wait_pod(core_api, pod1_name)
    wait_for_volume_detached(client, volume1_name)

    # Case 2: Test that Longhorn prioritizes deleting replicas on the same node

    node1 = nodes[0]
    node2 = nodes[1]
    node3 = nodes[2]

    client.update(node1, allowScheduling=True, tags=["AVAIL"])
    client.update(node2, allowScheduling=True, tags=["AVAIL"])

    replica_node_soft_anti_affinity_setting = \
        client.update(replica_node_soft_anti_affinity_setting, value="true")
    except Exception as e:
            "Exception when update "
            "Replica Node Level Soft Anti-Affinity setting",
            replica_node_soft_anti_affinity_setting, e)

    volume2_name = volume_name + "-2"
    volume2_size = str(500 * Mi)
    pv2_name = volume2_name + "-pv"
    pvc2_name = volume2_name + "-pvc"
    pod2_name = volume2_name + "-pod"
    pod2 = pod

    pod2['metadata']['name'] = pod2_name

    volume2 = client.create_volume(name=volume2_name,

    volume2 = wait_for_volume_detached(client, volume2_name)
    volume2 = client.by_id_volume(volume2_name)
    create_pv_for_volume(client, core_api, volume2, pv2_name)
    create_pvc_for_volume(client, core_api, volume2, pvc2_name)

    volume2 = client.by_id_volume(volume2_name)

    pod2['spec']['volumes'] = [{
        "name": "pod-data",
        "persistentVolumeClaim": {
            "claimName": pvc2_name

    pod2['spec']['nodeSelector'] = {"kubernetes.io/hostname": node3.name}
    create_and_wait_pod(core_api, pod2)

    volume2 = wait_for_volume_healthy(client, volume2_name)

    for replica in volume2.replicas:
        assert replica["hostId"] != node3.name


    # 2 Healthy replicas and 1 replica failed to schedule
    # The failed to schedule replica is the local replica on node3
    volume2 = wait_for_volume_replica_count(client, volume2_name, 3)
    volume2 = client.by_id_volume(volume2_name)

    volume2_healthy_replicas = []
    for replica in volume2.replicas:
        if replica.running is True:

    assert len(volume2_healthy_replicas) == 2

    volume2_rep1 = volume2_healthy_replicas[0]
    volume2_rep2 = volume2_healthy_replicas[1]
    assert volume2_rep1["hostId"] != volume2_rep2["hostId"]
    delete_and_wait_pod(core_api, pod2_name)
    wait_for_volume_detached(client, volume2_name)

    # Case 3: Test that the volume is not corrupted if there is an unexpected
    # detachment during building local replica

    client.update(node1, allowScheduling=True, tags=[])
    client.update(node2, allowScheduling=True, tags=[])

    replica_node_soft_anti_affinity_setting = \
        client.update(replica_node_soft_anti_affinity_setting, value="false")
    except Exception as e:
            "Exception when update "
            "Replica Node Level Soft Anti-Affinity setting",
            replica_node_soft_anti_affinity_setting, e)

    volume3_name = volume_name + "-3"
    volume3_size = str(1 * Gi)
    volume3_data_path = "/data/test"
    pv3_name = volume3_name + "-pv"
    pvc3_name = volume3_name + "-pvc"
    pod3_name = volume3_name + "-pod"
    pod3 = pod

    pod3['metadata']['name'] = pod3_name

    volume3 = client.create_volume(name=volume3_name,

    volume3 = wait_for_volume_detached(client, volume3_name)
    volume3 = client.by_id_volume(volume3_name)
    create_pv_for_volume(client, core_api, volume3, pv3_name)
    create_pvc_for_volume(client, core_api, volume3, pvc3_name)

    volume3 = client.by_id_volume(volume3_name)

    pod3['spec']['volumes'] = [{
        "name": "pod-data",
        "persistentVolumeClaim": {
            "claimName": pvc3_name

    pod3['spec']['nodeSelector'] = {"kubernetes.io/hostname": node3.name}
    create_and_wait_pod(core_api, pod3)
    volume3 = wait_for_volume_healthy(client, volume3_name)

    write_pod_volume_random_data(core_api, pod3_name, volume3_data_path,

    volume3 = client.by_id_volume(volume3_name)

    if volume3.replicas[0]['hostId'] != node3.name:
        wait_for_rebuild_start(client, volume3_name)
        volume3 = client.by_id_volume(volume3_name)
        assert len(volume3.replicas) == 2
        wait_for_rebuild_complete(client, volume3_name)

    volume3 = wait_for_volume_replica_count(client, volume3_name, 1)
    assert volume3.replicas[0]["hostId"] == node3.name

    delete_and_wait_pod(core_api, pod3_name)

    pod3['spec']['nodeSelector'] = {"kubernetes.io/hostname": node1.name}
    create_and_wait_pod(core_api, pod3)

    wait_for_rebuild_start(client, volume3_name)
    crash_engine_process_with_sigkill(client, core_api, volume3_name)
    delete_and_wait_pod(core_api, pod3_name)
    wait_for_volume_detached(client, volume3_name)
    volume3 = client.by_id_volume(volume3_name)
    assert len(volume3.replicas) == 1
    assert volume3.replicas[0]["hostId"] == node3.name

    create_and_wait_pod(core_api, pod3)
    wait_for_rebuild_start(client, volume3_name)
    volume3 = client.by_id_volume(volume3_name)
    assert len(volume3.replicas) == 2
    wait_for_rebuild_complete(client, volume3_name)

    # Wait for deletion of extra replica
    volume3 = wait_for_volume_replica_count(client, volume3_name, 1)
    assert volume3.replicas[0]["hostId"] == node1.name
    assert volume3.replicas[0]["mode"] == "RW"
    assert volume3.replicas[0]["running"] is True

    delete_and_wait_pod(core_api, pod3_name)
    wait_for_volume_detached(client, volume3_name)

    # Case 4: Make sure failed to schedule local replica doesn't block the
    # the creation of other replicas.

    replica_node_soft_anti_affinity_setting = \
        client.update(replica_node_soft_anti_affinity_setting, value="false")
    except Exception as e:
            "Exception when update "
            "Replica Node Level Soft Anti-Affinity setting",
            replica_node_soft_anti_affinity_setting, e)

    client.update(node3, allowScheduling=False)

    volume4_name = volume_name + "-4"
    volume4_size = str(1 * Gi)

    volume4 = client.create_volume(name=volume4_name,

    volume4 = wait_for_volume_detached(client, volume4_name)
    volume4 = client.by_id_volume(volume4_name)

    volume4_replica_name = volume4.replicas[0]["name"]


    wait_for_volume_healthy(client, volume4_name)

    volume4 = client.by_id_volume(volume4_name)
    assert len(volume4.replicas) == 2

    for replica in volume4.replicas:
        if replica["name"] == volume4_replica_name:
            assert replica["running"] is True
            assert replica["mode"] == "RW"
            assert replica["running"] is False
            assert replica["mode"] == ""

    assert volume4.conditions.scheduled.reason == \

    volume4 = volume4.updateReplicaCount(replicaCount=3)

    volume4 = wait_for_volume_degraded(client, volume4_name)

    v4_node1_replica_count = 0
    v4_node2_replica_count = 0
    v4_failed_replica_count = 0

    for replica in volume4.replicas:
        if replica["hostId"] == node1.name:
            v4_node1_replica_count += 1
        elif replica["hostId"] == node2.name:
            v4_node2_replica_count += 1
        elif replica["hostId"] == "":
            v4_failed_replica_count += 1

    assert v4_node1_replica_count == 1
    assert v4_node2_replica_count == 1
    assert v4_failed_replica_count > 0

    volume4 = volume4.updateReplicaCount(replicaCount=2)

    volume4 = wait_for_volume_replica_count(client, volume4_name, 3)

    v4_node1_replica_count = 0
    v4_node2_replica_count = 0
    v4_failed_replica_count = 0

    for replica in volume4.replicas:
        if replica["hostId"] == node1.name:
            v4_node1_replica_count += 1
        elif replica["hostId"] == node2.name:
            v4_node2_replica_count += 1
        elif replica["hostId"] == "":
            v4_failed_replica_count += 1

    assert v4_node1_replica_count == 1
    assert v4_node2_replica_count == 1
    assert v4_failed_replica_count > 0

    volume4 = volume4.updateReplicaCount(replicaCount=1)

    volume4 = wait_for_volume_replica_count(client, volume4_name, 2)

    v4_node1_replica_count = 0
    v4_node2_replica_count = 0
    v4_failed_replica_count = 0

    for replica in volume4.replicas:
        if replica["hostId"] == node1.name:
            v4_node1_replica_count += 1
        elif replica["hostId"] == node2.name:
            v4_node2_replica_count += 1
        elif replica["hostId"] == "":
            v4_failed_replica_count += 1

    assert v4_node1_replica_count + v4_node2_replica_count == 1
    assert v4_failed_replica_count == 1

    volume4 = volume4.updateDataLocality(dataLocality="disabled")
    volume4 = volume4.updateReplicaCount(replicaCount=2)

    running_replica_count = 0
    for _ in range(RETRY_COUNTS):
        volume4 = client.by_id_volume(volume4_name)
        running_replica_count = 0
        for r in volume4.replicas:
            if r.failedAt == "" and r.running is True:
                running_replica_count += 1
        if running_replica_count == 2:
    assert running_replica_count == 2

    v4_node1_replica_count = 0
    v4_node2_replica_count = 0
    v4_node3_replica_count = 0

    for replica in volume4.replicas:
        wait_for_replica_running(client, volume4_name, replica["name"])
        if replica["hostId"] == node1.name:
            v4_node1_replica_count += 1
        elif replica["hostId"] == node2.name:
            v4_node2_replica_count += 1
        elif replica["hostId"] == node3.name:
            v4_node3_replica_count += 1
    assert v4_node1_replica_count == 1
    assert v4_node2_replica_count == 1
    assert v4_node3_replica_count == 0